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    did Jake survive the exodus?


      Originally posted by SoulRe@ver View Post
      did Jake survive the exodus?
      He'd better have, dammit!


        Originally posted by Xenocide View Post
        And of course you know how unprotected bodies react in space, because it happens all the time
        Of course. ....!?
        "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
        DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


          I just read a book recently where a character had to go outside the ship without benefit of a space suit. He had some kind of pressure-suity thing instead so he wasn't ENTIRELY unprotected, but it was a lot less than one usually wears for a spacewalk. He sweated horribly and looked like a walking bruise afterwards, but he was basically okay.


            Originally posted by THSEX1138 View Post
            PLOT HOLE #2 What happenned to all the Vipers? Lee left the Vipers guarding the civilian fleet when he rescued the Galactica so the hanger bays should have been maxed out. They were empty for several scenes throughout the episode. Where did they go?

            Vipers do not park in launch tubes. Launch tubes are for combat ready vipers about to be lauched. All crafts (save for the alert fighters) are parked on the service deck (not the landing deck / runway either) during off hours. This deck is shown in several episodes. For example the episode when a misfired drone killed several pilots, and it was also shown in the episode where Chief Tyrol discovered the tempered bullet rounds. It's basically the body shop / garage on board Galactica. I imagine it right next to the machine shops.


              Since people have brought it up, here's what NASA has to say about the human body exposed to the vacuum of space:


              Another BSG example was when Commander Garner sacrificed himself in The Captains Hand. He dies when all the air in the chamber he wass in is lost. He did not explode nor exhibit any of the Hollywood myths of vacuum exposure. His lips turned blue, and the moisture leaving his lungs condensed, but otherwise he pretty much passed out due to lack of oxygen and died. Assumming Jammer didn't hold his breath, the same thing would pretty much have happened to him.


                Good episode even though it´s fairly forgetable ( I guess they blew the budget on exudus II).

                I´m betting that Balthar would wish he had hid aboard some ship when the humans escaped, if he had then Roslyns blanked pardon would have included him. At least I´m assuming that since Roslyn said "Every human in the fleet" or something like it does not extend to Balthar as he is currently not in the fleet.

                I also hope that Lee keeps on jumping, that fat suit is really getting old.


                  Originally posted by jdog View Post
                  I think the point was Jammer was proved guilty before he entered the room. It didn't matter what he said.

                  Gaeta would not have made it if it weren't for Kara who i didn't think could go through with it so easily. Both her, chief and Anders are tired of war. Tigh's the problem. He feels if wife had to die others had too. he's a loose cannon.
                  Exactly - how could he stand as judge, jury and executioner to 15 collaborators (the ones they did execute) if he allowed his own wife, who betrayed an important mission to the cylons even if it was because she loved him, to live.

                  'All of this has happened before
                  And all of this will happen again
                  So say we all.'


                    Originally posted by Zamboni View Post
                    Unless Cylons have some sort of dual processor thing...
                    I dunno, but it'd be interesting to see a female cylon resurrect into a male model/vice-versa


                      Originally posted by grover View Post
                      Weak episode.

                      Maybe that sounds harsh, but they lost me before the opening credits. I had no problem with Jammer getting expressed out the jump tube, but the charges they nailed him on were totally frakked. I watched the webisodes like most of the folks around here and Jammer didn't join the NCP until AFTER the massacre at the Temple. So either there was a SECOND massacre at the Temple (highly unlikely) or there was a second Temple where a never before referenced massacre occured (seems a stretch) OR they totally blew all continuity from the webisodes to now by executing Jammer for a crime he could not have committed.

                      I think people are forgetting that this is a polytheistic society. There are many gods. There are many temples.


                        EDIT: I´m pretty sure I was quoting someone, don´t know why the quote didn´t appear The post simply stated that there only seemed to be 7 models of Cylons when there are supposed to be 12.

                        Perhaps these seven were the once who wanted to go to war with humans and the other five stayed at home? Or maybe those five have their own fleet and we will see them later?


                          Originally posted by somedude View Post

                          I agree with president Roslin's general amnesty- that has worked in south africa to restore the wounds of apartheid.
                          Well As a South African I wish they could have come up with somethin more original sounding tho. At least with BSG the tax payers arent gonna foot the bill for the TRC & the gravy train that it pulled. lol

                          I hope they not gonna concentrate to much on it & get back to the action. Whats the chances of finding our fav EXo a love interest & or a fake eye, or at the very least a proper eye patch.

                          Great episode.

                          Re Getting back to that jump rope ...

                          Edward James Olmos is brilliant in this role, even when he doesnt say much he says a lot.
                          Last edited by REALSOULJA SA; 30 October 2006, 06:34 AM. Reason: spelling oops


                            so it is very possible that one temple massacre led to another. ie once teh cylons found out they were hiding weapons in the temple, they raided all of them

                            still doesn't account for jammer's impetus for joining being the temple massacre if he was also a participant in the same massacre

                            the only way for this to work is if there had been more or it's a blooper. a continuity flub where the writers lost track of their timeline
                            Where in the World is George Hammond?



                              Completly agree about the points made that the first temple massacre would have led to others- the cylons aren't stupid. If you find that weapons are being stockpiled in one temple, the logical route to take from there is to search them all, because there's a good chance that another temple was used for the same purpose.

                              In fact, if were a cylon, I would have had the NCP conduct regular searches of all the temples.


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                                Completly agree about the points made that the first temple massacre would have led to others- the cylons aren't stupid. If you find that weapons are being stockpiled in one temple, the logical route to take from there is to search them all, because there's a good chance that another temple was used for the same purpose.

                                In fact, if were a cylon, I would have had the NCP conduct regular searches of all the temples.
                                yeah but still, the cylons did't have the right to open fire - their binary code of honor forbids them to fight on hallowed ground
                                Last edited by SoulReaver; 30 October 2006, 09:14 AM.

