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Sanctuary Discussion (Spoilers for the most recent episode)

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    I bought "The Alienist" today - the book DK said influenced his Sanctuary idea. Has anyone else read it? It looks to be a text on total creepology/ criminal scariness. I just started it, though.
    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
    Quint Studer


      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      *jumps up & down chanting Graphic Novel!! Graphic Novel!!*

      I'd love a graphic novel, I'm a fan of good comics, some of their artwork has been spectacular!

      Are you volunteering to write it?

      I know there are folks writing fanfic already, but I can't even come up with plot bunnies based on roughly a half hour of content. I may not be putting Stargate stuff out there, but at least I have a box of plot bunny and title notes. For Sanctuary, I got nothin'. Not a clue. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

      Maybe that could be a fic title?

      In memory of Deejay.
      May we all be so well loved.


        Originally posted by tagger View Post
        I bought "The Alienist" today - the book DK said influenced his Sanctuary idea. Has anyone else read it? It looks to be a text on total creepology/ criminal scariness. I just started it, though.

        I read it a long time ago, and don't remember a lot about it, but I do recall that I really liked it, enough to read some of Caleb Carr's other books. I don't think I liked them as well, though. Now I want to dig out my copy of "Alienist" and re-read it, since you told us it was an inspiration for DK. Thanks for that piece of info.



          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I wonder if AT's previous experience with Heyerdahl helped her (and the rest of the team's) decision to cast him. I remember in the commentary for Revisions, the director (I think) said AT got kind of creeped out by some of the intense looks the actor gave her in scenes. Might have stuck in her mind when casting Druitt.
          During the commentary for Revisions, Martin Wood and Jim Menard talk over and over again about how creepy the people in the town were supposed to be and that the extras playing them actually were pretty creepy , so keep that in mind when you read the quotes about Christopher Heyerdahl.

          During the scene where Daniel and Sam are having a meal with Pallan(CH) and his wife, the comment about CH was “He has this odd-looking face. When he stares at you for a length of time, your skin starts to crawl.” But then they go on to say that he’s a really nice guy.

          Later during a scene with Amanda and CH in the lab, here are the comments by Martin, I think.

          “The dynamic between Chris and Amanda in here is interesting, because Chris had this way of stopping talking and staring at Amanda, and it would freak her out, and she actually would stop him and say 'can you not do that while I’m saying this line - it made me forget what I’m supposed to say just because I’m so freaked out'. He’s acting creepy. Chris is such a good guy.”



            we've seen two weps of helen so far... you know what i'd love to see in some future wep? helen losing her cool, big time! either a temper tandrum type scene (from anger or grief), or just emotionally losing it (from anger or grief). the second one would actually be more powerful to me, because the first stems from just losing ones temper, where the second is breaking apart from the soul. or that's how i'm 'seeing' it right now. (i'm kind of seeing helen throwing things about the room -
            like mitchell did in 'unending'.


            (edited to add: *crosses self, because this post has 3 sixes in a row *)



              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
              During the commentary for Revisions [...]

              Later during a scene with Amanda and CH in the lab, here are the comments by Martin, I think.

              “The dynamic between Chris and Amanda in here is interesting, because Chris had this way of stopping talking and staring at Amanda, and it would freak her out, and she actually would stop him and say 'can you not do that while I’m saying this line - it made me forget what I’m supposed to say just because I’m so freaked out'. He’s acting creepy. Chris is such a good guy.”


              thank you! this is the kind of tidbits i adore.

              so it sounds like fate that chris came into the sanct set when he did. i think he's going to take jack-the-ripper and make him his own.

              but what i REALLY can't wait for is more back story on helen!!!




                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hi StrawberryToo Welcome to GateWorld stick around, have fun!!

                Yeah I can't wait for the next Wep(Episode) either

                Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                Welcome StrawberryToo!

                The two weeks between weps will be very hard. But we'll all be here to support each other.

                LOVING the character of Helen. Can't wait to see more of Helen/Ashley. And more Bigfoot.
                Thanks for the welcome and yeah more of Bigfoot would be good too.

                Originally posted by AmberMoon View Post
                Liking what I've seen so far. The graphics are killer! Can't wait for the next wep myself.

                While waiting between weps, I made a couple of Sanctuary's the link to my PB account.
                (the link should work...I'm never sure if my account is open to the public or not).
                Oh those are very good! Actually I noticed that quite a few of you have really great signatures, you are all a talented and imaginative bunch.

                Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                Meh. I'm just a Jack/Helen shipper
                May I ask what a shipper is?

                Originally posted by tagger View Post
                I bought "The Alienist" today - the book DK said influenced his Sanctuary idea. Has anyone else read it? It looks to be a text on total creepology/ criminal scariness. I just started it, though.
                I think maybe I'll have to track down a copy of this and give it a read. I spent a good chunk of the weekend at my friend's place and we tracked down a lot of info on Sanctuary and I'm just amazed at it all. I haven't read The Alienist but I have read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which I only sort of liked, I wasn't overfussed on the style of graphics but the story line was good. Has anyone else read this comic series?

                I'd like to add my voice to those wanting a graphic novel, I really enjoy them.

                The preview for next week was amazing! I am really looking forward to it.
                Oooops, looks like my Avatar slipped!!


