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Farscape Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
    British edition has more interviews and different editing of the PKW

    Does anyone know if there are any significant or interesting differences between the 2 versions?


      Originally posted by joshing123 View Post
      Does anyone know if there are any significant or interesting differences between the 2 versions?
      Different editing is the main difference between the 2 versions. Lion's Gate released it as one long 3 hours long movie and Contender UK released it as 2-parter mini-series, just like it was aired on TV. There're deleted scenes included in British release, you won't find them in American version. And interviews, which are also not included in Lion's Gate release.
      T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders


        Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
        Different editing is the main difference between the 2 versions.

        Cool. Just making sure we didn't miss anything in the US. I read (maybe here?) that the UK got an extra scene in A Human Reaction when it aired on tv that verified certain activities of the previous night, while the US didn't.

        Actually, speaking of.. does the DVD have the additional scene of did we get screwed there too? I'll never understand why they make different versions or add different extras for different countries.


          Originally posted by joshing123 View Post
          Cool. Just making sure we didn't miss anything in the US. I read (maybe here?) that the UK got an extra scene in A Human Reaction when it aired on tv that verified certain activities of the previous night, while the US didn't.

          Actually, speaking of.. does the DVD have the additional scene of did we get screwed there too? I'll never understand why they make different versions or add different extras for different countries.

          All the deleted/missing scenes from the US airings are included. The reason the eps and the mini wwere edited differently (this goes for any show or movie) is due to the fact that, for example, (Brits feel free to correct me) in Britian, violence is not as prevelant on telly as it is in the US and sex on most US telly isn't prevelant like it is in most European countries.

          Now, someone please 'splain the logic in THAT?! The US has way more violence (and it's generally accepted as ok) on telly but those US censors go NUTS if you dare show too much sex on telly. Personally, I wish we had way LESS violence on telly than sex.
          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


            Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
            Oh yeah ... About Fractures
            I totally agree with the hearbreaking part of Moya John about to see Aeryn again. He was so cute asking D'Argo about the shirt and running around the ship and then the reaction ... Man talk about a blow to the gut!

            Great episode though!
            He was wonderful wasn't he.
            He was excited by trying not to show it too much and over do it. Ben is a great job with that. Asking about the shirt was too cute

            Originally posted by McClance View Post
            One of the first mental images I got of a post-PKW story is that of a toddler crawling all over Pilot's console.
            LOL me too
            I think he'd like to have a baby around. I can't help but think that ploit might be chiff baby sitter when the ship is under attack (he could hold him with one arm and use the others to fly the ship lol).

            Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
            I loved D'argo's comments, so matter of fact and not at all what you might expect from a big warrior like him.

            And I agree - John does look better in the black!!!

            Hey, Pilot's got many arms and he's good at multitasking - he's could keep him/her entertained easily.
            Agreed. He was so funny and yet some of the momnets where very touching. like the "My friend" momnet.

            LOL I'm getting a mental picture of ploit wigaling keys in one hand, holing hte body int he other, with a bottle in the third arm

            Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
            LOL ... I can see the Farscape spin off now "What Not To Wear: Luxan Edition" ... Although, I don't know I'm kinda partial to the green, myself. You're very right, though. Those lines from D'Argo were hysterically funny. Anthony pulled them off very well.
            LOL I didn't like the green as much as the black. I mena he was still sexy but I think he's sexyer in black or red. The green doesn't look bad on him on Stargate

            Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
            I agree. I'm not really one for lots of science--I'd rather watch, say "Grey's Anatomy" than "Star Trek" so I definitely prefer the more character driven/emotional storylines, vs the "science" and how this gizmo works with that gadget, etc.

            The heart of the show is definitely the drama, and the acting is what makes it work. I think the humor works very well too, even in those episodes that are pretty heavy duty serious (The Choice, for example) you get some comedic moments.
            Agreed, I'm the same. I still love the science parts but I like a story like this much better then StarTrek. It's the characters, their story I'm most interested in.

            Farscape diffenlly has the prefect blance of humor, drama and delightful insanely Even in hardcore emotional episodes like the Choice as you pointed out.

            Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
            Future Farscape? Hopefully
            not too much baby. I think the Scarren/PK thing is short lived and I think the Nebari should show up. I mean, early on, Chiana makes an allusion to some sort of planet wiping out weapon ("Through the Looking Glass")
            I'm not so sure about the PK/Scarren thing, it might last for a while but I really can't se it being a long term thing (I don't trust the Scarrens). I think the Nebair should show up, they have that plan to take over. (whatever they had Chiana spreading before her boy cured them both. Unless that's dealt with in season 4. I don't know a whole lot about season 4

            Originally posted by esoap524 View Post
            Oh, angelfire, regarding Aeryn and "Fractures", I thought the same thing too. They certainly set it up to look that way and
            , given her emotional state, I really couldn't put anything past her. But the look in her eyes, the way she does NOT look at John when she goes to stand by his side, the way she pretty much avoids looking at him at all, is just painful, both for her and for him.
            Excellent stuff by both Ben and Claudia. Claudia, in particular,
            plays Aeryn's heartache so well at the end of season 3. the next episode is equally heartbreaking, although Ben's puppy-dog eagerness at Aeryn's return is just so sad!

