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The Laura Roslin/Mary McDonnell Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Dorka View Post
    *lol* well that's typical me 2 in the morning trying to create new Signatures
    hehe, I like your 2 am creativity
    Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

    ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


      Originally posted by Dorka View Post
      *loL* you're welcome Yep, it's a sweet little song would be great for an A/R vid also content wise, *lol* I haven't thought about french since over a year now, since I don't have it in school, but at least I still understand what she sings in that song

      I just listened to it... *lol* sexy song? well it's pretty much Electro-Pop for me
      *lol* I'm a Music-Freak as well... over 1 year working in a TV-channel Music-Archive does that to you Do you know Eskobar??? I fell totaly in LOVE with their songs...though they are all quite sad, so they never quite fit for a cool Music-Vid
      It would be great for a sexy A/R video! But then again, all songs would be, in my mind. In fact, I can already see a video to this song, with the scenes from the episode... Now, if I only had the ability to make videos... *grins*

      Yeah, sexy song. What, you mean Never never never? It doesn't matter that it's electro-popish... any song can be sexy, I think (well, not exactly any song, but whatever). It's the beat, you know... the part at the beginning... I can't explain. Nope, I don't think I've ever heard Eskobar... where are they from?

      Man... I had such a weird day today, and that song (Hallucinations) just fixed everything!!! I was totally hyper once I'd listened to it... Of course I couldn't wait until I got back from class, so I just had to download it and put it on my iPod, and was late for my exam... I ran down the stairs, almost fell... frakking tripped! It was ridiculous... I was in such a hurry and so excited listening to the song... *slaps forehead* And I actually think I did good on my exam! *is surprised* I hadn't even really studied, and it's a difficult course... International Contracts... the professor reminds me sooo much of Elton John!! In every sense... Hilarious. He's this really prominent lawyer, lived all over the world and stuff. One really good thing about International Relations is that it's pretty new, and there aren't that many professors and all... so we get some really good people to teach the courses, important people... Awwww, I love International Relations! Yay. Sorry... I'm still pretty hyper...

      Now I need to get myself drunk on wine... I need to sleep tonight. Have to wake up early for a job interview at the Serbian embassy... I'm so proud of myself! I managed to get the cork out instead of dropping it in to the wine bottle... for once...

      Some sexy pictures to go with the song and to keep this more or less on topic. I was looking for one from Woman Undone, but couldn't find any, and I'm already half drunk, so... Here's two from You Can Thank Me Later (which I still haven't seen!!! *kicks table*)
      Last edited by _angi_; 19 November 2006, 05:10 PM.
      Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


        Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
        It would be great for a sexy A/R video! But then again, all songs would be, in my mind.

        Yeah, sexy song. What, you mean Never never never? It doesn't matter that it's electro-popish... any song can be sexy, I think (well, not exactly any song, but whatever). It's the beat, you know... the part at the beginning... I can't explain. Nope, I don't think I've ever heard Eskobar... where are they from?

        Man... I had such a weird day today, and that song (Hallucinations) just fixed everything!!! I was totally hyper once I'd listened to it... Of course I couldn't wait until I got back from class, so I just had to download it and put it on my iPod, and was late for my exam... I ran down the stairs, almost fell... frakking tripped! It was ridiculous... I was in such a hurry and so excited listening to the song... *slaps forehead* And I actually think I did good on my exam! *is surprised* I hadn't even really studied, and it's a difficult course... International Contracts... the professor reminds me sooo much of Elton John!! In every sense... Hilarious. He's this really prominent lawyer, lived all over the world and stuff. One really good thing about International Relations is that it's pretty new, and there aren't that many professors and all... so we get some really good people to teach the courses, important people... Awwww, I love International Relations! Yay. Sorry... I'm still pretty hyper...

        Now I need to get myself drunk on wine... I need to sleep tonight. Have to wake up early for a job interview at the Serbian embassy... I'm so proud of myself! I managed to get the cork out instead of dropping it in to the wine bottle... for once...

        Here's the full song (Hallucinations, from Woman Undone), if you'd like it and if anyone is interested...

        Some sexy pictures to go with the song and to keep this more or less on topic. I was looking for one from Woman Undone, but couldn't find any, and I'm already half drunk, so... Here's two from You Can Thank Me Later (which I still haven't seen!!! *kicks table*)
        Oh man! You HAVE to see YCTML!! Aside from the superhot toilet!sex scene, she says one of my very favorite lines in the scene right after it.

        Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


          Originally posted by sidhe View Post
          Oh man! You HAVE to see YCTML!! Aside from the superhot toilet!sex scene, she says one of my very favorite lines in the scene right after it.
          Don't do that to me!!!! I am dying to see the movie, but I just can't find it anywhere!!!! Its so, so frustrating!!!! *cries histerically*
          I only just saw some pictures from the famous toilet sex scene... And I'm so curious about that line you talk about... *again, kicks table repeatedly*

          Nice to see someone else in here... Its been so quiet... I'm bored out of my mind... Don't see how I'm gong to sleep anytime soon... apparently, wine doesn't have much of an effect on me anymore. Care to join me in the very solitary gutter? The ambient music is posted above.... or it's just that I literally can't stop listening to the song
          Last edited by _angi_; 16 November 2006, 06:41 PM.
          Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


            Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
            Don't do that to me!!!! I am dying to see the movie, but I just can't find it anywhere!!!! Its so, so frustrating!!!! *cries histerically*
            I only just saw some pictures from the famous toilet sex scene... And I'm so curious about that line you talk about... *again, kicks table repeatedly*

            Nice to see someone else in here... Its been so quiet... I'm bored out of my mind... Don't see how I'm gong to sleep anytime soon... apparently, wine doesn't have much of an effect on me anymore. Care to join me in the very solitary gutter? The ambient music is posted above.... or it's just that I literally can't stop listening to the song
            *jumps in gutter with angi& Hey dear! I sent you a PM...

            Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


              Originally posted by sidhe View Post
              *jumps in gutter with angi& Hey dear! I sent you a PM...
              Yay! Finally some company down here! And thank you, Sidhe. I've sent you one as well.

              Okay then... guess I might as well try and get some sleep... stupid job interview! Don't even know why I agreed to it... don't even really want it... Oh, but I just remembered!! I know the ambassador's son... he's very hot! I knew there had to be something...
              Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
                Yay! Finally some company down here! And thank you, Sidhe. I've sent you one as well.

                Okay then... guess I might as well try and get some sleep... stupid job interview! Don't even know why I agreed to it... don't even really want it... Oh, but I just remembered!! I know the ambassador's son... he's very hot! I knew there had to be something...
                Good luck with the hot ambassador's son job interview! Let us know how he is and send us pics how it goes. When will you know if you get the job if you decide to take it?

                Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


                  Originally posted by sidhe View Post
                  Good luck with the hot ambassador's son job interview! Let us know how he is and send us pics how it goes. When will you know if you get the job if you decide to take it?
                  Haha! *lol*

                  Well, I guess I'll know pretty soon. They need someone almost right away. It's really not what I wanted at the moment. About a year or so ago, a friend of mine that is the ambassador's assistant called me to see if I could recommend someone for a job. She wanted me at the time, but I already had something else and was up to my eyeballs in working towards a fabulous UN Working Group meeting that we were going to host, so... A while after that I got a bit bummed at not taking the job, because I had always wanted to work at an embassy, but... Now the person I recommended is leaving, so that friend called me to see if I was interested. I have a hard time saying no... But I'll see how it goes. I'm not sure if I'm up to a full time job right now. What I really want is the damn internship at the Federal Supreme Court, but since that is not even close to being a sure thing... And this thing at the embassy probably is... because this woman already knows me, and I pretty much have the right profile for it... Still, I'm tired of not being able to decide what the hell it is that I want!! *sigh*
                  Oh wow, this was long... I'm sorry. *offers a caipirinha in hopes of redeeming herself*
                  I'll just finish my wine and cigarette and try to get to sleep...
                  Last edited by _angi_; 17 November 2006, 02:35 AM.
                  Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                    Hey everyone

                    Well Angi at least you get jobs offered Here it's pretty hard to get jobs and you have to pretty much fight even for small things so I'd be happy if I'd get some Well and when there's a good looking guy there

                    To stay On Topic:


                      Originally posted by Dorka View Post
                      Hey everyone

                      Well Angi at least you get jobs offered Here it's pretty hard to get jobs and you have to pretty much fight even for small things so I'd be happy if I'd get some Well and when there's a good looking guy there

                      To stay On Topic:

                      The second one is so YOU!!! lol
                      I puffy heart them!!! ^-^ (oh, and doesn't she just look awesome in the second pic!?! I wished our chancellor would look only a quarter that good *sigh*)
                      It's Friday! YAY!
                      (and now I've to tend for my internship...blech)
                      Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                      ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


                        Originally posted by Dorka View Post
                        Hey everyone

                        Well Angi at least you get jobs offered Here it's pretty hard to get jobs and you have to pretty much fight even for small things so I'd be happy if I'd get some Well and when there's a good looking guy there

                        To stay On Topic:

                        Morning, guys! How are you all doing?

                        Yeah, you're right. It's really not that easy here either. Especially Brasilia, the political capital... you have to know people, or else... It's tragic, disturbing, the way you can just feel the politics in the air in this city...
                        I just got back, actually. Basically got offered the job right there. It felt good, really. But I didn't take it...

