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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Regadring the babything, someone here said that he couldn´f father children because of his DNA being changed and that became clear in "Sleepers" when Helen tried to revamp him.

    I don´t know if the kids would be half vamps, but with Helen (and that scenario I prefer) I think they would be full vamps because of her partly vampire DNA. Poor Helen hehe


      Originally posted by Altariel View Post
      Regadring the babything, someone here said that he couldn´f father children because of his DNA being changed and that became clear in "Sleepers" when Helen tried to revamp him.

      I don´t know if the kids would be half vamps, but with Helen (and that scenario I prefer) I think they would be full vamps because of her partly vampire DNA. Poor Helen hehe
      Ah, mmk! Thanks for pointing that out.
      I don't think they'd be full vampires because Ashley was never a full vampire and both her parents had vampire-ness in their DNA. And Helen is not a full vampire like Nikola so half-vampire at the most would be my guess.

      I like the Nikola/Helen scenario, too!


        I read my latest post and... wow, if you managed to decrypt the sentences with not too much pain, then congratulations I am always kind of blind to the mistakes I make (I may have dyslexia) and my writing deteriorates when I am tired. Sorry for butchering the language (again)

        *tries to google the song again*

        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
        Moving suuucks. Even when I have to do the transition to college, I'm like "How did I accumulate all this stuff?" and "Do I really use all of this?"
        I know! I don't use half of the stuff I have, it is just something I haven't thrown/given away. For example, in my drawer I have hand made papers sheets, broken electronics, C-cassettes, small plastic tequila bottle hats, shiny wrapper, and badges/pins from Soviet Union. Just to mentions few things... Lol, and apparently I have wooden splinters from paper mill, gray stone and flushable/decomposable card board cylinder from toilet paper roll. At least I have managed to set free the cobblestone I adopted some years ago.

        Eh, I don't believe I have moved all that and much more from apartment to another at least once. (But not for nothing! Now I can sem stuff unsupervised at school, it is time to see how the cylinder looks at very close distance!)

        Ahem, yes, back to the topic

        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
        If he realized what was happening, wouldn't he have said something? The way he didn't deny when Helen said he'd been fired seemed to point to being let go because they finally caught on.
        I was going to say, why would he be depressed if he had escaped from them but then I remembered he lost his nearly bottomless money account and everything he had been working on.
        There is a lot in Sanctuary for None that I didn't completely catch (so much happened is such a short screen time), but didn't Helen already knew the general direction of which things were going to? If Nikola knew that but no useful details to be shared, I can see him letting Helen live with some incorrect assumptions, maybe to save her from extra worries. He didn't initially tell her that his tech was stolen, either (or that is how I understood it, maybe not what happened in canon )

        I just think Nikola appearing to Sanctuary just at the right time was too much of a coincidence. (Or lazy writing but I hate that explanation, it goes for every detail and blah, and isn't fun at all!) Getting caught and being fired at the same time SCIU is planning some serious attack, ans after that crawling to Sanctuary to mope and make everyone, Helen included, know that he was fired. Especially the last part doesn't sound like Nikola... Maybe he was trying to find a safe place to be, tell Helen that there was something going on (and maybe help her), but she knew already?

        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
        Well, part of me wants to say that Nikola uses humor and cockiness as a defense mechanism for some of his insecurities. He still does believe he is better than others--and, you know, in some ways he is because he has lived so long--but can be a bit..shy (not sure if this is the word I'm looking for), too. For example, the way he doesn't outright ask questions and tries to joke or keep a smile on his face (I'm thinking of the end of Chimera where he wants to ask if Helen really would've chosen him...thoughts on that btw?) while dealing with something he seriously wants to know. It seems too vulnerable for him. Living for so long has also taught him how easily he can get hurt. Trusting people also is an issue (referring to RL Tesla and the way he was always cheated).
        I'd say he is extremely tactful. Or rather, he can be extremely tactful when he is motivated to be so and isn't being a jerk He leaves room to other person to politely back off, if she (or he, but it seems to be mostly Helen) doesn't want to answer the question.

