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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
    The thing is according to Stage 3 they still have all creative control & control of what they want to do. All Sci-Fi is supposedly doing is airing it & that is all & supposedly have no say in any other thing. Unless they are lying Sci-Fi has no say in what they do & how they do it. If you ask me this might be another MGM situation however where they gave Sci-Fi to much power & Sci-Fi might want to give the Internet fans the finger & keep this show exclusive to Sci-Fi & Stage 3 might be trying to fight that. This is the only thing I can come up with especially since no Internet plans once so ever has been announced after the Sci-Fi deal. My guess is they like MGM regrettably gave Sci-Fi to much power & control over this
    I'm probably way off beam!! I don't think anyone would deliberatley lie - I hope not anyway. It would take a lot of resources - financial and otherwise to produce something that would suit both TV and Internet (I'm just guessing here though) - maybe they want to do both but it may be easier said than done. I'm really just hoping everything comes together. The finance to produce the internet goodies has to come from somewhere - and by all accounts not everyone is willing to pay for stuff on the internet - which is a shame.


      i think that there's a lot the people literally can't talk about. Until contracts are signed, there's stuff that people can't say for fear of very real repriasals (for example, with joe, he can't say 'yes, corin nemec will guest star in...' until the contract is signed and official. just like he couldbn't say 'well, we're trying to get rick to come back' or like how he won't say who the other candidates were to replace Weir because you just dont' 'kiss and tell', and in the case of stuff not being signed, well you don't tip your hand until the ink is dry because things can change or, in some cases, let's say he leaked that corin was coming back (he's not, it's just an example) and they're negotiating salary. well it leaks that corin IS coming back before it's signed, then corin's agent can go to them and say 'hey, you already leaked it, so give us the money we want or we'll make public just why he's NOT coming back'

      I think that there is stuff that s3m literally can't say.


      I think they need to understand that instead of viewing fan impatience as something bad on our part, folks we're 'junkies' taht were used to being treated ALMOST like partners. and now it's turned to 'yes, fan, shut up until we have something to say'. We used to be able to ask questions and if they were appropriate, have them answered. And that line has abruptly been cut off and here we are, who have been involved in the process from the get go, all of a sudden having a door slammed in our faces.

      it makes you wonder what's going on and you always default to thinking the worst.

      An update of some sort, even if it's jsut a 'we can't talk now, give us a few days' would be nice and woudl alleviate a lot of worry and frustration
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        I think they need to understand that instead of viewing fan impatience as something bad on our part, folks we're 'junkies' taht were used to being treated ALMOST like partners. and now it's turned to 'yes, fan, shut up until we have something to say'. We used to be able to ask questions and if they were appropriate, have them answered. And that line has abruptly been cut off and here we are, who have been involved in the process from the get go, all of a sudden having a door slammed in our faces
        The ignoring the fans thing didn't really start happening until after the contract with Sci-Fi was signed & announced imagine that. They signed a contract with the devil (Sci-Fi) & the fans are the ones to suffer the consequences
        Last edited by JohnRico; 02 March 2008, 03:46 PM.


          Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
          The ignoring the fans thing didn't really start happening until after the contract with Sci-Fi was signed & announced imagine that. They signed a contract with the devil (Sci-Fi) & the fans are the ones to suffer the consequences
          Suffering...are we suffering? We may want to know things, but like with many other shows, we just have to wait. That's the way it is and has always been. Fans have always wondered what will happen with cliff hangers, but of course we had to wait for the next season. With S3M we know they made a deal with SciFi, are we entitled to know more...of course not. If they choose to tell us something, then we are lucky.

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by JohnRico View Post
            The ignoring the fans thing didn't really start happening until after the contract with Sci-Fi was signed & announced imagine that. They signed a contract with the devil (Sci-Fi) & the fans are the ones to suffer the consequences
            they have bosses to answer to. And we can't control that. It's nothing personal. It's just how things are.

            And, well James' departure seemed to be rather unplanned so...who knows what's going on. All we can do is bide our time and wait. What happens, happens.

            Even still, it's nothing personal.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              Suffering...are we suffering? We may want to know things, but like with many other shows, we just have to wait. That's the way it is and has always been. Fans have always wondered what will happen with cliff hangers, but of course we had to wait for the next season. With S3M we know they made a deal with SciFi, are we entitled to know more...of course not. If they choose to tell us something, then we are lucky.
              Bravo! Well said.

              We've done a terrific job of supporty Sanctuary so far...

              And look at all WE (meaning the cast, crew and staff of Sanctuary -- and the fans) have accomplished so far!

              Let's keep the momentum going forward!

              We ARE Sanctuary fans!


              SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
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              Morjana's Blog Twitter


                I really don't think they have anything to tell us at the moment. I would imagine we will get little tidbits when they actually start filming such as "filming started this week."

                I do agree with Sky, though, that some of our "impatience" is just enthusiasm and that's a good thing.

                I don't think we can "demand" updates, though. I'd rather they spend their energies making a good show.


                  Nothing worth waiting for ever goes smoothly, I've found.

                  IMo,a little more patience will pay dividends in enjoyment of the show when it's ready to air.Delays happen in any industry .Slow communication happens too.

                  Like jckfan said ,they might not have anything to tell us at the moment.

                  I see that silence as more a willingness to get details right before making further announcements ,than a plan to ignore Sanctuary fans ,especially those of you who run the Sanctuaryfans site and actively have spent time and probably more money than I have on promoting ,supporting ,and defending the Show .

                  I'm an optimist .Maybe I'll look a fool or worse to those among you with less trust in S3M,but I'd rather be disappointed later than give up believing in the show and Damien ,Amanda ,and Co yet.

                  I don't suppose you all need me to break out the Kumbaya Song ,or hang out multi-coloured flags ,so I'm shutting up right now.
                  Last edited by Bagpuss; 03 March 2008, 11:09 PM. Reason: Zatting a typo.:S
                  The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                    *Perks up ears*... Kumbaya song? LOL!

                    I trust DK et al......... I think.

                    A month or so and no news? The silence is deafening.

                    It was very nice (albeit, unusual) having S3M news and communication flow freely. Of course, if I had to choose fan communication or financial stability, I guess I would have to pick financial stability.

                    It is a bit like having a phone conversation get to the meaty part and suddenly the other party hangs up. Hellooo?? Anyone???

                    For me, I understand they are swamped, but at the same time, it takes a grand total of 10 minutes to simply post, "We are swamped! Expect radio silence while we madly create and plot world domination."

                    Silence makes me fret and worry. I hope everything is going OK.

                    I don't think S3M has to tell us anything and there is plenty to keep me occupied during the hiatus, but it would be nice to hear everything is clicking along as it should.

                    Perhaps they weren't expecting such a long hiatus... and the communication/ fan play was in place to tide us over for only a few months? I dunno.

                    I can go back to my spoon fed fan position quite easily (although not happily)- but, I have enjoyed watching the Sanctuary process.

                    Then again, there is always the possiblity something new and different is in the works...
                    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                    Quint Studer


                      that's what we should do, creat the Order of the Spoon

                      the proper place for fans to be...sitting patiently waiting for the next bit of info to be spooned into thier greedy little mouths

                      (or only if we think people will have a sense of humor about it and our fun little satire gets turned into a 'you ungrateful wretches' )

                      then again, the sheriff of nottingham was going to cut robin hood's heart out with a spoon because it was dull and it would hurt who knows. a spoon seems a bit of a weapon
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        The spoon used to be a scary thing in the Clanger's paws .

                        *Zips the Kumbayas*
                        For now anyway.....
                        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


                          Originally posted by tagger View Post
                          *Perks up ears*... Kumbaya song? LOL!

                          I trust DK et al......... I think.

                          A month or so and no news? The silence is deafening.

                          It was very nice (albeit, unusual) having S3M news and communication flow freely. Of course, if I had to choose fan communication or financial stability, I guess I would have to pick financial stability.

                          It is a bit like having a phone conversation get to the meaty part and suddenly the other party hangs up. Hellooo?? Anyone???

                          For me, I understand they are swamped, but at the same time, it takes a grand total of 10 minutes to simply post, "We are swamped! Expect radio silence while we madly create and plot world domination."

                          Silence makes me fret and worry. I hope everything is going OK.

                          I don't think S3M has to tell us anything and there is plenty to keep me occupied during the hiatus, but it would be nice to hear everything is clicking along as it should.

                          Perhaps they weren't expecting such a long hiatus... and the communication/ fan play was in place to tide us over for only a few months? I dunno.

                          I can go back to my spoon fed fan position quite easily (although not happily)- but, I have enjoyed watching the Sanctuary process.

                          Then again, there is always the possiblity something new and different is in the works...
                          Nice post tagger, I agree the silence is hard, S3M are usually talkative with us. I hope every thing's OK and that their just busy, the Sanctuary forums seem very quiet too.

                          I miss James and the Insider

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Sky, I have a better idea...

                            Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                            Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                            Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                              If we do not have a start date by at least summer then Sanctuary will be dead to me


                                well i'm not giving up on it until i hear that it's canned

                                After the unprecedented contact, it's a bit depressing to be in the dark again...yet i will wait and tune in to see if the scifi versions entertain me as much as the downloadable ones did
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


