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The Covid19 thread

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    No goats or stags have yet to make an appearance in any of our streets.

    I don't see "nature returning". What I do hear are the birds, and because there's less traffic on the road, we can hear them much more clearer, which makes them even more annoying in the morning than they already are.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      No goats or stags have yet to make an appearance in any of our streets.

      I don't see "nature returning". What I do hear are the birds, and because there's less traffic on the road, we can hear them much more clearer, which makes them even more annoying in the morning than they already are.
      DO-NOT-GET-ME-STARTED-ON-THE-BIRDS!!!, some years ago there was a cardinal , JUST ONE, that either had a nest in the front or side yard or just liked being there, and in the morning it would start its chirping, sometimes even before the sun was up, but around five or six am I would hear *chirp* *chirp* *chirp*, now this didn't bother any one else, but, I have VERY good hearing, and that FRELLING bird would wake me up, now not all the way, but just enough to bring me up to near consciousness, just enough to just hear the *chirp**chirp**chirp*, wanted to ask my dad if I could nuke the yard to get that bird, but I didn't.


        Brand new statistical data recently published in Israel: 40% of Israel's coronavirus patients contracted virus in U.S.

        Which tells me that the situation in the USA was dire long before they began checking for the virus - and no one was aware of it because of how absolutely broken the USA health system is.

        It's no wonder that New YorkJews have been fleeing to Israel by the planeload lately. Single-payer healthcare: accept no substitute.
        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


          Originally posted by Womble View Post
          Brand new statistical data recently published in Israel: 40% of Israel's coronavirus patients contracted virus in U.S.

          Which tells me that the situation in the USA was dire long before they began checking for the virus - and no one was aware of it because of how absolutely broken the USA health system is.

          It's no wonder that New YorkJews have been fleeing to Israel by the planeload lately. Single-payer healthcare: accept no substitute.
          Good luck on that one Womble.
          As to your point however, Yes, accept no substitute.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Our security council has been meeting again earlier today, and our lockdown has been expanded to May 3rd.

            Whatever else they decided will be explained in a press conference momentarily to begin.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              Our security council has been meeting again earlier today, and our lockdown has been expanded to May 3rd.

              Whatever else they decided will be explained in a press conference momentarily to begin.
              Translation: They haven't yet come up with a line of BS they think the sheeple will buy.


                Somewhat forward thinking.
                But then, nobody knew.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Translation: They haven't yet come up with a line of BS they think the sheeple will buy.
                  I keep hearing about meetings here and there between county officials and state department of education officials and district principles and so on. What news gets passed down to the rank and file? None. From what I gather it's the same in every other area of government and private areas too. Despite the sideshow and ramblings of certain individuals who shall not be named, it's the one good thing about daily press briefings, you get to hear something of all of these meetings everyone is having.
                  By Nolamom


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Translation: They haven't yet come up with a line of BS they think the sheeple will buy.
                    Ah, but the press briefing was fairly interesting. Our Prime Minister, Sophie Wilmès, did a good job explaining the regulations (which stayed the same, with a few extra's) in both French (her 1st language) and Dutch (2nd language).

                    We are still locked down and can only get out for food, medication, doctor's appointments, to recycle large waste or garden waste.

                    DIY stores and garden stores are allowed open but obviously have to follow the social distance rules like any other store.

                    All major events are cancelled until the 31st of August so no music festivals, sporting events or festivals of any kind.

                    They have yet to decide whether we will be able to leave the country during the summer holidays -- probably not.

                    Schools are closed until the end of April, but online classes have to continue.

                    One new addition received quite a bit of backlash:
                    As of today it's allowed for 1 person to visit a family member at care homes (the elderly, disabled or others) but it has to be the same person, and they can't have had any symptoms over the past 2 weeks.

                    Considering the carnage in care homes at the moment, not many are going to allow this, especially not with the elderly.
                    Rigorous testing is, at the moment, going on in all care homes though.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      The holy month of Ramadan starts next week. Iftars can only happen among family members living in the same place (flat, house, ...). Mosques, like other houses of religion, remain closed so they'll have to get creative when it comes to prayer time (like everyone else, probably online).


