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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Aaaaand, here's part two of my Brand New Colony banner series.

    Tesla_Twin: Love the icons so much! He is just the cutest!

    And yessica: Niko is, after all, smokin', so I think your graphic is entirely appropriate! Lovely work.


      Glad you all like the icons

      Rose: still as good as ever. It was totally worth the wait (doesn't mean you should let us wait too much okay? )

      Keaira: good news, I'm gonna have all fridays off with my new job (starting in 2 weeks)....I see some Tesla (and Teslen) artwork in the future

      Nikolai: I missed your artwork! it's awesome

      BTW, I'm watching the Fog right now, with our wonderful JY in it

      He just

      so I made some 'caps for ya (under spoilers for those who haven't seen the movie) sorry 'bout the quality....


      so cute


      About to die...shame...

      I love this one, don't know why....You can totally see it's him tough


        And now it's time for shameless self-promotion!!!! Hooray!
        This fic is about Nikola and John's relationship--or lack thereof--but it has our vampiric king it it. WARNING: Very much not fluffy. There is much angst and blood. But hey, I like writing a variety. ^_^

        P.S. I posted this on the Helen/Nikola thread, but i figured I'd say it here too. Spoilers for Kali.
        I really, really want Nikola and that Forsythe guy to meet. They were a lot alike in my opinion. So much so that I didn't miss Nikola as much as I would have, just cos Forsythe was there.

        I'm so happy he didn't die--hope he'll be a good bad guy through season 3. Or at the very least, the premier.


          Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
          And now it's time for shameless self-promotion!!!! Hooray!
          This fic is about Nikola and John's relationship--or lack thereof--but it has our vampiric king it it. WARNING: Very much not fluffy. There is much angst and blood. But hey, I like writing a variety. ^_^

          P.S. I posted this on the Helen/Nikola thread, but i figured I'd say it here too. Spoilers for Kali.
          I really, really want Nikola and that Forsythe guy to meet. They were a lot alike in my opinion. So much so that I didn't miss Nikola as much as I would have, just cos Forsythe was there.

          I'm so happy he didn't die--hope he'll be a good bad guy through season 3. Or at the very least, the premier.
          I'm reading that story right now tehehehe


            Originally posted by Nikolai_Tesla View Post
            Aaaaand, here's part two of my Brand New Colony banner series.

            I LOVE THIS ONE TOO!!!

            Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
            Keaira: good news, I'm gonna have all fridays off with my new job (starting in 2 weeks)....I see some Tesla (and Teslen) artwork in the future

            BTW, I'm watching the Fog right now, with our wonderful JY in it

            He just

            so I made some 'caps for ya (under spoilers for those who haven't seen the movie) sorry 'bout the quality....


            so cute


            About to die...shame...

            I love this one, don't know why....You can totally see it's him tough
            AH!!! yet another movie i have to watch!! haha Love the screen-caps i totally think there good for a few icons or JY banners

            Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post
            And now it's time for shameless self-promotion!!!! Hooray!
            This fic is about Nikola and John's relationship--or lack thereof--but it has our vampiric king it it. WARNING: Very much not fluffy. There is much angst and blood. But hey, I like writing a variety. ^_^


            P.S. I posted this on the Helen/Nikola thread, but i figured I'd say it here too. Spoilers for Kali.
            I really, really want Nikola and that Forsythe guy to meet. They were a lot alike in my opinion. So much so that I didn't miss Nikola as much as I would have, just cos Forsythe was there.

            I'm so happy he didn't die--hope he'll be a good bad guy through season 3. Or at the very least, the premier.
            AHHH STORRY!!!! *RUNS OFF TO READ ITT!!!*
            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


              If Tesla was a doctor, I wonder what kind he would have been.

              Maybe a cardiologist?
              "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


                Originally posted by CrazyKewl View Post
                If Tesla was a doctor, I wonder what kind he would have been.

                Maybe a cardiologist?
                Or maybe gynecologist ?

                Edit: wow, my 200th post was a stupid joke....why I am not surprised?


                  Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
                  Or maybe gynecologist ?

                  Edit: wow, my 200th post was a stupid joke....why I am not surprised?
                  It would be better than proctologist.
                  "Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine." Nikola Tesla


                    Originally posted by CrazyKewl View Post
                    It would be better than proctologist.
                    Maybe a pedatrician :

                    "Oh, look: fresh meat has arrived"

                    I don't think he could be a doctor, considering his absolute fear of germs....