        Though I totally agree it may be more for him than the other person. It is never great to hear a friend to say something like 'sorry, it is personal' or 'it isn't any of your business'. I think that something like that from Helen might hurt Nikola much more than most other things. I think he doesn't do well with rejections.

        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
        Does the Victorian in her want to have him make the first moves? Or what is she waiting for? What is he waiting for?
        I think it is the possible consequences that keep Helen for acting... Or that she doesn't want to have a relationship with Nikola, maybe because of the consequences she sees probable, or because she doesn't want a relationship with an person who she is forced to keep an eye on. I mean, it could be pretty taxing to watch after Nikola and his schemes. I can imagine that would cause a lot trouble in a relationship.

        Then, sex. It is commonly thought that RL-Tesla was an asexual (or in celibate). If Sanctuary version is, it is guesswork, but I think it is a fair assumption that he doesn't see love as majority of the people, and when he speaks about being in love, he doesn't necessarily mean it the same than, say, Will or Helen.

        I don't think Helen sees it as the main point of a relationship (far from it) but it is an important aspect of an adult relationship. At first badly matched sexualities may not seem like much of a problem but after 50 years of having sex much less than once in a month, and having to speak about variable-frequency drives all the time to keep the partner interested... It may not be good for the relationship It isn't easy for the less interested either, living with the expectations, guilt etc. I am fairly sure Helen knows it, and she wouldn't enter a relationship without the awkward discussion mentioned

        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
        Once again using the above quote, I think Nikola would go in spurts: giving Helen anything she'd desire and then back to his lab where he'd be consumed. Or maybe they'd establish a type of work day together where they work all day and have supper and wine together at night, with the occasional days where they work all day or play all day.
        I think it would be spurts (maybe that is one one the reason Helen is a bit reluctant?)

        She'd be waiting weeks and weeks when Nikola has some idea that has consumed all his attention. Then he'd be there, pretty much worshiping the ground under her feet, and she'd be the center of his attention until the next idea takes place and he is gone again. Nikola would be happy like that, Helen... I don't think she would. It would be difficult and taxing for her. She isn't there for Nikola, she has her own life, her own needs that can't wait weeks in a good, healthy relationship.

        Originally posted by tinnec View Post
        Okay, well, since we're on the topic, I-I'm curious...can Tesla father any children? (Kind of wants to guess yes but also wonders if they'd be, like, half-vampire) (oh, here's the Twilight bit coming up )

        My guess would be yes. The timeline (vampires were extinct before the dark times) states that neither of his parents was a vampire, but a grand-grand-something child of a vampire and human, so that shouldn't be a problem. Helen, John and Nigel had children, so obviously the source blood injection didn't make them sterile.

        What kind of effect Nikola's work has had, that is a different thing. (For example RF (radio-frequency) radars are claimed to affect y-chromosomes, and the men working with rf radars are claimed to have much more female children than statistically probable if the radar was safe for y's).

        Likely healing abilities help

        If his children inherited vampirism... Clara had invisibility but Ashey wasn't able to teleport (before Cabal, but that was another thing). If she had Helen's longevity, we won't know. Maybe it is 50-50?


          Today is Nikola Tesla's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKOLA!
          On the edge of breaking down
          Banner made by me


            Oops, I typed super slowly and missed a ton of posts

            Cake, nom nom Happy birthday

            RE: source blood and Devamper: It was stated that source blood activated pre-existing abnormal genes, didn't give the receiver a random vampire ability. (It was, wasn't it? Maybe in somewhere around End of Nights, when Cabal was searching the people who no pre-existing abnormal dna to be awakened with source blood.)

            But then, for example with the holographic map, the tech was able to find whatever source blood made.

            The effect Devamper had, it is a very hood point. Nikola stayed magnetic after receiving Afinas' blood so the blood didn't completely undo Devamper thing.

            Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
            You're talking about him leaving by his own choice IF he hadn't been fired first, right?
            Mmm, I think he knew he was becoming more of a liability than an asset, and that he was losing his work. As I snail-typed, there are some things that don't add up nicely as they could in the 'oh, you spent like gazillion millions of your money, you are fired but free to go, oh, and please don't cause us any trouble' scenario


              I think he left on his own, it would make sense cus even in Canada reappropriating funds would get you arrested no matter how much was stolen so I think he may have overheard them talking and left before they could actually take action.
              On the edge of breaking down
              Banner made by me


                Reappropriating funds It always makes me smile

                I don't think SCIU or related organization operate within 'normal' law. Most of their clients are not humans, don't exist on paper or don't have much (any?) rights. The agents just go and grab them and keep them locked up as long as they please... But money probably follows the law better (I don't think every SCIU scientist, agent etc. is paid in cash, or that their jobs don't exist at all on paper) so if Nikola had a fake identity, maybe he could have been sued (or something) in the manner they sue civilians

                I would have loved that

                Mr. Police: You are allowed to one one phone call, and one phone call only *waives a phone*

                Nikola: "Yes, yes, give that to me already..." *receives the phone, calls Helen* "Nice to hear you voice, darling... I was reappropriating some funds and they caught me, I am in a holding cell. Can I?"

                Helen, sarcastically: "Oh, that is great, Nikola, who could have guessed something like that could happen? Can you do wha-- No, absolutely not! They are civilians."

                Nikola, pitifully: "But they are so bossy!"

                Helen: "No. I'll be there soon, and if you do anything to worsen the situation, things will get rather bullet ridden, as you once put it. Just stay put and do nothing stupid, I'll contact the lawyers."

                Will, to Helen after the phone call is over: "Do you have time to do that? We have the abnormal situation, remember?"

                Helen, absent mindedly: "Oh, you are right. I guess he can wait, I'll rescue him after we deal with this."

                And that was how Nikola ended in orange jumpsuit, basically


                  Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                  I know! I don't use half of the stuff I have, it is just something I haven't thrown/given away.
                  How dry I am
                  How wet I'll be
                  If I don't find
                  The bathroom key

                  I found the key
                  Now where's the door?
                  It's too late now
                  It's on the floor

                  I found the key
                  I opened the door
                  It's too late now
                  Clean up the floor.

                  How dry I am
                  How wet I'll be
                  If I can't find
                  My zipper pull

                  I found the pull
                  Now where's the string?
                  It's too late now
                  911 I rang

                  I found the pull
                  I pulled the string
                  It's too late now
                  The doorbell will ring.
                  Ahh, we still have cassettes, too!

                  How many, and which, languages do you speak, if you don't mind me asking?

                  Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                  There is a lot in Sanctuary for None that I didn't completely catch (so much happened is such a short screen time), but didn't Helen already knew the general direction of which things were going to? If Nikola knew that but no useful details to be shared, I can see him letting Helen live with some incorrect assumptions, maybe to save her from extra worries. He didn't initially tell her that his tech was stolen, either (or that is how I understood it, maybe not what happened in canon )

                  I just think Nikola appearing to Sanctuary just at the right time was too much of a coincidence. (Or lazy writing but I hate that explanation, it goes for every detail and blah, and isn't fun at all!) Getting caught and being fired at the same time SCIU is planning some serious attack, ans after that crawling to Sanctuary to mope and make everyone, Helen included, know that he was fired. Especially the last part doesn't sound like Nikola... Maybe he was trying to find a safe place to be, tell Helen that there was something going on (and maybe help her), but she knew already?
                  In Sanctuary for None, I'd say Helen knew the general gist of what was going to happen. She had, afterall, been planning this move for the past 113 years. And Nikola probably didn't want to bother her with his problems because 1) he's stubborn and 2) it was his problem and didn't need to involve anyone else because only he (and Henry) could fix it.
                  Also, the episode was too big to answer all of our questions. There may be something missing that the writers just didn't include.

