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Katee Sackhoff interview, About the rumors ...

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    Originally posted by Moulin View Post
    You're right. It will be a much better show without the cringeworthy, forced romantic coupling that had Lee destroying himself by gaining weight and pining like a teenaged girl because he couldn't have a woman who showed him so little respect that she didn't have the common decency to wait until he woke up after they had sex. She just left him out in the country, came back to the settlement and married Sam. To heck with Sam's feelings, too. Kara is bad news. Everybody had horrible things happen to them after the holocaust. Lee obviously had a horrible childhood with a (blonde, cruel) mother who treated him horribly. Sound like anyone you know? Why does Kara get a free pass to treat everyone who cares about her like garbage? Sackhoff is right. The love triangle was terrible. Lee and Kara aren't good for each other. They're toxic. Their "chemistry" is embarrassing. I can't stand watching Lee being such a doormat. Trying to force their romance really hurt the show.

    Never write for shippers. Please, whatever fate befalls Kara, let the Lee/Kara romance be done. Please.
    Cringeworthy, forced romance? You have described the Lee/dualla pairing precisely! I have read numerous comments from posters, on this board and elsewhere, who have no interest in either pairing express the same comments regarding Lee/dualla interactions.

    The love triange was terrible, although I commend you on labeling it as such. It was a triangle, dualla was just a footnote, not a major player in this scenario. It consisted of Lee and Sam in love with Kara. Even Ron Moore considered dualla a 'mistake'.

    I do agree that Lee is a doormat, his character has no anima or spark around Dee. He settled with her out of guilt, not love. He is forcing himself into a relationship that he intrinsically knows is wrong, because he fears Kara doesn't love him. This makes for a dramatic sinkhole. I suspect if this relationship continues in S4, we will see less and less interactions between Lee and dualla.

    Lee and Kara, especially now since they share a similar traumatic childhood, really compliment each other. Where one is weak, the other is strong. As seen in the mini-series, S1 and part of S2 we can see how together they make each other better and stronger. Ever since Dee and Sam came into the picture both have slowly broken down into unrecognizable characters. Both Sam and Dee have successfully brought out the worst in Kara and Lee. It is time to end these relationships that have caused such controversy among fans.

    Let the writers bring the power couple back together and ditch the alts, if not the series is heading quickly to the 'jump the shark' moment.


      Originally posted by donniepw View Post
      I had rented the movie The Illusionist the other day. There is a line at the end of the movie that says see nothing you see here is real as one of the main characters figures out what had really happened. I keep thinking that the same thing applies here to the whole starbuck situation. Yes something in this upcomming episode (16 or 17 depending on how you count Occupation and Precipe) happens to Starbuck and yes she is gone from the rest of the season. Doesn't necessarily mean she is dead but I think thats what they want everyone to think. The characters on the show will think she is dead and we the audience are supposed to think the same thing. The big "swerve" will come next season I think when we discover the true fate of Starbuck.

      So until the whole series is done and over with I'm not counting Starbuck out. Not becuase I like the character so much because I actually haven't liked the character since midway through season two, but I just suspect that the writers have a pretty good idea of what they are doing most of the time and a big part of that is keeping the fans guesing as to hapens next. Like how they still have never really answered the question of Baltar being a Cylon.
      :nods: That is what I am thinking too. She will be gone for the rest of the season but I don't think this will be the lastof what we have seen of her.
      He's like fire, ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun.
      He's ancient and forever. He burns at the centre of time and he can see the turn of the universe.
      And he's wonderful.


        Cringeworthy, forced romance? You have described the Lee/dualla pairing precisely! I have read numerous comments from posters, on this board and elsewhere, who have no interest in either pairing express the same comments regarding Lee/dualla interactions.
        I've read several posts who think.....? Feeling the need to buttress your point of view? If we're going there, I've read plenty myself who loathe the Lee/Kara pairing. Lee isn't a man when he's pining over Kara. He has no pride or self worth. He lets her treat him like garbage. It's sickening.

