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Serenity (2005) Discussion Thread Contains All Manner of Spoilers

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    Well, I'm new to the whole Joss Whedon fandom thing myself, so I didn't know that he habitually kills people off.
    Well if you ever saw the Buffy ep "The Body" which he wrote and directed, there is no under-estimating Joss and his wicked ways with character deaths. Oh and of course Tara's death and in Angel, Doyle's and Fred's deaths, he is really good at killing the ones we love.

    Did I ever say how much I love Joss.

    Ah, these people can not be true fans come on, he will find away to bring him back if there is the need which there is!

    He's also good at that. Look at Buffy, Angel, Spike oh the list goes on.


      Originally posted by Drwho'srose
      Ah, these people can not be true fans come on, he will find away to bring him back if there is the need which there is!

      He's also good at that. Look at Buffy, Angel, Spike oh the list goes on.
      I think they just need a bit of time and perspective... but I'm a little annoyed because I really want that sequel... I want to know what's in Inara's box, why she left Sihnon the first time... what Shepherd Book did in his previous life... (I can guess that one) Plenty more stories that can be told...
      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


        Here's Joss response from the Melbourne Q&A about Wash in sequel's...
        Questioner:: There's been alot of speculation as to the reasons for Alan's 'lack of sequel opportunity' shall we say? Are you able to confirm or deny or speculate?

        JOSS: I can do all of those things. I have always... *hated* Alan. He's just not funny. Im looking for funny and he's just not there for me. No, he is... the character if Wash - as some of you may have noticed - a corpse, but that is not because he is not going to be in the sequel. In fact, if there were a sequel I can say, without hesitation that he infact would be in it. And not in a cheesy twin brother way. I can't stress that enough.
        Full transcript

        JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
        DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


          Oh... I'm not worried about Wash... I'm pretty confident in Joss Whedon's writing ability to incorporate "dead" characters... into sequels
          As much as I love Wash, I'm interested in the other characters too... A lot of the hoopla about his death seems to have taken away from the importance of the other characters to the Firefly 'verse.
          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


            Originally posted by Easter Lily
            I think they just need a bit of time and perspective... but I'm a little annoyed because I really want that sequel... I want to know what's in Inara's box, why she left Sihnon the first time... what Shepherd Book did in his previous life... (I can guess that one) Plenty more stories that can be told...
            What's in Inara's box was also a question at the Melbourne Q&A. On the recording you can hear me, Eemo, Ekkie and my friend Delwyn laughing rather loudly because we were sitting just in front of the fellow who asked it.


              Fly by post just to say that I saw Serenity Saturday night and absolutely loved it. The hidden comedy and shocking moments were terrific. I aso loved the action which was great. I hadn't been spoiled before going to see the movie and am glad that I held off on sneaking a peek at what others were saying.

              I find myself torn, however, on whether or not I want the series to come back on SciFi, or stick strictly to the big screen. Either way I guess would really be ok--as long as it comes back in some manner.


                Originally posted by Imo
                Here's Joss response from the Melbourne Q&A about Wash in sequel's...

                Full transcript
                I have no doubt that if we get a sequel or if FF was to return *please* that he would find a convincing way to bring him back. I have faith in Joss he knows what he's doing.

                I haven't got time to read the transcript yet but thanks for the link Imo.


                  Originally posted by Shep'sSocks
                  What's in Inara's box was also a question at the Melbourne Q&A. On the recording you can hear me, Eemo, Ekkie and my friend Delwyn laughing rather loudly because we were sitting just in front of the fellow who asked it.
                  Yes... which is kind of why I mentioned it... I think I've listened to the Q&A about 4 times now.

                  Originally posted by girlgater
                  Fly by post just to say that I saw Serenity Saturday night and absolutely loved it. The hidden comedy and shocking moments were terrific. I aso loved the action which was great. I hadn't been spoiled before going to see the movie and am glad that I held off on sneaking a peek at what others were saying. I find myself torn, however, on whether or not I want the series to come back on SciFi, or stick strictly to the big screen. Either way I guess would really be ok--as long as it comes back in some manner.
                  Good of you to flyby... flyby more often...
                  I'll take whatever we can get... as long as we get some kind of resolution. Sounds like Joss would like to make more films though...
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Originally posted by Imo
                    Here's Joss response from the Melbourne Q&A about Wash in sequel's...

                    Full transcript
                    I'm so gald to hear that. I love Wash and was so upset when he got... well.... spiked, but reading this, I still have hope!!! As much as I love the other characters, Jayne in particular, it just wouldn't be the same without a little Wash. I can't wait for the sequel, and there will be a sequel, there just has to be one!!!


                      As long as we spread the word and get people into the cinemas... the chances are pretty high...
                      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                        Finally saw it today! Great movie! Loved every minute of it! Though I was getting worried too many people were going to die.

                        Some twit had posted a thread here a month or so ago asking if Mal died in the movie or something like that right in the subject line. I refused to read any farther but I was so worried Mal was going to buy it, and he’s my favorite character. I’ve avoided all spoilers and hadn’t ready anything about the movie or the possibility of sequels so I was sitting there the whole time with that possibility on my mind so if it came I wouldn’t start crying cause I’m such a crier when it comes to sad stuff. When the operative killed that guy at the start (which I think was the hardest thing for me to watch in the whole movie), I just knew that sword and Mal were going to meet up. I wasn’t putting it past Joss to sacrifice the main character. Thankfully it didn’t happen.