                  That is too much of a coincidence now that you mention it. Nikola finally getting caught and fired before the attack. Wait...why did Nikola go to the Sanctuary? Did he not have anywhere else to go? Did he want comfort and free wine?
                  I think if Nikola had known something about the attack, he would've informed Helen.

                  Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                  I'd say he is extremely tactful. Or rather, he can be extremely tactful when he is motivated to be so and isn't being a jerk He leaves room to other person to politely back off, if she (or he, but it seems to be mostly Helen) doesn't want to answer the question.

                  Though I totally agree it may be more for him than the other person. It is never great to hear a friend to say something like 'sorry, it is personal' or 'it isn't any of your business'. I think that something like that from Helen might hurt Nikola much more than most other things. I think he doesn't do well with rejections.
                  This post is super true and I have nothing to add because you said it all

                  Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                  I think it is the possible consequences that keep Helen for acting... Or that she doesn't want to have a relationship with Nikola, maybe because of the consequences she sees probable, or because she doesn't want a relationship with an person who she is forced to keep an eye on. I mean, it could be pretty taxing to watch after Nikola and his schemes. I can imagine that would cause a lot trouble in a relationship.

                  Then, sex. It is commonly thought that RL-Tesla was an asexual (or in celibate). If Sanctuary version is, it is guesswork, but I think it is a fair assumption that he doesn't see love as majority of the people, and when he speaks about being in love, he doesn't necessarily mean it the same than, say, Will or Helen.

                  I don't think Helen sees it as the main point of a relationship (far from it) but it is an important aspect of an adult relationship. At first badly matched sexualities may not seem like much of a problem but after 50 years of having sex much less than once in a month, and having to speak about variable-frequency drives all the time to keep the partner interested... It may not be good for the relationship It isn't easy for the less interested either, living with the expectations, guilt etc. I am fairly sure Helen knows it, and she wouldn't enter a relationship without the awkward discussion mentioned
                  She wouldn't have to constantly look after him. He's a big boy. I think her presence in his life would be a positive influence and maybe he'd shy away from...ah, who am I kidding, Nikola would never not try an experiment merely because it was dangerous. Pshaw! Anyways, Helen would only have to check in on his experiments from time to time. And eventually Nikola would learn to keep his more lethal experiments in a filing cabinet marked "NOT WHILE HELEN IS AROUND".
                  But, you know, at the end of the day, everyone wants someone to come home to. *nods* They could both have their "jobs"--Nikola as an inventor and Helen as person in charge of New Sanctuary--and get help from the other from time to time, but then they have supper together or with "the children" or at least share the same bed? I could see Helen going down to the lab and telling Nikola to come to bed. Or times when Helen is swamped with paperwork and Nikola telling Helen to come to bed. Sounds very peaceful. But would it be enough for them? Sorry...I'm rambling...

                  Nikola does know know love...there's that scene with Will/Huggybear in season 1 or season 2, I don't remember, where he talks about having been in love and seeing it as pointless.

                  For both Helen and Nikola, knowledge is number 1. I don't know how comfortable Helen is with sex talk...I don't know what the show is rated, but they don't--and can't--talk about sex. It can be alluded to and mentioned in innuendos, but that's as far as they can take it.
                  So...I'm thinking out loud (in a written way) based off your last paragraph and what we've been discussing...sounds like Helen and Nikola would be better off as very good friends who occasionally have benefits because that's what makes it special? The forbidden love moments? The couple that isn't a couple? Almost an open relationship? I'm not sure...

                  Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                  I think it would be spurts (maybe that is one one the reason Helen is a bit reluctant?)

