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Someone To Watch Over Me (417)

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    Originally posted by Starsaber View Post
    Guessing that Musician = Starbuck's dad =

    The first name on the tape started with D at least.
    Dreilide Thrace, IIRC.

    To be fair, Daniel as her father has been my pet theory since No Exit. I'm just not going to jump the gun.
    Forum insight in 1 click!


      Tonight's episode definitely set the stage for what is left in this show. I really hope Kara will finally discover who/what she is, Hera will be rescued, and that b**** Boomer gets a bullet between the eyes from Athena.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        Interesting, If It wasn't for the bartender talking about the piano in a couple of episodes before, I would have thought that the piano player was an illusion.

        I totally believe that Kara's father was Daniel or some final "six?"

        Boomer deserves to be strung up by her womanhood, having Athena watch all of that with her husband. Fraking boomer needs to "boom" herself.

        Galactica is toast, time to take as much as you can carry and set up shop on the baseship!

        Basestar Galactica, I could live with that.
        Ani Ohev Eretz Yisrael V'Chol Hakavod L'Tzahal.
        I support Israel, my home, and my Jewish bretheren fully and with all my heart. I wish everyone I know in Tzahal health and safety!

        Is loving the best addition to the Stargate Saga, known as Universe!


          See but why not tie up Cavil and Boomer and lock them away in separate containers in some place far, far, far away and with the keys right there in plain site...of course they'd be hooked up to some sort of power source that would never run out so that they'd have a very good long time to think about things as they just sat there for eons...maybe Boomer's butt would grow and attach itself to the chair like the lady who stayed in the bathroom for several years.
          The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page


            Originally posted by TheHomegaMan View Post

            Development takes time. Stop watching the calendar and start watching the stories.
            Shouldn't Development be interesting in and of itself, rather than a plotting means to an interesting end?


              Originally posted by PG15 View Post
              Shouldn't Development be interesting in and of itself, rather than a plotting means to an interesting end?
              I found it interesting enough.
              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                Originally posted by PG15 View Post
                Shouldn't Development be interesting in and of itself, rather than a plotting means to an interesting end?
                Neither is mutually exclusive. I won't be able to watch it till tommorrow, but knowing that we now have Head-Billy Joel (yes I think that's how we should refer to him), I'm going to be quite intrigued.

                sing us a song, you're the Piano Man!
                sing us a song, tonight
                for we're out in the mood for a melody
                and you got us feeling alright,
                la la la la ditty da

                now Tigh at the bar is a lonely man
                they serve him his drinks for free
                and there 's Ellen who's Yellin'
                'cause she's banging the infantry

                And the colonials are practicing politics
                As the hybrids slowly get stoned
                Yes, theyre sharing a drink they call loneliness
                But its better than drinkin alone

                The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                  I found a lot of the development in this ep and the last one to be more repetitious than interesting. Adama watches ship repairs yet again, check. Starbuck and the piano yet again, check. I kinda wish they had taken the best elements from these last two eps and combined them.


                    Interesting if predictable.

                    I was kind of expecting the Boomer betrayal this afternoon when a commercial came on.

                    These "deceptive" commercials are now red herrings and are definitely not to be trusted especially during these last few EPs.

                    With all of the talk about Karas dad after Blood OTS (which I somehow missed because I don't remember it in the episode just on the forum)
                    It became pretty obvious especially when she started expressing Daddy issues, to the player, given he had no name. I am kind of leaning toward the were all cyons notion especially after the mid season premiere, but they could throw anything at us given they wrote it all on the fly.

                    But as it stands it looks as if starbuck may be the first hybrid, and then Hera.
                    and other than some other method she obviously downloaded in some shape or form. Given she dissapeared for so long it would be enough time for them to create a body through her remaining tissue, grow it mature it, and turn it back loose. plus rebuild a viper from scratch, and she only though a few hours had past. And now that I think about it, the ship the final(, or should we now call them the "first" )five(?) downloaded to when earth was nuked, has not been accounted for. So that's one possibility, as well as the upcoming resurrection hinted at in the next ep. As for her daddy being Daniel, Eh maybe , well probably, but its too much of a n out to tie up the plot, so who cares, they effectively have 2 episodes left.

                    I am gonna say it because everyone else doesnt seem to have the stones to.
                    Ronald moore must be a pansy, or a flake. he is definitely unstable. I brought it up before that they kept harping the cylon "plan" and did nothing with it, then they conveniently axed it from the opening. Then he tells us that they have decided to close it out after only 4 seasons, because they felt like it was time and they wanted to end it on their own terns. Please give me a break that is a crock. This whole entire show has been written completely and totaly on the fly, so while it does leave us open to surprise shockers, like boomer sluggin athena, and frakin helo , it is merely shock value and not some grand scheme that he and David Eick had planned from the beginning.
                    my question is why? Is he just bored with it, and wants to move on the the soap that will be caprica? They can act like they had this planned and it was winding down , but like most stuff its a ruse and they are being forced to cram story into the final episodes to "reveal" key plot points as Si fi has so heavily advertised. But things are feeling really forced. with several characters If not all of them. Its like watching someone who is unstable crack under the pressure, it can be entertainment to some, but ultimately its sad, and pathetic, but lets move on since in 3.5 episodes any discussion will be moot, but I do feel there is more going on than we have been told, maybe its the Glen Larsen project and the head honchos wanting to end this version before the movie, but this is too forced to be " planned", unless of course Ron Moore has one helluva case of ADD, and just has become bored with the project. I mean look at the simpsons. it could go on forever if enough effort is made for it to.