            Claudia said in an interview that the most difficult words she ever had to utter on Farscape were
            "Hello, John" when Aeryn steps off the transport pod and looks like right past him, knowing that he's so eager to see her and how hurt he's going to be. She said even beyond John dying, that was the hardest part.
            Wish I could remember where I saw that interview; it might be in the season 3 companion.
            Good, I don't feel as bad then. It's really painful, she can't bring herself to even look at him Agreed.
            Ben does excited withotu going overboard very well. Just like Cameron when he first arrived at the SGC to reform SG1

            I can see why that would be one of the hardest parts. She has to say the line with very little emotion but say the emotion with her eyes but not. Okay I suck at explaining it but I see why that be really hard.
            Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


              Originally posted by joshing123 View Post
              Actually, speaking of.. does the DVD have the additional scene of did we get screwed there too? I'll never understand why they make different versions or add different extras for different countries.
              The biggest reason non-US countries get more scenes is that US channels put in alot more commercials. So alot of show make a 50 minute or so version and then cut out 4 or 5 min for the US version.

              The same as after a show has aired and it goes into syndication on WGN or whatever then they cut out a few more minutes. In general in the US, if you're watching a show (and this applies to most any tv show) if it's not the original airing (or a repeat during that season) it's probably had a couple minutes cut out.

              To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

              From the wonderful XKCD site


                btw you guys can call me Becki

                Review for I-Yensch, You-Yensch

                Rygal was in top form again

                I couldn't stop laughing at D'Argo being hurt when someone else was hurt, speacilly at the end when he was repetely hitting his head. Anthony Simcoe is a master when it comes to humor

                It's a shame about Talyn, for the longest time I thought it was Crais crupption(sp) that was making Talyn act the way he does. But now that I believe he really has changed, I believe it must be a flaw from being a hybid PK gunship about Crais bad side. He should have been with his mother longer IMO but I think he still would have had this mental illness. Poor Crais was truey heart broken when they shut the him down. I felt so bad for Aeryn, being asked to speack to Moya after everything she been though. I really feel bad for Moya; speacilly after Talyn attacked her.

                The bad guys grossed me out, half dog, part money all stupid. I thought Scorpius could have taken them but I guess I was wrong.

                I felt so bad for the poor waitress. Her boyfriend set it up to burn down her beloved place becuase he wanted them to have a better life and then he died. She cared so deeply for him and really believed in him (his cookie skills). I'm so glad Rygal saved her Guess we'll never know what happens to her.

                Review for Into the Lion's Den (1): Lambs to the Slaughter

                I like that John and Aeryn are working together now amd that it's less painful to watch. Aeryn is foucing on the matter at hand more then anythign else. I love her devote to John and how ready she is to follow whatever plan he comes up with.

                The rocket fight sceen was so great. I loved John calling Aeryn to save him, and runnign form the PKs. I loved seeing Scorpius's reactions to John being beaten. Very well done by Wayne Pygram

                Actully all the Ben/Wayne scenes where brilliant. I loved Scorpius dressed up as soilder, that was really fun. I'm kind a buying Clip!Scorpius's act about wanting to live and coving John's lies. I'm still not 100% sure on him though. I really think the scene at the end with Scorpius and John was powerful (showing him Earth). I loved how Scorpius stabbed his own hand to make John drop the gun and then slamed him into the table. I read on that Ben Browder really hurt his lip when Wayne Pygram pushed him onto the table to show him the image of Earth. Anyone know if that's ture. Casue it look pretty real to me but that could be just really good makeup.

                I really love Jool's red hair, it's so beautiful. I laughed at Crais asking about it. As I've said I think there a good pairing (not talking romaticly people).

                Crais getting his freak on with former lover who saly is actully a spy. I'm happy he finally is getting some love even if it's a lie since no one on Moya likes him really (well maybe Jool did before Talyn destoryed the Med ship). I really hope he isn't fooled by the PK. Part of me thinks he isn't but then again the heart can blind the other sense sometimes. Anyway I hope her betrayal doesn't hurt him too badly.

                D'Argo was brillant again, I loved that they showed more of his friendship with Jool. She tried to help him in the fight. I wondered why she didn't scram and see if that had any effact on the saw. I'm glad Scorpius held up his end of the deal and protected the others. D'Argo had his cains removed but what was the other thing he asked for? I didn't catch it

                Sometimes I think Chiana just liked to start trouble (more so then normal) when she went up to the PK who did wanted to be bothered. I wanted to slap her but I guess they needed something to start up the hatred between D'Argo and said PK.

