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Game of Thrones News/Discussion/Speculation TAG Ep Spoilers

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    Ha. That was so frelling awesome. Never read the books, but oh snap it was rockin'. Next week cannot come sooner.
    ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

    ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


      One hour in and I can already confidently say that this is among the best new television in years. And there's been some damn fine stuff made in the last few years too.

      Fantastic premiere episode. That's all I have to say...for now.
      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


        WOW! set my alarm fro 5.30am.....couldnt drag my backside up..hate alarm clocks....but managed after 3 snoozes to get to the download had been put up 7 mins previously!!! taken a while to get but OH MY LAWDY! im in Drogo heaven....


          Awesome first ep! It did feel a bit rushed in parts, but I guess that's to be expected when they cram so much into such a short space. A really nice introduction to all the characters so far but the stand out for me is Peter Dinklage - he is just brilliant as Tyrion.


            Just saw it Nicely done. A few details here and there that I think were a bit 'off' (then again, I haven't read the books in years), but it was quite nicely done.

            I loved the intro, too, probably one of the best I've seen for a fantasy series. (for a short bit tho', I thought: eh? Lord of the Rings? )
            Heh, was kinda hoping, after that pass over Pentos, that there'd be a pass over Braavos.

            Gah...can't wait for the next episode...and the next seasons/series, when they expound more on my favourite House (Greyjoy )

            Some things, tho':
            - I wish they'd put names for the characters like they did in locations
            (kinda like those old war movies)
            - weren't the Targaryen's eyes purplish?
            - the short talk between Jon and Tyrion didn't seem to have as much 'impact' as it did in the books. Did they have the same 'lines'? Guess I'll have to dig out my copy of AGoT...


              Originally posted by gotthammer View Post
              - weren't the Targaryen's eyes purplish?
              Yeah... that's one detail that irked me a bit. Surely they could have used coloured contacts? Ah well.


                Originally posted by Selene1212 View Post
                Thank you! I'm very glad to hear that. Well,
                not the paralyzed part....

                I think I read somewhere that they had to age up some of the characters because of the whole sex with minors thing.
                You're welcome.

                Yeah, I'd imagine the whole sex with minors thing was the reason behind the aging of the characters. Dany's character is supposed to be 13 in the books. When I first heard that Jason Momoa was cast as Drogo, my first thought was "I hope they're planning on aging Dany's character" I can't see a 13yr old Dany going over well on a tv series, especially if the actress actually looked that young. Sixteen(I think that how old she's supposed to be) sounds like a more of an appropriate age to marry someone off at(several disney princesses were married at 16 lol ) The actress is older than 16, and she doesn't look like a child either; but I've still seen people unhappy with the character being that young.

                I've been skimming through my copy of AGoT since I watched the ep lol


                  Well I folded, and watch the episode online, just so I could join in with the thread. I'll still watch on Sky Atlantic tonight though, because something this good deserves to be watch in HD on a 50 inch screen (plus I want to support the UK ratings).

                  So firstly, I know have my most favourite title sequence ever. And the fact that apparently it will change from ep to ep depending on where the episodes are set is even more awesome. I love it.

                  As for the rest, bloody awesome. It looks great, the acting is brilliant, the writing is great, distilling GRRM's writing onto the screen. Standout moments for me would be the opening, the arrival for the King and that ending . As for actors, it's difficult to single one out for praise, they were all bloody brilliant. But Mark Addy in the crypt was awesome, Peter Dinklage all round great, Harry Lloyd as Viserys Targaryen was very creepy... I could go on.

                  Also here's the promo for next week's episode, can't wait.

                  Very strong opening episode, got me hooked. Having only seen one episode I can't yet say whether it will knock my favourite tv series of all time, the Wire, off it's perch, but if they keep being like this, and some of the reviews say the latter episodes are even better, then it might just.

                  Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                  Yeah... that's one detail that irked me a bit. Surely they could have used coloured contacts? Ah well.
                  They tried but it was too uncomfortable for the actors.


                    Okay, complete newbie here, I had never even heard of the books before this series was announced, much less read them. And I've been staying away from spoilers, so I was surprised by everything that happened. And I like it. A lot. There as a feeling of reality about this that is often lacking in fantasy. The sets are gorgeous and the actors are great, and as far as I can tell each one fits its character to a T. And I agree, the opening is epic!

                    I also think they've done a great job of getting people like me up to speed with the backstory without making it too obvious. The only thing I'm still struggling with is putting the names to the faces, so any comments you made about scenes between certain characters went way past me.

                    And talking about comments - I hope we get our own forum soon where we can have discussion threads for the individual episodes without having to spoiler everything.

                    The preview for next week looks awesome, and I almost with I had not seen it since I will have to miss the next two eps since I'm away on holiday without internet. I better not make any plans for my first day back, I'll have lots of stuff to catch up on then.

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Awesome! cant wait for next weeks ep.
                      Also love the opening title sequence.

                      All 40 thousand, and their horses too


                        All 40 thousand, and their horses too
                        And I'd fight them all for Emilia Clarke. BACK OFF ALL OF YOU. ESPECIALLY YOU RONON DEX. YOUR HAIR IS SILLY.
                        ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                        ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                          Originally posted by MattSilver 3k View Post
                          And I'd fight them all for Emilia Clarke. BACK OFF ALL OF YOU. ESPECIALLY YOU RONON DEX. YOUR HAIR IS SILLY.
                          Go tell Drogo that. Just dont forget to include Ukko in your will


                            Bugger all this fighting for women, I'm going to the whorehouse with Tyrion

                            "If I get through this without squirting from one end or the other, it'll be a miracle"


                              Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                              Go tell Drogo that. Just don't forget to include Ukko in your will
                              You're already covered. Basically, the will will state that there'll be a line of people to challenge Drogo after my death, and they're honour-bound to go and die. So you, Jelgate, a few of my old school chums... Welcome to the will.

                              Bugger all this fighting for women, I'm going to the whorehouse with Tyrion

                              "If I get through this without squirting from one end or the other, it'll be a miracle"
                              He does seem to know how to party despite his... shortcomings.
                              ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

                              ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


                                Loved this episode. The changes from the book mostly make sense. I do have a few nitpicky things, but overall I loved it.

