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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
    This picture made me laugh out loud in the middle of an editor's meeting. It was a bit hard to explain.


    It's from JY's play about the real Nikola Tesla.

    I LOVE JY's humor so much. ^_^

    Originally posted by angelfire east View Post
    Thanks guys I'm glad you enjoyed the icons I love the last one too. As soon as I saw that cap of Tesla all I could think was 'sexual overtones' of the scene lol

    If you guys don't mind me asking what's all this business with clones?

    Rose that picture is endlessly funny! I wish I could've seen his play. If they ever put it on again I'll try to see it. Actually if any of his plays came to Regina, Saskatchewan I would see them. It seems like sometimes his plays work their way across Canada to Toronto but none seem to stop in Saskatchewan that I've seen so far. It's not fair! Though if I ever head out to Vancouver City I'm going to see one of his plays no matter what.

    Of course You can call me Becki if you want It's behind a spoiler bar because it's big

    He's so handsome! Those type of clothing just look amazing on him!
    Ofcourse we loved the icons they were fabulous! i hope to see more art from you soon

    So i have to agree with your comment with that picture. he looks great in those kinds of clones. I, personally, am not a fan of the moustache on JY but thats just me haha

    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      Thanks, guys

      I'm reading the chapter in my textbook for my Drama class right now and just being on JY's thread is inspiring me. LOL
      Sig by ME!!!


        Hello, folks! I'm back! *waves ecstatically at everyone*

        I'm ashamed to say that it's been over a month since I've been to this forum at all and even longer since I've posted anything constructive. SO IT'S ABOUT TIME, huh?

        These 2 banners are part of a series I made with the lyrics of the Frightened Rabbit song "Fast Blood" and an image from Sleepers. I really hope you like them!

        Also, if anyone's still interested after my very extended absence, tomorrow I will be posting the penultimate chapter of "From Here to Eternity" (and hopefully the final chapter will be up very soon, as well). I'm extremely excited about it!

        Much Niko <3 to you all!


          Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
          Living in America makes it really unlikely that I'll ever see one of his plays, but I can be fairly stubborn once my lazy bum is inspired to action.

          And we all know how inspiring JY is.
          Well, believe me, living in Switzerland makes it even more unlikely
          (the plane tickets alone would cost more than what I make in a month...)

          Originally posted by Nikolai_Tesla View Post
          Hello, folks! I'm back! *waves ecstatically at everyone*

          I'm ashamed to say that it's been over a month since I've been to this forum at all and even longer since I've posted anything constructive. SO IT'S ABOUT TIME, huh?

          These 2 banners are part of a series I made with the lyrics of the Frightened Rabbit song "Fast Blood" and an image from Sleepers. I really hope you like them!

          Also, if anyone's still interested after my very extended absence, tomorrow I will be posting the penultimate chapter of "From Here to Eternity" (and hopefully the final chapter will be up very soon, as well). I'm extremely excited about it!

          Much Niko <3 to you all!
          OMG where have you been!
          Anyway, glad to see you're back

          Lovely new banners by the way!

          I can't wait for next chapter of your fic' (it's about time )

          Oh, and you should grab a clone before they're all gone

          ps: too much smilies on this post....hmmm...


            nummy banners


              Originally posted by Nikolai_Tesla View Post
              Hello, folks! I'm back! *waves ecstatically at everyone*

              I'm ashamed to say that it's been over a month since I've been to this forum at all and even longer since I've posted anything constructive. SO IT'S ABOUT TIME, huh?



              These 2 banners are part of a series I made with the lyrics of the Frightened Rabbit song "Fast Blood" and an image from Sleepers. I really hope you like them!

              Also, if anyone's still interested after my very extended absence, tomorrow I will be posting the penultimate chapter of "From Here to Eternity" (and hopefully the final chapter will be up very soon, as well). I'm extremely excited about it!

              Much Niko <3 to you all!
              OMG NIKKI!!! *huggles* missed you! so glad your back and holy cow do i love those banners!!! so awesome
              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                I saw this on and I thought the people here might enjoy it.
                Among Technophiles, Tesla In and Edison Out
                "Time Travel: it's a cornucopia of disturbing concepts"-Ron Stoppable- Kim Possible


                  Originally posted by Nikolai_Tesla View Post
                  Hello, folks! I'm back! *waves ecstatically at everyone*

                  I'm ashamed to say that it's been over a month since I've been to this forum at all and even longer since I've posted anything constructive. SO IT'S ABOUT TIME, huh?

                  These 2 banners are part of a series I made with the lyrics of the Frightened Rabbit song "Fast Blood" and an image from Sleepers. I really hope you like them!

                  Also, if anyone's still interested after my very extended absence, tomorrow I will be posting the penultimate chapter of "From Here to Eternity" (and hopefully the final chapter will be up very soon, as well). I'm extremely excited about it!

                  Much Niko <3 to you all!
                  WHERE WERE YOU?!?!!!!

