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The Roslin/Adama Shipper Thread

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    Originally posted by ellymelly

    actually, i'm not finished exams yet i still have four *frakit* *two 3 hours tomorrow* but so thank you!!!!!! *saves them and sets them as screen saver so that they pop up while elly plays motivational music*

    i'm going to ask you a favour when i finish my exams and that is HOW DO I MAKE ANIMATED ICONS>???? lol

    urgh, 3 hour exams, I feel your pain. Good Luck! Is it your finals?


      Originally posted by PearlWing
      WEEEE! I scored as Laura. Awesome. Nectar. Righteous. And I was actually honest too. ^.^

      President Laura Roslin - 81%
      Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo) - 63%
      CPO Galen Tyrol - 50%
      Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer) - 50%
      Tom Zarek - 44%
      Commander William Adama - 38%
      Dr Gaius Baltar - 31%
      Number 6 - 31%
      Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)- 25%
      Col. Saul Tigh - 13%

      Jeebus. 81% That's a lot of Laura. But, I'm totally not complaining.

      I got 100% Laura, yay.


        *k8t sneaks in from work*

        Aghhhh...whats all this about pairing Laura off w/ Tigh...Zarek... LOL!!! Sounds like you guys have been sneaking over to the darkside while I've been here at work...hehe!! Sounds er...interesting!! *giggles*

        I can't wait to take that character quiz when I get home from work Friday. Sounds very fun!! *kicks work* I finally ordered the season 2 soundtrack of bsg so it should be waiting for me when I get home *does happy dance*

        Bluetrekker, great first time fic!!! *huggles*

        Well, gotta got

        *sneaks back out*


          LOVED YOUR FIRST FIC bluetrekker! (i hope you posted it at survival instinct - i'm going there to check now -if it's not there big trouble! LMAO )

          *shippy sigh* these two are so cute!

          elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

          HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

          NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

          HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

          Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


            ^^^^ I haven't posted at Survival Instinct because everything over there is so fab and I was a bit unsure. I might post it now if I can work out what to do! Thanks for the positve feedback all. It's much appreciated.

            *Hugs all round*

            Signature by the incomparable ellymelly - worlds most talented A/R shipper


              it's easy, join - go to 'account info' and then add new story!

              and YES it's good enough! - MORE than good enough!

              elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

              HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

              NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

              HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

              Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                Originally posted by bluetrekker
                Er, right *is nervous*. so, i wrote a little fic. my first ever. I'm kind of nervous about it so if you don't mind I thought I'd post it here because I know you friendly folks will go easy on me. Having said that all feedback would be gratefully received. Just so you know - it's not a cot fic (sorry!) but something that's been bouncing arround in my head for a while.

                Obviously I do not in any way, shape or form have any claim to the characters. This would be PG rated probably. Hope you enjoy!

                The hangar deck of the Battlestar Galactica buzzed with noise. The thrum of engines as they cooled down, the clanging of metal against metal as repairs took place and the shouts of the crew as they hurried about their jobs. It was a beautiful sound, thought Admiral William Adama as he watched the activity taking place before him. During the last year the smallest sound had reverberated off the walls of the empty Deck for what seemed like an eternity. Now, there was a cacophony of sound. This was how things were supposed to be. Many of the crew appeared to have stepped off transport ships and started work immediately, not even stopping to change into their uniforms. He knew from early reports that the things these people had experienced on New Caprica would have implications for a long time to come, but for now he enjoyed having his ‘family’ back together and felt the familiar glow of pride warm his chest.

                That feeling was almost immediately replaced with a nervous knot as he saw a transport ship move in to view at the far end of the deck. He’d been here several times before in the last few days, waiting to greet returning crew members. Just yesterday he’d met Kara and Saul as they returned to the Galactica. He wanted to be there when they arrived to let them know how thankful he was to see them again. He’d embraced them warmly without giving it a second thought. But this; this was different. He felt a self consciousness that led him to question what on earth he was doing here. But he had to be here to see her. There was so much to talk about, decisions they’d made in the past and questions of how to handle the future. But in this moment he just wanted to see her again, to be sure she was OK, to verify what he’d read in the reports.