                        Wash’s death was so sudden and then the action moved on that I was too stunned to even think about it. Poor Wash. That final part of the movie was such overload. Heh. I figured when Mal fired on that Reever ship that he wanted them to follow so when Serenity came through the “fog” alone and the operative made his little remark, I was like “yeah you Alliance boys are about to get it.”

                        And yeah I chuckled to myself about the Mal/screwdriver vs. Operative/katana scene.

                        Originally posted by Shep’s Socks
                        Did anyone else wince in horror as Serenity bounced in on that landing. That was just awful.
                        I did. It was painful seeing Mal’s “freedom” being ripped apart like that.

                        Okay, I don’t frequent other Firefly forums, but I figure the resident Aussies here might have read this somewhere. Any theories on what the Alliance was programming River for? My guess… fight the Reevers in an attempt to correct their mistakes.

                        I’ll have to see this one again. There was so much packed into it, especially with all the witty dialogue, which is a gem of the series and a credit to Joss. Maybe I’ll go again for my birthday next week. There might have been 10 people in there when I went (1:30pm on a Monday so people should have been at work ), but I thought I was going to have to listen to a crying baby the whole time. Two men came in with a baby and sat like 2 rows behind me out of all the places they could have sat so when the commercials came on I got up and moved to the other side and then when the movie gets going they give the kid something noisy to shake in attempts to keep it quite. I was like oh **** am I really going to have to listen to this the whole time. Thankfully after 15 minutes or so I didn’t hear another peep from them. We only have 2 theaters here and the movie was playing at the crappy old one instead of the brand new 14-screen one so the sound quality was pretty bad and made it difficult to understand because the dialogue wasn’t crisp. Plus the picture quality was so-so. I’m crossing my fingers that maybe the new theater will show it, but that’s probably wishful thinking. Oh well I still enjoyed it anyway…. Can't wait for the DVD.
                        IMO always implied.


                          My husband came home today and said he got commitments from 4 people at work to go see the movie. The great thing is, 3 out of 4 had already heard from other people how great the movie is! My sister and I are also going to see it with a couple of her friends from work sometime this week.

                          Good sci fi is about special effects. Great sci fi is about people.


                            I just got back from seeing Serenity and my verdict is...


                            Two thumbs up..! I came out of the Theater feeling that my money was well spent, and the effort to go see the movie well worth it.
                            The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

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                            Feel free to pass the green..!

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                            Also, visit my webpage at... Sadly, this page is gone with the website that supported it, but I'll keep the link up in memorial.


                              Originally posted by LoneStar1836
                              We only have 2 theaters here and the movie was playing at the crappy old one instead of the brand new 14-screen one so the sound quality was pretty bad and made it difficult to understand because the dialogue wasn’t crisp. Plus the picture quality was so-so. I’m crossing my fingers that maybe the new theater will show it, but that’s probably wishful thinking. Oh well I still enjoyed it anyway…. Can't wait for the DVD.

                              I know how you feel. We also only have two theaters in our town, and like yours, the one Serenity got played in is the crappy one. I didn't care though. The movie was well worth it. Sadly, there were only 4 or 5 other people in the whole theater to watch it when I did. Good for me, in that there no distractions, but bad for the movie itself. I agree, I'm gonna have to get this one on DVD also.
                              The success or failure of your deeds, does not add up to the sum of your life. Your spirit cannot be weighed! Judge yourself by the intentions of your actions, and by the strength with which you faced the challenges that have stood in your way. The Universe is so vast, and we are so small, there is only truly one thing we can control; whether we are good or evil... -Oma Desala

                              To all the 'Sci & Tech' forum users: If you are searching for a thread about your topic of interest, please come visit our Concordance Thread. If you have any questions, we will attempt to help you.

                              Feel free to pass the green..!

                              My Website...
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                              Amazing Literary Works of Fel...

                              Also, visit my webpage at... Sadly, this page is gone with the website that supported it, but I'll keep the link up in memorial.


                                Originally posted by LoneStar1836
                                Finally saw it today! Great movie! Loved every minute of it! Though I was getting worried too many people were going to die.
                                Finally! LS...

                                After Wash's impalement... I thought Simon was going to carc it too. But I didn't think Mal was really ever in any danger. Comes from being blissfully ignorant about the Whedon propensity to kill beloved characters.

                                Wash’s death was so sudden and then the action moved on that I was too stunned to even think about it. Poor Wash. That final part of the movie was such overload. Heh. I figured when Mal fired on that Reever ship that he wanted them to follow so when Serenity came through the “fog” alone and the operative made his little remark, I was like “yeah you Alliance boys are about to get it.”
                                Very exciting moment... Joss really knows how to get the audience going... I was quite unashamedly gleeful also.

                                Okay, I don’t frequent other Firefly forums, but I figure the resident Aussies here might have read this somewhere. Any theories on what the Alliance was programming River for? My guess… fight the Reevers in an attempt to correct their mistakes.
                                Sounds good to me...
                                Surprisingly... not much talk about it... Just a lot of people comiserating about Wash and some Browncoats turning coat because Joss committed the unpardonable sin of killing off a likeable main character. Which is unfortunate because it really is such a great film... and has so many other aspects to it.

                                I'm taking a couple of Firefly virgins on Wed night... That will be my fourth visit...
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