                    But I'd sure like to have him for my annual check-up


                      Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
                      Or maybe gynecologist ?

                      Edit: wow, my 200th post was a stupid joke....why I am not surprised?

                      That's so great. And you would make your two-hundredth a joke, hm?

                      But I so totally agree.


                        Originally posted by Rose "Snapjinx" McKnight View Post

                        That's so great. And you would make your two-hundredth a joke, hm?

                        But I so totally agree.

                        me? noes! it's just in my nature..can't fight it

                        btw, read your new story, and you gotta stop being this's too painful to wait for more...(just kidding, he, don't stop! )

                        it say the least...Poor Niko, I don't like it when he's in pain...*huggles clone*. I like how you took these two characters and found a link between them....

                        Respect, Rose...You rock! *bow*


                          Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post
                          Or maybe gynecologist ?

                          Edit: wow, my 200th post was a stupid joke....why I am not surprised?
                          hahahaha could you imagine going and finding out that studd was your gynecologist?! i dont know what i'd do! lmao

                          and Tesla_Twin YAY FOR 200 POSTS!!! CONGRATS

                          *ponders* i wonder what kind of doctor he would be....i dont know that he'd find being a doctor intelectually challenging enough
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                            hahahaha could you imagine going and finding out that studd was your gynecologist?! i dont know what i'd do! lmao

                            and Tesla_Twin YAY FOR 200 POSTS!!! CONGRATS

                            *ponders* i wonder what kind of doctor he would be....i dont know that he'd find being a doctor intelectually challenging enough

                            I know what I would do: stare, drool, then promptly pass out...yeah..sounds like a plan

                            I don't think he could stand listening to people complaining all day long about their little boo-boos...He would probably be like House..snarky and rude...and sexy

                            Specially if he can't die... ('cause I just can't admit that he can now, ok? what do you mean denial? )


                              Originally posted by Tesla_Twin View Post

                              I know what I would do: stare, drool, then promptly pass out...yeah..sounds like a plan

                              I don't think he could stand listening to people complaining all day long about their little boo-boos...He would probably be like House..snarky and rude...and sexy

                              Specially if he can't die... ('cause I just can't admit that he can now, ok? what do you mean denial? )
                              omggg i would drown in drool or just thunk! Personally i'd probably go " OH WOW YOU ARE SOO DELICIOUS LOOKING *THUNK*!!!" ahahaha yepp id make a complete fool of myself. and, if he wasn't completely freakedd out by my statement slash passing out at his feet, i'd then switch doctors so i could date him bc itd be wierd if i tried to date him while he was my doctor

                              he would totally be like House except he'd be snarky, sexy, and a completely well-mannered KING! he'd be KING OF THE DOCTORS AHAHAHA YESSS

                              (no worries i'm in slight denial as well)

                              p.s. I spent this, my 800th post, laughing at the idea of Nikola being a gyno slash me switching doctors so i could date him as a i love my life *hugs clone* and i love you my delicious clone *ruffleattack*
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                                omggg i would drown in drool or just thunk! Personally i'd probably go " OH WOW YOU ARE SOO DELICIOUS LOOKING *THUNK*!!!" ahahaha yepp id make a complete fool of myself. and, if he wasn't completely freakedd out by my statement slash passing out at his feet, i'd then switch doctors so i could date him bc itd be wierd if i tried to date him while he was my doctor

                                he would totally be like House except he'd be snarky, sexy, and a completely well-mannered KING! he'd be KING OF THE DOCTORS AHAHAHA YESSS

                                (no worries i'm in slight denial as well)

                                p.s. I spent this, my 800th post, laughing at the idea of Nikola being a gyno slash me switching doctors so i could date him as a i love my life *hugs clone* and i love you my delicious clone *ruffleattack*
                                Yeah I pretty much agree with that statement...

                                King of the doctors?
                                ROFL !! *ow! ow! my stomach aches from laughing too much*

                                OMG! a crossover between House and Doc-Sexy-Snarky-Awesome-Nikola ! bwahahahahaaaaa! it'd be hilarious! (*Sees Helen and Cuddy trying to calm down their own doc, who lauch themselves in a battle of sarcasm *)

                                PS: Yes, we're a bunch of what?

