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Someone To Watch Over Me (417)

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    I like the idea of the music being a star map, but I suspect that the writer's aren't that creative.

    In watching it, while Daniel may have been Kara's father, I suspect that Head-Billy Joel (see earlier post) isn't him. For one, she didn't recognize him as her father. I suspect that H-BJ is the manifestation of whatever is manipulating all of them which I would like to see as the Lords (or a Lord) of Kobol trying to make restitution for whatever happened on Kobol 4,000 years previously.
    The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page


      Originally posted by Espeon1962 View Post
      yes, and I keyed on something that I had realized subconsciously, which was that Boomer put something in the drink she gave Hera to put her asleep.

      Someone posted earlier in this thread that they thought the music might be a star chart, and I like that idea, perhaps each note is a navigational fix as part of the route to a new home. And it makes sense as both music and math are languages that just need interpretation. It just takes the right kind of genius in order to be able to understand both.
      Actually that makes sense. It isn't a secret that people have been known to put hints in music if they want to convey a message that they want secret.

      And personally, I hope and prey that boomer gets what is coming to her. That <snip>deserves the worst possible punishment that can be given to her.

      Perhaps strapped over one of the breaches on Galactica so when the breach goes critical she gets shredded like a paper through a shredder.

      Or better yet, put next to a ship that is ready to jump and have her ripped apart by the spacial distortions.
      Last edited by Skydiver; 28 February 2009, 07:08 PM.
      Spins and turns, angles and curves, the shape of dreams half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of Earth and touch the face of perfection. A perfect face, a perfect lace, find a perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace.
      End of line.


        Originally posted by lordolorin View Post
        Oh BTW, does anyone remember that Sam sad that he played that song for a woman he loved back on earth 2000 years ago, so Daniel could not have compose it, nor Kara's father. That could mean that those two are not cylons nor hybrids.
        I think the connection is Anders could have simply taught it to Daniel, who was the "artist" of the new cylon models. If there really is a Daniel that got away, and he really did manage to somehow have a daughter, then there's still the possibility that she's not entirely human.

        I think her death and resurrection already points this out regardless, though.
        Music Profile: 83710 Songs --- 3714 Artists --- 7051 Albums


          Great episode. Poor, poor Tyrol. This season has not been kind to him (or any character ).

          My question is: What did he think was actually in that crate he gave to Boomer??
          "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
          DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


            Wow, it is beyond me how anyone could find this episode boring or slow.

            That was among the best episodes of Season 4, and was brilliantly done. It amazes me that BSG is still opening up so many new directions this close to the end of the series, or perhaps this is bringing those plots to a close. But I mean the kidnapped Hera is huge, how will they get them back if Boomer jumped back into Cavil's hands?

            Or how about the Galactica. I think it'd be a stretch to say that the FTL jump finally finished her off, but now how will she be able to jump when the Cylons arrive, which they certainly will since they now have the location of the rebel fleet. (How did Boomer even find the fleet to begin with?)

            Anyway, that bit with the music was awesome. I love how she slowly comes into it, then they go into the melody full force and it sounds amazing. Tigh's reaction is amazing hahaha, the look on his face the "What the Frak!?" were priceless.

            Not sure what's up with Roslin, must be linked to Hera. But she was fine when she was on the Base Ship for that length of time, and when Hera was in Cylon hands. So then who knows.


              Originally posted by Chricton View Post
              I think the connection is Anders could have simply taught it to Daniel, who was the "artist" of the new cylon models. If there really is a Daniel that got away, and he really did manage to somehow have a daughter, then there's still the possibility that she's not entirely human.

              I think her death and resurrection already points this out regardless, though.
              But why would the other hearing it trigger their memories? Daniel would have to been around to orchestrate that and THEN only partial memories not to mention that he would have had to come up with a Viper Mark II in prestine condition. I don't think Daniel is the one pulling the strings.

              Side Note: While watching it, I seem to recall that one of the basestar Hybrids prophesied that the dying leader would know the truth of the opera house. While I like the idea of Galactica being the dying leader, the phrophesy would suggest that it has to be human - or at least sentient, which Galactica could become via the Basestar goo. I think the DL is NOT Galactica. (Also, personally, I like the idea of Galactica being pushed to the utter limit and then going out in a fabulous blaze of glory worthy of her.)
              The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                Observation: We don't know for a fact that Boomer is taking Hera to Cavil. While everything would suggest that there's a high probability that she is, there's no hard and fast proof of it. Yes, she assaulted Athena and frakked Helo, but was that because he walked in on her before she could get dressed? or was there some other motive going on. If she's the [delete] that we think she is, why didn't she just flat out kill Athena.

                All that being said it is probable that she is after Hera so that the Simons can figure out how reproduction works.
                The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                  I've gotta to say that I'm somewhat disappointed with the show in terms of its overall pacing of episodes. It's not about speed to me (I don't need a lot of action sequences to enjoy something), it's about how much they've chosen to reveal and not to reveal at such a late stage. It doesn't feel to me that a lot of it was thought through properly and now we're cramming big time for the finals.

