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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by Edb View Post
    Hi All! Okay, RoX and Tagger, you can have the big old bean bag chair and the giant pillow near the Plasma TV, I got that old comfy, overstuffed rocker in the corner near the kitchen doorway. Don't forget to make room for Samcarter Rules near the front of the TV. We might want to stay clear of that wind tunnel near the bathroom unless, of course, we need to use, ahhhhh you get the picture. Now the trampoline in the livingroom has me a bit, ah, concerned. But, hey, it's your place too. Just look out for Sam, the cat.
    And before we forget, only 35 days left to the launch of Sanctuary!!!! You go, girlfriend!!
    Okey Dokey
    *scoots over to make room for Julia*

    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    Aww Edb thank you *settles down near RoX and Tagger*

    G'day! Welcome to the front row

    Originally posted by parsifal View Post
    A "sneak-peek" of Sanctuary is listed on Dragon*Con's schedule.
    Thanks Parsifal.

    I'll keep an eye on the con threads

    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    What aspect of the new season of Sanctuary are you most looking forward to?

    For me I really like character driven stories, learning their back stories. I also like the fact (according to one of Damian's interview ) there will be an overall story arc for the season. So we get bits and pieces in other episodes that lead up to the final.

    I would like to see more mother/daughter moments and Helen/Will moments. and my burning question after watching all the webisodes How did Helen end up with this curse/gift?
    What aspect I'm most looking forward to...

    That's a toughie because I'm looking forward to Sanctuary on so many different levels. I'm really looking forward to how they develop the characters and flesh them out more fully, I'm also really curious about the stories in general that they will tell, I'm also dying to see what they come up with visually for the "look" of Sanctuary in it's new incarnation, I also can't wait for any behind the scenes stories we may get (hanging out for extras on the DVD release ).

    I'm not sure I can make a single choice but I did fall in love with the characters in the webisodes so I guess I'm looking forward to see how they develop the most (but just a smidgeon ahead of the other stuff)


      SciFi Channel just ran a new promo ad for Sanctuary about 10 minutes had some new scenes in it, and seemed longer than the first promo.

      SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
      SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
      Morjana's Blog Twitter


        Sanctuary - Preliminary October Schedule:

        From's schedulebot:

        10/03/2008 9:00P SANCTUARY 2-HOUR PREMIERE
        10/03/2008 11:00P SANCTUARY 2-HOUR PREMIERE

        10/05/2008 11:00P SANCTUARY 2-HOUR PREMIERE

        10/06/2008 3:00P SANCTUARY 2-HOUR PREMIERE

        10/07/2008 7:00P SANCTUARY 2-HOUR PREMIERE

        10/10/2008 03:00A SANCTUARY 2-HOUR PREMIERE

        10/10/2008 10:00P SANCTUARY
        10/10/2008 12:00A SANCTUARY

        10/14/2008 02:00A SANCTUARY

        10/16/2008 08:00A SANCTUARY

        10/17/2008 02:00A SANCTUARY

        10/17/2008 10:00P SANCTUARY

        10/18/2008 12:00A SANCTUARY

        10/24/2008 10:00P SANCTUARY

        10/25/2008 12:00A SANCTUARY

        SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
        SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
        Morjana's Blog Twitter


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
          How did Helen end up with this curse/gift?
          As far as that question goes I'm still going with received from an abnormal somehow - Kirillee put an interesting pitch on the topic in the Story Pitch Arena of the Sanctuary forum and it got picked for the writer's workshop so I'd say that they at least found the idea interesting - whether it's even remotely close to the answer is a whole other story though....


            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            What aspect of the new season of Sanctuary are you most looking forward to?

            For me I really like character driven stories, learning their back stories. I also like the fact (according to one of Damian's interview ) there will be an overall story arc for the season. So we get bits and pieces in other episodes that lead up to the final.

