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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    Great interview and LOTS of spoilers for what's coming for Sanctuary after the first 8 webisodes! I'm really glad Martin is involved with this project. Sounds like all the Executive Producers are having fun planning what's coming! And if they are having fun making the show then you know it's going to show up on screen
    I listened to it last night and it was great. I'm working on a transcript (stupid work keeps getting in the way ) and I'll post it to Sanctuaryfans when it's ready. Lots of little spoilery things I'll have to make a list of

    One of the things that I did note is that they have started to sit down to map out the next 10 hours (40 webisodes) of Sanctuary

    Also I've noticed another podcast that has a section about Sanctuary that I'll have a listen to later and see what it is like. It's Podculture episode 59

    Ugh, work calls, I've gotta go


      To my shame I have only just wathed the first four episodes, Really enjoyed them and am now looking forward to the rest.


        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        I listened to it last night and it was great. I'm working on a transcript (stupid work keeps getting in the way ) and I'll post it to Sanctuaryfans when it's ready. Lots of little spoilery things I'll have to make a list of

        One of the things that I did note is that they have started to sit down to map out the next 10 hours (40 webisodes) of Sanctuary

        can you post it here, too?




          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          can you post it here, too?

          Sure, no worries.



            Here's the transcript from Tony Tellado of SciFi Talk with Martin Wood in 3 parts.

            Part 1

            Hi, this I'm Damian Kindler, Executive Producer of Sanctuary and you're listening to SciFi Talk.

            Tony: Hi, this is Tony Tellado, welcome once again to SciFi Talk as we continue to look at the ground breaking web series Sanctuary that stars Amanda Tapping. On this show we have a conversation with Martin Wood who is one of the series Executive Producers. He has an extensive background directing and producing television working on Stargate SG-1 and also Stargate Atlantis. Not to mention directing episodes of Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda, Jeremiah and Earth Final Conflict. He is one of the ones who helped shepherd and guide Stargate into two successful series and he brings that wealth of experience in working with Sanctuary, not only in producing and directing episodes but also having his hand in writing some of them as well. We have a great conversation, there's a lot of interesting things that we cover including what's up in the future. If you have not seen any of the webisodes there are some spoilers so we do urge you to watch them all. Here is my conversation with Martin Wood.

            Tony: Well first of all I really like the whole look of it

            Martin: Good

            Tony: and the feeling that it is as far removed from Stargate as you want to get so there's nothing Stargate about it

            Martin: No, there's not. Except the same people making it, not only the same people making it, the same actors, the same director and I used the same crew. That's what you can do when you set your mind to change

            Tony: You know it's a really cool concept you know from your point of view because you're also one of the Executive Producers and as well as directing so far all of the webisodes

            Martin: Right

            Tony: is you know the look and I mean you're working more with I guess in darkness more than your are I mean not everything in Stargate can be out on a planet in light and everything but here you're working more with night and shadows and things like that

            Martin: Well one of the reasons we did this because when you actually practically shoot night it costs so much more

            Tony: Yeah

            Martin: you move at half the speed you would normally move and it's a much more expensive process. In this the content actually needs it to be dark because you don't see a lot of monsters in the daytime and they don't look as cool when they are fully lit anyway they just don't look as scary. The other thing is one of the things I said when we sat down at the first concept meeting of this I said that OK this is a city that almost never gets bright, it's raining a lot of the time, it's night time a lot of the time and that's one of those things that just makes the ah X-Files didn't have discovery in the light either it was discovery in the dark

            Tony: Well actually X-Files when they moved to LA and the episodes became brighter it lost a lot actually

            Martin: that's true, you're right

            Tony: So when they kept it in Vancouver it seemed to work but actually Damian Kindler pointed this out to me is that you're a person that seems to have the right vision for it because you're shooting with green screen for a lot of the backgrounds and yet in your mind's eye you know exactly what's going to be there so it just helps everyone involved that when you are directing it you know exactly what's going to be there and you can tell people no actually it's over here or there and you know this way clear focus of how thing's are going so you must do an incredible amount of planning ahead of time

            Martin: Truthfully I do a lot of the same planning that I would do on a regular television show I don't have to do as much explanation though. You see the thing is when I read a script and especially if I 'm helping to create the script I'm creating it visually. I'm creating it so that the pictures are a part of the story that we are telling and the backgrounds are a part of the story. You have all of these ah the city as a character kind of feeling of storytelling and so when you do that when you read a script and you know where the people are sitting in the room, Magnus is here and Ashley is here, that doesn't change. Believe it or not from the first reading of the script in my head a lot of times it doesn't change. The most interesting thing to me about using virtual backgrounds is I don't have to change them.