                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  we've seen two weps of helen so far... you know what i'd love to see in some future wep? helen losing her cool, big time! either a temper tandrum type scene (from anger or grief), or just emotionally losing it (from anger or grief). the second one would actually be more powerful to me, because the first stems from just losing ones temper, where the second is breaking apart from the soul. or that's how i'm 'seeing' it right now. (i'm kind of seeing helen throwing things about the room -
                  like mitchell did in 'unending'.

                  No I see Helen more as the type that doesn't get mad she gets even.


                    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                    Are you volunteering to write it?

                    I know there are folks writing fanfic already, but I can't even come up with plot bunnies based on roughly a half hour of content. I may not be putting Stargate stuff out there, but at least I have a box of plot bunny and title notes. For Sanctuary, I got nothin'. Not a clue. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

                    Maybe that could be a fic title?
                    i'd write it...not that anyone would want me to

                    but i do agree, at least for me, it's far too early for fanfic. I gotta mentally know the characters and i can't quite do that in 30 minutes
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      i'd write it...not that anyone would want me to

                      but i do agree, at least for me, it's far too early for fanfic. I gotta mentally know the characters and i can't quite do that in 30 minutes

                      Do you want to do more than mentally know this character?




                        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                        I read it a long time ago, and don't remember a lot about it, but I do recall that I really liked it, enough to read some of Caleb Carr's other books. I don't think I liked them as well, though. Now I want to dig out my copy of "Alienist" and re-read it, since you told us it was an inspiration for DK. Thanks for that piece of info.


                        Good read, so far. I hadn't heard of him as an author, but apparently "The Alienist" was on the NYT bestseller list for quite awhile. (I may need to get out more... )
                        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                        During the scene where Daniel and Sam are having a meal with Pallan(CH) and his wife, the comment about CH was “He has this odd-looking face. When he stares at you for a length of time, your skin starts to crawl.” But then they go on to say that he’s a really nice guy.

                        Later during a scene with Amanda and CH in the lab, here are the comments by Martin, I think.

                        “The dynamic between Chris and Amanda in here is interesting, because Chris had this way of stopping talking and staring at Amanda, and it would freak her out, and she actually would stop him and say 'can you not do that while I’m saying this line - it made me forget what I’m supposed to say just because I’m so freaked out'. He’s acting creepy. Chris is such a good guy.”
                        I think Heyerdahl is awesome. Seething creepiness.

                        I didn't really notice it until others here mentioned it, but his voice is great, too.

                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        so it sounds like fate that chris came into the sanct set when he did. i think he's going to take jack-the-ripper and make him his own.

                        but what i REALLY can't wait for is more back story on helen!!!
                        Totally agree - on both points.

                        More backstory on everyone and everything, in fact, several hours of webisode material each week would be satisfactory.

                        Originally posted by StrawberryToo View Post
                        Oh those are very good! Actually I noticed that quite a few of you have really great signatures, you are all a talented and imaginative bunch.

                        May I ask what a shipper is? Sure - see below.

                        I think maybe I'll have to track down a copy of this and give it a read. I spent a good chunk of the weekend at my friend's place and we tracked down a lot of info on Sanctuary and I'm just amazed at it all. I haven't read The Alienist but I have read The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which I only sort of liked, I wasn't overfussed on the style of graphics but the story line was good. Has anyone else read this comic series?

                        I'd like to add my voice to those wanting a graphic novel, I really enjoy them.

                        The preview for next week was amazing! I am really looking forward to it.
                        I'll add my welcome to the rest!

                        You will notice I do not have a signature - severe case of signature envy.

                        There are so many talented people on these boards. Cool stuff is being created all the time.

                        What is a shipper? *claps hands gleefully*

                        Someone who sees relationships between characters.

                        Generally, the more intelligent members of the forum.


                        Kidding, people. JUST KIDDING hehe.

                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i'd write it...not that anyone would want me to

                        but i do agree, at least for me, it's far too early for fanfic. I gotta mentally know the characters and i can't quite do that in 30 minutes
                        You write it.

                        The fantastic artists here can create the graphics.

                        I volunteer to consume said product.
                        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                        Quint Studer


                          Originally posted by tagger View Post

                          What is a shipper? *claps hands gleefully*

                          Someone who sees relationships between characters.

                          Generally, the more intelligent members of the forum.



                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post
                            I believe the implication here is I am abnormal?

                            Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                            Quint Studer


                              Originally posted by tagger View Post
                              I bought "The Alienist" today - the book DK said influenced his Sanctuary idea. Has anyone else read it? It looks to be a text on total creepology/ criminal scariness. I just started it, though.
                              I read it quite a few years ago, also the sequel "Angel of Darkness". They were both really good. LOVED "The Alienist". Great characters, great story.

                              Caleb Carr is a historian. So, at least you know the historical facts should be accurate.
                              Last edited by rderoch; 03 June 2007, 08:39 PM.
                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                we've seen two weps of helen so far... you know what i'd love to see in some future wep? helen losing her cool, big time! either a temper tandrum type scene (from anger or grief), or just emotionally losing it (from anger or grief). the second one would actually be more powerful to me, because the first stems from just losing ones temper, where the second is breaking apart from the soul. or that's how i'm 'seeing' it right now. (i'm kind of seeing helen throwing things about the room


                                (edited to add: *crosses self, because this post has 3 sixes in a row *)
                                Yeah I'd love to see that too Sally, to see how Amanda would play that too from you're post to DK's ears eh lets hope.

                                I have a dumb question, a graphic novel is it like a comic but for adults?

                                Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me

