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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
    Not sure what you're doing, but that's not the dimensions or the size of the file I uploaded. Are you on my link or the previous one? You can click right on youtube to upsize it and as long as you don't go larger than 720 px wide, it shouldn't be distorted.
    For the link, trying to save the video both with my extension and through, I get a file that's 14.7 MB.

    Can anyone else upload the correct file (that I apparently can't access) to a file host?


      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      Ok then, here it is: Link!

      This is so freakin' awesome! I'm loving the tech explanations!

      me@sanctuary, is there any chance that this will be shown in the States?


        Originally posted by parsifal View Post
        For the link, trying to save the video both with my extension and through, I get a file that's 14.7 MB.

        Can anyone else upload the correct file (that I apparently can't access) to a file host?
        Snurching the content off youtube with a third party app will result in a degraded copy. I'll make you an FLV and put it up if that's what you prefer, but are you sure you have an FLV player? Would SWF be better for you? I've got a 40mb relatively high res DIVx encode alternatively.

        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          I have to echo Dancers words, that was awesome.


            Originally posted by minigeek View Post
            Snurching the content off youtube with a third party app will result in a degraded copy. I'll make you an FLV and put it up if that's what you prefer, but are you sure you have an FLV player? Would SWF be better for you? I've got a 40mb relatively high res DIVx encode alternatively.
            Whatever's least degraded would be great. Sounds like that's the AVI. Thanks.


              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
              Snurching the content off youtube with a third party app will result in a degraded copy. I'll make you an FLV and put it up if that's what you prefer, but are you sure you have an FLV player? Would SWF be better for you? I've got a 40mb relatively high res DIVx encode alternatively.

              mmmmm, divx.
              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
              William Shakespeare

              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                You can download the AVI here.

                It was a capture from cable (non HD) television onto my archos PMP - so it's not a perfect digital copy by any means. But it's decent enough to get a good clear view of what the broadcast looked like.


                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                  You can download the AVI here.

                  It was a capture from cable (non HD) television onto my archos PMP - so it's not a perfect digital copy by any means. But it's decent enough to get a good clear view of what the broadcast looked like.

                  THANK YOU FOR THE DL version of rock


                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    You can download the AVI here.

                    It was a capture from cable (non HD) television onto my archos PMP - so it's not a perfect digital copy by any means. But it's decent enough to get a good clear view of what the broadcast looked like.

                    Thanks very much!


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      Here's a transcript for the Slice of SciFi podcast in two parts :

                      MM: And welcome back to more of Slice of SciFi, I'm Michael R Mennenga

                      SB: and I'm Summer Brookes and with us today is John Smith, Executive producer for a hot new internet only series, television series

                      MM: I think we decided it was inferno hot, yes inferno hot.

                      SB: inferno hot. We are talking about Sanctuary which is designed .... basically it was too good for television so the internet was the only place to put it.

                      MM: That's right we wouldn't want that TV thing, we've got internet now.


                      SB: Welcome to the show John.

                      JS: Thanks for having me aboard it's great to talk to you guys. I'm a fan of your franchise it's great. Like I said to you earlier it's nice to be able to get the satellite radio in remote places where I normally am on the weekends so it's great, I'm happy to do this interview with you guys.

                      SB: Yes, I know our fanbase is excited to hear a lot more about sanctuary and how the production is put together because you're the man that Martin said you put everything together you make sure the ship runs on time. So is there any different approach you take towards something like Sanctuary as compared to your work on Stargate?

                      JS: Well there definitely is with Sanctuary because we financed the project here in Vancouver with um you know we put the project together with not a lot of money. We had a concern of course in order to keep the quality up we had to be very careful how we spent the money so we um we all of us Martin, Damian and myself have all worked on the Stargate franchise since the onset and in the off season here Stargate had some additional stage space that we weren't using so we made a deal with the studio to use some of the space, some of the green screen and stuff and it worked out very well. It allowed us to put a first class production together without spending the money it would normally cost to mount the project without that support staff. We basically used all our offices and .... all the Stargate offices and all of the employees that we had on the show except one person were from the crew of Stargate Atlantis or Stargate SG-1 so it was like working with our same family for the rest of the year. The actual shooting went really well just because the crew was so familiar with each other and that always helps.