            Tony: Right

            Martin: It's interesting when I read a script in a regular series I read a script and in my head I've got Carter over here and Mitchell over here and you walk into the scene and you go whoa I can't because the door is over here and it's built like this and there's a window over here and I don't want them near the window and so you force change in that scene in your head. Right now, I don't have to because the environment doesn't exist so it can fit the vision. And it's really interesting when you go to implement that, the process for me is sit down with a pre-vis animator and say there's a chair here, there's a chair here, there's a wall here, there's a wall here, this is the room, there is a window over here and the fireplace is on this side and so you can go through that and the design happens that when you get to set, with the technology we're using right now, when we get to set we have a computer there that has already composited has already taken the 3D motion trackers already taken the signal off the camera and shows the actor in the set

            Tony: Wow

            Martin: so I can turn the monitor around and say look this is you, there's a wall, there's a window that you can't see out of right now but there is a window over there so this little piece of tape on the ground indicates when you are standing at the window and you want to see what you're looking at outside you hold up another part of the computer animation and say well this is what's outside. And that makes the job a lot easier to have that pre-vis done. Truthfully like I said to answer the question a long, long explanation here, is I have it in my head to begin with and what I normally end up doing is not having to explain everything in this case I explain a lot more

            Tony: Yeah that's great. Well I mean speaking of those great virtual sets when I first saw Sanctuary I was really impressed and then like that one creature that was like swimming and then all the other, the creature that has his back to you and he's trying to break out and then he turns around and he's something else. Really imaginative stuff so

            Martin: Well thanks

            Tony: yeah it's really cool

            Martin: that's a combination of Todd Van Hulzen who is our production designer and Todd Masters of Masters Effects who does the monsters for us and I mean you get brains like those brains together; one of them is incredible, two of them are absolutely out of this world

            Tony: The performances have been pretty great too. Amanda Tapping has been amazing in doing this role because it would be very easy for her to do a straight out English accent but somebody who has actually lived as long as she has, picks up other little dialects from other people through all the years that she has lived and she incorporates that into the speech so if you listen carefully you pick up all different little things in it. So credit her as an actress in coming up with that nuance

            Martin: You know I have to tell you that I have worked with Amanda now for 11 years and I have never seen her perform the way that she performs with Magnus. She really eats this character up and a lot of it is because she had a lot to do with creating it

            Tony: Yeah

            Martin: This is very much you are seeing a character that Amanda Tapping loves in this and this is, given her head, this is what she would do

            Tony: Damian Kindler mentioned this on the previous interview I did with him about Christopher Heyerdahl, who I actually had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing when he was appearing on Atlantis, boy he has just really stepped it up a notch in this performance. Every time he is on screen with Druitt your eyes are riveted to every movement that he makes and every word that he says, he's been absolutely fabulous

            Martin: and again this is something where when we were talking to Chris and I said I'd really like you to do this project with me and he read the script. He called me as he was turning the last page and said I have to do this, this is great, I love this character. And we said good because we'd love to have you do it. The casting for this movie, by the way, was for Sanctuary for the series was Damian, me, Marc Aubanel and Ron Martin sitting in a room going OK what are we going to do about this? And I said well it's Amanda and everyone said yes, it's Amanda. And then we said I'd really like Chris to do it, if he'll do it and they went yeah let's get Chris to do it. Then I said now I've got another guy, his name is Robin Dunne that I did a really terrible movie with and I really want him to do it because I've been looking for a project because he is Will. And they said OK well let's see a tape. We didn't even look at any other Will's, we just sort of got his tape and everybody sat there and went OK and the only character that we had to cast was Emilie. Essentially she was one of the first people we saw and we sat in a room and I've never gone through a series casting process like this before where essentially it was just us saying OK let's do this. There was no Network, there was no Studio, there was no process of eliminating the ones that we liked and the ones they liked and getting down to a middle person that neither one had as your favourite. We picked our favourites for this and that's why this cast that's in place is in place

