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The Covid19 thread

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    Originally posted by magi877 View Post
    now type of id system exited for HIV positives in the US. it was always between dr, patient and who the pt informed

    and once we allow a thing like a health passport to exist and control our movements, then more and more restrictions and "you got to prove the negative " just to have freedom is a extreme infringement on individual rights

    and it would probably also generate a massive black-market in forged documents and test results as well
    You don't think a disease which is passed either by very up close and personal contact or errors in blood handling should be handled differently than a virus that you can catch walking next to someone in a supermarket?

    That's a totally meaningless comparison.


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      You don't think a disease which is passed either by very up close and personal contact or errors in blood handling should be handled differently than a virus that you can catch walking next to someone in a supermarket?

      That's a totally meaningless comparison.
      no it is not. do you remember the fear and hyperbole back in the 80's over this? back then,as now, fear and the crippling effect of fear on society was quite a dangerous issue threatening the fabric of our nation

      at first people just thought it was a "gay disease". then,as the fear and mis-information was whipped up , people started panicking, they didn't listen to facts any longer. all they needed to hear was that anyone could catch it and they went nuts

      you don't remember the way that fear was managed and used to intimidate the lives of everyone? its the same tactic over and over used by those who stand to profit from fear either financially or politically

      a reminder below--should sound familiar to what we have been told lately. it was only after people controlled their fear and actual work on data and reality finally allowed truth to come through

      Masters and Johnson warned that AIDS could lurk on toilet seats. A sex therapist, Helen Singer Kaplan, wrote a book, ''The Real Truth About Women and AIDS,'' warning that condoms weren't enough and that even kissing was a risk. Magic Johnson's illness in 1991 was presented as the proof that H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS, was finally breaking out into the heterosexual population

      The campaign began on the cover of Life magazine in 1985: ''Now No One Is Safe From AIDS.'' Federal officials said that AIDS could be worse than the black plague, and they conducted national television, radio and direct-mail campaigns aimed at heterosexuals. The officials wildly overestimated the number of AIDS cases, although they were more conservative than Oprah Winfrey, who warned that a fifth of heterosexuals could be dead by 1990.


        Originally posted by magi877 View Post
        once in the environment these things never just go away, they linger and we adapt to
        them..or the virus/bacteria adapts and we get sick again
        that's not ENTIRELY true, if the virus kills the hosts that carry it and for some reason it can't spread beyond the area and there are no more hosts to carry it then effectively it does die, like a village in the congo get ebola and it spreads around the village, and a person goes to get help and doesn't make it to another village and the body is never found, THAT VERSION dies off. there may be another monkey, bat,bird, what ever carries it, may not die of it, but, it will spread it to another village which will create another version of the virus and so on, so in a way, yeah it can die off, it all depends on the type of virus, lethality, availability of hosts and environment, change any one of these and the virus can die off or mutate, one of the joys of living on earth.


          Originally posted by Gatecat View Post

          At least the nicotine-thesis sounds more plausible, than Trump's idea of injecting disinfectant.
          yeah, you don't want to do that, I just recently just got over my gasoline addiction, oh it started simple just a shot of windex every now and then, then things got worse, I moved on to Lysol and then pool chlorine, and then one day I just couldn't stop my self and tried the HEAVY stuff transmission fluid, radiator fluid, then I went on to white gasoline and then , I just mainlined gasoline straight from the pump, I just couldn't help myself.


            but seriously, I don't know if it will work, but you could try to use the chlorine that is used in swimming pools, it is HIGHLY concentrated so unlike standard laundry bleach you should use MUCH LESS, I was thinking that if you got a tub or bucket of the stuff you should use 1 teaspoon maybe a table spoon per gallon of water, not cups of the stuff per gallon of water, so this is just a thought, something I wondered about. it might be used to decontaminate things, like gloves or... what ever.


              Originally posted by magi877 View Post
              no it is not. do you remember the fear and hyperbole back in the 80's over this? back then,as now, fear and the crippling effect of fear on society was quite a dangerous issue threatening the fabric of our nation

              at first people just thought it was a "gay disease". then,as the fear and mis-information was whipped up , people started panicking, they didn't listen to facts any longer. all they needed to hear was that anyone could catch it and they went nuts

              you don't remember the way that fear was managed and used to intimidate the lives of everyone? its the same tactic over and over used by those who stand to profit from fear either financially or politically

              a reminder below--should sound familiar to what we have been told lately. it was only after people controlled their fear and actual work on data and reality finally allowed truth to come through

              Yes, I remember the politics and other nonsense surrounding AIDS/HIV when it first arrived. But that was a completely different situation, and politics was very heavily involved, so I don't want to go down that road. Not that I don't have opinions, but managers of this anthill would be most distressed if we opened that can of worms.