                      MM: Now we should clarify that this is not a product of the studio. Correct?

                      JS: No it isn't. It is not a project of the studio, this is a separate project but like I say it is shot by people that worked on the studio but this is not a MGM project it's an independent project.

                      MM: Well give us a rundown of this thing, the first episode is coming out in April and we need to get a background on what this thing is gonna be about. Give us some hints, tease us!!

                      JS: It's um the series is basically Damian Kindler wrote the concept of the series about seven years ago I think maybe a little bit longer than that. It basically is a show that trans um it goes back between the future and into the past it's starring Amanda Tapping who is a doctor that is well over 100 years old and her father was a doctor and he specialised in some very weird sciences which involved odd characters basically anyone from mermaids to sasquatches um very weird eccentric beasts and he kept them and studied them for years and his daughter who is played by Amanda Tapping um cannot um she's not sanctioned to get into a medical school so she talks her father into basically letting her apprentice with him and she becomes the basis of the series after her father's passed so she she tranpires into a doctor in modern times who has this Sanctuary full of very odd, some very primitive, but very odd animals, some humanoid some not. It enables us to do some unbelievable um there's no end to the type of design and things you can do with some of these creatures. We're working with some extremely good people that do really good prosthetics and everything so our team is comprised of Emmy winning prosthetics people who put these monsters and different designs of creatures together and make them look like real humanoid people and between our visual effects department we can add arms and legs and make all these unbelievable and interesting creatures.

                      MM: Now you're doing a lot of digital CGI but there is other special effects happening in here too, right?

                      JS: Yeah we do, we have an extremely good special practical special effects Ray Douglas and his team from the Stargate franchises is doing all our practical effects. We're doing flying rigs and lots of cable rigs, lots of stunts. The series is going to have lots of action in it, there'll be lots of cable work and the first two hours that we're going to air has extensive cable work in it and we're using the same stunt co-ordinator that we used on Stargate Atlantis um James Bamford and he's a long time martial arts specialist so he's putting together some really interesting special effects and with some of the rigging and camera gear nowadays and also being able to shoot everything on green screen we can do things that you can't do in practical stage space, We're doing the stunts and um effects we're using on Sanctuary are going to be quite a lot more impressive than you would see in a normal television show.

                      MM: What are the obstacles that you have run into doing this for direct to internet as opposed to TV?

                      JS: Um some of the obstacles I mean we're sort of cutting new grass here. The process we're using is very expensive, you know features have done a lot of virtual set work and it isn't something you normally would do on a whole television series just because of the cost of it. Not only the cost but the time it takes to generate these sets like after we shoot the scenes on green screen then we have to go into the rendering farm and start rendering all the back grounds and these sets and that takes a lot more time than just normally shooting on a normal set and cutting the film together and posting it so there are some obstacles to overcome that way and we shot in our two hour Sanctuary, the first eight webisodes, um we basically shot probably about 90% of that would be virtual and 10% we actually did on some sets and I would think it looks like by the time we go to series we would end up shooting maybe 50% would be done on virtual sets and the other 50% we would actually build some sets and we're talking now about partially building some of the Sanctuary area. The nice thing about doing the sets virtually is that we can make camera moves through the sets, like we can do things that you would never normally be able to do on a regular television show with sets we can make digital moves and things through the sets and that's what is going to nmake Sanctuary stand out and be kinda special from any other show that you're actually going to able to see it. Virtually shooting it allows us to do things that are not possible anywhere else and that's what we're trying to deliver to the audience is something really special and you know entice them to watch our project rather than somebody else's.

                      SB: Is there anything with Sanctuary that you're looking forward to doing different or something enhanced that you didn't think you could do with Stargate?