            Tony: It's great, it's been a nice mix of people and I remember the film you were mentioning Teenage Space Vampires that Robin was in

            Martin: You didn't have to say that out loud!

            Tony: Well it was very important for you because you wrote and directed it so

            Martin: Well can I just say that I didn't write it

            Tony: OK

            Martin: I changed the dialogue and I got a writing credit for it. If you'd actually seen, well you'd probably have never seen the original, the original script was so awful I actually turned the movie down when I first, I said I can't do this because it's so terrible. And they said we really, really want you to do it, what would that take. And I said let me change most of the dialogue and they said fine you can do whatever you want, rewrite it, go ahead, I went OK. So two weeks sitting in Bucharest, Robin Dunne, James Kee and myself and the producer sat and rewrote the dialogue in this thing and so yes that was my first movie and everyone said do it because you will always be forgiven your first movie

            Tony: There you go

            Martin: and truthfully if I had a Vis effects team working on that that I had working on Sanctuary it actually would have been pretty good

            Tony: Of course, of course

            Martin: Truthfully, no. That's the movie I always tell people they never need to see

            Tony: The good thing that came out of it was Robin Dunne of course

            Martin: Absolutely

            Tony: and we essentially in the first few episodes live through his experiences in getting to know the Sanctuary through his eyes a little bit so that's important. The episode with the little boy, that was great for those who haven't seen it, has a very special ability and he actually is able to talk to him and kind of coax him and find out things about him under the watchful eye of Helen Magnus

            Martin: Right

            Tony: She apparently is instinctive enough to realise that he's perfect for what they're doing

            Martin: and that it is a skill that she doesn't have

            Tony: Yes exactly

            Continued in Part 2


              Martin Wood interview Part 2


              Martin: That to me is a very important part is that she is so good at so many things and in dealing with these abnormals that she knows she needs his talent and wait until you see the next five episodes because it's very much Will dealing with things the way that you or I would have to deal with them, faced with what he's got and it's one of the things that Damian and I have been talking about is keeping this based much as it's fantastic in terms of the environment that we're in and the city that we live in and all those kind of things and the abnormals that we're dealing with. How would you, me, Damian Kindler, how would we deal with being faced in a regular life with this? And that's one of the things we wanted to start addressing was, don't give everyone super powers, don't give everybody the super power of being able to accept the fact that they are living in amongst these monsters. People simply wouldn't do that. His angst in dealing with that is a good part of the next few hours that are coming up.

              Tony: Oh that's really cool. I mean there are just some interesting takes on it the whole John Druitt character and his affliction so to speak as well as his ability, I thought that that was a nice way to tie those together. I love Victorian England and

              Martin: There's more of that by the way

              Tony: Oh cool, cool. And I love the flashbacks to Druitt and Helen together in the carriage talking and having just gone to see a play or opera something like that. I mean I love those scenes to establish the character and to visit a little of the environment and the time that I love and then to actually for you guys to realise it. Kudos to you for that and making it very believable in that sense as well.

              Martin: Well thank you and you know what Damian Kindler's brain doesn't work like a normal persons and truthfully the entire world of Sanctuary came out on paper from him and all I was able to do was take that and turn it into pictures that everybody could appreciate. This is very much his baby and when everyone else got their fingers into it, it just increased in value so I have to say that the idea of flashbacks and things like this was Damian's and we all embraced them and made them into what they are right now. But truthfully that came out of a need for him to explain 157 years of Helen Magnus