        NO MORE. Please. Allow Lee to respect himself. Showing his mother's abuse proved that his attraction to Kara is a pattern of someone who was abused. It's not healthy. Lee thought that's how someone who loved you treated you. It isn't so. No more Lee/Kara romance. Most fans aren't waiting with baited breath for it to resume. Never write main storyline for shippers. Lee and Kara were never together anyway. She got his brother killed. I've never bought for one moment that he would love her.


          Originally posted by Moulin View Post
          I've read several posts who think.....? Feeling the need to buttress your point of view? If we're going there, I've read plenty myself who loathe the Lee/Kara pairing. Lee isn't a man when he's pining over Kara. He has no pride or self worth. He lets her treat him like garbage. It's sickening.

          NO MORE. Please. Allow Lee to respect himself. Showing his mother's abuse proved that his attraction to Kara is a pattern of someone who was abused. It's not healthy. Lee thought that's how someone who loved you treated you. It isn't so. No more Lee/Kara romance. Most fans aren't waiting with baited breath for it to resume. Never write main storyline for shippers. Lee and Kara were never together anyway. She got his brother killed. I've never bought for one moment that he would love her.
          I agree Lee should not be 'pining' over Kara, they should be together. Like I said the two are vastly annoying and uninteresting when apart. Ron Moore has said since the first season that he feels that the Starbuck/Apollo relationship is central to the show. The two characters and their dance have been front and center much of the time throughout Season 2.5 and Season 3.0." Replacing Kara with Dee is comparable to the iceberg striking the Titanic.

          NO MORE - Yes, NO MORE Lee/Dualla. Dee's highschool crush on Lee has developed into full blown obsession, in which she is willing to 'share' him with Kara as long as they let her.

          "Most fans aren't waiting with baited breath for it to resume" - also feeling the need to buttress you assumption?

          If Admiral Adama can forgive Kara for passing Zak as a viper pilot, why can't you? Although, it was Zak that crashed his Viper, not Kara.


            Ok Folks

            There are a few threads that the topic is the Lee/Kara/Dee/Sam quadrangle.
            There are pro/anti threads for each as well as open discussion threads for all so lets take the discussion regarding the "Quadrangle" there

            and let the rest of the thread get back ON TOPIC which is the fate of Starbuck and the Interview

            if your comments are somehow in *relation* to Katee's interview then by all means please post here
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              On topic... on topic... I can do this...

              I know! We get to find out if all these rumors are, in fact, correct TONIGHT!

              Then we get to start debating if Starbuck's actually dead.
              Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

              Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

              EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



                Originally posted by Lady Snow View Post

                Then we get to start debating if Starbuck's actually dead.
                Ok, so is she dead or not? lol


                  It certainly looks like she is dead... but in the world of science fiction is anyone ever really dead? I guess we'll have to wait and see, but it feels like she'll show up again.


                    Ya know
                    the way they did things
                    I don't think she is - BUT if they bring any other actress back to play this role come season 4 they are nuts Katee was incredible!!
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      If she's a cylon

                      What about those childhood flashbacks? I know cylons put memories into you, like they did with Boomer, but this one was just so strong, you know? Do you guys think cylons would put memories like that into her? oO


                        I don't think she's a cylon. I think she's the second part of the bridge that will eventually unite humanity and the cylons. It started with Hera, being a hybrid. It'll continue with the head-Leoben (who seemed to be acting like he was actually the cylon god, or at least one of the final five who'd taken his form) helping Kara to download. At least, that's what it seemed like to me.


                          Is Kara dead???

                          We will just have to wait till next week opening credits to see if Kara is truly dead or just faking it.


                            Originally posted by Vienna View Post
                            Is Kara dead???

                            We will just have to wait till next week opening credits to see if Kara is truly dead or just faking it.
                            They don't remove cast member credits until the next season.

                            e.g. When Daniel Jackson died his name was still in the credits that season.


                              But wasn't there also only one episode where Daniel was dead before the end of the season?
                              Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

                              Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

                              EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



                                Originally posted by Lady Snow View Post
                                But wasn't there also only one episode where Daniel was dead before the end of the season?

                                Yeah there was.

                                And she won't be in the credits. She is truely "dead".

