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The Covid19 thread

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    Originally posted by magi877 View Post

    no covid vaxx will make you "test positive" for covid in the way you are suggesting! stop spreading around BUL1SH7T!!
    . . .
    magi877, please have some consideration for compassion here. imzadi35 got sick with COVID virus within days after she had the vaccine. HOW it came to be *that* way, I don't know. It's possible she was exposed to the virus prior to being vaccinated, but was unaware of that... and that detail meant COVID-19 was already in her system, and when she got vaccinated, no one knew until AFTER the test results came back as positive.

    I DO know she had the COVID virus, which was probably a 2ndary infection to what she told you she had at that time. I was in communication with her the entire time in real day/hours time, that is. So, either the medical records are wrong, or something hinky happened, and the virus invaded her body as theorized here. This is NOT the first time I have heard of this "in real time", either.

    And because imzadi35's condition was discovered early, due to other health complications, she was able to escape being on a ventilator. She is also PRO-vaccine, whereas, I am allergic to something in it (each one of the COVID vaccine types), and should NOT have gotten the COVID vaccine in the first place. But, what I suspected for myself, the people around me didn't care, except for their own self. Now, people are getting fired and financial and health benefits are being denied to some who refuse to get the COVID vaccine(s).

    Originally posted by magi877 View Post
    its a bit amazing how many people on a sci fi forum, who one would think would have an appreciation for science, actually seem to have ZERO understanding of it!
    Forget the science and look with your own eyes. Even the experts cannot get the *science* behind COVID correct, since they keep changing the "rules" (suggested recommendations) behind how to protect oneself or not. "Wear a mask... don't need to wear a mask... Oh wait... wear a mask!" TPTB keep changing with the back and forth nonsense... maybe that's why *some* people stopped listening to the *experts*.

    Anyone who has not suffered thru these situations can spout off whatever about science, but medical symptoms should not be ignored. When a person is ill, they are ill and know that, but aren't a magician to make the illness suddenly vanish. I've had a few issues with some doctors in the past, and their *bedside manners* were awful when I went to someone who misdiagnosed or gave me the wrong healing treatment. There's your SCIENCE.

    As for COVID, I've worked with a few medical people who have dealt with similar multi-complex cases. Primary infection from some medical issue causing a 2ndary infection of COVID or vice-versa... variant or original... IDK. Not to also mention what my own doctors and their staff have told me about my own situation.
    It happens, and NONE of this is pleasant to experience.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      {quote}Originally posted by SGalisa:
      TBH, it's confusing trying to understand the terminology and how the mRNA vaccines actually work.{end of quote}

      mRNA is quite simply the technique which teaches your cells, located in your lymph nodes, to build a protein, or part of one, to trigger an immune response in case of an infection. At the moment only in use against Covid-19 but the technology has potential in use against other ailments, such as the flu or HIV.
      Thank you. That makes better sense than the lengthy mumbo jumbo thesis written about this stuff. In other words, my lymph nodes over-reacted, and that is why I have a strange fluid build-up in my armpit...? There are too many stories "out there" about myocardial inflammation occurring as a result of this vaccine's mRNA processing. Except my "heart" (cardiologist) doctor did not *see* anything "myocardial inflammation" in whatever he had me tested for. Thus, his dismissal of the bulging vein/artery in my armpit area.

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      {quote}Originally posted by SGalisa:
      2 - protein markers that were mixed into the vaccine are looking for any COVID virus protein markers, and chase after those markers once the vaccine is spread thruout the body.{end of quote}

      Nope, your own cells have to do the work here, unless they weren't paying attention in class.
      I liked your first comment better. Of course, it doesn't explain how the vaccine "teaches" your body to look for something, if there is nothing in the vaccine to "teach" it, such as a marker thingy.


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        I liked your first comment better. Of course, it doesn't explain how the vaccine "teaches" your body to look for something, if there is nothing in the vaccine to "teach" it, such as a marker thingy.
        The game is in the name of the thing -- mRNA --> messenger RNA

        Here's an explanation that might make more sense:

        Vaccines work by training the body to recognise and respond to the proteins produced by disease-causing organisms, such as a virus or bacteria. Traditional vaccines are made up of small or inactivated doses of the whole disease-causing organism, or the proteins that it produces, which are introduced into the body to provoke the immune system into mounting a response.

        mRNA vaccines, in contrast, trick the body into producing some of the viral proteins itself. They work by using mRNA, or messenger RNA, which is the molecule that essentially puts DNA instructions into action. Inside a cell, mRNA is used as a template to build a protein. ‘An mRNA is basically like a pre-form of a protein and its (sequence encodes) what the protein is basically made of later on.’

