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Torn (306)

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    Originally posted by number13 View Post
    My belief is that Tigh is too tempermental now to command effectively. We all saw what happened last time he was in command. So I say NO to Tigh as XO. We all know that Roslin would never stand for Tigh in command of the military.

    He is one bad ass mofo in his own way though. Perhaps he should command the marines and leave running the boat to others.
    Frankly, it's a miracle Tigh hasn't shot himself yet. He's too tormented right now to command, but that shouldn't disqualify him from ever doing it again. And before you bring up early Season 2, remember that he had Ellen doing the whole Lady Macbeth spiel the entire time. Give him a command when he doesn't have a wife whispering poison in his ear, and when he's not on the verge of suicide. He'd work wonders.
    War... war never changes


      Originally posted by Ojos View Post
      Frankly, it's a miracle Tigh hasn't shot himself yet. He's too tormented right now to command, but that shouldn't disqualify him from ever doing it again. And before you bring up early Season 2, remember that he had Ellen doing the whole Lady Macbeth spiel the entire time. Give him a command when he doesn't have a wife whispering poison in his ear, and when he's not on the verge of suicide. He'd work wonders.
      Doesn't it concern you that he would listen to the "poison" and be influenced by it rather than standing by what he should know is right if he has the qualities of a good commander as you suggest?

      "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
      ---Bill Adama


        Originally posted by Back40 View Post
        Doesn't it concern you that he would listen to the "poison" and be influenced by it rather than standing by what he should know is right if he has the qualities of a good commander as you suggest?
        Tigh loved Ellen more than anyone. She was the only one he could turn to during Adama's crisis. Are you telling me that if your most trusted confidant kept pushing you in one direction you'd tell her to ignore herself? Tigh can command well, he just makes bad decisions in deciding who to let close. That's probably why he's so hard on everyone else. It all comes down to Ellen!

        Of course, this could just be the ramblings of the biggest Tigh fan on the planet, beside titans.
        War... war never changes


          Originally posted by Ojos View Post
          he just makes bad decisions in deciding who to let close.
          And there you've hit the nail on the head.....and one of the main reasons I think he's NOT fit to command, ever.

          "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
          ---Bill Adama


            Originally posted by Back40 View Post
            And there you've hit the nail on the head.....and one of the main reasons I think he's NOT fit to command, ever.
            And that's where you and I differ.

            I think a good commander knows how to get people to do what needs to be done. Said commander also has a solid grasp of tactics, and can fight effectively. Listening to Ellen was a mistake during early Season 2, but her influence is no longer a factor. I'll say it again: wait for Tigh to get his act together, then judge his fitness for command. Right now he's too busy being a wreck.
            War... war never changes


              Originally posted by Zamboni View Post
              Sharon (albeit don't think it's Sharon, what number is she again, 8?) doing tai-chi in the NUDE!!!

              Hubba Hubba.......Lucky Cylons..... Grace as usual looked stunning....

              BTW...looks like she cut her hair.....

              Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
              That sounds like a pretty good reason to kill her off! I really want to see Hera back with Athena soon. I want edgy angry Athena back! The Adama/Athena friendship thing is nice but he totally betrayed her and she needs to know about it.
              Sharon may be the only hope for the Cylons and humans at this point. She holds both races fates
              in her hands.... IMO that is why her existence is too important to both sides....and her child will be
              the future for both. That's my Sharon!!! BTW loved the character Athena on the old show....would
              be great if Maren Jensen does a cameo as one of the final five.....
              Last edited by dec55; 04 November 2006, 09:35 PM.
              Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                Originally posted by GateWorld View Post
                <DIV ALIGN="center"><TABLE WIDTH="450" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="7"><TR><TD><DIV ALIGN="left"><FONT FACE="Verdana, Arial, san-serif" SIZE="2" COLOR="#000000"><A HREF=""><!IMG SRC="" WIDTH="160" HEIGHT="120" ALIGN="right" HSPACE="10" VSPACE="2" BORDER="0" ALT="Visit the Episode Guide"></A><FONT SIZE="1" COLOR="#888888">BATTLESTAR GALACTICA SEASON THREE</FONT>
                <FONT SIZE="4"><A HREF="" STYLE="text-decoration: none">TORN</A></FONT>
                <FONT SIZE="1">EPISODE NUMBER - 305</FONT>
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                You've been quoted, episode name. (folds arms and performs victory pose)

                I really liked this episode alot although it kinda confused me, but BSG does that all the time so who am I kidding? Is it me or does Six just get hotter and hotter every episode??? wow.

                Anyways, it was much more epic than I expected - the race is on and everyone's out to get Earth! YEEEES!!!!

                I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                  after last scene i think tigh will come around. He looked more at peace with himself than before.
                  Regarding the last 5 cylon models , i have a theory of my own :-). I think that during the firt cylon war same colonials were captured and had thair conciseness
                  tranfered into the cylon body. Cos at that point cylons didnt know how to make their own versions. But those 5 who have been transfered escaped the cylons and rejoined the colonial fleet as nothing had happened.
                  As I said my theory


                    Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                    Couldn't decide if the Hybrid's reaction to jumping was orgasmic or painful. Or maybe more like a full-body sneeze taken to extreme levels.

                    If it was orgasmic, you'd think Basestars would be jumping everywhere as often as they could.
                    I had a good laugh reading this
                    "Only puny secrets need protection. Big discoveries are protected by public incredulity." (Marshall McCluhan)


                      Really, really good episode.

