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Helen Magnus/John Druitt Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Two weeks!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!


      It was a good ep.

      TWO WEEKS.




          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
          Wow! i dissapear for a few days(house sitting) and everything changes lol!
          Irritating isn't it? Lol!

          Originally posted by Emengee View Post
          Two weeks!!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!
          Originally posted by Emengee View Post
          It's too much time!! Need the Magnett fix like right now!!


            I'm working on my first ever totally PWP Helen and John fic. My cheeks are soooooooo red! But I will post it as soon as it's finished.


              Ok guys, this is my first time EVER writing something like this. Please tell me what you think!

              Rated M!

              Of Darkness and Dreams


                Originally posted by Emengee View Post
                I'm working on my first ever totally PWP Helen and John fic. My cheeks are soooooooo red! But I will post it as soon as it's finished.
                I bet it turned out great!


                  I hope so!


                    I'm sure it did! Your writing is phenomenal!


                      Thanks Please let me know what you think!


                        I will!! Currently wrestling with my muse to try and write again. He was being a jerk and left me for a while, but I managed to pull this together....

                        HAVING ONLY YOU:

                        The normalcy of life was finally restored. Helen was sitting at her desk not working, but staring out the window. No matter how calm things seemed she was just waiting for yet another crisis to erupt and shake the foundations of her life once again. In truth, she was waiting for it. She wanted it. Sitting still just wasn’t her cup of tea. Everything was in order in her house leaving Magnus with nothing to do except to sit. As if on cue John teleported into her office, breezing into her life like he always did, and that brought a light smile to her face. “Hello John.”

                        “Helen,” John drew out her name. He had just come back from Mongolia ; the site of the keystone chamber. It wasn’t anything important but he had needed to be there to feel the sense of self he had been when they had been there. Helen had made him feel so calm after their tumble and utter disappointment. Then they had sat together watching the sunset just like it had been old times. John never thought he would hear what Helen had asked ever again. She had asked him to take her to London . That one question thrilled him more than anything.

                        She turned to him trying not to see the sly smile gracing his lips. Helen had to resist the urge to lick her own lips to quell the need to kiss him. Lately John had been creeping into her thoughts and not in a bad way. When she least expected it her mind would conjure his face as he had been at school or how he had been in Mongolia or the look he had had in her office when she told Tesla that he had to stay. “Are you alright?”

                        “I feel better than ever.” John answered walking around her desk to stand in front of Helen. Lately he had been feeling the lingering effects of all the drugs he took in Cambodia . Those drugs had allowed him a false peace. Helen offered salvation just by being near. Holding out his hand to her John asked, “Would you come with me?”

                        Helen felt like she had the first time John asked her to dinner. On that night John had held out his hand to her asking to take her to dinner. Helen had smiled so much that night just as she couldn’t help smile now. Her heart was beating wildly in her chest. Her mind was going blank. All there was to her was John. Reaching out she took his hand feeling a jolt course through her skin. The only sign she could find that John felt it was in the way he closed his eyes. “Where are you taking me?” she asked a whisper.

                        John closed his fingers over Helen’s hand feeling the shock of electricity speed through his nerves and register in his mind. She always had the ability to shock his senses. But it was this innocent touch that had his brain reeling. Her hand was so warm in his, so alive. He hated to think that just a few days ago she died. John summoned his power taking them far from her world, her sanctuary, and back to Northern Mongolia where if for a moment they could be two people still in love.

                        Helen didn’t know when she closed her eyes, but when she opened them she was standing in Northern Mongolia . If she turned Helen knew that there would be the same rock upon which she and John sat, where she looked into his eyes and saw the man she had loved so long ago and still loved so much. Why had he brought them here? Did she really want to know? Letting out a slow breath Helen decided to just go with it. This was John after all. He wouldn’t hurt her; that much she knew. That much she hoped for.

                        John took his hand out of Helen’s choosing instead to slip both of his arms around her waist bringing her in close to his body. He just needed to hold her, to feel her close, and to know that she wasn’t a mirage. For so long he had been in the dark, been so lost that nothing made sense. That was until Helen had pulled him into the light for a time. She had loved him, had trusted him. Then the darkness came again ripping away the only woman he loved. Now he had a chance to make things right. “I just want to hold you like this for a few minutes,” John sighed feeling his soul stabilize.


                          That was fantastic Ares. I love it.

                          I'm two days late but....

                          Here is my April Magnett Calander!

                          I know that the actual quote from Helen is "I'm sorry John, but I need answers." I changed it to be a bit more shippy.

                          Download link: Here

                          If anyone needs a different size please let me know!


                            Thanks Em.... lol!! It;s not done yet! I finally got into the good stuff for some mushy Magnetty romance. I'm in a sore need for it! lol!


                              Em reviewed awesome job!

                              Ares you already know i love it!


                                Thank you!