                      JS: Well the whole thing is .... I mean Stargate is also an exceptionally interesting project because we're always trying new things. Stargate since it's onset has um we've always tried to be a cutting edge of the scifi world I mean the writing has been very smart and it's been a real interesting show to work on but Sanctuary is really going out there into places where regular television hasn't gone. Regular television shows don't shoot virtual sets as often as we are planning on doing on Sanctuary and you know with some of the new technology some of the people we have working on the visual effects department are literally the cutting edge of the world, they are the best at what they do and they're coming up with ideas that have not really been tried before and we experimented with, on our 20 day shoot for the first two hours, we experimented with some gear that hasn't been used before and we were persistent with it we had some problems with it and on a regular television show like I produce with both the Stargate series I told the guys that were supplying this gear that if this was Stargate I probably would have shut you guys down the second day and said you're off the set because some of the new machinery we were using was costing us an our and a half two hour delay

                      MM & SB: Whoa

                      BTW Myrth or Ooooober feel free to snurtch it

                      So!! When is the new trailer due out???
                      Today? Tomorrow (whoops it's already tomorrow, must get some sleep)? or Friday????
                      RoX! Dude! Feel free to post it!

                      Remember a key to the success for is fan-submitted news. So please when you all get stuff...use the Submit News feature on the site.

                      ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                        Originally posted by Myrth View Post
                        Hi There,

                        I hope it's ok with you, but I've linked your clip on the main page of and we'll put Mini's up once it's ready too. If not let me know and I'll take it off.

                        Oh, of course it's fine!

                        And thanks for all the greens guys.


                          I feel for ya... but I administer our Surf Control server to some degree... mwuahahaha... you realise you just need to bribe someone in IT to safelist the site right?

                          Originally posted by MerRu View Post

                          ::makes intense, descriptive, heartfelt gestures in the direction of the Surf Patrol server in the Data Center::

                          Now we aren’t even allowed on YouTube over the lunch hour!!!!!

                          And if I hit Über’s and Myrth’s site, it’ll pick up the link back to YouTube, and that site will be locked out, too.

                          ::more intense, descriptive, heartfelt gestures in the direction of the servers in the Data Center::

                          Mini, the screenshots are intriguing! ::goes up the thread and is intrigued some more:: Literally and figuratively. (Did they come off your Archos? Ve-r-r-ry nice!) Thank you, from a video-less-until-she-gets-home Sanctuary fan!

                          So, some of those would be in the Sanctuary labs / vaults??? Even the architectural details on the vaulting are fantastic.

                          Another 5 hours until I can go home and watch… Grrr.

                          ::still more intense, descriptive, heartfelt gestures in the direction of the servers in the Data Center::


                            Originally posted by Myrth View Post
                            I feel for ya... but I administer our Surf Control server to some degree... mwuahahaha... you realise you just need to bribe someone in IT to safelist the site right?

                            I AM in IT!

                            That's how I know Gateworld will be blacklisted tomorrow, too, because I clicked PG15's link without reading it first. Fool that I am.

                            And it's how I know I have precisely as much hope of getting anything off the blacklist as I do of turning into the extreme clipper Snow Squall where I sit. Sites can be blacklisted by fiat from any one a group of "special administrative experts" (read: owners of the company, etc.) but they can only be removed from the blacklist by the vote of a majority of that group, and the basis of that vote, and the vote itself has to be documented, and the signatures kept on file, and the whole process is subject to outside audit, just like secured access to our financials is. Way, way, way over the top, if anyone asks me, not that anyone ever will.

                            So, I'll just have to read / view / participate in all things Sanctuary only from home from now on.

                            The video, however, is worth waiting for. The world of Sanctuary looks incredible! The rendered surfaces are truly impressive, and the integration of the live actors into the rendered world looks better in terms of the seamlessness of the lighting and color between the elements than the 'cutting edge' effects by prestigious houses that appeared in certain big-budget movies a decade ago did. This technology has really come of age! Wow!

                            To coin a phrase - Is it May yet????
                            Nerd-o-rama: Oh, I almost forgot. Sam also had the power of Xenotechnological Deus Ex Machina for a few seasons (can use any alien technology if it suits the script's purpose.) Then they gave it to Jack for some reason.
                            So that's why we've seen so little of Sam and Jack in these past two seasons. They're spending all their free time as the Xenotechnological Deus Ex Machina League fighting evil in Washington DC.


                              Guys, I hate to burst your collective bubbles, but you're not supposed to talk about downloading on Gateworld at all and that includes YouTube. It's the rules.


                                That only applies to Stargate episodes. I mean, there is actually a YouTube thread over in Off Topics for crying out loud.

