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The Lee Adama/ Kara Thrace relationship thread

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    Originally posted by marimba26
    I'm so glad you liked it I just love these two together and I'm glad to see a thread for them here at GW!!! Lots of familiar faces here! Posting some new smut tonight (all smut, no plot lol--total PWP) called "A Little Less Conversation". Should be up in the next hour or so. I also have a couple of Lee/Kara vids and now Tame has some too!!! Plus check out Sache8's Helo/Boomer vid

    Just a favor to ask in future, please post the link to the main page so that others won't hotlink? It saves bandwidth. Thanks!

    Here's the link to the main page:
    Yes...Marimba has become the *Vid Teacher*...... Be sure to check out ALL of HER Lee and Kara Videos as well.... she forgot to toot her own horn ...She makes some very EXCELLENT videos for many shows but Lee and Kara are going be HOT this next season so be on the look out for even MORE from this wonderful Lady
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      oh yes they are


        how's bout a piccy... yes this one will work... only linked.. due to size
        Last edited by CKO; 08 June 2005, 07:09 AM. Reason: pressed return too frakkin' fast and wasnt done with the responce


          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
          Okay, why is this thread dead all of a sudden...we can't let this thread fall to page 2...that would be bad...

          Fade by Staind, spoilers up to Kobol's Last Gleaming II. Any comments (good or bad, but preferably constructive) are welcome. It's about 7.53mb.


            d/lin atm, but with dial up it frakkin' suxz


              very nice vid BB... lots of lee is always good


                Originally posted by CKO
                d/lin atm, but with dial up it frakkin' suxz
                I know, I'm stuck on dial up as well (took forever to upload). Tried to make it as small as possible without losing too much video quality.

                Glad you liked it.


                  CKO -- Thanks for starting what hopefully will continue to be a great thread!

                  Tame and Marimba -- I really enjoyed your vids and your fic. Brava/o to both of you. They sent me to my happy place!

                  I am so, so digging this ship...and have been since early on in the season. Lee and Kara flirt very naturally with each other, as there is obviously a ton of chemistry. I love how playful and lighthearted their fliration is, as we see in Colonial Day (with the water) and at other moments throughout.

                  I also like the gender dynamic they have that others have touched on. It's nice to see a sensitive, compassionate man (who is still strong and masculine) and a feisty, assertive woman (who is still beautiful and feminine). They complement each other well, and both share the common ground of intense passion and angst.

                  Speaking of angst, I am just LOVING the angst between these two. It is a logical extension of their electric chemistry. I even loved them beating the crap out of each other. You can tell these two would have fantastic make up sex! And I do think that if the writers delay them getting together (I see it as pretty inevitable, personally), it will only serve to make their union that much more explosive and satisfying.

                  Man, I can't wait for season 2! Worst comes to worst, they are stuck in the brig together with nothing to do except...frak!


                    oh yea stick them in the hack (brig) together.. yea... get them to talk, and that uh.. um... leads to mmmm other things.


                      Reposted from the 'everyone takes their pants off too much' thread:

                      I just noticed something while watching TLGOK 1 again -- in the first shot of the kara sex scene, it *IS* Lee that we see with her! Same with the second shot, but at the last second, they switch to a shot of Gaius and Kara. So we are truly in Kara's mind for the first sex scene...very fascinating subtle moment! AU, almost.

                      Great moment for us shippers! Fanart, here I come...


                        how's bout a piccy from the S2 promo piccys..

                        linked due to size




                          Has anyone else seen the deleted scene from KLG 1 with Lee/Kara?

                          He asks her if she got laid...then later if it's anyone he knows...then she's like 'frak you'. Angsty goodness, and super aggressive direct Lee.

                          You can find the deleted scene here:


                          Scroll down to the bottom it's the third one.


                            Originally posted by fair_nymph
                            CKO -- Thanks for starting what hopefully will continue to be a great thread!

                            Tame and Marimba -- I really enjoyed your vids and your fic. Brava/o to both of you. They sent me to my happy place!