                  She'd be waiting weeks and weeks when Nikola has some idea that has consumed all his attention. Then he'd be there, pretty much worshiping the ground under her feet, and she'd be the center of his attention until the next idea takes place and he is gone again. Nikola would be happy like that, Helen... I don't think she would. It would be difficult and taxing for her. She isn't there for Nikola, she has her own life, her own needs that can't wait weeks in a good, healthy relationship.
                  Just sayin' Nikola has needs, too. And Helen gets consumed with things, too. She is often out catching Abnormals and when she's not doing that, she's taking care of the Sanctuary or studying newer Abnormals.
                  But wait, I do have salvation for Nikola. The "hottie from SCIU"...they seemed to have a relationship when he was at work! He does have time!

                  Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                  Today is Nikola Tesla's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY NIKOLA!
                  These pictures from The Five remind day I was flipping through the channels and saw a show named The Five and my mind immediately went to Sanctuary. haha Thanks for the pics!!

                  Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
                  I think he left on his own, it would make sense cus even in Canada reappropriating funds would get you arrested no matter how much was stolen so I think he may have overheard them talking and left before they could actually take action.
                  The government would know that mere cell walls (not making a science pun) couldn't hold a vampire, so it'd be pointless to throw him in jail. Really, no one can control Nikola Tesla. And I can picture Tesla scoffing at the government anways.

                  Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                  I don't think SCIU or related organization operate within 'normal' law. Most of their clients are not humans, don't exist on paper or don't have much (any?) rights. The agents just go and grab them and keep them locked up as long as they please... But money probably follows the law better (I don't think every SCIU scientist, agent etc. is paid in cash, or that their jobs don't exist at all on paper) so if Nikola had a fake identity, maybe he could have been sued (or something) in the manner they sue civilians

                  And that was how Nikola ended in orange jumpsuit, basically
                  Since it is a secret organization and since Tesla is an abnormal, I doubt there'd even be much of a trial. What kind of judge would they be able to find to remain neutral AND informed about the case. It's a lot to take in.

                  I guess it was a trade off...Nikola not being charged with anything (that we know of yet) in place of his silence on the place (ha, too late) (unless they mean announcing to the public his work) (and it'd be his identity too).

                  Haha...hmm...I wonder how he would look in orange. *thinks*


                    tinnec, I speak only 2 languages, Finnish and English. I understand some Swedish (and very little Norwegian + other languages very similar with Swedish if I have enough time to stare at the sentences). But I can't say I really speak Swedish, and even the understanding part is slightly bad. Languages (and art) have always been my weak point, mostly because memorizing things with little to no connection to other things I know is difficult for me. I do ok in English because I hear it all the time, tv programs are mostly subbed in here and that helps a lot, and so much of the interesting stuff in theInternet is in English.

                    To the point, before I start telling you folks how I learned to put my clothes on when I was a kid

                    Thanks for the lyrics, btw My searches were not very successful.

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    Wait...why did Nikola go to the Sanctuary? Did he not have anywhere else to go? Did he want comfort and free wine?
                    I think if Nikola had known something about the attack, he would've informed Helen.
                    Given that he had just siphoned a lot of money to himself, he could have gone to a hotel, if he wanted to and didn't have any safe houses, so I don't think it was either Sanctuary or the streets. For the same reason I don't think free liquid with solvent was a major component in his decision. That pretty much takes it to comfort, wanting to help Helen and having a safe place to be, or the combination of these.

                    Maybe the combination? All the melodrama would have been for nothing if he didn't have friends to witness it, and if he knew anything, even the vaguest shade of the SCIU's plans, he'd like want to help his friend. Oh, I just realized there is one more reason to consider: when someone you work to is going to do something horrible, it is a good idea to have as good alibi as possible. For Nikola's purposes, that would be being where Helen is = in the Sanctuary.

                    I don't think he knew the details of the attack, he would have shared them, but knowing that something bad is going to happen should be enough to for some safety measures.