                        Dóra I looove those pictures!!! I really love those colours you always use. And the second one is my favorite... Workaholc... heh... that's me as well... Luckily we do have at least one important figure here that looks that good... Well, not that good, but I still think she's beautiful, a different beauty, our Chief Justice. I'm sooo proud! The most important woman in the country... I still can't get over it.

                        In that second picture, doesn't Laura look like she just got out of bed in the middle of the night and went to work, like she couldn't sleep or something? I don't know... I think it's that her blouse is open that extra button... She just left Bill asleep in the bed...

                        I wonder, Dóra, if you might make me one of those beautiful pictures, as a sig?! I really do love the style. May I get you a caipirinha in return?

                        Wow! I can't believe it really is Friday!!!
                        Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                          Originally posted by Dorka View Post
                          Hey everyone

                          Well Angi at least you get jobs offered Here it's pretty hard to get jobs and you have to pretty much fight even for small things so I'd be happy if I'd get some Well and when there's a good looking guy there

                          To stay On Topic:

                          Wow, Dora, those pics are awesome!!! So prettiful!

                          Angi, that always feels good to be offered a job on the spot, doesn't it? What exactly do you DO, that you're actually in a position where you might get to work for the UN? That's really cool!

                          You're becoming a little politician just like Laura!

                          Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


                            Dorka...LOVE teh pretties!!! I thinks the second one's my fav...though WoW for the first one.

                            And congrats angi *tacklehugs* I'm so happy for you dear!! That just sounds SO incredibly cool!!!


                              Originally posted by sidhe View Post
                              Wow, Dora, those pics are awesome!!! So prettiful!

                              Angi, that always feels good to be offered a job on the spot, doesn't it? What exactly do you DO, that you're actually in a position where you might get to work for the UN? That's really cool!

                              You're becoming a little politician just like Laura!
                              Haha! Well, I'm a student, still. I study International Relations. It's very difficult to explain what exactly it is that we do. There are many, many options. You can do anything, from international trade, to working as an international advisor at a multinational, to international advisor at any Government branch, to NGOs, to an embassy... there's a lot. It's also a good place to start if you want to be a diplomat. Though you don't need to have a degree in International Relations for that; everyone has to take a series of very difficult exams in order to get in. About the UN, that's my plan, to work at the UN. I've wanted that from the beginning. Though it's not really necessary to have a degree in International Relations either. I've always been drawn to it. Had the chance to get deeper into how the UN works while I was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Brazil hosted a meeting of the oldest UN Working Group this July, and my boss was the one heading the whole thing on our side, and I got to work very closely with her on the whole process. It was absolutely fantastic. I got to write our offer to host the meeting, travel all over the country doing a series of seminars on "how to do business with the UN" with my boss and some people from the UN that we invited over here to take a look at the installations and everything before the big event, actually take part in the whole thing... I have no words to explain it... The best experience ever. And I got to meet some wonderful people as well. The people from the city that hosted the event went all out... we even had a special presentation from one of the most famous samba schools just for this... *sigh* I miss that...

                              A little politician like Laura... I wish... We'll see what happens.

                              Thanks k8t. *hugs back*

                              Aaaaaaah!!! Sorry for the enormous post, again. Why can't I just shut it?!?! I tend to get carried away, as you've all noticed. And so way off topic, again. *slaps forehead*
                              Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                                Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
                                Haha! Well, I'm a student, still. I study International Relations. It's very difficult to explain what exactly it is that we do. There are many, many options. You can do anything, from international trade, to working as an international advisor at a multinational, to international advisor at any Government branch, to NGOs, to an embassy... there's a lot. It's also a good place to start if you want to be a diplomat. Though you don't need to have a degree in International Relations for that; everyone has to take a series of very difficult exams in order to get in. About the UN, that's my plan, to work at the UN. I've wanted that from the beginning. Though it's not really necessary to have a degree in International Relations either. I've always been drawn to it. Had the chance to get deeper into how the UN works while I was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Brazil hosted a meeting of the oldest UN Working Group this July, and my boss was the one heading the whole thing on our side, and I got to work very closely with her on the whole process. It was absolutely fantastic. I got to write our offer to host the meeting, travel all over the country doing a series of seminars on "how to do business with the UN" with my boss and some people from the UN that we invited over here to take a look at the installations and everything before the big event, actually take part in the whole thing... I have no words to explain it... The best experience ever. And I got to meet some wonderful people as well. The people from the city that hosted the event went all out... we even had a special presentation from one of the most famous samba schools just for this... *sigh* I miss that...

                                A little politician like Laura... I wish... We'll see what happens.

                                Thanks k8t. *hugs back*

                                Aaaaaaah!!! Sorry for the enormous post, again. Why can't I just shut it?!?! I tend to get carried away, as you've all noticed. And so way off topic, again. *slaps forehead*

                                WoW...thats okay for being off topic that just sounds....WOW!!!
                                You GO GIRL!!!!

                                And I think we may have another Laura on our hands...


