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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    It is a else is it supposed to look like? I don't see Amanda permanently dying her hair dark brown with a red/pink stripe.
    Of course not. But not all wigs are created equal either.
    I think Amanda's doing a great job and I *love* Helen Magnus. Looking forward to the next episode.


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      Of course not. But not all wigs are created equal either.
      I think Amanda's doing a great job and I *love* Helen Magnus. Looking forward to the next episode.
      True that, but considering that most of their budget is going to the CGI and all the special effects...I think the wig is the last of their worries.

      About the accent and whoever (spaz was it you?) said that the nitpicker might have a 'superiority complex'. I get sick of the telly/movie industry forcing actors to use an "Americanized" accent. Um, hello...not all Americans (speaking of those wonderful Canadians here as well) sound the same. I'm from the south, but have lived all over the US and unless I'm really angry or tired (or have just spoken with someone from the south) I don't sound like I'm from the south.

      It's just bulldren that stuff like accents have to be forced into an "americanized" type but I don't run Hollywierd so nothing I can do about it.
      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        i've had no probs with her accent either. 157 years old and traveling/living around the world, of course her accent would be diffused. (brilliant idea on amanda's part )

        Garfield: You talk funny Nash. Where you from?
        Nash: Lots of different places.
        Sign the Petition to get the SG-1 Complete Series Bonus Discs released separately!


          I have no problems with the way Helen talks, Amanda is showing the viewer a woman with 157 years worth of life under her belt and that i find endearing because the layers to Helen are very slowly being peeled away.
          I'm getting used to the fortnightly release of the webisodes and very much find my self looking foreward to them as much as i did Stargate, so i'm pleased that as a customer i'm happy with my product that i've bought and as a fan i'm more than happy that i'm being entertained.
          Amanda is once again giving us a character that will stand up there with Sam Carter as really very unforgetable!


            Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
            I have no problems with the way Helen talks, Amanda is showing the viewer a woman with 157 years worth of life under her belt and that i find endearing because the layers to Helen are very slowly being peeled away.
            I'm getting used to the fortnightly release of the webisodes and very much find my self looking foreward to them as much as i did Stargate, so i'm pleased that as a customer i'm happy with my product that i've bought and as a fan i'm more than happy that i'm being entertained.
            Amanda is once again giving us a character that will stand up there with Sam Carter as really very unforgetable!
            I completely agree with everything you said!

            LOVING IT!

            I think her accent is great. You can hear little hints of several different accents depending on what she is saying. And her "clever vernacular" is quite addictive.

            How many have already said "pray tell"? Come know you want to.
            Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
            William Shakespeare

            Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


              In preparation for the opening of Registration for AT3, We have been working on a re-vamp of the GABIT events website. The new look site is now live.


              Please check the FAQ as there are a couple of minor changes to note in possible timings and the gift policy.

              Registration will open shortly. We are aiming for the second week in August. But we will give everyone 7 days notice of the exact date and time. We apologise for the delay but there have been some technical issues outside of our control that have taken longer to solve that we ever dreamed of!!! So stay tuned for the Registration Date announcement.

              May we take this opportunity to thank everyone for their continued support of GABIT Events, Amanda and our chosen charities. The G4 and GABIT staff would also like to extend a personal thank you to everyone for their kind words, encouragement and most of all patience and understanding as we took a much needed break. As you will see we have not been idle!

              We look forward to welcoming you back to the Renaissance Hotel in Heathrow for our threepeat!

              Best Wishes
              Becky, Kay, Julia & John


                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                True that, but considering that most of their budget is going to the CGI and all the special effects...I think the wig is the last of their worries.

                About the accent and whoever (spaz was it you?) said that the nitpicker might have a 'superiority complex'. I get sick of the telly/movie industry forcing actors to use an "Americanized" accent. Um, hello...not all Americans (speaking of those wonderful Canadians here as well) sound the same. I'm from the south, but have lived all over the US and unless I'm really angry or tired (or have just spoken with someone from the south) I don't sound like I'm from the south.

                It's just bulldren that stuff like accents have to be forced into an "americanized" type but I don't run Hollywierd so nothing I can do about it.
                I agree. In most cases, the people who have a really thick, extremely-recognizable accent, tend to be those people who have lived in the same area most of their life and not travelled very far from their home towns. Like someone from Hoboken, Texas will probably sound much more like what is contrived to be a Texan than say someone from Dallas-- because television gives us the impression that everyone from Texas sounds this way. This however is not true. In fact, if you go to Dallas you will be very lucky to even hear a real Texas accent. Most business people that I know feel as if their accent makes them sound ignorant in some ways, so they try to lose it very quickly. Also dialects, like people, have become mixed with each other and in many cases lost their distinction over time. I've lived in California, Oregon, Washington and Texas and yet I doubt anyone could guess which one of those areas I was actually born in, because the west coast is a mixture of so many different nationalities and dialects that it's very hard to distinguish one area from another.
                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 21 July 2007, 01:45 PM.


                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY PURPLEYIN!!

                  Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                  Quint Studer


                    Wepisode 6 trailer preview is available


                    My View From The Peanut Gallery


                      Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                      Yay! Thanks for the link!

                      Hrmmmm... I wonder if we could convince them to give us a preview at comic con


                        Ooooh, look who shows up 0:16!

                        Sign the Petition to get the SG-1 Complete Series Bonus Discs released separately!