                I felt really bad for Aeryn with her friend. That really hurt, and a hurt she didn't need. I think she might be able to get through to her friend to a point. But I doubt she'll be changing sides or anything.
                Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                  Originally posted by McClance View Post
                  One of the first mental images I got of a post-PKW story is that of a toddler crawling all over Pilot's console.
                  Without a doubt. That'd be great to see. Hopefully, our dream will be realized someday soon. There are still so many wonderful Farscape stories to be told.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                    The biggest reason non-US countries get more scenes is that US channels put in alot more commercials. So alot of show make a 50 minute or so version and then cut out 4 or 5 min for the US version.

                    The same as after a show has aired and it goes into syndication on WGN or whatever then they cut out a few more minutes. In general in the US, if you're watching a show (and this applies to most any tv show) if it's not the original airing (or a repeat during that season) it's probably had a couple minutes cut out.
                    Noticed that- was watching Farscape on an American channel, then on teh DVD and noticed a few added in scenes on all the episodes. The numbert of commercials that appear on American television is.....shockingly high.


                      Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                      The same as after a show has aired and it goes into syndication on WGN or whatever then they cut out a few more minutes. In general in the US, if you're watching a show (and this applies to most any tv show) if it's not the original airing (or a repeat during that season) it's probably had a couple minutes cut out.
                      It's usually not so bad for cable shows when they go to syndication because they tend to be shorter then the network shows already. I've seen some syndication cuts on other shows that just make entire episodes not make sense, and those are non-sci fi so you'd think they'd be easier to excise scenes from.


                        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                        Noticed that- was watching Farscape on an American channel, then on teh DVD and noticed a few added in scenes on all the episodes. The numbert of commercials that appear on American television is.....shockingly high.
                        Yes, it's ridiculous. Many years back the commercial breaks were 2 minutes tops and most times shorter. Now it's not unusual to have a 4 or 5 minute set of commercials. I think it actually hurts the advertisers because now you have plenty of time to go do something else whereas before you often stayed seated so you wouldn't miss the start of the show after the break.

                        To see the complete animated picture timeline of the comet landing -

                        From the wonderful XKCD site


                          Originally posted by Thunderstorm View Post
                          Yes, it's ridiculous. Many years back the commercial breaks were 2 minutes tops and most times shorter. Now it's not unusual to have a 4 or 5 minute set of commercials. I think it actually hurts the advertisers because now you have plenty of time to go do something else whereas before you often stayed seated so you wouldn't miss the start of the show after the break.
                          Yep - and this is why DVRs and TV shows on DVD are increasingly popular, which makes advertisers lose out even more.


                            This probably doesn't need to be said, but I thought I should reiterate - as much as I love the commentaries, there are plenty of spoilers in them. I personally couldn't resist watching an episode and then immediately watching it again with the commentary - spoilers and all - which is strange actually because I usually hate being spoiled! But the commentaries were so entertaining, I couldn't help myself.

                            Plenty of folks told me how jealous they were of me when I was watching Farscape for the first time. (I started over the summer and basically had a non-stop marathon of Farscape viewing.) Now I envy all the people that are just becoming fans as well. ENJOY! ENJOY! ENJOY!
                            Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                              Review for Into the Lion's Den (2): Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

                              May I first just say

                              This was such a powerful, brilliant episode! When the ship was blowing up it was stunning, very powerful. I loved the water coming in Scorpius room, and the park/training room crushing down. I'm glad we got to see the little girl get on another ship from before the ship was destoryed.

                              I really didn't like Aeryn's friend, hitting the little girl's hand to make it bleed to make a point to Aeryn. Then later trying to kill her (but I can see that more then hitting the little girl's hand). Still thougha big ouch on her death, I thought Aeryn might have to shoot her to end her pain.

                              I'll write the rest of my review later
                              Ben Browder on who'd win a fight, Mitchell or Critchon..."Cameron would have the upper hand until Aeryn kicked his ass."


                                Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                                I personally couldn't resist watching an episode and then immediately watching it again with the commentary - spoilers and all - which is strange actually because I usually hate being spoiled! But the commentaries were so entertaining, I couldn't help myself.
                                I'm not huge on commentaries, and I'm not worried about spoilers since I'm going backwards, but I am working my way through the commentaries on the Farscape DVDs I have because I agree, they are entertaining. I watched the one for Kansas last night - that was so funny at the end
                                when BB was talking about kissing his younger self & they started joking about young John actually losing his virginity to old John, but remembering Karen Shaw because of the drugs.

                                I was on my ellipitical and about fell off when they said that!