              Tony: Exactly and with 157 years that is a lot of flashbacks

              Martin: Yeah, well we've got ten years worth of plans right now

              Tony: Whoa, I bet, I bet. Also some of the people you've had as guest stars, a director like yourself on Stargate, Peter De Luise is kind of like the gunrunner to kill zombies and everything else on the planet. It's a little funny and frightening at the same time

              Martin: And wait till you see what the evolution of his character is, because it has to be somebody like Peter. We actually built the character around Peter, we originally didn't have that character until I said we've got to put Peter in this and then it was like OK can we go off the wall enough that people will still, that we can still make him a believable character and then we came up with OK let's put him into this like this but wait till you see what happens. I mean he's got a very dark side to him in order to be able to be the guy that he is and he uses the humour to push that but Peter is the perfect cast in this

              Tony: It was good to see him in front of the camera for a change too because I've been watching him on the DVDs for years and his behind the scenes stuff is hysterical, he's always cracking everybody up and he loves to play to the camera, so it was good to see him in front.

              Martin: He definitely does, yes

              Tony: And David Hewlett

              Martin: I should do a movie with him sometime

              Tony: Oh yeah, I could only imagine, oh God. He can do DVD commentary that would be hysterical I can only imagine and then getting David Hewlett to do the part that he did. His character was like really out there but so fitting for this world, it was perfect

              Martin: Yeah, we wanted David to do a more of a recurring part and his character does come back at some point but David and I both talked and truthfully what's interesting about this is that I had known I was going to do this type of series and nobody else knew it and I knew I was going to do it virtually and David came up to me one day and said What if we did a series that was totally green screen and I looked at him and I went, I'm going to talk to you next week about this David and he goes why? Why? And I just go I'll talk to you next week about it and then I came up and I said Can I give you a part in a totally virtual series? [laughs] and he's so busy right now with Atlantis and Dog's Breakfast and Starcrossed and all that stuff that he's creating that we knew that to create a recurring character wouldn't be a great idea but David absolutely wanted to do this. Everybody that is in this show are people I really want to work with, that's the whole thing and it's the one thing when you are your own studio and your own network you can turn around and say let's work with the people we really want to work with instead of people that somebody else gives you to work with. That's not to say that a lot of people I have to work with on Stargate are people that are forced on me, but the truth is that you have actors that you love working with and you know we bring David Hewlett on, I bring Kavan Smith on, Paul McGillion in, you'll definitely see other ones too. Chris Judge is beating me up trying to get on the show right now, he really wants to do a part on it and so you will see Chris I mean he fits the part very well. I mean we've got all these people that I've worked with for 11 years now that want to do this and characters I've met along the way. I just talked to, the other day I was talking to John De Lancie and Marina Sirtis and Levar Burton and there all of them are going Hey! This would be a great show to do and I'm going Oh, fabulous. Yeah there's going to be a lot of people that in the past I've had a chance to work with and a lot of people that the fans are going to love seeing in this new world

              Tony: Well the thing is that you're making history by doing it this way so if anybody has an idea if this is working or not the fact that I think you guys even had a crash on the server when it first

              Martin: Yeah, it was overloaded

              Tony: It's amazing

              Martin: As Damian says it's a high class problem to have

              Tony: Yes

              Martin: And what's interesting to us is mapping what's happening because as Webisode 5 came out, which was the first shackled episode which you sort of was supposed to pay for. The first four you could get for free, you know if you want to pay for them you can or you can get them for free, Webisode 5 had the most hits

              Tony: Wow, look at that

              Martin: exactly when you have to pay for them people were going Hey, let's go watch this and it is growing exponentially everyday. We've got television networks coming after us right now saying You know what, we want to talk to you about this

              Tony: Yeah you've got people's attention

              Martin: it's what everybody wants to do, everybody needs to be able to a) ??? and b) be able to get their entertainment on multi platforms right now because it's not good enough to have it on just one any longer

              Tony: Well the thing is you guys are coming along just as television series are having all their episodes available to download. Amazon has wielded out all this episodes and movies to download directly so it's not like people have to adjust t it, it's already here

              Martin: That's right

              Tony: So you guys are just riding the crest of the wave but the history part of it is that you are the first series that was strictly for the web just for the web that comes out in this particular manner so that's ground breaking

              Martin: The other thing you're going to see too is that as we evolve right now we are just getting our social networking group together right now and also the gaming group is ramping up right now so what will happen in the months between Webisode 8 and Webisode 9 is you'll see an evolution that will come up where the game starts to integrate itself with the webisodes that are out there already. We were just tossing around an idea that I had the other day that we're very excited about it where there is a way to multi purpose episodes that are out there. Just, I'm just going to give you a little hint about what I am talking about.

