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Lay Down Your Burdens, Part 2 (220)

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    I think it was pretty obvious it was a joke (they said they were going to use an 'animated' Adama, haha...remember, they were drinking scotch and were pretty tipsy by the end), especially because I believe in the press release announcing that Season Three was being funded it was said all the principles were coming back. It seems that since the material is so good, as long as it remains good the actors aren't so concerned about money. I'm 99% sure all of the main characters are coming back, and will only die for plot reasons, not just to get rid of them due to real-world reasons.


      Originally posted by runelind
      So listening to the podcast they say that EJO won't be back for the next season, I hope they're just joking?
      I'm pretty sure they were joking, that's how I understood it anyway.
      We're whalers on the moon,
      We carry a harpoon.
      But there ain't no whales
      So we tell tall tales
      And sing our whaling tune.


        Originally posted by LoneStar1836
        See while everybody else is down on that dreary planet, I’m on the ship with plenty of nice, dry space to myself.
        Well, I guess it was very comfy indeed on Cloud Nine - before Gina decided to give everyone in range plenty of nice, dry hard radiation in the miliseconds before they were converted to a fine pink irradiated mist.


          Originally posted by ManaByte
          That would be a reset button. Moore has said from the beginning that there would be no "Star Trek" reset buttons, and having the whole thing be a dream would go against that.
          That wouldn't only be a remarkably stupid reset button (even by the Trek franchise's less than demanding benchmark), , but a humano-Cylon copy of arguably the most notorious "jump the shark" moment in television history.

          Here's what I think is the grand plan for the fleet in season three: There isn't one. Bill and Lee Adama have no fracking idea what just happened, there never had some grand design set up if the Cylons ever found them. What's going to save their bacon is that The Cylons are becoming even more screwed up and divided than the Colonials - and there are going to be elements on both side who will take advantage of that to help at least some of the New Capricans get the hell out.


            Did Baltar ever name a Vice President? I assume it would be Zarek...


              The good Admiral probably didn't have any sort of plan in the works for a Cylon invasion. I like the theory that the fleet will somehow obtain more firepower, ships and people by scouring the old Colonies. Its plausible that they could put together enough of an offensive to cause the Cylons to retreat just long enough to get everyone off the planet and moving again.

              While this is plausible I'm not sure it would be Moore's style.

              Another possibility could revolve around the aforementioned theory, but taking many episodes. The story would cut between the fleet building effort, the resistance effort on New Caprica, Baltar's political, emotional, and mental struggles and of course the the Cylon's true "plan."
              I cry...You cry...We all cry...for Ori.


                Originally posted by superweapon_salvation
                Another possibility could revolve around the aforementioned theory, but taking many episodes. The story would cut between the fleet building effort, the resistance effort on New Caprica, Baltar's political, emotional, and mental struggles and of course the the Cylon's true "plan."
                Well, over on another thread there's a link to a RDM interview with Now Playing Magazine, that contains spoilers/speculation about where he sees season three heading.

                The relevant money quote, for the purpose of this thread, is:
                “The end of the season is quite a shake-up,” acknowledges Moore. “The Cylons show up and all hell breaks loose. Essentially, season three is going to deal with the Cylon occupation of the Colonials on New Caprica. The sort of archetype that we’re talking about is like Vichy France: There’s a Colonial government run by President Baltar that is collaborating with the Cylons, while the humans put together an insurgent resistance against the occupation. It’s a pretty big twist.”

                “Adama and the Galactica and Pegasus are gone, and they’re sort of trying to get their act together to figure out a way to come back and rescue [the Colonials],” continues Moore. “And season three will start off in that world of the Cylon occupation.”

                “We do eventually plan on getting them back out into space, and also another major thing that’s going to happen in the third season is we’re going to do an ongoing Cylon story where we’re going to be cutting over to the Cylon world for the first time and running a complete arc within the Cylon,” reveals Moore. “It’s still coming together, but [the occupation arc] will probably be three or four or five episodes… probably four episodes. We’re still kind of stroking out exactly how these kinds of things will fall, but I don’t think it will take quite as long as it took us to wrap up the arc at the beginning of the second season.”


                  Originally posted by Craig Ranapia
                  Well, over on another thread there's a link to a RDM interview with Now Playing Magazine, that contains spoilers/speculation about where he sees season three heading.

                  The relevant money quote, for the purpose of this thread, is:
                  “The end of the season is quite a shake-up,” acknowledges Moore. “The Cylons show up and all hell breaks loose. Essentially, season three is going to deal with the Cylon occupation of the Colonials on New Caprica. The sort of archetype that we’re talking about is like Vichy France: There’s a Colonial government run by President Baltar that is collaborating with the Cylons, while the humans put together an insurgent resistance against the occupation. It’s a pretty big twist.”

