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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    I don't think his ancestors would accept him cus he's only half vampire, but then again they might because of his intelligence. I could imagine someone sticking up for him, maybe his ancestor? But I also imagine the royal family of vampires accpeting him to make him do all their dirty work .. I wanted to write a fic about it but no one else seemed to like the idea
    On the edge of breaking down
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      Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
      I don't think his ancestors would accept him cus he's only half vampire, but then again they might because of his intelligence. I could imagine someone sticking up for him, maybe his ancestor? But I also imagine the royal family of vampires accpeting him to make him do all their dirty work .. I wanted to write a fic about it but no one else seemed to like the idea
      I think it is a good idea One that probably asks a lot patience and planning, but a very interesting idea


        Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
        He'd have to be strongly motivated to stay with a people who dislike him for his ancestry, he doesn't seem to take those things lightly. But he likes the challenge, and I think he might want to understand vampires so badly he'd be motivated to accept his not that fun part in their society. He'd probably think the vampires would accept him after they get used to the thought, and when they get to know him. If he has to take a pity date or two to get there, then so be it

        When Adam was alive, I hoped screen time for him and Nikola to interact properly. I think they were at the same level of intelligence, roughly... Adam was able to trick Praxians, build his device and so on, he was clearly insane but had his schemes under control. At the point Adam had worked with Praxian tech for years, and Nikola had just encountered it for the first time. O'Psycho had a serious advantage over Nikki at the time, too bad we didn't see how Nikola was able to deal with that
        That I could see perhaps. He might put up with them treating him as inferior in order to spend time with them and learn about them. Some of them might even realize they had underestimated him. (like Afina underestimated him )

        I'd guess that it wouldn't take long for Nikola to catch up. After all he was able to use that device to see Adam's brain in binary. He's a quick learner.

        Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
        I don't think his ancestors would accept him cus he's only half vampire, but then again they might because of his intelligence. I could imagine someone sticking up for him, maybe his ancestor? But I also imagine the royal family of vampires accpeting him to make him do all their dirty work .. I wanted to write a fic about it but no one else seemed to like the idea
        I think it would be interesting for him to meet his own vampire ancestor. I wonder if that person would be supportive of him or embarrassed by him because of the mixed blood. Don't personally like the thought of the royal family using him for their dirty work, but others might think differently. I think he'd wise up to that real fast and wouldn't go for it.
        Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


          I could see them using him to do their dirty work since that's usually what royal families do anyway .... Don't wanna offend anyone but not many royal families do anything for themselves unless they're adventurous, but with how Afina was portrayed then I can't see her as the type who wants to get her hands dirty, and the royal familiy of vampires, could be the same way
          On the edge of breaking down
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            Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
            I could see them using him to do their dirty work since that's usually what royal families do anyway .... Don't wanna offend anyone but not many royal families do anything for themselves unless they're adventurous, but with how Afina was portrayed then I can't see her as the type who wants to get her hands dirty, and the royal familiy of vampires, could be the same way
            Know what you mean, and I definitely think Afina would be that way. Try to get someone she views as lower class to do her dirty work. I just don't think Nikola would be fooled by another vamp like her, again, after how she treated him in Awakening.

            (But then again there was that discussion we had about how his inventions repeatedly get stolen by others....)
            Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


              I don't think he would be fooled .... I think he'd no what they were trying to do but for some reason he couldn't refuse, like being under a spell, not literally but I mean he just feels that way and Helen has to help him to stop the vampires since he obviously didn't want what Afina was offering because he wants to rule. I always wondered what he'd be like as king of the vampires
              On the edge of breaking down
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                AARGH I'm having the worst day for a while. School work isn't going too well, I have to wait 3 week till I get some stuff I need and earlier this week my room had a indoor shower because of condensation and it messed up some papers. Not badly and nothing important but I wasn't amused when I mopped the floor, the desk and my co-worker's desk and papers... My own computer seems to be kinda broken and I have to use wireless internet connection (I hate wireless connection), my fridge froze up a glass bottle that broke and there was juice all over the fridge. Except one box but I found a grossly liquefied cucumber from it so it doesn't count. Graah. I'm so happy it is Friday tomorrow and I can... Eh, do some extra work. Or do my best to forgot it for a while, I haven't decided yet.

                Glitch, Nikola in a lab coat, please

                Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                Know what you mean, and I definitely think Afina would be that way. Try to get someone she views as lower class to do her dirty work. I just don't think Nikola would be fooled by another vamp like her, again, after how she treated him in Awakening.