                He knew why this was different, of course. It was the difference between loving someone and being in love with them.

                Shaking himself from his contemplation he moved towards the transport and enjoyed watching her for a moment before she saw him. He knew that the emotions that churned inside him were most likely written all over his face. Ironically, he would have been quite happy for the Hangar Deck to be deserted once again, leaving just the two of them and no prying eyes. A friendly greeting, he thought. Don’t get carried away. But as she saw him, and smiled at him and folded herself into his arms, his body betrayed him. He held her for a moment longer than he should, squeezed her a little tighter and when he spoke her name the emotion crackled in his voice.

                ‘Laura' he whispered, as they held each other. 'I've missed you'

                He felt her pull him closer towards her.

                ‘More than you know’ she replied.

                And it that moment there was no-one else in the Hangar Deck, or on Galactica, or in the Universe.
                That was awesome! *squees and hugs for the shiper fic* I loved it!

                Write more! Write more! Write more! *fanfic addict here.....*


                  Real life gets in the way of me doing too much but I'll try and write some more when I get chance. Thanks for the nice comments Lauradorable - it's much appreciated. *hugs*

                  Signature by the incomparable ellymelly - worlds most talented A/R shipper


                    *Sneaks out from the dark corner and finally delurks herself*

                    Hello people! *Waves* I'm new here as you can tell! I love my A/R ship *huggles* but i'm quite new to it and BSG, so i decided to buy the season 1 boxset! Yay! Can't wait for it to arrive!

                    Anyway...! Bluetrekker... Your little ficlet was so sweet! It put a smile on my face! Hehehe

                    *sigh of relieve* I got the awkard first post over!


                      welcome Kimyroo... ... you will love it to be here....

                      bluetrekker that was really awesome... love it... write more...

                      okay my first R/A sig...*nervous*... what do you thing guys??

                      R/A forever
                      Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 21 June 2006, 11:26 AM.


                        Thankyou Annie! It's good to be here!!

                        I love your sig! It's amazing! That first photo is so cute! It makes me want to go and watch the episode again! (Adding one more watch to the thousands of times before!)


                          Originally posted by kimyroo
                          Thankyou Annie! It's good to be here!!

                          I love your sig! It's amazing! That first photo is so cute! It makes me want to go and watch the episode again! (Adding one more watch to the thousands of times before!)
                          thank you Kimyroo...

                          frankly it's not exactly what I wanted to do but... ech it's my first R/A sig so...


                            First off....WELCOME kimyroo!!!!!! *huggles, k8t hands over the initial 100 pencils w/ the big shiney bow wrapped around them*

                            Go ahead...snap a know you want to!! *k8t also passes around cake* So glad you de-lurked!! See we don't bite..err..well..hard anyways..*giggles*

                            LOVE your first sig Annie Sheppard!!! Hope you plan on making more!! *sighs as admiring the pretties*

                            And bluetrekker, I understand about real life kicking you in the butt sometimes...its giving me a swift kick all the time...but you should really post that fabulous fic at survival instinct!!!

                            Okay, back to work for me...*sigh*

                            Again, welcome kimyroo *huggles* and post lots

                            A/R forever!!!!

                            *snaps pencil on the way out*


                              Thankyou! *Gladly accepts pencils and snaps a few*

                              *Giggles* Aww, i promise i will post lots! ^_^

                              By the way, call me kim, it's probably a little easier! *runs off to read some A/R fics!*


                                Originally posted by kimyroo
                                Thankyou! *Gladly accepts pencils and snaps a few*

                                *Giggles* Aww, i promise i will post lots! ^_^

                                By the way, call me kim, it's probably a little easier! *runs off to read some A/R fics!*
                                Okay, Kim and you can just call me k8t. Enjoy reading fics, theres sooo many good ones out there!!!

                                BTW, I love both your sigs !!!!