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    She wouldn't have to constantly look after him. He's a big boy. I think her presence in his life would be a positive influence and maybe he'd shy away from...ah, who am I kidding, Nikola would never not try an experiment merely because it was dangerous. Pshaw! Anyways, Helen would only have to check in on his experiments from time to time. And eventually Nikola would learn to keep his more lethal experiments in a filing cabinet marked "NOT WHILE HELEN IS AROUND".
                    True, Nikola can usually look after himself. It is his projects that would need Helen's attention. That is pretty much what we have seen, Helen getting gray hair because of the schemes he has been cooking up. He would never quit the dangerous (or ethically questionable or overly ambitious) experiments/projects, and Helen could only be there to supervise them, or let them go terribly wrong and fix what is still fixable. I don't think she could wait that long to take care of the project going badly wrong.

                    I realize didn't write much of what I think Nikola needs For some reason, I think what he need is surprisingly simple and straight forward, and I think this is one of those things. Him being able to continue his work, as uninterrupted as possible, and having Helen's love and attention, but only when his timetable agrees. He could keep some of his work secret, but if he did, I can see him wishing he was working with his newest plan when he is acting to be relax with Helen. These things conflict, and pose an extra challenge.

                    I wholeheartedly agree Helen's company has a good influence to Nikola. We saw him in The Five, that is apparently how he goes without her influence. That wasn't a (remotely) good man he can be when Helen's sharp words are there to give him purpose and guide his creative energy to things that can benefit someone. But too much of a guidance turn so easily into a prison.

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    But, you know, at the end of the day, everyone wants someone to come home to. *nods* They could both have their "jobs"--Nikola as an inventor and Helen as person in charge of New Sanctuary--and get help from the other from time to time, but then they have supper together or with "the children" or at least share the same bed? I could see Helen going down to the lab and telling Nikola to come to bed. Or times when Helen is swamped with paperwork and Nikola telling Helen to come to bed. Sounds very peaceful. But would it be enough for them? Sorry...I'm rambling...
                    I could see Helen going down to the lab and telling Nikola to come to bed, and him obeying but secretly hoping his work wasn't interrupted, and then him staying awake half of the night, thinking the project Or Nikola telling her to stop with the paper work and come to bed, and her telling him to pester someone else, she doesn't have the time.

                    Maybe it is just me being cynical

                    But I can see them spending time together, when they both have time to spend, and loving each other. It certainly wouldn't be a no strings attached kind of thing, not really friends with benefits, not an open relationship... Maybe a form of friendship and love between two driven person who are special to each other but need their own lives, without 'we'?

                    That wouldn't be easy either but I think it is the most manageable choice, besides pretended ignorance.

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    Nikola does know know love...there's that scene with Will/Huggybear in season 1 or season 2, I don't remember, where he talks about having been in love and seeing it as pointless.
                    Ah, that is one of my fav scenes <3 (2 of my 3 posted Sanctuary fanfics toy with it, oops )

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    But wait, I do have salvation for Nikola. The "hottie from SCIU"...they seemed to have a relationship when he was at work! He does have time!
                    To be honest, it was Coates ('SCIU hottie') who made me chance my thoughts about Tesla's girlfriends I used to think he has had a few (he is an adult, curious person, after all) but the way he acted around Coates... Something was off, something was awkward, and I don't think that was just Helen's presence. Somehow he made me think of a young man who is, hmm, being introduced to lady parts for the first time of his life, and it is all somehow strange and confusing and he doesn't have any idea of what to do (Likely not exactly what happened, but I think you got the point)

                    I think that whatever was between Nikola and Coates is an important factor when thinking what could be between him and Helen. The problem is, it is not easy to decide Personally I feel more and more that their relationship wasn't romantic, or sexual for that matter, not properly.

                    I'd love to read fanfic interpretations of Coates and the relationship but I have bee able to find few, and most of the present Coates as not that nice person who is back stabbing Nikola at the fist opportunity that presents itself. I'm not saying that is wrong or anything (I actually like the idea in a way), I just want to see other possibilities. (I'm trying to write one but it isn't going too well.)