                (But then again there was that discussion we had about how his inventions repeatedly get stolen by others....)
                The vampire fooling Nikola might act very differently than Afina did. I don't think either that he'd be fooled by someone like Afina (again) but I don't think she was at her best. I mean, if she wasn't so full of herself, she could have done much worse than she did. Someone who didn't sleep last millenia or so would probably take things differently and show more skill in art of persuading modern humans... That is probably what made Nikola lose his work again and again. I mean, wishing it was different this time because xyz whatever.


                  FO, yes ma'am
                  On the edge of breaking down
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                    Aww, thank you, I feel much better already

                    That coat...


                      Just doin my job as Master Thread elf .... A title I am so very pleased to have

                      And I promise I will do the ep Sleepers after I finish The Five ... I only have three pages left
                      On the edge of breaking down
                      Banner made by me


                        Storming here. My sister came out of surgery okay! She's resting at home.

                        Sorry to read about your bad day, FO. Hope it's gotten better!

                        I can't get over how good he looks with that labcoat! The blue matches his eyes and the white brings out his face.

                        On the Contrary .... I just choose a picture at random
                        lol I meant it was great timing in general (the coincidence of it)

                        I don't think their friendship ceased to exist after/during what happened but it chanced. I think life added to their friendship a bitter touch them not being able to agree about too many things that are too important to them to be overlooked.
                        I see. Kind of like those friends you had in high school that you'll still remain friends with even though you've all gone your separate ways.

                        Predators obviously can't survive by eating only each other
                        *remembers a video/story from science class about a cannibalistic squirrel*

                        Blood is usually thicker than wine. Some liquors that have high sugar content maybe get close, and it depends on the hemoglobin content too. Interestingly (from a 'wring a vampire here' point of view), different species have different average hemoglobin contents and types of hemoglobin vary.
                        I find it very amusing that the bolded is used in a way that it's commonly not.

                        What kind of trouble? From trying to drink from them?I was thinking social trouble. If he is considered as a mongrel by other vampires (than Afina), that alone would make it difficult for him to become a respected individual in the vampire society. Him not knowing how to live with vampires wouldn't help at all. He wouldn't know the customs or taboos. Imagine him dating a vampire girl who felt pity for the mongrel and promised to go out with him just once, he tastes her blood for a reason or another, the girl cries, other vampires go 'ewwwwww' and Nikola goes 'wtf just happened and what is this not cool feeling I am experiencing... Oh, I'm pretty sure it is called shame'.

                        it could be a lot fun to teach some humbleness to Nikola. With humans, he is so arrogant and not that motivated when it comes to being a part of something, so he can insult pretty much everyone. With vampires, all that would chance.
                        It'd be the typical hybrid story of the person who doesn't fit in with either group. He's too smart for humans and not pure enough for vampires.

                        Nikola could do better for humanity if he wasn't so arrogant. But humanity has to learn to be better too if they want attention from Nikola.

                        But would he really want to live with other vampires if they thought he wasn't as good as they were? He didn't think much of Afina after he found out her true feelings for him. This is totally my opinion, but I think he thinks too highly of himself to go out with someone who was doing it because she felt pity for him. But I do think it would be interesting to see how he behaves when he's not the most intelligent one in the room and he knows it, and I wish we'd found out more about Sanctuary vampires.
                        His greatest desire is knowledge so I think he'd appreciate the chance to work with them so long as they aren't complete pricks. The only moment I can recall of when someone out-smarted (not to be taken in the duped meaning) Nikola is when Helen came a bit close in Animus. "I'm not the only genius in the room." She suggested they disappear to trick the particle accelerator and he graciously accepted the advice.

                        Anyone else find it odd that he was so calm while implying that he was ready to die for Helen?

                        When Adam was alive, I hoped screen time for him and Nikola to interact properly. I think they were at the same level of intelligence, roughly... Adam was able to trick Praxians, build his device and so on, he was clearly insane but had his schemes under control. At the point Adam had worked with Praxian tech for years, and Nikola had just encountered it for the first time. O'Psycho had a serious advantage over Nikki at the time, too bad we didn't see how Nikola was able to deal with that
                        They had their specialties, but remember when Nikola hooked the spider bot to Magnus' computer and Adam was impressed?
                        I'd guess that it wouldn't take long for Nikola to catch up. After all he was able to use that device to see Adam's brain in binary. He's a quick learner.
                        Yup! And resourceful!