            I would like to see more mother/daughter moments and Helen/Will moments. and my burning question after watching all the webisodes How did Helen end up with this curse/gift?
            I'm pretty much the same as you Ann I love character driven stories with some quieter 'getting to know each other' moments too, plenty of emotional impact, and as much consequential fall out as realistically possible. I love trying to get 'inside a characters head' and see what makes them tick.

            And yes, how did Helen get her curse/gift?

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
              What aspect of the new season of Sanctuary are you most looking forward to?
              Great question Ann!
              I'm looking forward to finding out about how Helen got her longevity and learning more about each characters history. I think I'm most looking forward to more Helen/Druitt storylines!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                What aspect of the new season of Sanctuary are you most looking forward to?

                For me I really like character driven stories, learning their back stories. I also like the fact (according to one of Damian's interview ) there will be an overall story arc for the season. So we get bits and pieces in other episodes that lead up to the final.

                I would like to see more mother/daughter moments and Helen/Will moments. and my burning question after watching all the webisodes How did Helen end up with this curse/gift?
                I think there's a good chance we won't know for a while. It may be one of those plot devices used to keep the people coming back. A mystery to solve that we'll only see pieces of as the series goes on.

                "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                SG-1 FanFiction
                Sanctuary Fanfiction


                  Hi guys, I need some help .

                  I'm sure y'all know that there's supposed to be a game with the Tampa bay rays tomorrow, and it's scheduled to begin at 3:55pm, and the Sci-Fi Night events follow the baseball game. And that Amanda, Robin and Damian will be participating. Can I ask a favor? If anyone can, can someone record it and send it to me somehow? If anyone can, I'll be forever happy, if not, it's OK.

                  A few months back, I did something similar on imdb, and friend of mine there, taped what I was looking for, and she burned it onto a DVD, and mailed it to me. Could you do the same? Btw, it was also Amanda related .


                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    I'm pretty much the same as you Ann I love character driven stories with some quieter 'getting to know each other' moments too, plenty of emotional impact, and as much consequential fall out as realistically possible. I love trying to get 'inside a characters head' and see what makes them tick.

                    And yes, how did Helen get her curse/gift?

                    Me too. I'm all about the characters and good story telling. I think we may not find out how Helen got her longevity for a long time. I think some mystery is a good thing though.


                      Hi All
                      As you might have seen on one of Amanda's websites, she and a number of people from the Sanctuary cast and crew were going to take part at the Tampa Bay Rays' basesball team festivities in Tampa Bay, Florida today, Saturday. Did anyone get a chance to see them on TV or any other way so we know that they actually did attend?? Hurricane Gustav is just southeast of Tampa. No, I know, it is NOT hitting the western coast of Florida but pretty darn near close. The Weather Channel's radar show bands of rain and storms up and down Florida's coast. Anybody out there who knows? Give us a whistle or a shout if you do.


                        I know Falcon from the Sanctuary forum was out there.
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                          I know Falcon from the Sanctuary forum was out there.
                          Okay, on Gateworld's Sam's forum Majorsal reports that Amanda & Co were at the game. Someone talks about it on

                          So we know they were in Tampa today. Question is did they leave for home today? Would love to hear that they had to run because they had to be in Vancouver really early tomorrow. Don't know that, however. Hurricane Gustav is not all that far away from Tampa.


                            Originally posted by Edb View Post
                            Okay, on Gateworld's Sam's forum Majorsal reports that Amanda & Co were at the game. Someone talks about it on

                            So we know they were in Tampa today. Question is did they leave for home today? Would love to hear that they had to run because they had to be in Vancouver really early tomorrow. Don't know that, however. Hurricane Gustav is not all that far away from Tampa.
                            Here let me fix that-


                              LOL It took me a second to figure out why the cut and paste wasn't working...


                                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                                LOL It took me a second to figure out why the cut and paste wasn't working...

                      're working with a rookie here. Thanks for the fix, Rocky.