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    Since it is a secret organization and since Tesla is an abnormal, I doubt there'd even be much of a trial. What kind of judge would they be able to find to remain neutral AND informed about the case. It's a lot to take in.
                    In theory, they could charge him under assumed/new identity. I don't think they would, for reasons mentioned above, but oh how happy I would have been if they had That would have been playing with 'normal' rules, instead of abnormal ones. If we just had a peek of how the 'normal world' sees Helen and the others... A girl can dream

                    Originally posted by tinnec View Post
                    Haha...hmm...I wonder how he would look in orange. *thinks*
                    Terrible But in a hot way


                      Hurt my arm so I have to limit my typing.

                      Originally posted by tinnec View Post

                      I would love some cake! Thanks much! *noms on cake*
                      He's, what, 156 today?
                      Here's why he's the greatest

                      Jonathon always does a lovely job! I can't think of a scene where he isn't brilliant.

                      Cool! *pictures Tesla babies running around* Wow, they're smart...hey, out of the wine cellar! You are so not old enough! Guys, if you have to play with the generator, please take it outside and keep away from the water. *sighs* (This is too much fun)

                      Ashley...well...after the mind control drugs, she was able to teleport like Johnny, and the Cabal hadn't even altered her DNA yet (right?). So she could've possessed that but didn't know she did until it was too late.
                      You're welcome. Love the link! *laughing at the thought of Tesla as a father dealing with young brilliant children*

                      Originally posted by Altariel View Post
                      Regadring the babything, someone here said that he couldn´f father children because of his DNA being changed and that became clear in "Sleepers" when Helen tried to revamp him.

                      I don´t know if the kids would be half vamps, but with Helen (and that scenario I prefer) I think they would be full vamps because of her partly vampire DNA. Poor Helen hehe
                      Not sure I understand how Helen's efforts to revamp him meant he couldn't have children.

                      Originally posted by FromOutside View Post
                      My guess would be yes. The timeline (vampires were extinct before the dark times) states that neither of his parents was a vampire, but a grand-grand-something child of a vampire and human, so that shouldn't be a problem. Helen, John and Nigel had children, so obviously the source blood injection didn't make them sterile.
                      What kind of effect Nikola's work has had, that is a different thing. (For example RF (radio-frequency) radars are claimed to affect y-chromosomes, and the men working with rf radars are claimed to have much more female children than statistically probable if the radar was safe for y's).

                      Likely healing abilities help
                      That's what I always thought too (about The Five and kids).

                      Very likely healing abilities would help.

                      Originally posted by FromOutside View Post

                      Terrible But in a hot way
                      Terrible.... but hot?

                      Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                        so i'm a bad rewatcher and watched some of the season 1 finale earlier and i have to say nikola sure knows how to make an entrance .


                          Six, I hope you hand gets better soon I broke my wrist couple of years ago and I don't want to have a cast ever again. Maybe the worst thing was the cast kept pushing ctrl key, and when I typed I found all kinds of interesting shortcuts.

                          blueray, certainly he does

                          Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                          Not sure I understand how Helen's efforts to revamp him meant he couldn't have children.
                          It was some kind of a DNA thing she was trying to do, who knows what kind of side effects they have

                          Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                          Terrible.... but hot?

                          It is the... the context, the implications of the clothing that would make him look hot in orange jumpsuit It is the layers, worlds withing worlds (if that makes any sense...)


                            I hope you all likes
                            Last edited by yamiinsane; 13 July 2012, 04:36 PM.
                            Icon and Sig by me.


                              Just thought I would mention that Tesla was added to this game a few weeks ago:
                              and his relationship with Magnus was added to this game:

                              I know the last bit is OT for the thread but I don't visit any of the Sanctuary relationship threads so I thought I would mention it here.

                              Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                                Well I think he still left on his own when he heard them talking and besides if Helen could create vampire resistant restraints then it's obvious to assume that SCIU can also make a cell that's nonmetal and vampire resistant if they can hold abnormals strong enough from Hollow Earth then they could make a cell strong enough to hold Tesla.


                                Sorry I haven't been here, don't have internet at home so I have to wait utnil we can go to McDonald's or the library
                                On the edge of breaking down
                                Banner made by me

