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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    'Tis okay, we all can be forgetful sometimes *ruffles*
    Icon and Sig by me.


      *purrs* I think that's the first time I forgot .... Surprised no one mentioned the Jessie Awards yet. Jon was nominated for two of them
      On the edge of breaking down
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        Signature by Glitch33.
        Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


          *purrs and ruggles*
          On the edge of breaking down
          Banner made by me


            I didn't even know Jessie Awards existed every day I learn


              I have the Vigilante caps up! And here is the zip file if anyone wishes, tho it is quite large bare in mind...

              Icon and Sig by me.


                Thanks Yamii, as soon as I get my comp I'll save the Tesla picx and watermark them
                On the edge of breaking down
                Banner made by me


                  You're welcome
                  Icon and Sig by me.


                    Stockholm was wonderfully disturbing! Jonathon and Melissa Jane (MJ) Shaw were amazing. I did get to meet Jonathon and MJ after the show. From a purely superficial fangirl point of view, Jonathon is MUCH hotter in person than on screen. And really very nice. They both were. I was able to chat with them for a bit and get their autographs on my playbill as well as one I will be donating for the charity auction held at the Polaris Sci-Fi Convention in Toronto.

                    I have a few photos that I uploaded to my Flickr account.

                    Neither Jonathon nor MJ must have an iPhone, because they both had trouble with the camera on mine. LOL. So the pictures are not very good. But I don't care because I got to meet Jonathan Young and put my arms around him. It was a good night.

                    I'm not sure how much you want me to write about the play. I can write a book or a short summary. I just have to figure out the spoiler thingy.



                      I wrote pages about the play in my journal. I'm not so sure y'all will want to read that much. LOL.

                      The Tarragon Theatre Extra Space is a very intimate space with only 113 seats. I sat on the first row. I had no intention of ending up sitting behind some tall person with big hair! The first row is the stage floor. So at times I could have reached out and touched Jonathon or MJ. (Before anyone gets insulted by my use of their first names, this is how they introduced themselves to me.)

                      Just before the play begins, the theatre lights go out - it becomes pitch black. When the lights come up, Jonathon is standing center stage with a couple of bags of groceries. Throughout the play the characters of Todd and Kali address the audience. Todd begins by telling us that he and Kali have just been to a matinee. It's his birthday. Kali appears and they tell us about the movie - not a chick flick or a dick flick - but an artsy movie with subtitles. They are loving and fun with each other. They tell us about their upcoming trip to Stockholm. They are both excited about the trip and about their day filled with birthday plans.

                      When they get home, there is a letter from Todd's mother just inside the door. Kali begins a rant about what a horrid woman his mother is. He agrees with her but you can tell from Todd's behavior that his agreement is to keep the peace with her and not because he truly believes it. Kali taunts him with the letter calling him a momma's boy. He is hurt by what Kali says, but he tells her he will not allow his mother to ruin their day and he will not read the letter. Kali then distracts him with fellatio. At first he isn't particularly receptive. He is distracted by the letter and tells the audience so, but he's a man and pleasure wins out. He ends up on the floor breathing mighty hard with his pants unzipped. And Kali looks smugly satisfied with herself and her skills. (For the fangirls and guys, we get a glimpse of tummy when Todd buttons up his pants.)

                      I believe everyone here has seen the youtube promo clip of them putting up the groceries. (I was IMPRESSED with the athletics display by both MJ and Jonathon. It's a VERY physical play.)

                      Todd's mother calls him. She and his father sing him happy birthday. We hear it as it is recorded on the answering machine. The message changes the mood. Kali again taunts him about his mother telling him she knows he wants to call his mom. He says no.

                      While Todd is off stage, Kali tells us how they met at a restaurant. He had been there with someone else. But the chemistry between them was electric and they soon became inseparable. However, you can tell by the way Kali talks that she is still jealous of his ex - unreasonably so.

                      Upon Todd's return to the kitchen, Kali questions him about his horrid ex-girlfriend. Her jealousy is obviously unreasonable. And Todd reminds her calmly that they have agree that retro jealously is just dumb. Kali seems to calm down and agrees with him. It is obvious that this is not the first time they have been over this.

