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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    If you really expect privacy, then there is such a thing as E Mail. No one would call me a shiny happy person, and I have no problem posting on this forum. There is such a thing as common sense, remmeber that, if you post something that anyone can read, it's going to get out.

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      If you really expect privacy, then there is such a thing as E Mail. No one would call me a shiny happy person, and I have no problem posting on this forum. There is such a thing as common sense, remmeber that, if you post something that anyone can read, it's going to get out.
      Common Senes also dictates that if you don't have someone's permission to post information they've shared in ONE area, you should at least get their permission first before sharing it elsewhere.

      If anyone else wants to discuss this with me, my pm is open. I'm done here.
      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        Birth announcements are in news paper for pete's sake!

        Good grief, it gets tiresome to have some members of the fandom treated like second class citizens because some feel the need to lord their special access or special knowledge over others.

        Maybe those that feel more special than the rest of us will make a list of rules and stuff you decide that the rest of us should be allowed to know, so your precious egos can remain in tact and the rest of us 'lower class citizens' remain in our place.

        I feel like i'm frakking back in high school and the cheer leaders are making sure us 'rabble' remain in in the corner, out of the way cause, you know, all eyes should be on the cheerleaders, they're the important ones after all.

        What the heck is the fun of having a community devoted to a show when its main purpose seems to be for the few with their connections to spend their days whispering secrets in public, to encourage people to ask, then to tell them 'oh, no can't tell you that.....'

        This is a fandom, not a popularity contest.
        OK, this is the *exact* reason why I did not want to bring any names in it. I kept my posts general and vague. I cannot believe I am being accused of the very thing I abhor and was trying to avoid!!!

        I have a friend. I do not have special access or privileges or anything that I hold over people. I am very aware *not* to do this and try to word my posts accordingly.

        It doesn't even matter if she was a friend or not, it would still bother me that people felt free to post that kind of stuff on a *fan forum* without getting permission first (or at the very least, waiting for the official announcement from the family)

        Yes, birth announcements are in the paper, but they are placed there by the *family*, not by random fans. Many families also want to have some private time first.

        Your passive aggressive post was cute, I let it slide. But I have now been slapped in the face and insulted by a mod here. I am done.
        Last edited by antoa; 10 November 2010, 09:27 AM.


          I think the forum needs to switch to decaf.

          Why does there seem to be so much sniping going on lately? All the same people are here that have been for years, and got along fine. But now, every comment seems to draw the wrath of someone.

          What up peeps? Where's the love?
          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
          William Shakespeare

          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.



            I apologize to you. Sincerely.

            Separately, I do have to say that we have a few on this forum that seem to spend more time trying to rule what others say. And it started a few years ago, once it was found out that AT occasionally read the forum, all of a sudden the 'omg, you can't say that, Amanda might read it, delete it' attitude started. Where discussion can't happen, because we must only praise, just in case she sees it.

            People are literally afraid to post and discuss lest they be chastised by another forum member for doing what that forum member feels is speaking out of turn or speaking 'wrongly'.

            I know that this fandom is unique in that it started with fans. It started with those of us purchasing copies of the show. It started with us spreading the word and bringing notice to the show. For many, we have been involved in even tiny ways in the show. That said, there is often such an air of 'I the fan owns this and you will use it how I deem you should' that it's off putting.

            It is like there is a handful of fans determining what others are worthy enough to take part. Worthy enough to be allowed to participate...and if they are deemed not worthy, well we'll either correct them or we'll just ignore them until they go away.

            It is like it is no longer a group of individuals gathering around their like of a show and person, rather an endless competition where fans vie for notice and attention. Where supreme importance is placed upon ownership of something, rather than sharing that something.

            It is just depressing to see.

            I regret all the members we've lost, because a lot of the life and uniqueness and vitality has gone with them.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Oh watch this! No spoilers: Sanctuary Roundtable Discussion - Part 1


                Sorry for the double post but I felt this was post worthy instead of EDIT.

                Please calm down. No need to argue.
                But I will say this. If you want privacy stay off the internet. Nothing to do with respect or not. Probably less ppl read it here then on twitter. Hell you can read it without having twitter.
                And I dont think everyone that read here went on twitter to say congrats, even if they did what's wrong with that?
                Ppl care about her and are happy for her.


                  wheeeee spoilers
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    I laughed so hard. The'y are insane! How do they work?


                      Originally posted by kes View Post
                      I laughed so hard. The'y are insane! How do they work?
                      I think it's because they're like that that they are able to work so hard together


                        Originally posted by kes View Post
                        I laughed so hard. The'y are insane! How do they work?
                        I'm surprised they actually get the show done in time.


                          My smiley faces on this forum always end up wrong lol


                            I give do you post a smiley? lol


                              Originally posted by kes View Post
                              I laughed so hard. The'y are insane! How do they work?
                              Oh my God! Damian! the shaking camera. I died! hahahaha! they Are insane mon! Thanks for the heads up Kes! I really needed to laugh after the crazy morning I've had.

                              Sam Carter Tribute


                                Originally posted by kes View Post
                                I give do you post a smiley? lol
                                Are you trying to write with just capital letters? Cause if you are the system automatically turns them to small letters (it's to prevent shouting posts, but has a little side effect with some of the smileys). You can make a post of just but not