                      And here are our current stats:

                      The passed 24h a total of 417 deaths were reported: 146 in Flanders, 197 in Walloon, and 74 in the Brussels region.

                      Which brings our death toll to 4857.


                      310 people were reported as being taken into hospital which is 60 more than 24h ago, but it's still less than previous days.
                      And 455 patients were released, which brings that total to 7562.

                      We currently have 5309 patients in hospitals around the country, of which 1182 patients are in the ICU (22 less than the day before). 868 of them are on a ventilator.


                      There were 1236 new infections, of which 396 in care homes.
                      Which brings the total of confirmed infections to 34 809.


                      For the first time, they also reported how many deaths per day there are more than before the crisis, which was reported at 341 deaths per day.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        We are still locked down and can only get out for food, medication, doctor's appointments, to recycle large waste or garden waste.

                        DIY stores and garden stores are allowed open but obviously have to follow the social distance rules like any other store.
                        . . .
                        One new addition received quite a bit of backlash:
                        As of today it's allowed for 1 person to visit a family member at care homes (the elderly, disabled or others) but it has to be the same person, and they can't have had any symptoms over the past 2 weeks.

                        Considering the carnage in care homes at the moment, not many are going to allow this, especially not with the elderly.
                        Rigorous testing is, at the moment, going on in all care homes though.
                        Same here.
                        But on the upside... Of course this is great for introverts who don't mind staying home...
                        Plenty of things to keep (us) busy with. Of course over here in the USA, shopping in general for anything is now a complete PITA, bummer. Between prepping for the store, feels like your walking into an ICU ward with PPE/filtered materials, to bringing the stuff home and then having to sanitize it all, because it and/or your clothes, etc., might now have a COVID-19 "cough" bugger on it, makes simple jobs now overly annoying... This is the type of paranoia that is affecting my coworkers BIG time...

                        Got a text message that Easter day was spent sitting a literal 20 feet apart... I don't think that was an exaggeration either, considering the source person who wrote it. (She was paranoid in the office before this whole shut-down started, when anyone merely walked past her without breathing on her.)

                        On the nursing home front... My very elderly aunt has been "trapped" (her words) in her assisted living Nursing Home for the past 4 weeks. Residents have NOT been able to leave or walk freely around the premises without being heavily screened by TPTB in the Admin area. I haven't seen her since earlier in March 2020, before the lock-downs began, and had to get my body temp checked (passed with flying colors! no fever).

                        Since then, within the last week, several workers (kitchen, cleaning help, and medical persons there) have been showing up sick with COVID-19, and have been passing it to each other, touching kitchen and all residents' rooms with this bug. My aunt has had to wear a mask for about 2 weeks to get her mail. She said No contact has been allowed with anyone, even with the cleaning people and delivery people (for meals and other items). So, where did those workers get the bug? Improper exposure (and hygiene procedures?) to the virus from outside places?

                        This lock-down / *shut-down* won't go away quick enough at this rate.

                        Also, If the working crew people cannot heed proper protection before, what will happen after *restrictions* are lifted? It isn't difficult to keep your own germs to yourself. The facial coverings do help to a point... better than nothing. Gloves help too, if people use them properly and stop touching the exposed surfaces of the glove(s) to potentially contaminated areas. Wash hands even after wearing the gloves, just for extra protection. Also, gargling with some (flavored!) Listerine might help whatever germs may have entered the mouth area.

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Our security council has been meeting again earlier today, and our lockdown has been expanded to May 3rd...
                        NJ's Gov.Murphy has extended the state to stay shuttered down until mid-May 2020. We're expecting him to extend that yet again, and perhaps again and again after that.

                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        And the moneymen's interests come first yet again. (what else is new?)

                        WASHINGTON — In a first, small step toward reopening the country, the Trump administration issued new guidelines Wednesday to make it easier for essential workers who have been exposed to COVID-19 to get back to work if they do not have symptoms of the coronavirus.
                        Really, a potentially fatal disease which we have no cure or vaccine for, and is known to be communicable by asymptomatic people, and you're going to let (make?) those people go back to work to infect more people?

