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Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Love it, Misa!!!

    Signature by Glitch33.
    Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


      GOD! I haven't been on here in ages! I'll try and catch up!

      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
      I really wanted to watch that and I forgot it was on *head-desk*. Any documentaries about killers etc. always fascinate me - the psychology and so on and all the theories they have about their motives etc.
      Was it good?

      I haven't watched it either. I'm trying not to spoiler myself too much or I'll have nothing new to see when my S3 arrives

      I'm praying for that too! So we can all vicariously enjoy him
      *oops gutter thoughts*

      I don't remember hearing that what does he do with his hands?

      And, on a side note, I'd like to introduce to you all Tesla the hamster
      I only watched the last 45 mins, only saw it cause it was on before Big Brother... The green screen effects were so cheesy, but other than that, the thing was very interesting! The second part is on Monday, channel 5

      I don't wanna spoil myself either, only got to wait another 2ish days!!

      Don't worry y'all, I'll try and record as MUCH as I can!!! *squees with excitement!*

      AWWWWWWWWW! Tesla de Hamster iz soo cutee!!
      Sort of like when someone grabs the suit and pulls it outwards, escept withoout actually doing it, y'know? I think so anyway, haven't watched the vids in a while, so might be slightly different, but still super adorable!!

      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
      I'm still holding out some teeny hope about the con. But the biggest concern for me would be fitting it around my school/work schedule

      Anyway, he'd better do something next summer. Because I really have to see him in person. I actually owe a lot to him in terms of my career path <3
      Screw School/work! It's J-YO!!! Lol, so what career path did you take?

      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
      Ya know, I've always wondered....What kind of music would Nikola listen to? The music of the Victorian era or something more modern? I have no idea where that came from...............
      I'm thinking classical and relaxing music to sit and read to, with a glass of wine or something Can just see it in my head!

      Originally posted by yamiinsane View Post
      I love it when he has his hands on his hips!!!!
      Me too!!!

      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
      Again...wrong thread thought...b/c Helen is standing right next to Niko again. She seems to prefer that
      But I have for awhile envisioned this scene of him in his lab with the curtains drawn back during a thunderstorm so he can watch (RL one would do that) and putting on a record of some epic classical piece (maybe even opera), then sitting/standing there with a glass of wine while he "conducts" the music to the storm. IT WOULD BE AWESOME.
      That would be EPIC! *wide eyes* And the shippy thing, totally agree!

      Originally posted by Mackandal View Post
      Well, definitely not French-Canadian rock n roll.
      HAHAHAHAHA!! Good one!

      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
      DO NOT COMPARE HIM TO SNAPE. I mean, his hair is similar lol...but when you look at it, Snape is WAY WAY more selfless.

      Sorry, after Deathly Hallows I'm touchy about Snape...*goes off to cry*

      I know how you feel, all this time thinking he was a baddie, then the flashback of his memories, SO SAD!! *joins you in crying*

      Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
      I'm intrigued by whats on Helen's desk! *peers*

      Ah! ReflectionNiko!!

      Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
      I found this song on grooveshark when I was looking up another song by a group called Tesla and it seems the the group did a song about Nikola Tesla called Edison's Medicine. I don't remember how I came across the music group. It could have been a Google search I did where I found that Tesla website that had the pictures of the real Tesla on money but anyway here are the links to the lyrics and the song.
      I've heard this before from somewhere on Gw! I love the bit that says -

      All that he saw, all he conceived,
      They just could not believe.
      Steinmetz and Twain were friends that remained,
      Along with number three.
      He was electromagnetic, completely kinetic,
      "New Wizard of the West."
      But they swindled and whined that he wasn't our kind,
      And said Edison knew best.

      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
      I love the Tesla pics! oh and I just found a app on my phone called Tesla Wars I have it downloaded
      OMG!! What is it! What do you do with it!! I want it!!

      Originally posted by es! View Post
      Teehee I've just found a Tesla LOLcat!
      HAHA!! Love it!

      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
      Thanks! I shall go look!!
      And re: Tesla the hammy, bought him a massive wheel that lights up when he runs on it He's rather spoilt

      Sometimes she's framed between Niko / John too... which has GOT to be intentional IMO.

      lol good advice! He definitely suits the name. He's SUPER fast as well!
      And energetic - but then, most young hamsters are He ran on his new wheel last night for like, five hours straight near enough
      Aww, he must like the lights! Being Tesla and all! LOLS My hamster used to get on my nerves on his wheel, but it was VERY a very squeaky wheel! He'd be on it all night near enough! D: lol
      Oh! Wrong thread but, you HAVE to stick a picture of Helen Magnus up in his cage!!

      Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
      I have to go so I can go home, east unch then I'll be to the library and I'll be back on ok?
      You're so dedicated to this thread! *ruffles and ruggles*

      Originally posted by Glitch33 View Post
      *purrs and ruggles back* I have my sources
      Hey, no fair! *pouts*

      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
      OMG LOL this is so random but...

      There's a twitter account for a pigeon.
      HAH! I'm following it now!

      Originally posted by Elorendil View Post
      Twitter is blocked here at work, but I will check it tomorrow.
      What! Well, at least GW isn't!
      Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
      'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
      : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
      I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


        All social media is blocked (Facebook, myspace [not that anyone uses it anymore...], twitter, etc). They don't want us dorking around on them while we are on phone calls! But other stuff is okay, lol. Makes me very happy.

        Signature by Glitch33.
        Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


          Lol, I know, no one uses MySpace!! But it's still good for you!
          That's like at school, they've blocked basically EVERYTHING! Facebook, Twitter, GAMES!!! Even if we were allowed to play them, we can't because they're blocked!! Grr!
          *ruffles for more pics* I'll be on for another couple of hours
          Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
          'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
          : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
          I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


            *purrs to the ruffles* Yeah, games and forums, etc are okay, just not social media...

            Signature by Glitch33.
            Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


              *ruffles* Love that pic!
              Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
              'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
              : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
              I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


                One of the many that I snurched from Glitch. *purrs*

                Signature by Glitch33.
                Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                  Heehee, Would love to see Nikola Ice Skating! *ruggles*
                  Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
                  'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
                  : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
                  I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


                    Wow, it's pretty bad when an innocent comment about Nikola skating sends you to the gutter...

                    Signature by Glitch33.
                    Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                      Haha! I know what you mean!!
                      Sig by Yamiinsane, Thanks!
                      'It's Nuttier than Squirrel poo' - Amanda Tapping
                      : Thats it! Sphere, planet, label, name! : Following, still, you, not!
                      I'm not crazy...I just have another consciousness in my brain! So he just looks crazy then?


                        I don't know why, but I'm in a really random/hyper mood tonight. I just walked by another guy's desk and he is sitting there eating cinnamon gummy bears. Even though I hate them, I had the urge to grab one and viciously tear its' head off with my teeth.

                        Signature by Glitch33.
                        Official assistant thread elf of the Nikola Tesla/Jonathon Young appreciation thread and member of the Teslen thread.


                          *purrs to all the ruffling* Elor that's my girl *purrs and ruggles back* You know I didn't mind the sitting in my lap part

                          On the edge of breaking down
                          Banner made by me


                            *massive ruffles to both Elor and Glitch*

                            Elor: Can you send some of your hyperness over here??? I'm basically about to keel over....

                            Hey Glitch
                            Icon and Sig by me.


                              Hey Yamii *purr purr purr*

                              On the edge of breaking down
                              Banner made by me


                                Love it!

                                *massive ruffles*
                                Icon and Sig by me.

