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Crossroads, Part 2 (320)

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    Originally posted by Chig View Post
    How many are going to look to the lyrics of "All along the watch tower" to get through all this confusion here?
    I can't get no relief.
    "Thats O'Neill with TWO L's!"
    *Jack holds up three fingers*
    Anubis' Jaffa: "No matter what you've previously endured. You have no idea what Anubis is capable of."
    Jack: "You ended that sentence with a preposition..... Bastard!"


      Originally posted by Vienna View Post
      Lee picked up her transponder signal and had a visual on her. The only ones conjuring delusions of grandeur are the writers of this show.
      If Lee had a lock on her transponder signal, by definition he wouldn't have see the ship as a bogie, but another viper in formation.


        Originally posted by anotherquestion View Post
        What about the "teaser" quote at the beginning of the season ?

        One will die, one will be found out to be a Cylon and one will find earth ?

        Did none of that actually happen?

        Kara appeared to die, but is now back. Four major characters think they are Cylons. Kara claims to have found earth.

        Since Tyrol, Tigh, Tori and Anders know nothing of earth culture, the song "All along the Watchtower" seemed alien, so they ascribed it to the only "alien culture" they know, the Cylons. Perhaps their just a bit more sensitive to the earthly vibes that the rest of the Colonials.

        Lee Adama's courtroom speech was quite eloquent, but at its core it reflected contempt for the system itself and, by extension, the court he was testifying in. He cited many previous acts of forgiveness (to himself and others) and basically said if he and those people were exonerated, why not Baltar? By that logic, why convict anyone of any crime? While he was arguing against "mob justice" his only alternative is little better than anarchy and the dissolution of lines of authority.


          Originally posted by MrBojangles View Post
          Hendrix's version is the best. It fits well with the eeriness and ghostly feel this episode had.

          Edit: Also my money is still on Laura being the 5th cylon. She is having the same dreams as Caprica 6 and Athena.

          AW HELL NO.

          no way is laura roslin the fifth cylon.

          i will stop watching if she is.

          Dorka is a beautiful genius



            Originally posted by anotherquestion View Post
            If Lee had a lock on her transponder signal, by definition he wouldn't have see the ship as a bogie, but another viper in formation.
            Draedis & transponders are two different things that work parallel. The 'Draedis' is their version of a radar that bounces signals around to check for objects. The transponders are placed on know vessels to ID them from other objects.

            But then one could argue that Draedis has some sort of intelligence built in that automatically distinguishes between space debris and vessels without the aid of IDing potential friend or foe. Such as when basestars jump near the fleet and the BSG is able to know Cylons are afoot. Unless Cylon vessels give off a known signal that Draedis can determine.
            "Thats O'Neill with TWO L's!"
            *Jack holds up three fingers*
            Anubis' Jaffa: "No matter what you've previously endured. You have no idea what Anubis is capable of."
            Jack: "You ended that sentence with a preposition..... Bastard!"


              Originally posted by anotherquestion View Post
              What about the "teaser" quote at the beginning of the season ?

              One will die, one will be found out to be a Cylon and one will find earth ?

              Did none of that actually happen?

              Kara appeared to die, but is now back. Four major characters think they are Cylons. Kara claims to have found earth.

              Since Tyrol, Tigh, Tori and Anders know nothing of earth culture, the song "All along the Watchtower" seemed alien, so they ascribed it to the only "alien culture" they know, the Cylons. Perhaps they're just a bit more sensitive to the earthly vibes that the rest of the Colonials. Tyrol has been know to pick up on strange vibes before (the temple of the Eye of Jupiter) and some of them have been violent (the beat down on Cally). He's also thought himself to be a Cylon before. No wonder he was the first to attribute the shared experience to be a sign of Cylon-ness.

              Lee Adama's courtroom speech was quite eloquent, but at its core it reflected contempt for the system itself and, by extension, the court he was testifying in. He cited many previous acts of forgiveness (to himself and others) and basically said if he and those people were exonerated, why not Baltar? By that logic, why convict anyone of any crime? While he was arguing against "mob justice" his only alternative is little better than anarchy and the dissolution of lines of authority.
              The one who died was the cylon model number Three ( AKA D'anna).
              Did Kara find Earth? AND is she the cylon?
              January 2008 is looooong way away!


                What if it was meant literally? ONE will find Earth, ONE, will die, and ONE will be found out as a Cylon. What if all three stements refer to Starbuck and what if, as some on this board seem to believe, she is Cylon and she is Cylon model #1? That would actually make it clever...


                  Originally posted by Arturis View Post
                  What if it was meant literally? ONE will find Earth, ONE, will die, and ONE will be found out as a Cylon. What if all three stements refer to Starbuck and what if, as some on this board seem to believe, she is Cylon and she is Cylon model #1? That would actually make it clever...
                  VERY clever... gives me more to think on. (But is that too clever for the writers....:|)


                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    VERY clever... gives me more to think on. (But is that too clever for the writers....:|)
                    Most likely... but it would be cool nonetheless.


                      Originally posted by Arturis View Post
                      Most likely... but it would be cool nonetheless.
                      Yep VERY cool and sneaky as well


                        Also...if Kara is real then where did her Viper come from?


                          Originally posted by MrBojangles View Post
                          Maybe they aren't Cylons and the whole 'final 5' thing is a farce. What if they (Tigh, Tori, Anders, Teroyl (sp?)) are.................. wait for it

                          the lords of Kobol

                          That would explain how they've been within the ranks of the humans/colonials for so long.

                          I think they are. there are five of them, I think they are 5 "lords" that are techinaly "Cylons" that took "human" form.

                          In Stargate terms, there are Anients that took back human form.


                            Did anyone else notice that Lee said **** instead of frak near the very end when Kara passed by him (unless I am hearing things wrong) since that is what is sounded like. The question is how does this fit in with Earth, as I think this was to also show the connection with Earth and how more is being made known in this episode.


                              lol well roslin could be the fifth cylon as well as the dying leader. she can die and reawake on earth. the prophecy only says the leader dies from what i remember???but then it could also be adama or starbuck


                                Another thing that seems very important is that at the end when the whole "zoom out, zoom in" thing happened is that during the zoom in to Earth, just before we see Earth and the moon, miliseconds actually, we pass right by what is clearly Jupiter. You have to run it frame by frame to catch it, but Jupiter definitely is there. Seems like everyone who thought "The Eye of Jupiter" symbol was an alignment of Jupiter, Earth, and Earth's moon might be right. It just seems odd that they would plainly show Jupiter for no reason.