                  “Adama and the Galactica and Pegasus are gone, and they’re sort of trying to get their act together to figure out a way to come back and rescue [the Colonials],” continues Moore. “And season three will start off in that world of the Cylon occupation.”

                  “We do eventually plan on getting them back out into space, and also another major thing that’s going to happen in the third season is we’re going to do an ongoing Cylon story where we’re going to be cutting over to the Cylon world for the first time and running a complete arc within the Cylon,” reveals Moore. “It’s still coming together, but [the occupation arc] will probably be three or four or five episodes… probably four episodes. We’re still kind of stroking out exactly how these kinds of things will fall, but I don’t think it will take quite as long as it took us to wrap up the arc at the beginning of the second season.”
                  Reading that I believe my 1st theory even more. Adama's "getting their act together" in the Scorpion shipyards.
                  Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


                    Originally posted by grover
                    Titan... sometimes I worry about you.

                    I think you're right on one point though, Adama is going to pimp Galactica and he's going to do it by stripping Pegasus. (I'd say vice versa but the show IS called Battlestar Galactica!) Figure both ships are running at half strength, merge the crews and you have one ready-to-rock battlestar. Strip weapons, ammo, armour, whatever can be salvaged off of Pegasus EXCEPT for one nuclear warhead. Jump back to New Caprica and send the Beast on a Kamikazee. TPTB will probably send the bulk of the Cylon fleet from NC in pursuit of the remaining Colonial vessels, leaving 3-4 basestars around the planet itself. Roll the Beast in, take out 2-3 basestars when she goes supernova and leave Galactica to go toe-to-toe with the remaining basestar. Galactica wins the day, the rest of the fleet jumps in, pick up all the civillians and off we go on a race for Earth.
                    Why strip Pegasus. 1. It's the better Battlestar and 2. Two Battlestars are better than one.
                    Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


                      Holy Frak. This episode is staying with me and it has been about three hours since I've watched it.

                      I wonder if Baltar would have been a better president if Gina had survived. Aboard Cloud Nine he looked like he was genuinely hopeful for their future (albeit he was aware he knew their relationship would have to remain secret).

                      Though I did enjoy the jump ahead.

                      It'll be interesting to see if any changes in character will be filled in.

                      Why Kara was so friendly with the Tighs for one.
                      Last edited by Blue Banrigh; 11 March 2006, 04:19 AM.


                        A few things...

                        1. anyone else find it interesting Kara's reaction to seeing Tigh on New Caprica? Running up to him and giving him a big hug? Seems that relationship has thawed alot.

                        2. Is Dee XO of The Beast? Cause' that would just suck!

                        3. Could Gaeta suck anymore than he already does?

                        4. I was proud of Adama for making the decision he mada on the rigged election. the easy way to go would be to accept the fake election results and keep Roslin as President, but it would have been the wrong way. Adama's a man of too high a moral principal to do that. Adama rules!

                        5. Lee's fat and old....awsome!
                        Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


                          Originally posted by titans
                          When Adama comes back with his pimped out Battlestar all will be saved!
                          If the last half hour wasn't a dream, then I smell insurgency on the planet. How suprising is that with RDM and DE both being political majors. Heck, we may even get some prison tortures with the the one cylon coming back for Kara.

                          Pimped out BSG or not, they have to get the people off the planet. Didn't they have two heavy raiders in their possesion? One that crashed into the hangar deck and the one Kara flew back. So they could use those to go down and get their military personel. Or, they still have Carpica Sharon, if she's still around. She could commandeer some other heavy raiders to shuttle people off. But how long will that last before they get wise?

                          And quite frankly, RDM and DE have kept their major plot twists to themselves for quite some time. The dream idea is something that is more than plausible with RDM.


                            I loved the episode! I would have Made Laura win Thought because I love laura and I want her to be president again because she rocked. I Laughed when cloud 9 got nuked. I laughed even harder when they said They detected the residual radiation of a nuclear explosion. That Batlar is just a plain old Frakup all around lol

                            ALSO GOD DAMN GATA HE NEEDS TO GO DIE I officialy HATE him now


                              The episode seemed a bit disjointed given that they detained two copies of the lateste cylon to be revealed and didn't really come back to him. I did enjoy it when the cylon embedded in the flight walked in declaring "I am not a Cylon! I am not a Cylon! Oh..." only to see a copy of him/her in the brig. Quite funny. I do hope that we see more conversations between the two of them as the brief interchange was pretty cool. It did seem though that the escape from Caprica and reveal of the new cylon just seemed a bit too short.


                              Did anyone else start to think that new Caprica is actually Kobol all over again where the gods and the humans dwelt together in harmony?

                              "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                              I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                                Originally posted by walterIsTheMan
                                Wow, that was an awesome episode. But you know that last half hour has gotta be a dream. Can't wait till October.
                                Nope, I just read an Article that it wasn't a dream.

                                "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                                I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.