              I'm just saying that the method of transmission, in the case of this virus, casual contact or even NO contact, since it can live on surfaces for an extended time warrants stricter controls than would be appropriate for a disease which is sexually transmitted or contaminated blood.


                Originally posted by epg20 View Post
                but seriously, I don't know if it will work, but you could try to use the chlorine that is used in swimming pools, it is HIGHLY concentrated so unlike standard laundry bleach you should use MUCH LESS, I was thinking that if you got a tub or bucket of the stuff you should use 1 teaspoon maybe a table spoon per gallon of water, not cups of the stuff per gallon of water, so this is just a thought, something I wondered about. it might be used to decontaminate things, like gloves or... what ever.
                bleach is a great for decontamination of surfaces and objects.

                in the Army-unless they have developed a new decon measure- vehicles, personal gear and weapons and most other gear, is to be decontaminated with Super Tropical Bleach and hot soapy water

                whoever--not trump, he's a real estate agent - the actual expert was who gave that brief at the WH the other day, did say that bleach was tested on the virus and it kills it


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Yes, I remember the politics and other nonsense surrounding AIDS/HIV when it first arrived. But that was a completely different situation, and politics was very heavily involved, so I don't want to go down that road. Not that I don't have opinions, but managers of this anthill would be most distressed if we opened that can of worms.

                  I'm just saying that the method of transmission, in the case of this virus, casual contact or even NO contact, since it can live on surfaces for an extended time warrants stricter controls than would be appropriate for a disease which is sexually transmitted or contaminated blood.
                  the politicians did have a big part of blame in then-as they do now, but i a m not talking politics, i am talking of the media types who then,as now, will milk this out for as long as they can for their gain

                  this today from the UK. media all around the world can not help themselves in stoking the flames of fear. All of them are mainly focusing on tugging heart strings and building panic and fear whatever the cost it seems

                  i don't have 'live tv' but i suspect that like online, the mainstream media reports few to no good news on this crisis. and when something is put out by anyone, that is positive, they do their best to try and counter it.

                  Everyone needs to calm the hell down, get their actual info from the non mainstream media as they are corrupt, wear their mask,limit their travel, stay 6 ft away, and not panic

                  A microbiologist who was one of the first people to be injected as part of UK human trials for a coronavirus vaccine has said she is “doing fine” after a fake article about her death was circulated on social media.

                  The article claimed that Elisa Granato, who took part in the trial in Oxford on Thursday, had died after taking the vaccine.


                    Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                    the politicians did have a big part of blame in then-as they do now, but i a m not talking politics, i am talking of the media types who then,as now, will milk this out for as long as they can for their gain
                    The media is as much a part of politics as the politicians are.


                      so yeah, i a m going to bring it up again on these two Chinese dr's. they were infected and on recovery their skin had turned dark

                      their dr's said it was due to liver issues caused by the virus attacking the liver

                      a case of PCT then? Not a Dr here of course, but a simple look at the internet shows pics of people with PCT

                      their darkening skin is in patches not uniform appearance and no where near as dark as the two Dr's turned out

                      I am thinking that either some drug caused it or, maybe more likely is the simplest explanation, the Chinese tried UV exposure... the 'tanning bed' cure for covid?

                      the Chinese may get away with lying to their own people, who do not have open access to the internet, but the rest of us do

                      the effects of liver failure cased PCT:


                      The darkened Dr's--and they both seem to have similar skin injury at the same place on their foreheads, what is that?:



                        btw-- NOT saying that if they were expose to UV that it cured them, just that maybe it was tried?

                        we are talking of a govt that has no hesitation to medical experimentation on their people after all


                          this woman's claims, together with the fact (fact checked by the appointed fact checkers) that NYC hospitals are reporting patients as having covid when they really dont so they can get more federal money. all leads to an assumption that there is a lot of med staff burnout and bureaucratic corruption going on there

                          If this is true, and why wouldn't it be, then it is pretty damning
                          Her nurse friend is in NYC "on assignment" and recently got there-- guessing those terms may mean she is a military reserve nurse?

                          hundreds of volunteer med personnel from out of the city,are now in the city just waiting in hotels and not being used.

