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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
    I also think she's so different that she's likely to reject social mores such as sexual conventions because she didn't fit society's idea of what a woman should be, at least not for the first hundred years of her life.
    The idea of her being a doctor in itself was bucking the system. Though she did want to marry Druitt, I can see her as being in line with those of the day who argued that marriage was often an unequal financial/legal relationship. She'd want equality and choosing a husband for love, not necessity. I bet even if she had married Druitt she'd have kept her maiden name.


      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      Sharing the same brain again I see. I am also very protective of the characters because I love them and the show. I find I'm even more protective having met the actors. They are all so nice I want to see them have a long and productive run with the show.

      It's funny, I don't watch a lot of TV. I have never been "involved" in a show from its beginning (even before it made it to the web in this case). As much as I loved SG1 I only discovered it in season 4. Heck, I even stress over the weekly ratings! You're right, I'm sure DK, AT and MW are thrilled by that kind of response from viewers but I'm finding it tough currently going through Sanctuary withdrawal!
      Here's question, I feel very protective of Sanctuary as whole, characters, cast, crew and TPTB. Now I have been a fan since before we saw the Webisodes and I remember getting emails from Damian (I still have them ) just as the first version of the SFA website went live and him thanking us for our support, through all the ups and downs that followed, even when things went quiet while they sorted out TV deals I was still right with them lending my quiet (or not so quite) support to the Sanctuary team. I would watch for rating with bated breath, I have never cared about ratings before.

      So, why do we all feel such an affinity with this show and its creators??

      My answer: well apart from great story telling, characters and a really cool way of shooting. TPTB have always made me as a fan feel very involved in this ground breaking project. Given us the credit of being intelligent people, and shown us their world and what it takes to be pioneers in their respective fields. The whole team show great respect to everyone including us the fans.

      This is why I feel so protective, I really want the Sanctuary team to succeed! (I know we all do but you know what I mean right?)

      Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


        First a quick comment on the whole Helen's love life discussion. I find it ironic that AT and others have described Helen as unapologetic for being sexy (or whatever the exact words were) and yet she's had less romantic involvement on screen than Sam ever had!

        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        Here's question, I feel very protective of Sanctuary as whole, characters, cast, crew and TPTB. Now I have been a fan since before we saw the Webisodes and I remember getting emails from Damian (I still have them ) just as the first version of the SFA website went live and him thanking us for our support, through all the ups and downs that followed, even when things went quiet while they sorted out TV deals I was still right with them lending my quiet (or not so quite) support to the Sanctuary team. I would watch for rating with bated breath, I have never cared about ratings before.

        So, why do we all feel such an affinity with this show and its creators??

        My answer: well apart from great story telling, characters and a really cool way of shooting. TPTB have always made me as a fan feel very involved in this ground breaking project. Given us the credit of being intelligent people, and shown us their world and what it takes to be pioneers in their respective fields. The whole team show great respect to everyone including us the fans.

        This is why I feel so protective, I really want the Sanctuary team to succeed! (I know we all do but you know what I mean right?)

        Excellent question Julia! (and how you have e-mails from DK).

        Part of my passion and protectivenes for all involved comes from visiting the set and meeting the cast and crew but that doesn't really explain it because that came long after my following the development, watching the webisodes (even if I am a Luddite), hoping the TV thing worked out and agonising over the ratings.

        I guess it is a combination of things. Partly my admiration for AT, MW and DK and wanting them to succeed with a project so dear to them all. Part of it is my affinity for the underdog. It's the little show that could. It has succeeded despite no backing from a studio, for example. Part of it is Canadian pride. You have to understand that having a truly Canadian TV or film industry is very hard when you live next to the country with the biggest entertainment industry in the world. Having an all Canadian production succeed not only here but in so many countries around the world is pride inducing. A big part of it is, like with Stargate, seeing a strong, intelligent female character on television. That hooks me in and then I come to love the other characters. Part of it is that DK seems to have a similar humour to my own so the show makes me laugh.

        Your point about the fan is also part of it. It is nice to think that we are appreciated and the folks at Sanctuary certainly do appreciate the fans. It is much more than lip service, they do genuinely care and appreciate the fan base.

        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


          Originally posted by Celandine View Post

          Who said Helen's lover had to be male anyways?
          don't go there!




            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            Well you have described one Victorian mindset but there were others

            Personally I don't think you are describing someone who is, how did Amanda describe Helen? Sexually unapologetic? We don't know a lot about how Helen was raised but what we do know of her is that she bucked the system - a lot! So I can't say that I agree with your reasoning here.

            There is a lot about Helen that is still a mystery and quite frankly there isn't that much to go on to say one way or the other how Helen would act. We know that she has had lovers previously and given how Amanda describes her plus her longevity I wouldn't be imposing any restrictive morals or morals of any particular age upon her.
            with the highlighted and the last paragraph, i agree.



