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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I'm ambidextrious .... I do it either way so *shrugs*

    On the edge of breaking down
    Banner made by me


      Sam Carter did a lot of things like soldering with her right hand, and she fired/aimed like a right handed person too.

      You have to know more things than how you write to figure out what half of your brain is dominant, tho. I have dominant right hand, right leg, and left eye

      So maybe both AT and JYo are right handed but have dominant left legs. It was just interesting to see them both with their left legs over their right ones in Chimera
      "Are you like, a crazy person?"
      "I am quite sure they will say so."


        Perhaps it's just because it looks good on the camera.
        Sign by me


          Originally posted by Dinoman View Post
          Perhaps it's just because it looks good on the camera.
          I would rather they faced each other a little more...
          "Are you like, a crazy person?"
          "I am quite sure they will say so."


            Originally posted by es! View Post
            I would rather they faced each other a little more...
            and sit closer to each other a bit more too ....
            Sign by me


              Originally posted by Dinoman View Post
              and sit closer to each other a bit more too ....
              Now you want honey ~and~ a big spoon!
              "Are you like, a crazy person?"
              "I am quite sure they will say so."


                Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
                Sorry, I haven't been in this thread for a few days......*hides*

                *comes out of hiding long enough to ruffle Glitch's hair, goes back into hiding*

                I am so stoked!!!!! My dad has allowed us to keep a kitten!!! Even tho she has to stay outside, but we made sure that she has a chance to stay warm in the winter...
                Awwwww! Midnight is a nice name..... I would have called it Tesla!

                Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                fake tinsel trees

                I like your arts, especially the Awakening one where Niko has his claws behind his back.
                I know, I hate fake tinsel trees
                We have a fake tree, but its not tinsel

                Thanks! I like that shot of him!

                Originally posted by Dinoman View Post
                This is the one!! Thank you so much, CrazyCat & Glitch!! I will have to save it in my computer for my personal viewing pleasure, hehe....

                I though he was wearing all black in the episode but now I know he was actually wearing brown vest, greyish blue shirt and blue trousers.
                Yeah, I thought he was wearing all black/brown, and looking at Chimera, his outfit looks completely different, they must've recoloured the ep alittle Cause in seriously don't remember him wearing that purply vest, I would have remembered THAT!

                Originally posted by es! View Post
                I've looked at that photo just yesterday and haven't realized it was from Chimera! Oopsie.

                The reason I was looking at that photo:

                I thought both Amanda and JYo were right-handed? (Anybody can confirm that? From signing sessions and alike?) I was just wondering why they both prefer to sit with their left knee over their right one (like in the last scene of Chimera), it's quite untypical for right-handed people.
                When I read your post, I actually crossed my legs to see which way I do it lol, and i think I do it bothways, depending on the angle I'm sitting But I think I'm like J-YO and AT, I sit with my left leg over my right leg more often *yay*

                Originally posted by es! View Post
                I would rather they faced each other a little more...
                YES! ;D

                NEW CHIMERA VID! I did this for a challenge, the person sent me a song and I had to vid to it

                Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
                'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
                : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
                I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


                  Love the video Star

                  On the edge of breaking down
                  Banner made by me


                    Originally posted by es! View Post
                    I've looked at that photo just yesterday and haven't realized it was from Chimera! Oopsie.

                    The reason I was looking at that photo:

                    I thought both Amanda and JYo were right-handed? (Anybody can confirm that? From signing sessions and alike?) I was just wondering why they both prefer to sit with their left knee over their right one (like in the last scene of Chimera), it's quite untypical for right-handed people.
                    I'm right handed and I cross my left leg over my right. Of course, I also cross the right over the left at times, but I think I mainly cross the left over the right.

                    Originally posted by Dinoman View Post
                    Never really thought about that before. I'm a right-handed person and I also cross my left leg over my right one when sitting down (OT: actually it's not good to your health), it just not feel right to do the other way round.
                    I never thought about it either. Glad to find out I'm not weird for crossing left over right. And I always forget that it's bad for your health, it's hard to break the habit of crossing your legs.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      I usually just cross my ankles...

                      Glitch! *clings*

                      *purrs and ruggles*
                      Last edited by Elorendil; 06 December 2011, 11:23 AM.
                      Signature by Glitch33.
                      Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                        Cool vid, Star!

                        I soo love that moment when Niko and Adam stand nose to nose!
                        "Are you like, a crazy person?"
                        "I am quite sure they will say so."


                          Signature by Glitch33.
                          Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                            *ruggles Elor and purrs* How's my girl today?

                            On the edge of breaking down
                            Banner made by me


                              Ehhh, not the best day. I'm feeling rather down. *shrugs* I'll live, though. *purrs and ruggles back*

                              Signature by Glitch33.
                              Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                                Awe *gives extra ruggles to cheer you up* I'm sorry *purrs*

                                On the edge of breaking down
                                Banner made by me

