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Helen Magnus/John Druitt Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Helen and John's darkside I love there darkside!
    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


      Wanna start speculating?

      Normandy and whatnot!
      So, after watching the previews a few (thousand) times, I think it's time to lay out some of our thoughts on the episode.
      We all know John is with the Nazis. Either undercover or by choice, honnestly, at this point, the two are possible and make sense in my mind.
      You know that scene where Helen is being brought in by force into some Nazi building? I'm thinking either:
      1) She is brought before a commander that turns out to be John. They try to at around the other nazis, but are so surprised to see one another there.
      2) Same thing happens, but it was planned and they discuss whatever infiltration they're working on.
      3) She is brought before some nazi commander that is not John, but then, he is around and learns of her being taken prisonner (and sentenced to death just to add a little drama! xD) and rescues her. Ensues a shippy exchange over "I don't need your help." because she still doesn't completly trust him - but that's okay, it's their way. ;P

      Anything you guys would like to add? Maybe about some other part of the ep?
      Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
      My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
      Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


        Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
        Wanna start speculating?

        Normandy and whatnot!
        So, after watching the previews a few (thousand) times, I think it's time to lay out some of our thoughts on the episode.
        We all know John is with the Nazis. Either undercover or by choice, honnestly, at this point, the two are possible and make sense in my mind.
        You know that scene where Helen is being brought in by force into some Nazi building? I'm thinking either:
        1) She is brought before a commander that turns out to be John. They try to at around the other nazis, but are so surprised to see one another there.
        2) Same thing happens, but it was planned and they discuss whatever infiltration they're working on.
        3) She is brought before some nazi commander that is not John, but then, he is around and learns of her being taken prisonner (and sentenced to death just to add a little drama! xD) and rescues her. Ensues a shippy exchange over "I don't need your help." because she still doesn't completly trust him - but that's okay, it's their way. ;P

        Anything you guys would like to add? Maybe about some other part of the ep?
        I like all of that! But i could see John giving her some hint that he's there to help. Of course in order to do that he has to make it look convincing and..... well you know....


          Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
          Wanna start speculating?

          Normandy and whatnot!
          So, after watching the previews a few (thousand) times, I think it's time to lay out some of our thoughts on the episode.
          We all know John is with the Nazis. Either undercover or by choice, honnestly, at this point, the two are possible and make sense in my mind.
          You know that scene where Helen is being brought in by force into some Nazi building? I'm thinking either:
          1) She is brought before a commander that turns out to be John. They try to at around the other nazis, but are so surprised to see one another there.
          2) Same thing happens, but it was planned and they discuss whatever infiltration they're working on.
          3) She is brought before some nazi commander that is not John, but then, he is around and learns of her being taken prisonner (and sentenced to death just to add a little drama! xD) and rescues her. Ensues a shippy exchange over "I don't need your help." because she still doesn't completly trust him - but that's okay, it's their way. ;P

          Anything you guys would like to add? Maybe about some other part of the ep?
          I agree with that,I can see the allies asking John to go deep undercover gather information but i'm guessing he either does or doesnt know Helen,James and Nigel have also been brought in undercover helping evactuate abnormals being hunted by the Nazis and in that from what we have seen both Helen and James being caught by the SS .
          Hitler and his high ranking officers also being abnormals they are not only killing people but any abnormals that would be threat to them and i'm guessing he'd know about the five and Helen would be a prize catch for him and his men becase she would know how to stop them so would John,James,Nigel and Tesla .
          Over all John is undercover maybe with or without there knowlege he has been able to gain there trust to a certain extent which has given him a high ranking postion upon hearing of Helen and James capture he comes to there aid killing the officers about to harm them saving Helen first before they can lay a hand on her .

          I hope i make sense
          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            Going by what Sis and LGJ said..... at the time of WWII John still had his debt to pay to the British Empire..... they essentially owned him and that pardoned he received for the Ripper murders. The Allies would have done anything to win and what better way than to send their own wolf into a wolves den. John isn't a complete b@$tard as to side with the Nazi's. I think that Helen doesn't know that John is undercover, if that is what he is, when She and Nigel and James go to Normandy. john stays away for everyone's safety.... including Helen's. ti's gotta be a subconscious thing for him at the time. And basically he doesn't play well with others for along period of time.


              Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
              Going by what Sis and LGJ said..... at the time of WWII John still had his debt to pay to the British Empire..... they essentially owned him and that pardoned he received for the Ripper murders. The Allies would have done anything to win and what better way than to send their own wolf into a wolves den. John isn't a complete b@$tard as to side with the Nazi's. I think that Helen doesn't know that John is undercover, if that is what he is, when She and Nigel and James go to Normandy. john stays away for everyone's safety.... including Helen's. ti's gotta be a subconscious thing for him at the time. And basically he doesn't play well with others for along period of time.
              I agree
              The Allies would find it better plus John himself would probably feel a lot safer unleashing his darkside on the Nazi's than on his freinds and the allies plus like you said sis the Allies unleash there own wolf upon the Nazi's. I wounder how deep John is within the Nazi regiem and who Helen is brought before when she and James are captured ?
              (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                Going by what Sis and LGJ said..... at the time of WWII John still had his debt to pay to the British Empire..... they essentially owned him and that pardoned he received for the Ripper murders. The Allies would have done anything to win and what better way than to send their own wolf into a wolves den. John isn't a complete b@$tard as to side with the Nazi's. I think that Helen doesn't know that John is undercover, if that is what he is, when She and Nigel and James go to Normandy. john stays away for everyone's safety.... including Helen's. ti's gotta be a subconscious thing for him at the time. And basically he doesn't play well with others for along period of time.
                Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                I agree
                The Allies would find it better plus John himself would probably feel a lot safer unleashing his darkside on the Nazi's than on his freinds and the allies plus like you said sis the Allies unleash there own wolf upon the Nazi's. I wounder how deep John is within the Nazi regiem and who Helen is brought before when she and James are captured ?
                I have this sick feeling that James will end up being interrogated by John just to maintain John's cover..... Helen hears about it and will probably hate him all the more until she understands.


                  Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                  I have this sick feeling that James will end up being interrogated by John just to maintain John's cover..... Helen hears about it and will probably hate him all the more until she understands.
                  I can see that ,i can see with John being a high ranking SS he probably has shown the Nazi's in order to gain there trust he has ways of getting information out of there victums .
                  We saw in the trailer a lower ranking Nazi interogating him so maybe when James or Helen doesnt break John is called in to get the information out of them but upon seeing who he has been called in to get the info out of they come up with a plan in away to trick the Nazi's and in doing that John can help them escape which explains in one of the promo pic's why James is waring a Nazi unform.
                  I have this feeling the Hitler and his drones are vamps that have taken there opertuity to take power in europe in a time when people all over were suffering and in taking power Hitler could sway the poeple to follow him promoising them everything but the true intent of gaining world domination for himself.
                  Just my thoughts.
                  (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                    I agree with the idea on principal, but not the vampire part. Before Awakening happened we were told that the vampires had been wiped out centuries ago. They must be some sort of abnormal though, its the only thing that makes sense in the Sanctuary universe.


                      Jsut 20 hours till most... some.... well.... a few of our questions are answered! lol!


                        Originally posted by AresLover452 View Post
                        Jsut 20 hours till most... some.... well.... a few of our questions are answered! lol!
                        Yay!! i so cant wait!!I wanna see it KNOW!
                        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                          I can see that ,i can see with John being a high ranking SS he probably has shown the Nazi's in order to gain there trust he has ways of getting information out of there victums .
                          We saw in the trailer a lower ranking Nazi interogating him so maybe when James or Helen doesnt break John is called in to get the information out of them but upon seeing who he has been called in to get the info out of they come up with a plan in away to trick the Nazi's and in doing that John can help them escape which explains in one of the promo pic's why James is waring a Nazi unform.
                          I have this feeling the Hitler and his drones are vamps that have taken there opertuity to take power in europe in a time when people all over were suffering and in taking power Hitler could sway the poeple to follow him promoising them everything but the true intent of gaining world domination for himself.
                          Just my thoughts.
                          I think
                          James is wearing the uniform before he gets captured. Magnus doesnt have the wound on her face and If I'm not mistaken in that scene they are welcoming Griffin to France. Griffin saves Magnus and the French women when James gets captured.
                          Maybe James was pretending to be a Nazi to geather intel or rescue whatever abnormal they capture.
                          And I'm thinking Druitt just uses the Nazi uniform to get in to rescue James or Helen or both. Like Indiana Jones. Although finding a dude as big as him wouldnt be easy lol

                          But we will know soon


                            Originally posted by kes View Post
                            I think
                            James is wearing the uniform before he gets captured. Magnus doesnt have the wound on her face and If I'm not mistaken in that scene they are welcoming Griffin to France. Griffin saves Magnus and the French women when James gets captured.
                            Maybe James was pretending to be a Nazi to geather intel or rescue whatever abnormal they capture.
                            And I'm thinking Druitt just uses the Nazi uniform to get in to rescue James or Helen or both. Like Indiana Jones. Although finding a dude as big as him wouldnt be easy lol

                            But we will know soon
                            That would make sense!
                            But what about Nikola? Where does he fit in all of this?

                            And yes, we will soon know! 13 and a half hours to go!
                            Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                            My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                            Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                              Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                              That would make sense!
                              But what about Nikola? Where does he fit in all of this?

                              And yes, we will soon know! 13 and a half hours to go!
                              He's with the big boys lol Working on tech.

                              I'll only see it tomorrow For me probably 28h or more. This sucks.


                                Originally posted by kes View Post
                                He's with the big boys lol Working on tech.

                                I'll only see it tomorrow For me probably 28h or more. This sucks.
                                Ahhhh! *huggles Kes* But when you see it, you'll enjoy it even more! And then, I think we will be in discussion mode for a while, so you're welcome to drop in whenever you're done watching it! (Or rewatching it, as many of us will probably do!)

                                Oh man, is it possible I'm already thinking about rewatching when we haven't even seen the episode? *sigh*
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                                My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