              Tony: OK

              Martin: Imagine that you've seen five webisodes, lets say you've watched those five webisodes. There is a number of things you can do, you can go back and watch them again or you can go talk about them on the net or you can string them together as an hour and you watch them together like that or you can put them on a DVD. What would happen if you could go back to Webisode 1 on your computer and as you got into the Sanctuary for the first time you notice that there was a door open that hadn't been open before that you hadn't seen. You take your cursor over and you tap on it and you go in and there's Ashley and Ashley is talking to Ernie on the phone. It's a whole new scene that you'd never seen before

              Tony: Oh, wow

              Martin: and what tat ends up doing is taking you from there in to an entirely new 15 minute webisode. I mean this is something that you have never ever been able to do before and this is something that we're just starting to deal with right now. It's Hey wait a minute, we can give back stories, we can give things that someone says I'll be back in a minute and what they do outside in the next room cascades into a whole new webisode.

              Tony: Oh that's wonderful

              Martin: Yeah, I mean it's, there are so many things that people haven't thought about that you can do with a broadcast this size

              Tony: Yeah

              Martin: you know jumping from our website onto another website where somebody has just open sourced gamed something and they've got their own stories in there. It's just that this is what the web does for us and it's why this is making such a big noise right now

              Tony: Oh that's amazing. We've got to give kudos to Emilie in playing Ashley as well, she's done a great job.

              Martin: Yeah, she's incredible too. She's new, she hasn't done a lot before. She walked into this role and blew us away on the audition and then came in and continually blew us away with her performances

              Tony: Yeah she kind of has a Buffy and also Dark Angel kind of combined a little bit which I like. And then with her past that is an interesting thing to deal with too so

              Martin: Oh yeah, now that Dad's home

              Tony: Yes that's right. I mean the episode where she finds out, beautifully acted I think, you saw it on her face how she felt about the whole thing. Boy, that was a great scene between her and Chris, he was just amazing that scene

              Martin: I've got to tell you at the end of that scene I was standing beside the camera and the camera operator reached out and grabbed my arm at the end of it. It was about 30 seconds past the time for me to say cut and he was watching intimately what was happening and he wanted that extra moment. Our camera operators were incredible in this, Steve Adelson and Ryan Purcell, most of them have their own... they watch the performance and know what to do, all that kind of stuff and that is unique in some circles of camera operators. He grabbed my arm and stopped me at that point from calling cut for the next 10 seconds because he knew I'd want the reaction she had and it was very much a reaction that we used

              Continued in Part 3


                Martin Wood interview Part 3


                Tony: Wow that's great. One of the things I've been watching your career for years on Stargate of course. One of the things I think you do very, very well and if you watch the DVD features whenever one of your episodes you direct is on in the past I think that you always say constantly is that you are always trying to do things a little differently so there's never a repetition so that means you work really hard and you come off really easy going on those shoots but I know you're working your tail off to make the show really something special

                Martin: Thank you

                Tony: They're very lucky to have you on Sanctuary too because I think you'll bring a lot to the show. I have to admit some of my favourite episodes are probably as far as directors on the show Stargate would probably be a toss up between you and Peter De Luise.

                Martin: Oh, I'll let him know that you said that. Thank you very much, that's very nice

                Tony: because you've done a great job and Stargate has turned out to be something very, very special that I sort of discovered by accident and having seen the movie and really the show surpassed the movie a thousand times over in it's first season

                Martin: Well, you haven't seen anything yet. Wait until you see the two movies that we just finished

                Tony: Well that is what is so awesome too is that what a great idea. You know we're not going to go on the network? Well we'll do it anyway.