                        I don't think his ancestors would accept him cus he's only half vampire, but then again they might because of his intelligence. I could imagine someone sticking up for him, maybe his ancestor? But I also imagine the royal family of vampires accpeting him to make him do all their dirty work .. I wanted to write a fic about it but no one else seemed to like the idea
                        I think it sounds neat! Others' opinions shouldn't stop you from writing.

                        I think it would be interesting for him to meet his own vampire ancestor. I wonder if that person would be supportive of him or embarrassed by him because of the mixed blood. Don't personally like the thought of the royal family using him for their dirty work, but others might think differently. I think he'd wise up to that real fast and wouldn't go for it.
                        I think he'd still want to learn for them but he wouldn't have as much reverance for them as he did before. He learned his lesson. (He actually learned a lesson!!) However, we are also assuming all vampires are like Afina. We can definitely see the ego and desire for control/world domination but that doesn't mean that all of them were complete...ah, what's the world I'm looking for...?
                        He said in...was it Resistance?...that he likes being the only Sanguine Vampirus so I don't think he'd be too happy with other vampires coming back and competing with him or lording over him or bossing him around.

                        Know what you mean, and I definitely think Afina would be that way. Try to get someone she views as lower class to do her dirty work.
                        I understand, too. I'm not so sure it'd be the dirty work (vampires don't seem to care too much about consequences) but more like the work they think is below them. Afina would work on the more high-tech stuff and let others worry about the less important stuff.

                        The vampire fooling Nikola might act very differently than Afina did. I don't think either that he'd be fooled by someone like Afina (again) but I don't think she was at her best. I mean, if she wasn't so full of herself, she could have done much worse than she did. Someone who didn't sleep last millenia or so would probably take things differently and show more skill in art of persuading modern humans... That is probably what made Nikola lose his work again and again. I mean, wishing it was different this time because xyz whatever.
                        Vampires need to have a weakness of some kind and what's holding THEM back is themselves.


                          Well it's not just other's opinion .. I lost the password to my ff account and it won't let me change it
                          On the edge of breaking down
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                            tinnec, I hope your sister will get better soon

                            I'm still using wireless internet connecition and even that disconnects for a few seconds way too often Apparently net card is broken for good... So if I suddenly disappear, it is most likely because my computer broke.

                            Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                            His greatest desire is knowledge so I think he'd appreciate the chance to work with them so long as they aren't complete pricks. The only moment I can recall of when someone out-smarted (not to be taken in the duped meaning) Nikola is when Helen came a bit close in Animus. "I'm not the only genius in the room." She suggested they disappear to trick the particle accelerator and he graciously accepted the advice.
                            Helen seems to be able to think up solutions quickly. There was the particle accelerator thing, and in Chimera it was her idea to reboot the system (or something like that, I don't remember the details that well). In Resistance Helen pretty much told Nikola what he needed to do, when he was still trying to find a way to avoid it. In Awakening, Helen jumps to assumption that they are in danger, Nikola speaks of the device he built to mask source blood and gets shot.

                            A major part of this is probably how unwilling Nikola is to go with 'jump from the cliff and hope you sprout wings' ideas Helen often has, as James put it once, but still. She is good with snap decisions, Nikola thinks things through to find the best solution and optimize the parameters. A good way to think, if you are trying to design new tech, but gets you shot and/or eaten if you suddenly realize you are dealing with vampire stronghold or tentacle monsters from another dimension

                            That was probably written in to make Nikola and Helen more equal as partners, but I like the choice... She is a field worker, he is an inventor. She has to be able to take action fast, often in a situation where she may lack information she needs to chooce the most effective action. But the action doesn't have to be as effective as possible, it is enough if the action immediately stops whatever more or less catastrophic failure that is going on or is about to happen. True, some residual problems may linger, understanding of the problem may remain shady and so on, but the point is, the worst failure likely or possible didn't happen because the field worker was able to make the decision and take the action quickly. After that we can begin to think what happened, and maybe give the problem to others to think.

                            Give the same problem to the inventor, and he drinks ten cups of coffee every day for four weeks, drinks a bottle of red now and then, plays with toy cars for a day, drinks more coffee and red, and a month later presents a dang good solution with theoretically solid understanding of the problem, its origins and how to avoid it in the future

                            Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                            They had their specialties, but remember when Nikola hooked the spider bot to Magnus' computer and Adam was impressed?
                            I wonder if that was because he hadn't thought if it, or if he was just surprised Nikola managed it so fast?