                  ...*TACKLEHUGS**hands clone* <---here, now you have one too

                  Anyway, all is forgiven b/c those banners are so *SQUEE* might want to post them in the Helen/Nikola ship thread, since there is one now

                  Originally posted by Durbelethwen View Post
                  I saw this on and I thought the people here might enjoy it.
                  Among Technophiles, Tesla In and Edison Out
                  HAHAHA that is so AWESOME!!!
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Originally posted by Durbelethwen View Post
                    I saw this on and I thought the people here might enjoy it.
                    Among Technophiles, Tesla In and Edison Out
                    OMG AWESOMENESS
                    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                      Originally posted by Durbelethwen View Post
                      I saw this on and I thought the people here might enjoy it.
                      Among Technophiles, Tesla In and Edison Out
                      Yeah! I think it's time people realise how awesome RL (and JY's) Nikola Tesla is. He deserves some admiration


                        Well there is no shortage of Tesla admiration here! *ruffles clone* is there Nikola? no there's not! *ruffles some more*
                        thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                          Thanks for the warm welcome back, everyone! You guys are so fantastic!

                          P.S. Mimzy: I hope Niko-clones don't need too much oxygen as I am squeezing mine perhaps a bit too hard! Squeeeeeee!

                          See you all tonight with the next chapter of "From Here to Eternity". <3


                            Originally posted by Nikolai_Tesla View Post
                            Thanks for the warm welcome back, everyone! You guys are so fantastic!

                            P.S. Mimzy: I hope Niko-clones don't need too much oxygen as I am squeezing mine perhaps a bit too hard! Squeeeeeee!

                            See you all tonight with the next chapter of "From Here to Eternity". <3
                            haha, don't worry, they are squeezing-proof, and pretty much resistant to everything else once you give them a glass of wine


                              Okay, so...I think I'm going to make posting on here following Drama class a regular thing. I like doing it B/c anything having to do with theatre reminds me of JY now So it's still on-topic! HA! ...kind of...but I'll put it in spoiler tags just in case
                              Anyway, so...the class, at least the lecture part, is pretty much pointless The technical aspect of theatre production is not a subject you can really learn from lecture--it's the hands-on experience that is more useful, but we have to do the lecture part first, so bleh. Anyhoo, all the TA really did was pretty much re-state everything from the textbook, and I'd read the chapter, so if I hadn't been in class I wouldn't have missed anything And attendance isn't required either, so technically I could skip it, but I'm not going to b/c I might as well go since I don't have anything better to do and because it's best to show up just so the teachers can see that you're there consistently. Then they get to know your face and it gives a better impression of yourself if they know that "hey, that's that new kid who always comes to class" or whatever. As my mom said, a lot of getting by in life depends on the connections you have with people, so getting in good with some of the drama people (esp. since I just started in that department--I only decided to minor last semester) will be beneficial

                              The more they see dedication, the more they like you. It worked in high school...I got an award senior for always being there in theatre even though I only got small parts LOL

                              Anyway, I'm more excited for the actual hands-on lab sessions where we actually get to work with costumes, sets, and lights. ^_^ That should be fun.

                              Anyhoo...SO. I have no idea. uh...

                              OH YEAH! Now I remember

                              So, for one of the assignments in my boring ENG101 class, we have to write an argumentative research paper on a topic of our choice, and guess what came to my mind? HEEHEE
                              And we don't even start it until around spring break, but I do not care

                              So...I have all these things in mind now (and I did this kind of persuasive essay in 8TH GRADE *headdesk*...) to make it fun b/c I obviously know how to write that kind of essay (since, again, I did it when I was 13. That was...6 years ago or something ):

                              -defending RL Tesla as more important to society than Edison and should be mentioned more often in history books, etc.
                              -defending JY Tesla as better than CH John Druitt
                              -arguing that JY Tesla is the best character on the show entirely
                              -arguing that JY Tesla is a better match for Helen

                              And then I have some Narnia ones too...

                              I wonder if I could use any of those. LOL
                              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                              Sig by ME!!!


                                Originally posted by Mimzy View Post

                                So, for one of the assignments in my boring ENG101 class, we have to write an argumentative research paper on a topic of our choice, and guess what came to my mind? HEEHEE
                                And we don't even start it until around spring break, but I do not care

                                So...I have all these things in mind now (and I did this kind of persuasive essay in 8TH GRADE *headdesk*...) to make it fun b/c I obviously know how to write that kind of essay (since, again, I did it when I was 13. That was...6 years ago or something ):

                                -defending RL Tesla as more important to society than Edison and should be mentioned more often in history books, etc.
                                -defending JY Tesla as better than CH John Druitt
                                -arguing that JY Tesla is the best character on the show entirely
                                -arguing that JY Tesla is a better match for Helen

                                And then I have some Narnia ones too...

                                I wonder if I could use any of those. LOL
                                Mimzy, if I were you, I would totally choose the H/N thing! I'm sure you can come up with wonderful arguments

                                On another note, made some new icons today (I love days-off ) :

                                my personnal favorite is the last one his face is epic !!

