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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
    kinda random, but does one know if the rl Tesla named his pigeon?
    not that im aware of but Mimzy might know so we'll see whenever she arrives today
    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


      I don't think so either, but was just checking.
      ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


        time for a little thunking


          *squueeeee thunkkk*

          aahhh. yayy. another leather chair onee
          he is soo annoyed in that second one but OMG HIS HANDS XD
          third one is his "*siigh* yes i'll save the world, again!!" moment lmao
          and so delicious when he's all vamped out and smugg
          XD XD
          *THUNKS AGAIN*
          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


            where's the second picture from? I can't place it for some reason
            ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


              Originally posted by kivawolfspeaker View Post
              where's the second picture from? I can't place it for some reason
              End of Nights when he was working with Henry in the lab


                Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                End of Nights when he was working with Henry in the lab
                after looking at it awhile more, I thought that's where it had to be from.
                ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                  I found a pic so I was thinking if you are in the mood to make up some lines for the characters


                    Ok, here's a sample of my Fringe/Sanctuary crossover. Helen accidentially, almost gives Nikola's true identity away:

                    “Who are you?” Olivia asked as a brown haired woman walked into the lab.

                    “I’m Dr. Helen Magnus, the colleague Nikola asked to come and help him. Who are these people?” the mysterious woman asked her colleague after introducing herself.

                    “Helen, these are FBI consultants, Walter and Peter Bishop and agent Olivia Duhnam,” Nikola replied, trying to emphasize “FBI” and “agent” without giving away his annoyance at Helen for potentially giving away his true identity. But, then again could he really blame her for calling him Nikola? It wasn’t as if he could have said something to her on the phone with agent Duhnam standing right there. He would just have to play this by ear and hope things didn’t spiral out of control.

                    “That’s why you look so familiar! Thank you for jogging my memory!” Walter exclaimed as he suddenly remembered why he appeared to have seen the doctor before without having heard his name. “You wouldn’t happen to be related to Nikola Tesla would you?” he asked as he turned to face the familiar doctor.

                    Having been taken aback by the question, as it had been a surprise, the doctor took a moment to reply. “Why, yes. He is my great, great grandfather,” he answered hoping he could pass this off for now. “But, to business. Helen, did you bring the device?”

                    “Yes, it’s right here,” she replied with a British accent and cocked brows as she pulled out a clear tube with what looked like an hour glass inside.

                    “That’s an interesting looking piece of equipment. What does it do?”

                    “It will turn Biff back into a ordinary human being,” it’s inventor explained.

                    With that, all of the sudden Biff awoke and glared at his former doctor, “What did you do to me?” the young man snarked, snowing his teeth were now all canines.

                    “Relax, this will all be over soon,” his former doctor tried to re-assure his former patient.
                    ~"Often we forget . . . the sky reaches to the ground . . . with each step . . . . we fly."~ From We Fly by The House Jacks


                      Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                      I found a pic so I was thinking if you are in the mood to make up some lines for the characters
                      uhhh DUH!!! hahaha hit me up chica
                      thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                        Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                        uhhh DUH!!! hahaha hit me up chica
                        okay! there it is


                          Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                          okay! there it is
                          YES A SLEEPERS ONE XD hahaha *ponders* ok gots it
                          Here is what they're thinking:
                          Secretary Lady: i dont know who this young guy isz but he was way cuter than Dr. Baumschlagger and im going to make flirty faces at him...oh look at that he's looking at me too....
                          Will: Im going to ignore the UST between my boss and the vampire and stare at this woman, and not at her face
                          Helen: UHHH!!! whose this woman?? she is dressed like such a lady of the night! ohmygoodness i swear of she has even flirted with Nikola imma open a can of whoop a-- on her! vampire doctor is mine....oh oh he's looking me try and look dignified Helen.
                          Nikola: ok im really lost in thought right now but im going to try and continue to seduce Helen by biting my finger bc lord knows women love my hands...hmm she looks jealous of my secretary uh-oh. Helen probably am i can get her to believe me...oh oh! i'll change the topic and drop that i have trust fund immortal vamps! yes yes! Nikola once again proving you are a geniuss!!!
                          thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                            Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                            YES A SLEEPERS ONE XD hahaha *ponders* ok gots it
                            Here is what they're thinking:
                            Secretary Lady: i dont know who this young guy isz but he was way cuter than Dr. Baumschlagger and im going to make flirty faces at him...oh look at that he's looking at me too....
                            Will: Im going to ignore the UST between my boss and the vampire and stare at this woman, and not at her face
                            Helen: UHHH!!! whose this woman?? she is dressed like such a lady of the night! ohmygoodness i swear of she has even flirted with Nikola imma open a can of whoop a-- on her! vampire doctor is mine....oh oh he's looking me try and look dignified Helen.
                            Nikola: ok im really lost in thought right now but im going to try and continue to seduce Helen by biting my finger bc lord knows women love my hands...hmm she looks jealous of my secretary uh-oh. Helen probably am i can get her to believe me...oh oh! i'll change the topic and drop that i have trust fund immortal vamps! yes yes! Nikola once again proving you are a geniuss!!!
                            the Helen one: exactly what I had in mind
                            and Nikola's a genius like always
                            absolutely love it


                              Originally posted by stargatelover4ever View Post
                              the Helen one: exactly what I had in mind
                              and Nikola's a genius like always
                              absolutely love it
                              *bows graciously* thank youu
                              thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                                Originally posted by Keaira Taegan View Post
                                *bows graciously* thank youu
                                you definetly deserve some green