                          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                          Oooh preview looks good, just 7 days to go lol

                          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                            Okay - it's taken me forever to weigh in BECAUSE FOR SOME STRANGE REASON I THOUGHT WEBISODE 5 WASN'T AIRING UNTIL 7/23!!! I had been waiting soooo long that when 7/16 rolled around, I still thought there was a week to go! (Ah, the needless suffering.)

                            On to the webisode.

                            AWESOME!!! Oh please, oh please, let all the eps be 20 minutes long! I found it to be *very* satisfying! (Not that the previous episodes weren't satisfying - loved all of them, too - but this felt like a wonderfully full meal, you know?)

                            Can't help but comment *and* speculate, so the rest of this is gonna be in spoilers. By the way, I'd quote people but there were way too many awesome comments. I'll apologize in advance for not acknowledging by members by name as I refer to some of their comments. Let me just say that there are a lot of incredibly thoughtful and intelligent people reading/writing in this thread.

                            In no particular order:
                            ETA: --I've said it before and I'll say it again (and will probably have to say it again) - love the accent. It makes perfect sense that a 157-year-old person who has travelled extensively would not have a "pure" accent. It's perfect for the character and - besides that - it just sounds cool! (I admit - I don't have a very good ear for accents - not good at placing them and so forth - but I know what sounds pleasant to my ears and Helen's accent sounds pleasant to my ears.)
                            --Great to get a glimpse of Helen's father and Helen herself as a girl. Can't wait to learn how Helen finds out about her father's work. Does her father end up explaining it and bringing her into it? Does she stumble upon it out of curiosity first? Does this influence how and when Ashley was told about Helen's work? Helen's non-aging has something to do with her work...will that be tied up in how/when she first finds out about unusual creatures or will it be a separate matter?
                            --Also - was there a specific reason that Helen was remembering that exchange with her father before they started fighting with crypt keepers? The last time we saw Helen thinking about the past was when she was looking at the program for TWELFTH NIGHT and remembered seeing the play with Druitt. Perhaps there wasn't a specific reason that memory came up, but it's interesting to speculate.
                            --I fall in love with these characters more and more every time I watch. Helen's happy place - performing autopsies. That's hilarious.
                            --Loved Helen's reaction to Will's theory that the crypt-lady who woke up was obviously crazy. She just smiles with a bemused expression on her face. A little Mulder-Scully sort of exchange. Like it.
                            --Love Henry and Steve. It took me a minute to realize Henry was the actor who played Ladon on SGA. I checked his credits and didn't realize he had been on BSG, too. I have to say - I enjoy seeing people from Stargate on the show. I mean, I did the same thing when I was watching Stargate - I'd notice actors that guest starred on X-Files. Awesome banter.
                            "I'm gonna tell your mother!"
                            "Suck up."
                            --Just realized that Ashley referred to Henry in the 2nd webisode while talking to Ernie (and purchasing the guns). Something about not liking any weapon he doesn't make himself.
                            --Ashley tells Henry she wants the weapons ready to work by Friday. I hope we get to see what off-limit creatures Ashley is going hunting for in the next webisode. Interesting to think that there are actually guidelines with regard to non-human creatures! Who created these guidelines? Who is following them? We know that Ernie (Ernest) works outside of Helen's operation. And they each have contacts that they work with. Does Henry work for Helen at Sanctuary or is he just another outside contact? Presumably one that is on better terms with Helen than Ernie is.
                            --I'm liking The Weird Sisters. (That's what I'm gonna call 'em.) My guess is that this story will also be a four-webisode arc.
                            --While Will is on the phone to his boss about taking time off he says, "See things I haven't...seen before." What *was* that behind the bookshelf?!?!? So, Bigfoot isn't the only creature that gets to roam free, eh?
                            --Hand signals were cool AND adorable. I don't think you/Will needed military training to figure out the signals for "I'm going in" and "No. You go around." I mean, I understood. As for the strangeness of a 20-year-old being threatened with her allowance being cut off...someone else commented about what an interesting upbringing Ashley must have had that there were hand signals for that! Actually, if you think about it, I guess a young person would have an allowance from a parent while they were living at home and/or unemployed. I think we can gather that Ashley has been doing this sort of work for her mother for a long time and whatever "payment" she used to get was probably considered an allowance. Perhaps it's not an allowance anymore, but if you have a hand signal for "allowance" why would you create one for "paycheck"??? Heehee.

                            THE PREVIEW FOR WEBISODE 6 LOOKS AMAZING!!!


                            --"They raise my hackles." "In a good way?" "You know there is no good way." Love the little smile she gives at that comment.
                            --More flashbacks of Helen! Woohoo! Looks like Helen's father will be showing her Sanctuary in the next ep. I'm really curious to know what prompts him to tell her.
                            Last edited by meredithchandler73; 23 July 2007, 05:35 AM.
                            Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                              Spoilers, including stuff from the webisode 6 preview...

                              Yeah, it's good to see Ryan Robbins get work. I've seen him around. The L Word, BSG, Sanctuary and most recently Psych. I didn't know if it was him in Sanctuary, but I guess so.

                              I think the reason we had that Mr. Magnus flashback was to set up his character, since we'll be seeing him again. In the preview he is with adult Helen, so either he doesn't age either, or that's another flashback. Probably the latter. I think Helen's hair was different.

                              And I did like the hand signals part. Heh.
                              Sign the Petition to get the SG-1 Complete Series Bonus Discs released separately!


                                Abnormal sighting!! Hope Ashley's super sonic gun is working...



                                Now, if I could just mutate an opposable thumb or two, Ashley's weapons wardrobe would be all MINE!!
                                Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                                Quint Studer