                            How much do you think Adam knew about non-Praxian technology? Apparently he lived in Hollow Earth, and couldn't roam free on the surface. His knowledge might have been seriously out-dated... Of course, after he made his gateway device, he may have been able to learn a lot.

                            Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                            I think he'd still want to learn for them but he wouldn't have as much reverance for them as he did before. He learned his lesson. (He actually learned a lesson!!) However, we are also assuming all vampires are like Afina. We can definitely see the ego and desire for control/world domination but that doesn't mean that all of them were complete...ah, what's the world I'm looking for...?
                            He said in...was it Resistance?...that he likes being the only Sanguine Vampirus so I don't think he'd be too happy with other vampires coming back and competing with him or lording over him or bossing him around.
                            Inbred nazi *****?

                            Yeah, Afina was a princess, and as one she likely wasn't the best example of the average vampire. Who knows how nice they were, the ones who didn't have the will to back stab each other to climb up in hierarchy and gain power.

                            If we are willing to go with what Nikola told about history of his race in The Five, and that the ones who survived moved in Bhalasaam to be killed by the attack that destroyed the city, I don't think the vampires were that nasty. Many, if not most of them should have been able to escape the attack, if they wanted to. I can't see how people like Afina would stay and get slaughtered because they feel that the race either lives or dies together. Not a chance, imho Either Helen and Nikola got their history lessons wrong, or vampires were very different from Afina. Or both, or the explanation of how and why vampires got practically extinct is in lost details.


                              Yea Tinnec, sorry ... I keep forgetting to say that, but I hope your sister recovers soon and feels better. I'm still recovering from my own surgery
                              On the edge of breaking down
                              Banner made by me


                                *remembers a video/story from science class about a cannibalistic squirrel*
                                *cringes at image of cannibalistic squirrel* Sounds more like a horror movie than something for a science class!

                                It'd be the typical hybrid story of the person who doesn't fit in with either group. He's too smart for humans and not pure enough for vampires.
                                Awww. Poor Niko.

                                His greatest desire is knowledge so I think he'd appreciate the chance to work with them so long as they aren't complete pricks. The only moment I can recall of when someone out-smarted (not to be taken in the duped meaning) Nikola is when Helen came a bit close in Animus. "I'm not the only genius in the room." She suggested they disappear to trick the particle accelerator and he graciously accepted the advice.

                                Anyone else find it odd that he was so calm while implying that he was ready to die for Helen?
                                I see them as being used to working together and Nikola being very aware of how smart Helen is though. So I took his comment to be a little snarky rather than him feeling he was outsmarted.

                                Odd that he was so calm? Well he did say they had played this out before, but we never got any more backstory to know what exactly he meant by that. Would love to know. Had he at some point made it apparent that if it came to a situation where one of them would not survive, he would die for her?

                                They had their specialties, but remember when Nikola hooked the spider bot to Magnus' computer and Adam was impressed?
                                Yep. *points up at previous post* "Ahh, Nikola. Always was a fan."

                                I think he'd still want to learn for them but he wouldn't have as much reverance for them as he did before. He learned his lesson. (He actually learned a lesson!!) However, we are also assuming all vampires are like Afina. We can definitely see the ego and desire for control/world domination but that doesn't mean that all of them were complete...ah, what's the world I'm looking for...?
                                He said in...was it Resistance?...that he likes being the only Sanguine Vampirus so I don't think he'd be too happy with other vampires coming back and competing with him or lording over him or bossing him around.
                                Maybe they all had that to varying degrees? Nikola kinda wanted world domination too in the beginning, and was excited at the prospect of global rule when he thought of encoding business cards with a drop of blood to eliminate cultural misunderstandings. I think meeting Afina may have bursted his bubble a little though, and then he decided he liked being the only vampire around.

                                Well it's not just other's opinion .. I lost the password to my ff account and it won't let me change it
                                Don't they have a way to recover a lost password like e-mailing it to you? Or can you make a new account?

                                Helen seems to be able to think up solutions quickly. There was the particle accelerator thing, and in Chimera it was her idea to reboot the system (or something like that, I don't remember the details that well). In Resistance Helen pretty much told Nikola what he needed to do, when he was still trying to find a way to avoid it. In Awakening, Helen jumps to assumption that they are in danger, Nikola speaks of the device he built to mask source blood and gets shot.
                                Maybe that's cuz she's the star and they don't want a recurring character always being the smartest one.

                                I do like how they work together though. Two geniuses.
                                Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.