                      * It's nice to see the search for Earth coming to the forefront again. It's been on the backburner since 2x07 and even though I've loved the story arcs since then it'll be nice to get back to this main story arc of the show.
                      * Putting Baltar with the Cylons is proving to be a fantastic decision. Seriously, I think we learned more about the Cylons in this episode that the rest of the series combined.
                      * Five models that the other Cylons don't speak of? A fantastic retconn on the part of the writers to amp up the tension regarding who's a Cylon and who's not. If the rest of the Cylons don't know who the other models are then it prevents a simple exposition statement.
                      * Which brings me to Baltar himself. It's good to see him posing the question to himself that we've been asking for years: is he a Cylon? The whole 'five unknown models' thing allows for such a theory. And it would explain Head-Six and the whole projection thing.
                      * Was good to get clarification of where everyone stands now in the fleet. Helo is still XO, Apollo is the CAG and most likely leader of a single squadron while Kat's leading another, Starbuck is just Starbuck, etc.
                      * Loved the naming of Athena scene. The somewhat affectionate cries of "Titanium" and "Toaster-head" were amusing, and the name Athena seems appropriate. It was also nice to see another OS reference.
                      * Let's see some Tigh/Adama smackdown!!!!!
                      * What's the deal with this virus? More of the stuff from the Ragnar Anchorage? Something discovered by the 13th Tribe or the Lords of Kobol or the early Colonials? Time will tell (hopefully).


                        Just a theory where some points have been already said:

                        1.- All 13 colonies left kobol toguether
                        2.- After the 1st cylon wars, where cylon left in peace, the 13th colony decided to move away from the other 12
                        3.- On their to search of a new home they followed the path from the book of prophecies and left hints of their path. How would you know where you want to go if you havent got to that place yet? so they could just left hints of the way to search Earth.
                        4.- The book is a book of prophecies so it was written even long time before the 13th colony left in search of earth. SO, it could be the 13th colony, after 1st cylon war, was in the same search of Earth as the other 12 after this 2nd cylon wars.
                        5.- The infected beacon in the last episode could be left by the 13th colony uninfected for the other 12 to follow if someday they decide to find them
                        6.- The other 5 cylon could be that because of their difference and to be more closer to the Gods than the other 7, they went to the 12 colony first and found that a 13th colony move further. So these cylons decided to search for the 13th colony but 1.
                        7.- The one cylon left behind was Baltar and for some reason i can explain his memory was erased.
                        8.- The other 4 cylons were following the same lead that was followed by the 13th colony to search for earth
                        9.- They found the beacon and they knew, for what happen to them in their homeworld, that the other cylons will follow them at some point in the future. Therefore, since they know best their structure, they create a virus to stop other cylons to follow cause they knew all destruction these other 7 cylons could cause again.
                        10.- When Baltar found the device, he knew that device itself made by the human could not cause the desease. And in some form of his cylon inner mind, he knew the trueth so he didnt tell as a lastly act to cooperate with his other 4 fellow members. As issual, he wont say the real true of his reason for not saying anything about the device. But from what we can see, he is in deep trouble in the next episode.

                        Anyway, the good thing is that BSG has picked up what was left in the 1st episode of season 3, ratings...




                          Hello: For the record--I have watched every single episode until "Torn." Would someone please have pity on me and give me an update? I have a general idea from the posts, but they are only tantalizing at best. I was at a conference Friday night, and I discovered (too late) that the hotel had no Sci-Fi channel. The show used to repeat on Sunday night but apparently no longer does so. Is this the episode in which Baltar asks whether he is a Cylon? Why was he left behind with the Cylons? Was it his choice? What has happened to the baby, and what about the beacon? I especially appreciate the lengthier, more detailed posts from RG and White Knight; they are substantive. Regards, Renate

                          Well, as luck would have it--the show does repeat on Monday night!
                          Last edited by Renate; 06 November 2006, 07:50 AM. Reason: Update


                            Has anyone considered the possibility that this disease is what is going to get Roslin re-infected? She does have Cylon blood floating around in her veins now.


                              What would be the point of re-infecting her? Been there, done that. Getting her sick with something else wouldn't be terribly interesting, IMO.
                              Last edited by ShadowMaat; 05 November 2006, 06:25 AM.


                                I sometimes wonder what it is about these science fiction series that speak so deeply to us. The best definition of "mythology" is that they are stories that tell us about ourselves. Mythology is neither true nor untrue--it is the message of the story that is true. Now in "Battlestar Galactica" we are spinning another mythology about what it is to be human. As well, we seem to have become like the gods, having created life in our own image: the Cylons.

                                The Cylons are behaving predictably. They want to be like the gods. They insist that they feel, e.g., love, hate; and they insist on their place. However, in the process, they want to destroy the very thing they are imitating: humanity. Any student of mythology will recognize the similarities of earlier stories: Zeus battling the Titans for supremacy; the men of Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" who want to wrest immortality from the Elves, which Iluvatar had granted to the Elves, but not to men; the various religions that teach one should struggle to become like God, i.e, perfection, and thus achieve immortality.

                                From this perspective, the Cylons' wish to become human or, at the least, to claim a place in the "great chain of being" becomes even more poignant because their creators (the humans) reject them. They, however, claim their right by jumping over their creators (the humans), claiming their right from the creator of both (the gods).

                                The struggle continues.
                                Last edited by Renate; 06 November 2006, 07:58 AM.

