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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I don't think he would be that rude ... Although sounds like something Brent Spiner would say

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      Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
      Pardon the language but after seeing Chimera .... To hell with Awakening ... ALthough that ep is definately in the top five but Chimera moved up to number one
      I can understand you thinking Chimera is now number one, but never thought you'd put it that way.

      es!: Awww.
      I feel terrible that Chimera was largerly underappreciated, ratings-wise
      So do I. I thought it was the best episode this season, and I feel like SyFy sabotaged the ratings by airing it on Tuesday before the usual Friday airing.
      Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


        Sorry to those who still like Awakening but to me Chimera is definitely now number one and not just the best episode of the season, but the entire series

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          Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
          Is that a bottle of hand sanitizer (the small one) in that picture? It makes me wonder if he used it after shaking the hand of a fan. It makes sense I suppose, don't want to catch someone's cold or something, but kind of funny. "Hi, nice to meet you. Now I have to disinfect myself after allowing you to touch me." LOL
          When you put it like that

          I'd love to see more people using hand sanitizer in cons, though. When a lot people gather together there is a lot different kinds of colds and other nasty bugs that no one wants to caught. (Personally I have added hand sanitizer as a part of my own con survival kit and it has helped tons! I recommend to all who are going to any kind of con.)


            I always use hand sanitizer, but actually according to Brent Spiner, when you're a part of any con, they give you bottles of water to drink and several bottles of hand sanitizer

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              Glitch: I don't think he would be that rude ... Although sounds like something Brent Spiner would say
              No, he probably wouldn't. Tesla might though.

              Glitch: Sorry to those who still like Awakening but to me Chimera is definitely now number one and not just the best episode of the season, but the entire series
              Oh, no apology needed. Chimera may have bumped Awakening off my number one spot too. I totally understand why you love it. I was just surprised you'd say "to hell with Awakening"

              FromOutside: Well, if I ever had the chance to meet JY, I certainly wouldn't want to give him a cold or anything, and if I shook his hand I know I'd be wondering if there were any germs from other potentially ill people lingering on his hands that were now on mine. LOL! So, I certainly wouldn't blame him for reaching for the sanitizer every now and then during the autograph session.
              Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                Don't get me wrong, Awakening is still awesome but Chimera pretty much squared it out. I've been trying to imagine Tesla in bells for something not in a kinky way though and now he has been .... I got my christmas present early!!!!

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                  I've just noticed... This thread has three times more posts than the Appreciation threads for all the other Sanctuary characters together!

                  Tesla so owns that show

                  (or his fans are just more vocal than the rest )
                  "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                  "I am quite sure they will say so."


                    Really? you just noticed? I've noticed since I joined the site ... IDK if anyone else will join it but I created a thread for Bruno because he reminds me a lot of Tesla

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                      Bruno is a nice character but it would never be fair to compare him and the regulars.
                      Niko is a recurring character and still, he seems to be more popular than anybody else on the show

                      It's just really nice for me to see now because somebody went all "ewww Tesla" on me on YT tonight *tsk-tsk*
                      "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                      "I am quite sure they will say so."


                        Well as I was telling Elor last night, doesn't matter how many eps he's in .... The fact that I got so much of his character out of that one hour of Sanctuary and the fact that he IS a lot like Tesla in almost every way is what makes him so cool

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                          Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                          Don't get me wrong, Awakening is still awesome but Chimera pretty much squared it out. I've been trying to imagine Tesla in bells for something not in a kinky way though and now he has been .... I got my christmas present early!!!!
                          Yes and all the Tesla Gutter Girls thoroughly enjoyed it. So why were you trying to imagine him in bells, if not in a guttery way? Didn't you have a rpg at one time that had him in jail? I thought I remembered seeing a banner or something.

                          Re: Bruno -- I thought he was all right but for some reason I felt like the writers were trying to "duplicate" Tesla or have another Tesla-type character since Tesla is in a limited number of eps, and for that reason I was kind of resistant to him. LOL And the cutesy endearments between him and Sheila started to bug me.
                          Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                            Actually one is an understatement .... In our rps he always ends up arrested for something *hides* I can't help it and I'm not a girl so therefore it would be a little .... creepy for me to think of it in that kind of way if you know what I mean.

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                              Oh, so he's a criminal mastermind in your rps? Well, DK did call him the ultimate criminal mastermind didn't he?
                              Yeah, I know what you mean about the creepiness. I don't imagine Helen in bells either. LOL
                              Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                                Now Helen is a different story *looks at Chimera wallie and drools* Sorry *falls into gutter* Don't mind me

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