                      In order to prevent Todd from calling his mother, Kali asks to borrow his phone. He questions her about why she doesn't want to use her phone, but relents and gives her his. She leaves the kitchen heading for the stairs to the attic. Halfway up the stairs she tells us that Todd will not call his mother now. He doesn't have his phone and he won't use the landline. He will probably come up with an excuse to leave the house. Todd has been chopping vegetables in the background. As if on cue, he calls out telling her they forgot fennel. She looks to the audience as if to say 'I told you so.' She tells him to forget the fennel. He again argues briefly but gives in. While he continues making dinner, she searches his phone. She gets more irritated as she looks. It's as if she won't be satisfied until she finds something incriminating. She finally finds a female name she doesn't know. Her anger is vicious. When she returns to the kitchen, she breaks out the champagne she bought as a surprise. He doesn't want it and you immediately know that bad things happen when she drinks. They have a toast and while Todd sips his glass, Kali downs hers in one big gulp and reaches for the bottle. She asks him about the woman saying a friend of Todd's mentioned her. Todd tells her he doesn't know who she is talking about. She then asks him what the best meal he ever had was. She rejects his first answer refining her question. Finally he tells her about a meal he shared with a friend while traveling through France just after college. She questions him more until she finds out his companion was a woman that he was in a sexual relationship with. He tries to calm her by reminding her he was very young and it was just a fun casual relationship. That angers her more. She tells him a leopard cannot change his spots.

                      Kali finally looses all control. She attacks Todd with a frightening viciousness. The scene was terrifying in it's intensity. She attacks and he tries to protect himself. She hits and kicks and bites all the time accusing him of all sorts of things. He finally fights back and slaps her. She immediately tells him she is calling the police to report him. Todd grabs the phone and tries to give it to her telling her to go ahead that he can't take it anymore. (The scene is beautifully done by Jonathon and MJ.) Kali breaks into tears and tells him she is sorry, she knows that she's wrong, that something is wrong with her, she promises to get help, she is on her knees crying and begging. Todd then talks to the audience explaining to us how the fight is actually a relief since it had been building for most of the day and he tries to explain to us why he is going to forgive her. He tells us that we don't know how seductive her total remorse is. That she feels if from the top her of head to her very toes. We see how the cycle will continue. He takes her in his arms, forgiving her and believing somehow that it will be better. Kali has said she is smarter than this, she will get help. We know that will never happen.

                      The next scene has them in the basement looking shell shocked. They are curled up together. Todd talks to the audience again - this time about the future. About the children they will have that they will traumatize with their violence. About what happens when he finally leaves. About how Kali will one night put sleeping pills in the children's drinks and have their oldest son call him. His last memory of his children will be his eldest telling him over and over that he loves him. Todd won't get there in time and his family will die. It's a horrible story and the audience believes it and can see it. (Jonathon's performance is so powerful. I got chills.) Todd shakes the horrible vision of his future off and once again believes in vain that things will get better. He and Kali again focus on their trip to Stockholm. We see hopefulness again and we know the cycle will continue.

                      The play was gut wrenching. Jonathon and MJ's performances were mesmerizing. I am so glad I was able to go. I just wish everyone here could have seen it.


                        Glad you had a great time Vampgaia and thanks for the pictures

                        As for the spoiler tags you just put the word spoilers in [brackets] like this and in the second word put a / in front of the second word so it looks like [/spoilers]
                        On the edge of breaking down
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                          I just went to Stockholm tonight and ad other people said it was really amazing. Both actors are incredible physical and really commit to their actions and words. We met Jonathon afterwards, chatted for a few minutes and then I got a pic with him. He is VERY skinny! Haha. Anyways, he is permanently moved to Toronto (as he told us) so expect more shows in this area. Will try to post the pic!
                          We also briefly mentioned Sanctuary; he sounded disappointed


                          Anyways, cheers!


                            Glad you enjoyed the play Vampgaia and Starjade, also Starjade welcome to the site

                            The play sounds amazing, also Vampgaia, he told a friend of mine that he prefered to be called Jon when she went and saw his play No Exit in San Francisco, so I always call him Jon *shrugs*
                            On the edge of breaking down
                            Banner made by me


                              Wow, I wish I could see Stockholm, now more than ever... Seems like I am going to be single again, after 8 or so year. It's been a really crappy day. Sorry if I vent but I am just so tired for being quiet and careful, so that I won't make my bf cranky. And my thesis meeting was terrible and I just heard I have to translate everything to English. All my lab stuff sucks. I was given a 1 liter vessel that is waaaaay too small, I can't find functioning parts for for anything I need, and the faucet I have to use for cooling the vessel doesn't have any temperature control. Just because this isn't enough, the room is going to meet some renovation because some idiot who should never have moved further from lego engineering botched the floor and during renovations I can't get any lab work done.

                              Yeah, if I had a place to go, other than my apartment, I'd go there, crawl under the bed, cry for a while and the I'd get too drunk to properly see. Now I'll just have to go home to have a shouting match or two followed by silence treatment. I hoped we'd do something nice (it is my bf's birthday) but no hope of that)

                              huh, that felt good. Sorry if it was an overshare


                                Yea I wish I could see it to. Btw sorry about your lab FO
                                On the edge of breaking down
                                Banner made by me

