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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hey Tesla fans, I unexpectedly came upon an NY Times article about Tesla (the real one) and his project at Wardenclyffe that I thought I'd share because of this part:

    "Ms. Alcorn said the investigation and restoration of the old site promised to solve one of the big mysteries: the extent and nature of the tunnels said to honeycomb the area around the tower."

    It gave me a laugh since it so reminded me of Sanctuary's Tesla and his penchant for tunnels and labyrinths.



      Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
      Hey Tesla fans, I unexpectedly came upon an NY Times article about Tesla (the real one) and his project at Wardenclyffe that I thought I'd share because of this part:

      "Ms. Alcorn said the investigation and restoration of the old site promised to solve one of the big mysteries: the extent and nature of the tunnels said to honeycomb the area around the tower."

      It gave me a laugh since it so reminded me of Sanctuary's Tesla and his penchant for tunnels and labyrinths.
      OMG! Thanks for posting that! I really hope they do make it into a museum...that way I won't have to wait years and years until I have enough money to go to the one in Belgrade And the part about the giant batteries and the tunnels was verrrry interesting I think Damian Kindler should put that on the show
      Sig by ME!!!


        ohhh yes... more kissing would be wonderful


          *wanders in*

          You think they'll end up making Sanctuary action figures?
          With a little Tesla who can be used as a flashlight, bend his arms and legs and has ruffable hair...

          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            'ruffable hair'

            it had to be said twice...

            elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

            HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

            NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

            HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

            Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


              That would be too funny if I saw it I would lauph my head off.


                NO! They cannot make figures because Nikolas one wouldn't be right, think about all the films and shows that have had toys made from them, they are never anything like the original character.
                The question was if anyone has any hunches or info about where they get the clothes for Sanctuary please let me know!


                  Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                  Ok this was a long time coing but i Hope i'm not the only one out there who likes Tesla.

                  Share your thoughts here!
                  Just saw this thread for the first time. Big Tesla fan here


                    Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                    Just saw this thread for the first time. Big Tesla fan here
                    welcome! remember this is an 'at own risk' thread! lmao

                    elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                    HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                    NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                    HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                    Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                      Hi R, welcome.
                      remember this is an 'at own risk' thread!
                      Quite right, we have evil plot bunnies and random people dying and passing out, we're gonna have to hire a nurse soon acctually, the floor is getting a bit littered.


                        Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                        Just saw this thread for the first time. Big Tesla fan here

                        And what they ^^ said. *nods*
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                          Just saw this thread for the first time. Big Tesla fan here
                          welcome to the insanity... pay not attention to the drooling fan girls... they're too buzy squeeing over the sexy vampy *smirks*

                          seriously though, welcome to the fun *grins.*


                            Well I nearly died but it wasn't from you guys. As scary as the Tesla-obsession can get in this thread, it has nothing on 3 stacked Russian Anti-tank mines!
                            In Islamofascist Afghanistan, pain experiences you!
                            "The faster you finish the fight, the less shot you will get." ~ AFSOC MOUT Instructor


                              Originally posted by Coela Bellatore View Post
                              Well I nearly died but it wasn't from you guys. As scary as the Tesla-obsession can get in this thread, it has nothing on 3 stacked Russian Anti-tank mines!
                              at least you're okay, take care of yourself


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                *wanders in*

                                You think they'll end up making Sanctuary action figures?
                                With a little Tesla who can be used as a flashlight, bend his arms and legs and has ruffable hair...

                                LOLZ I suggested that on SFA a while ago! I'd LOVE one...I'd probably carry it with me everywhere, even to bed My friends would have riot over that...

                                Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                                Just saw this thread for the first time. Big Tesla fan here
                                WELCOME!! And yes, do be warned, there are a bunch of crazy fangirls (like myself) on here, so it can get very,

                                Originally posted by Coela Bellatore View Post
                                Well I nearly died but it wasn't from you guys. As scary as the Tesla-obsession can get in this thread, it has nothing on 3 stacked Russian Anti-tank mines!
                                Well, at least you're alive still. Yay

                                And my dad still insists that JY looks like Leonard Nimoy?? Does anyone else see that? I don'
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

