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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Santuary first came out as a 8 short webisodes series (around 20 minutes each). You could purchase them and I think they might be available for watching at some places now, I don't know for sure. But the webisodes were rewritten/reused in Sanctuary for All and Fata Morgana.


      Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
      OK Chelle, you are going to think me to be so in the dark but I will ask it anyway..... Webisodes? I have heard a few comments in passing but where do you watch them? Are they good?

      Where do you post your videos? I love videos........

      Hi Susan, welcome to the thread!

      Hope chelle doesn't mind my jumping in to answer your question, but the first incarnation of Sanctuary were 8 webisodes made in 2007. In the TV series, webisodes 1-4 were reworked to become the Sanctuary for All two-parter, and webisodes 5-8 were tweaked to become Fata Morgana. Episodes like Kush and Warriors have also used flashback footage from the webisodes.

      The first 4 webisodes can be found on youtube. Here's a link to the first one: I'm not sure how to get 5-8 now, but they used to be available for purchase at the main Sanctuary website.

      As for Sanctuary vidoes, one of my favorites is this one to Missy Higgin's song Nightminds:



        Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
        OK Chelle, you are going to think me to be so in the dark but I will ask it anyway..... Webisodes? I have heard a few comments in passing but where do you watch them? Are they good?
        Where do you post your videos? I love videos........
        As Lies said, Sanctuary was first released on the web...hence the term webisodes...8 short...and I mean short!!...episodes/webisodes of Sanctuary that you may see some clips from in the episodes.
        Some of us here have been watching Sanctuary since it's was first released in 2007.

        My one and only Sanctuary video is on YouTube...its called Hey Helen!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          i think, eventually, the webisodes will be released on the season 1 dvd's, at least that's a rumor i've heard
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            A question for you hardcore Sanctuary fans.

            How long were the websodies?
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              A question for you hardcore Sanctuary fans.

              How long were the websodies?
              Around 15-20 min.


                and ran about 350 megs each
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  A question for you hardcore Sanctuary fans.

                  How long were the websodies?
                  They weren't a set length, the shortest one was 11:36 (mm:ss) and the longest 21:14, average 16:33


                    Not too hot on the time zones so how long until Revelations is on in the US?


                      Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                      Not too hot on the time zones so how long until Revelations is on in the US?
                      Eastern/Central zones start in about 10hrs 40 min (I think)


                        So only 10 hours to wait! I hope you all have some popcorn in and merry viewing to you all, enjoy the episode.


                          Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                          So only 10 hours to wait! I hope you all have some popcorn in and merry viewing to you all, enjoy the episode.
                          *Agrees with Mousie* enjoy it everyone, it ROCKS!!

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Popcorn!!!! Great Idea..... must make plans to watch tonight. heheh

                            Just about 5 hours. Woohoo
                            Sig by Toomi


                              Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                              OK Chelle, you are going to think me to be so in the dark but I will ask it anyway..... Webisodes? I have heard a few comments in passing but where do you watch them? Are they good?

                              Where do you post your videos? I love videos........

                              This is my vid, a remix of the webisode promos.

                              Originally posted by SundaySusans View Post
                              Popcorn!!!! Great Idea..... must make plans to watch tonight. heheh

                              Just about 5 hours. Woohoo
                              3 1/2 hours!
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                MAybe you should hold off on the popcorn though.....and the crisps, have a nice cup of tea and a biscuit don't want anything crunchy getting in the way of your audio and viewing pleasure.