                Martin: Exactly

                Tony: and that's awesome and boy those DVDs are going to sell through the roof

                Martin: You know what Charlie Cohen is another genius. He's from MGM, he knows what the fans want to do. He does not want this franchise to go away and when he came and said you're going to do two movies and Brad and Robert sort of turned and said OK Robert you do one and Martin you do the other one. We started reading the scripts for them and it was, I sat down with the script that Brad gave me and went in and gave him a huge hug afterwards because it's the best thing we've ever done

                Tony: That's great. I mean some shows they're on that long, they're ready to say goodbye but Stargate, the last episode I'm watching it going It shouldn't be over, what's wrong here? There wasn't any time during the last two seasons, and I know some of the fans have come down on you guys for those seasons but I looked at those seasons but I looked at those seasons and I go you know the episodes are solid I'm still engaged, there is just not a lot of television out there that is this good. I'm so glad that they're going to be out there and what will happen and because Amazon is doing this is, is eventually when they're released on DVD they'll also be available for download too. And then this way it will kind of tie in to Sanctuary sort of in that way but it's going to be awesome, a great idea and I think you'll do more than two of them. I think you'll be doing them for a while

                Martin: Oh yes, we're already talking so

                Tony: I've always been impressed by the work that you've done and I know your career has touched a lot of genre shows Earth Final Conflict, Jeremiah, which is one I had hoped would go further than two years and stuff like that. You know it started as something really interesting and then it just ah unlike what you guys did with Stargate; you kept your focus they just lost it by the time it was over unfortunately

                Martin: I think what was interesting is that if it had another year you would have found where it was going and it just got cut short and that's the problem with Jeremiah. I had a ball doing it, I loved working with that cast and crew and Joe Strazinski is a completely amazing person, he has a huge brain and is very appreciative of the things that other people bring to his shows. It made an incredible, gambled an incredible amount on Jeremiah in order to tell a story and I think like I said had it been given another year so much of the things that people thought were odd or out of focus storylines would have been brought into very clear focus. It's kind of the Babylon scenario, let it run it's course and then you'll understand but a lot of times series you can't do that. In this case it had an abbreviated life and it didn't let you explain a lot of those things

                Tony: Well he's now doing a direct to DVD Babyon 5 new series which is very cool. I just saw the behind the scenes stuff of him, he's directing the first one. I thought I've never seen him enjoying himself so much

                Martin: Yeah, I heard he had a great time doing it

                Tony: So I think that will be very big among the fans too. There's something really cool going right now, it's that entertainment is changing how it's being delivered has changed and how people can get the entertainment they want has changed so you're not tied to television, a network, a cable or even DVDs, you can get things online and there are just so many cool things and for you guys to be just where you are now is the perfect place

                Martin: That's what we are hoping; we're hoping we're not ahead of that crest. But there is something incredibly liberating about being able to make your own decisions and surrounding yourself with people who are very bright and very good at what they do and trusting that those decisions are correct rather than having to depend on one or two voices who you haven't got direct contact with.

                Tony: Oh absolutely. I mean you said it, you're not dealing with a network, you're not dealing with the pressures that comes with dealing with the network It's like you take your product right to the fans and there's no middleman and that's so powerful That's what makes something like this so unique too. I visited the website and they just, they absorb every episode and then like you see the fandom growing for Sanctuary and it's own mania and before you know it the people are going to want it to have a convention so they can celebrate Sanctuary

                Martin: We were at Comic Con in San Francisco and Amanda and I actually had to shut down a conversation because we were doing a panel on Stargate and it was like this is a Stargate panel we can't talk about Sanctuary really but we said we would be at a booth that we had. We were mobbed there was 500 people lined up for signatures and this is a show that been on the net for three months, it was quite remarkable.

                Tony: Have you got a lot of feedback internationally for Sanctuary?

                Martin: Absolutely, absolutely. When you are on the web the interesting thing is you can see where people are downloading it from. It's really remarkable how far afield this thing has a fanbase and we have, we just did a translation. We have as of last week we have episodic translation now too, we've hired somebody full time to do translations for us

                Tony: That's awesome

                Martin: and again we're less than a year old

                Tony: That's fantastic. I really want to thank you for taking the time, ah you actually go shoot next week don't you?