                        And this is despite the administration knowing the risks:
                        "I can't tell you in terms of the date," Trump said, adding cases could go down and then once again "start going up if we’re not careful."
                        Along with this, you can't tune in a radio news station without hearing nonsense about restarting the economy and so forth coming from federal, state and local officials. A massive P.R. push is clearly underway here.
                        Anything past June might permanently shut my current former employer's business completely down. They could probably survive if OTHER businesses return to 100% active operations... AND they could also survive by going paperless if they use more PDFs in their training classes. I mean, the world is beginning to push electronic money use, instead of touching paper, so trim out or cut down on some areas of excess paper to help save with business expenses. This is something that was reviewed as a possibility, but this world's reaction to this whole COVID-19 virus is FAST-Tracking us into that general direction, sooner than later.

                        Staying shuttered down past September 2020 is simply not (going to be) workable for any small business. There have been rumors among many people already out of work, that this is probably what the (Dem/anti-Trumper) folks want... to manipulate the world by destroying any potentially *healthy* economy and wiping it out, according to some *sick* and devious plan by TPTB in control,
                        [spoiler]which would have other consequences on the political front too...[spoiler]
                        and not necessarily done by those PTB leading the countries, but from the top money sources and popular celebrity folks moving "certain" (nameless) events.

                        For ANY of our leaders to claim there will be a SAFE time to open up, is simply unrealistic. There is most likely *always* going to that ONE elusive person who still harbors the virus and then starts the entire contamination process all over again.


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

                          Anything past June might permanently shut my current former employer's business completely down. They could probably survive if OTHER businesses return to 100% active operations... AND they could also survive by going paperless if they use more PDFs in their training classes. I mean, the world is beginning to push electronic money use, instead of touching paper, so trim out or cut down on some areas of excess paper to help save with business expenses. This is something that was reviewed as a possibility, but this world's reaction to this whole COVID-19 virus is FAST-Tracking us into that general direction, sooner than later. (
                          There is no way many people will go along with paperless money. And it would be a useless gesture as far as preventing disease spread anyway.
                          Suppose everyone does start using debit/credit cards. You still have to touch the credit card machine, enter PIN numbers and so forth on the keypad, etc. Oh, and did I mention that germs live longer on hard surfaces like plastic than they do on porus materials like cash?

                          So, who would benefit? The moneymen. Credit card companies, processing houses, etc.

                          ALWAYS ask yourself "who stands to benefit financially" from whatever it is you're talking about. Most of the time, there is your true motivation for making the change,


                            Isn't Karma a biatch?


                            A man in Australia who purchased around $10,000 worth of toilet paper and hand sanitizer was recently denied a refund by a supermarket owner.

                            John-Paul Drake, director of Drakes Supermarkets in Australia, recently posted a video to YouTube and appeared on a radio show to talk about the situation and why he denied the customer's refund request.

                            "I had my first customer yesterday who said he wanted to get a refund on 150 packets of 32-pack toilet paper and 150 units of one-liter [hand] sanitizer. I told him that," Drake said as he showed his middle finger to the camera.

                            While appearing on ABC Radio Adelaide in Australia, Drake explained that the man reached out requesting a refund after he was unable to sell the products on his eBay account.

                            "In the conversation [the shopper said] 'my eBay site has been shut down, so we couldn't profiteer off that'," Drake told the radio station saying that the sum of the products equated to around $10,000.


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post

                              Dumbarse got what he deserved!!
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                i just had a horrible thought, what if covid 19 is NOT a virus, well not exactly, what if it is partly a spore, like a pollen molecule, we all have seen the covid virus, doesn't it look a lot like a pollen molecule;



                                if you google pollen you can see all types of pollen, what if one of the effects of covid 19 is to trigger an allergic reaction , maybe that is why some of the people are having such bad reactions to it while others are barely having any, as we know some of the people out there need to take strong antihistamines, like janet and Daniel in the touched, some people out there have such strong reactions that without strong antihistamines some could die, what if that is what is happening.