                          no hands on treatment of covid patients... she uses med terms I think refer to patients being assessed and treated from as far away as possible

                          presumed covid patients put into the same wards as confirmed covid patients, so that if the presumed didn't have covid when they got there, they do now

                          staff using same PPE all day even though supplies have arrived

                          no manual compression being given at code for fear of getting sick despite having PPE on

                          this all sounds like massive burnout; the military recalled retired medical personnel and activated reserve dr's, nurses and pa's- they should be sent in to replace these civilian burn outs immediately


                            give a big loophole, and people are going to exploit it

                            the claim that hospitals in NYC were assigning many more people a covid 19 dx even if they do not have covid was initially denied because no one believed that the govt would pay them more for a covid 19 patient

                            except that the CARES act does allow for a higher payment. and there is first hand evidence from caregivers in NYC that this happening.

                            Our ruling: True
                            We rate the claim that hospitals get paid more if patients are listed as COVID-19 and on ventilators as TRUE.

                            Hospitals and doctors do get paid more for Medicare patients diagnosed with COVID-19 or if it's considered presumed they have COVID-19 absent a laboratory-confirmed test, and three times more if the patients are placed on a ventilator to cover the cost of care and loss of business resulting from a shift in focus to treat COVID-19 cases.

                            This higher allocation of funds has been made possible under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act through a Medicare 20% add-on to its regular payment for COVID-19 patients,


                              Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                              give a big loophole, and people are going to exploit it

                              the claim that hospitals in NYC were assigning many more people a covid 19 dx even if they do not have covid was initially denied because no one believed that the govt would pay them more for a covid 19 patient

                              except that the CARES act does allow for a higher payment. and there is first hand evidence from caregivers in NYC that this happening.

                              I *think* that budget scam originates at the state level. But it is statewide; I've read local reports about that kind of felgercarb being carried out elsewhere besides NYC.


                                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                                in America, one's health status cannot be asked about in interview or during employment. It is just kind of a voluntary thing, even at work, many people frequently go in sick as sic pay is not a thing in the US
                                One's health status is a private matter.

                                Nobody's stopping you from sharing that with a potential employer but chances are they won't hire you if they feel it hinders the execution of the job you're applying for.

                                Or, in some cases, it's the other way around and employers are specifically looking for a certain type of people known to have the proper focus to do a task. I know a company who hires people who are on the autism spectrum specifically and dispatches them as IT consultants.

                                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                                Beauty salons and hairdressers will open as well - about time, as blondes were going extinct as a species.
                                Grey hairs are making a comeback.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Sorry to say this, but EVERYONE from whatever point back, to every point forward now on, will be recorded into the gov't database. Your health, your wealth, what you buy and sell, EVERYTHING. It will be the NEW standard. The databases already exist. Bill Gates will or already is helping to ensure that part. So, world, get used to this... NOW.
                                Our medical records are already digitized.
                                Handy when you switch doctors or they have to be able to access your records at the hospital.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Since COVID-19 primarily attacks the lungs and blood cell systems in general by covering or consuming those cells, if the virus is seasonally repeated, the whole body will eventually shut down.
                                Unfortunately, the virus has a taste for just about every cell in the body, from brain to toe and back.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Problem there, is never knowing as the person receiving the vaccine, if the medicine is actually there or not or if it is tainted with something else...
                                Should be noted that the common cold is a corona virus for which no vaccine exists.
                                HIV/AIDS -- no vaccine available.
                                The common flu -- no vaccine available.
                                SARS-MERS -- no vaccine available.

                                If there's a shot available in a year or so, it'll be like the flu... momentary immunity or something alike.

                                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                                the fear around this covid 19 is way over the top and i think that the US deaths from regular flu still exceed covid 19 deaths;
                                What the flu kills in several months, covid-19 manages in just 4 weeks.
                                I'd say, covid wins.

                                According to the CDC the burden of the flu in the 2019-2020 season, which runs from October 1st to April 4th, approximately 24,000 - 62,000 people will have died.

                                Covid-19 has already claimed 55,000 lives since records started being kept halfway March (I think).

                                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                                hell, The Black Death is still alive and kicking in places like 4 corners ,USA and, I believe India. but it is far less serious if exposure occurs as immunity has built up over the years
                                The bubonic plague is still as deadly as it was several hundred years ago.
                                The only difference is that if caught early enough, people can survive pretty much unscathed without loosing an arm or a leg.

                                From the page I link to above:

                                Plague is a serious illness. If you are experiencing symptoms like those listed here, seek immediate medical attention. Prompt treatment with the correct medications is critical to prevent complications or death.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