                Martin: I do, I have to turn around today and finish up my shot, I do a shot list for every show I've ever done and so today's my day for sitting down and fleshing out the entire shot list for it

                Tony: Obviously it's served you well because on the videos every time you're talking on the Stargate videos or DVDs you're talking about this is where we are, this is what we're doing and that's another too that you've always been really cool to explain to the viewer what you're in the middle of and whatever and you know you take your time and you're busy! People don't realise that you're directing a TV show and that's a lot of work we're just not seeing, we're only seeing just a little microcosm of what you do

                Martin: Yeah and don't forget the three year old and the one year old that hang on my leg every morning and go Dad do you have to go to work today?

                Tony: Oh yeah and that's another thing too, it's tough. You're really good about that and as somebody who is a fan of your work and Stargate I really thank you for really giving us an insight into what you were shooting that day and what little challenges you had that were coming up that day that you were doing. It just adds to the enjoyment of the episode a lot more

                Martin: I appreciate hearing you say that

                Tony: knowing the work that went into that and kudos to Ivan Bartok and his crew for getting all that good stuff too

                Martin: Ivan's amazing. You should have seen him when we were at the North Pole. Wait until you see those behind the scenes!

                Tony: Well thanks again I certainly appreciate you taking the time out from doing it. Before we go could you kind of tease us a little about what might be coming up?

                Martin: OK I gave you a little bit of a hint about where we are going with some of these things. We've actually just spent about a week just mapping out the next 10 hours, so the next 40 webisodes

                Tony: Wow

                Martin: There are times, can I just tell you that sitting in the meeting there were three of us there was Che McNab and Damian and I, and Robin is actually going to be writing an episode

                Tony: Oh great

                Martin: Probably more than one. Robin is a very good writer. We're sitting there mapping out what's going to happen and Amanda is there to pipe in and say This is what I'd like to do, this is what I'd like to do, not in terms of Magnus but in terms of where we think the show should go.

                Tony: Right

                Martin: We've got all this input and in the meeting when someone goes No, what about this? and then everybody goes Oh! That's cool! That happened probably 40 times so at least once a webisode someone would go Oh! That's cool!. You get to see how Magnus becomes more of a human being

                Tony: Oh good

                Martin: You really get to see this woman who has a fabulous sexuality about her for one thing. It comes out in little tiny pieces, you're going to see much more of that and not an overt kind of thing. She's had 157 years to become very cool at this and there is an emotional thing that drives her that she hasn't been able to bring out in the webisodes that we've seen. There's a lot more back story for her, for Ashley, for Druitt. We get some back story on Bigfoot, a little bit more on Bigfoot comes out. Wherever people think it's going to go right now, I can tell you something, we're not thinking to deliberately change that but we've got a way cooler way to go

                Tony: Oh OK, Actually the whole thing, there was a nice little interplay between Bigfoot and Will that I thought was really nicely done on the show. It kind of elevates it from just a guy wearing a mask, it was really nice. The scenes between them were really cool andit's like Oh wow, it's really interesting that there's a lot about this guy that I really want to know and I don't know yet

                Martin: Good, you will find out a great deal more about him

                Tony: Oh that's excellent, well thanks again I really appreciate you taking your time I know you're a busy man but I really appreciate this

                Martin: No trouble at all,. Thank you very much for showing an interest in the show.

                Tony: Thanks again sir, best of luck and break a leg next Tuesday when you start to shoot

                Would you believe 4 parts??


                  Last tiny bit for the Martin Wood interview

                  Tony: Besides thanking Mr Wood I'd like to thank Tracy of Liaison Public Relations for setting up the interview. He really is a busy man and we really appreciate him taking the time to speak to us. There's a couple of things that you really need to do if you want to get into the show. First you should really visit the site at There you can download the latest webisodes and watch any of the other ones as well. There's also a lot of great information on the show, links to various blogs related to the program, some really good material and visit their Official Fansite and that has a lot of great information on the fandom side of the series, how you can also participate in finding out more about the show and networking with other fans as well. Until next time this is Tony Tellado, thanks for listening.