              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              First a quick comment on the whole Helen's love life discussion. I find it ironic that AT and others have described Helen as unapologetic for being sexy (or whatever the exact words were) and yet she's had less romantic involvement on screen than Sam ever had!
              we've only had one season! give it time (to see helen 'go for it' )



                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                we've only had one season! give it time (to see helen 'go for it' )
                Never let it be said that I don't do what I'm told. Heehee. "It".

                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                K-9, CLASS and much more...


                  "She’s 157 years old, and she’s very eccentric and very sexy and very unapologetic. "

                  "So Magnus was the perfect over-the-top, sexy, unapologetic, proud and loud woman that I never got to play in Sam Carter.”

                  "She is sexy, savvy and unapologetic."

                  Going by these quotes from Amanda, unapologetic is used as a broader character trait, not necessarily something attached to sexuality.

                  In my opinion, defining Magnus as 'sexy' ≠ saying she would treat sex as a casual or largely physical matter.


                    Merriam-Webster's definition of sexy:
                    * Main Entry: sexy
                    * Pronunciation: \?sek-s?\
                    * Function: adjective
                    * Inflected Form(s): sex·i·er; sex·i·est
                    * Date: 1925

                    1 : sexually suggestive or stimulating : erotic
                    2 : generally attractive or interesting : appealing <a sexy stock>
                    For those who don't like MW, here's the Oxford Dictionary online's definition:
                    Jacket image of the Compact Oxford English Dictionary


                    • adjective (sexier, sexiest) 1 sexually attractive or exciting.
                    2 sexually aroused.
                    3 informal very exciting or appealing.
                    So there you go. Imho, either of those definitions works for Magnus.

                    Just cause she's 157 years-old doesn't mean she's dead. I bet she gets her groove on whenever the mood strikes her and she has someone in mind to groove with.
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                      "She’s 157 years old, and she’s very eccentric and very sexy and very unapologetic. "

                      "So Magnus was the perfect over-the-top, sexy, unapologetic, proud and loud woman that I never got to play in Sam Carter.”

                      "She is sexy, savvy and unapologetic."

                      Going by these quotes from Amanda, unapologetic is used as a broader character trait, not necessarily something attached to sexuality.

                      In my opinion, defining Magnus as 'sexy' ? saying she would treat sex as a casual or largely physical matter.
                      i remember at the beginning, amanda used the unapologetic in reference to sexual too. maybe they changed their minds along the way? too bad, because i'd LOVE to see sam have a lover! of course, *i'd* have to choose the actor, or i'd whine and complain about the pairing the entire time.



                        unapologetic means 'i do what i think is right'
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Lucy Lawless. I know people would scream stunt casting, but wow.
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                            First a quick comment on the whole Helen's love life discussion. I find it ironic that AT and others have described Helen as unapologetic for being sexy (or whatever the exact words were) and yet she's had less romantic involvement on screen than Sam ever had!
                            And I kinda think AT wants to keep it that way for the time being, based on her reaction to the ship question at Comic-con.

                            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                            Lucy Lawless. I know people would scream stunt casting, but wow.
                            Hey, it worked for BSG.



                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              Lucy Lawless. I know people would scream stunt casting, but wow.
                              That would be cool but doesn't Lucy have a new series now? I know I read about it the other day *racks brain* Oh well it will come to me sooner or later


                                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                                Here's question, I feel very protective of Sanctuary as whole, characters, cast, crew and TPTB. Now I have been a fan since before we saw the Webisodes and I remember getting emails from Damian (I still have them ) just as the first version of the SFA website went live and him thanking us for our support, through all the ups and downs that followed, even when things went quiet while they sorted out TV deals I was still right with them lending my quiet (or not so quite) support to the Sanctuary team. I would watch for rating with bated breath, I have never cared about ratings before.

                                So, why do we all feel such an affinity with this show and its creators??

                                My answer: well apart from great story telling, characters and a really cool way of shooting. TPTB have always made me as a fan feel very involved in this ground breaking project. Given us the credit of being intelligent people, and shown us their world and what it takes to be pioneers in their respective fields. The whole team show great respect to everyone including us the fans.

                                This is why I feel so protective, I really want the Sanctuary team to succeed! (I know we all do but you know what I mean right?)

                                Yeah, I've really enjoyed watching the show develop....also think there's an affinity because a) it's a quality show b) they're approaching it with passion c) they're having fun doing it. And they make all three things obvious!

                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Lucy Lawless. I know people would scream stunt casting, but wow.
                                Stunt casting yes...but AWESOME stunt casting!
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