                            I am so, so digging this ship...and have been since early on in the season. Lee and Kara flirt very naturally with each other, as there is obviously a ton of chemistry. I love how playful and lighthearted their fliration is, as we see in Colonial Day (with the water) and at other moments throughout.

                            I also like the gender dynamic they have that others have touched on. It's nice to see a sensitive, compassionate man (who is still strong and masculine) and a feisty, assertive woman (who is still beautiful and feminine). They complement each other well, and both share the common ground of intense passion and angst.

                            Speaking of angst, I am just LOVING the angst between these two. It is a logical extension of their electric chemistry. I even loved them beating the crap out of each other. You can tell these two would have fantastic make up sex! And I do think that if the writers delay them getting together (I see it as pretty inevitable, personally), it will only serve to make their union that much more explosive and satisfying.

                            Man, I can't wait for season 2! Worst comes to worst, they are stuck in the brig together with nothing to do except...frak!

                            Thanks Fair Nymph!!

                            I so agree with you...these two have got some sizzlin' chemistry and if the writers are as good as they seem to be well then hopefully we will have some fireworks this next season as well.

                            I don't want TPTB to just throw them both of them Lee AND Kara have a lot of baggage to work through BUT I also don't want them to drag things out to an *unrealistic* timeframe. This first season definitely established that they have some very strong feelings for each other but aren't real sure what to do with them. So it is my hope that season 2 will have them dealing with their own baggage and getting past it...growing and maturing. I don't think they even have to be together to deal with their own demons....but I would like to think that with the world being in the state it is now for these characters they would begin to see what was REALLY important and what things it was time to let go of.... be it childhood scars, fears and grudges, OR sins of the past and guilt.

                            I would hope that eventually the PTB would show these characters growing rather then turning things into an angst fest every season with a *moment* here and there...I have watched more then enough shows that have done that....and I can say I am tired of that.......BUT I have faith from what I have seen so far....and at keast Ron Moore does seem open to shows like Farscape that did show a *Couple* that still were individuals AND both still kicked butt when the need arose.

                            Personally I think having two strong willed characters in a relationship can make for some very good drama if written well. It doesn't always have to be about cheating on the other or she is missing or he is missing........

                            This first season we saw a good example of how things could get tense in the episode *Hand of God* and Kara had to take a step back and NOT be in control like she wants to be and let Lee handle things.... Also in KLG trying to deal with each other as people as well as collegues...the same as in Episode 104 - dealing with each other on both the personal and professional level.

                            All of these examples would have had some really dramatics effects when you add in *Couple*....

                            Like Fair Nymph have endless possblities for great make up sex LOL and you also have the potential for dramatic conflict, exhaltant triumph...and just a variety of moments that get even more *emotional* when you add that *connection*. By tapping into the *emtional* you also ask the audience to invest a bit of themselves into the show...and that makes them tune in every week....

                            ok well THAT was a bit more then I originally planned to say.. can you tell I like Lee and Kara together
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              want some info on the lee/kara romance... see the linky


                              scroll down in the article for hints of how lee feels for kara

                              He has no idea how much he needs Starbuck and how much he feels for her.


                                I have resisted the intense, violent urge to read that spoiler. Go me!

                                A question for everyone, regarding KLG 1:

                                Lee figures out that Kara slept with Baltar based on the little interaction between all three at the Triad table...right? Now Baltar makes the comment to Kara 'Lieutenant Thrace, why don't you sit next to Captain Adama here?' (paraphrased). He very pointedly refers to Lee. So Lee must suspect that Kara has told or revealed feelings for Lee to Baltar...right? Maybe he even suspect that she called out his name...?

                                If so, shouldn't he be acting a little differently, since he so clearly is goddarn jealous, but must suspect on some level that he shouldn't be, because Kara actually wants him? Shouldn't there be a little pride and a little happiness at that knowledge, mixed in with all his sense of rage and betrayal? Why don't we see he just too overcome with anger to acknowledge the reality of Kara's feelings for him? Or is he not even conscious of Baltar's implication (though I don't see how he could possibly ignore it, but maybe he's hiding it subconsciously since he, too, is a screw-up)?