                    Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                    Also I've noticed another podcast that has a section about Sanctuary that I'll have a listen to later and see what it is like. It's Podculture episode 59
                    Ugh, don't bother with it!


                      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                      Ugh, don't bother with it!
                      Why, what's wrong with it?
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                        Why, what's wrong with it?
                        Um in general they're boring nerds who cannot stick with one thought at a time, wander off topic and have boring silent gaps. In regards to Sanctuary specifically, well they mentioned it and then started arguing with each other about the pricing which none of them got right although one of them was nearly right.

                        I know I'm being critical but their podcast would be a great example of 101 things not to do in a podcast It was so bad I almost didn't wade through 30 minutes to find the Sanctuary mention, I sure didn't bother with the last 25 or so mins


                          Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                          Um in general they're boring nerds who cannot stick with one thought at a time, wander off topic and have boring silent gaps. In regards to Sanctuary specifically, well they mentioned it and then started arguing with each other about the pricing which none of them got right although one of them was nearly right.

                          I know I'm being critical but their podcast would be a great example of 101 things not to do in a podcast It was so bad I almost didn't wade through 30 minutes to find the Sanctuary mention, I sure didn't bother with the last 25 or so mins
                          Heh, thanks for the... review. I have to limit my downloads, so I'm very picky about what I watch/listen to. Looks like I will be skipping this one
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            From Rox's transcript:


                            Chris Judge is beating me up trying to get on the show right now, he really wants to do a part on it and so you will see Chris I mean he fits the part very well. I mean we've got all these people that I've worked with for 11 years now that want to do this and characters I've met along the way. I just talked to, the other day I was talking to John De Lancie and Marina Sirtis and Levar Burton and there all of them are going Hey! This would be a great show to do and I'm going Oh, fabulous. Yeah there's going to be a lot of people that in the past I've had a chance to work with and a lot of people that the fans are going to love seeing in this new world

                            Woohoo!!! Guest star nirvana!!


                            Martin: And what's interesting to us is mapping what's happening because as Webisode 5 came out, which was the first shackled episode which you sort of was supposed to pay for. The first four you could get for free, you know if you want to pay for them you can or you can get them for free, Webisode 5 had the most hits...

                            Martin: exactly when you have to pay for them people were going Hey, let's go watch this and it is growing exponentially everyday. We've got television networks coming after us right now saying You know what, we want to talk to you about this

                            YAY TEAM SANCTUARY!!!!!

                            Selfishly, I am most pleased. hehe.


                            Martin: The other thing you're going to see too is that as we evolve right now we are just getting our social networking group together right now and also the gaming group is ramping up right now so what will happen in the months between Webisode 8 and Webisode 9 is you'll see an evolution that will come up where the game starts to integrate itself with the webisodes that are out there already. We were just tossing around an idea that I had the other day that we're very excited about it where there is a way to multi purpose episodes that are out there. Just, I'm just going to give you a little hint about what I am talking about.

                            Eehh, what's that he said?? Playtime?? YIPPEEE!!


                            Martin: Imagine that you've seen five webisodes, lets say you've watched those five webisodes. There is a number of things you can do, you can go back and watch them again or you can go talk about them on the net or you can string them together as an hour and you watch them together like that or you can put them on a DVD. What would happen if you could go back to Webisode 1 on your computer and as you got into the Sanctuary for the first time you notice that there was a door open that hadn't been open before that you hadn't seen. You take your cursor over and you tap on it and you go in and there's Ashley and Ashley is talking to Ernie on the phone. It's a whole new scene that you'd never seen before

                            Tony: Oh, wow

                            Me: HOLY HANNAH!!
                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              RoX, thanks for transcribing yet again. I loved it!! It was great!

                              Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                              Quint Studer


                                Blech, I'd prefer just a normal show, none of this 'gaming' nonsense.
                                Sign the Petition to get the SG-1 Complete Series Bonus Discs released separately!