                    So the scream of anguish was athena over having her hubby, and then child taken by boomer. That was actually suprising, but then again I still don't understand why Boomer has this anger, and, resentment, unless of course they are going to say its her inherent instability, like where she, and later the chief suspected they were cylons, and she went mad from the realization, hence her neck snapping remark back on the algae planet epidode, and siding with cavil. And he beat the snot out of cally.

                    Another issue thats bugging me is the ridiculous hook ups, and allegance swapping, Are the writers like trying to say they are ultimate fans of "survivor" or something, and they are demonstrating this through the constant, and in many cases unexplained, unstable, and just bizzare couplings, pairings, and team ups. We know Why Tigh went for caprica, but why the hell did caprica go for tigh? I do nt know If I mentioned it, or if someone else has but I for one found it interesting that He seemed to hold the life of his child entirely in his hands through sheer willpower. And when ellen came in the mix it all feel apart. Then of course the constant cylon team switching, lets treat the humans as pets, then fight each other, then team up with the humans, then debate leaving them then in the very next episode act like noting happened. It was kind of like when Deanna was ready to take the five and leave the fleet, then when they found earth they were all cozy again. its just too much like some corn ball soap opera.

                    Speaking of soaps I am sorry but I for one am far more interested from a storytelling perspective about the cylons on earth and their fall, than some pretentious soap opera that will be caprica. But hey what Do I know?

                    lots of other interestign tid bits and musings, but eh Ill read some post now.


                      Originally posted by walterIsTheMan View Post
                      So Boomer betrayed the Chief's trust, took advantage of his feelings, lied to him, and made him feel extremely guilty.

                      Maybe she's a human female after all.
                      Epic. If I could green you, I would.
                      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                        Man, Galen looked really messed up when he realized what he had done.

                        I'll bet he kills Boomer next time he see hers.
                        These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


                          While I do agree this episode was slow. I think it needed to be slow to reveal a lot.

                          But, first.

                          KARA IS SO A CYLON!

                          The only thing that makes sense is simple. She was on "Earth" 2000 years ago and when the bombs fell. She must have downloaded to this ship in orbit that Ellen referred to in "Sometimes a great notion". When she died in Maelstrom she must have either hitched a ride to the resurrection hub or ship and came back.

                          I am also going to postulate something as well.

                          This episode proved that only Cylons can "project" with each other.

                          In many of episodes Roslin, Athena and Caprica 6 have the same dream about the opera house. Could that mean that Roslin is also a Cylon? Perhaps from Earth 2000 years ago? The same question stands for Baltar as well, especially with head 6 running around. Then again with Baltar it could just be a good ability to day dream.

                          But I will be honest. I feel bad seeing Galactica starting to fall apart. That ship has been through hell and back and it is finally falling apart. Probably makes Apollo wish he didn't wreck the Pegasus.

                          And best line out of the show is from Tigh.

                          (Kara playing the BSG version of Watch Tower)

                          Tigh- "What the Frak????" I laughed my ass off.
                          Spins and turns, angles and curves, the shape of dreams half remembered. Slip the surly bonds of Earth and touch the face of perfection. A perfect face, a perfect lace, find a perfect world for the end of Kara Thrace.
                          End of line.


                            Originally posted by chris777 View Post
                            I am gonna say it because everyone else doesnt seem to have the stones to.
                            Ronald moore must be a pansy, or a flake. he is definitely unstable. I brought it up before that they kept harping the cylon "plan" and did nothing with it, then they conveniently axed it from the opening. ...This whole entire show has been written completely and totaly on the fly, so while it does leave us open to surprise shockers, like boomer sluggin athena, and frakin helo , it is merely shock value and not some grand scheme that he and David Eick had planned from the beginning.
                            My argument exactly in mapping out the general story and plot developments for the series prior to starting. I was all excited about '...the plan...' and we oh just sort of forgot about it.
                            The Stargate Character Facebook/Twitter Status Page



                              [QUOTE]I am also going to postulate something as well.

                              This episode proved that only Cylons can "project" with each other.

                              wouldn't that mean Baltar is a Cylon too?


                                Originally posted by bfldworker View Post
                                And best line out of the show is from Tigh.

                                (Kara playing the BSG version of Watch Tower)

                                Tigh- "What the Frak????" I laughed my ass off.
                                Tigh is the ultimate hardass I just wish they would have let him keep his boss captain ahab getup from new caprica, with the cap and beard, talk about gruff.

                                I hope when I get that age my beard looks that cool.