                  I loved Kara and Mr Piano Man incidentally but couldn't we have had hints of it much earlier on and still not been given too much? Instead we had a lot angry, nihilistic Kara that seemed to go no where for the longest time.
                  I suspect that this BIG reveal stuff was not properly mapped out at least not in the way S1 and the first half of S2 was.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Originally posted by chris777 View Post
                    I am gonna say it because everyone else doesnt seem to have the stones to.
                    Ronald moore must be a pansy, or a flake. he is definitely unstable. I brought it up before that they kept harping the cylon "plan" and did nothing with it, then they conveniently axed it from the opening. Then he tells us that they have decided to close it out after only 4 seasons, because they felt like it was time and they wanted to end it on their own terns. Please give me a break that is a crock. This whole entire show has been written completely and totaly on the fly, so while it does leave us open to surprise shockers, like boomer sluggin athena, and frakin helo , it is merely shock value and not some grand scheme that he and David Eick had planned from the beginning.
                    my question is why? Is he just bored with it, and wants to move on the the soap that will be caprica? They can act like they had this planned and it was winding down , but like most stuff its a ruse and they are being forced to cram story into the final episodes to "reveal" key plot points as Si fi has so heavily advertised. But things are feeling really forced. with several characters If not all of them. Its like watching someone who is unstable crack under the pressure, it can be entertainment to some, but ultimately its sad, and pathetic, but lets move on since in 3.5 episodes any discussion will be moot, but I do feel there is more going on than we have been told, maybe its the Glen Larsen project and the head honchos wanting to end this version before the movie, but this is too forced to be " planned", unless of course Ron Moore has one helluva case of ADD, and just has become bored with the project. I mean look at the simpsons. it could go on forever if enough effort is made for it to.
                    I wish I had read your post before posting mine... Could have saved myself the trouble by quoting it and then putting AGREED under it.
                    I think the show started off very well especially the first 20 eps and then for some reason it started to go for the shock factor and wallow in the misery of its characters. I think the show's been very fortunate to have some very good actors to help it carry some of its more lacklustre moments. Really, I never expected BSG to go on for years and years... five years max... I prefer it that way... for the show to have a beginning, middle and end... to go some where and end there. There was talk about a plan and I was expecting to see contours of one but maybe in the end that was too hard to sustain due to the whimsical demands of television bosses.

                    The uproar at the end of S3 about the identity of the final five was certainly proof that the audience weren't completely onboard with this version of the cylon plan anyhow. Their identities certainly came as a big surprise to me and even now, I'm not completely certain they had all this worked out from the beginning.

                    I guess I'm spoilt... I was expecting something along the lines of B5 and for a while there, I thought we were going to get it.
                    I don't think it's all bad... obviously but it's more about moments for me than complete awe watching an entire arc unfold before my eyes.
                    "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                      I disappointed in Tyrol. He went back to Boomer like Cally never existed... They had a marriage and a "common" child for 1-2 year!
                      "I was hoping for another day. Looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."

                      "Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people who respond positively to quality entertainment."

                      "Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence, has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all."


                        that was explained in the show itself I think; chief and cally were never a great couple, they were merely the best match out of the few remaining options
                        I'm an average viewer. As plain as they come. People make TV shows based on my demographic.

                        Million's of ZPM's, ZPM's for free! Millions of ZPM's, ZPM's for me!


                          What the frak" ?
                          this has happened before and will happen again


                            Originally posted by Descent View Post
                            Great episode. Poor, poor Tyrol. This season has not been kind to him (or any character ).

                            My question is: What did he think was actually in that crate he gave to Boomer
                            hera LOL
                            Originally posted by HAL2100 View Post
                            Its iTunes.
                            i knew what you meant without you saying anything
                            this has happened before and will happen again


                              Originally posted by Berg417448 View Post
                              Adding onto the idea of Hera drawing the notes...what if the notes are a starmap? Starbuck asked Hera if she was drawing stars and she said yes. Then she gave her the paper with the dots. What if the music the 5 know, the music that Starbuck was taught as a child and the music that Hera knows are meant to show the way to the promised land?
                              That was my thought too when she said they were stars.

                              On the Cylon projection thing and escaping, maybe they can only do it with other Cylons? Has anything ever been stated about that? Can't remember.

                              I too thought the ep was slow but they were trying to establish Kara's story and also show that Boomer really does seem to care for Chief. That's what made the last 10 mins that much more intense.
                              My Photos


                                Originally posted by Wayston View Post
                                that was explained in the show itself I think; chief and cally were never a great couple, they were merely the best match out of the few remaining options
                                chief 'married' callie out of a sense of obligation because he thought he was her baby daddy
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