        To produce an mRNA vaccine, scientists produce a synthetic version of the mRNA that a virus uses to build its infectious proteins. This mRNA is delivered into the human body, whose cells read it as instructions to build that viral protein, and therefore create some of the virus’s molecules themselves. These proteins are solitary, so they do not assemble to form a virus. The immune system then detects these viral proteins and starts to produce a defensive response to them.

        Here's more about messenger ribonucleuc acid itself:

        What does mRNA do? mRNA produces instructions to make proteins that may treat or prevent disease

        mRNA medicines aren’t small molecules, like traditional pharmaceuticals. And they aren’t traditional biologics (recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies) – which were the genesis of the biotech industry. Instead, mRNA medicines are sets of instructions. And these instructions direct cells in the body to make proteins to prevent or fight disease.
        It’s actually basic human biology.

        DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is a double-stranded molecule that stores the genetic instructions your body’s cells need to make proteins. Proteins, on the other hand, are the ‘workhorses’ of the body. Nearly every function in the human body – both normal and disease-related – is carried out by one or many proteins.
        mRNA is just as critical as DNA.

        Without mRNA, your genetic code would never get used by your body. Proteins would never get made. And your body wouldn’t – actually couldn’t – perform its functions. Messenger ribonucleuc acid, or mRNA for short, plays a vital role in human biology, specifically in a process known as protein synthesis. mRNA is a single-stranded molecule that carries genetic code from DNA in a cell’s nucleus to ribosomes, the cell’s protein-making machinery.


        Sidenote: I remember, a loooooooooooooooooong time ago, learning about mRNA in biology in highschool and I have to admit it never made sense to me before... now it finally does.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

          magi877, please have some consideration for compassion here. imzadi35 got sick with COVID virus within days after she had the vaccine. HOW it came to be *that* way, I don't know. It's possible she was exposed to the virus prior to being vaccinated, but was unaware of that... and that detail meant COVID-19 was already in her system, and when she got vaccinated, no one knew until AFTER the test results came back as positive.

          I DO know she had the COVID virus, which was probably a 2ndary infection to what she told you she had at that time. I was in communication with her the entire time in real day/hours time, that is. So, either the medical records are wrong, or something hinky happened, and the virus invaded her body as theorized here. This is NOT the first time I have heard of this "in real time", either.

          And because imzadi35's condition was discovered early, due to other health complications, she was able to escape being on a ventilator. She is also PRO-vaccine, whereas, I am allergic to something in it (each one of the COVID vaccine types), and should NOT have gotten the COVID vaccine in the first place. But, what I suspected for myself, the people around me didn't care, except for their own self. Now, people are getting fired and financial and health benefits are being denied to some who refuse to get the COVID vaccine(s).

          Forget the science and look with your own eyes. Even the experts cannot get the *science* behind COVID correct, since they keep changing the "rules" (suggested recommendations) behind how to protect oneself or not. "Wear a mask... don't need to wear a mask... Oh wait... wear a mask!" TPTB keep changing with the back and forth nonsense... maybe that's why *some* people stopped listening to the *experts*.

          Anyone who has not suffered thru these situations can spout off whatever about science, but medical symptoms should not be ignored. When a person is ill, they are ill and know that, but aren't a magician to make the illness suddenly vanish. I've had a few issues with some doctors in the past, and their *bedside manners* were awful when I went to someone who misdiagnosed or gave me the wrong healing treatment. There's your SCIENCE.

          As for COVID, I've worked with a few medical people who have dealt with similar multi-complex cases. Primary infection from some medical issue causing a 2ndary infection of COVID or vice-versa... variant or original... IDK. Not to also mention what my own doctors and their staff have told me about my own situation.
          It happens, and NONE of this is pleasant to experience.
          hey... you have not been paying attn have you? ""imzadi35 got sick with COVID virus within days after she had the vaccine."" THAT IS NOT how vaxxes work! NONE of them. for flu or covd or anything! none work as soon as you get injected

          what are you, 5 yrs old? to think one can got a vax today then be protected immediately is fantasy. no vaccine, NONE do that

          this information has been out specific to the covid vaxxes for nearly a year now.

          as for the science part. you said it all didn't you- "forget the science". seems you never knew it

          and i got to say something i didn't say earlier, when i had asked above about gf76 and you replied very callously with:
          "I think I remember reading that gatefan76 and Annoyed both, at different times, got sick with COVID. Not sure if they survived that"

          WTF is that?

          please, stop replying to me. go and join a flat earth club or 'birds aren't real" group or something


            Originally posted by imzadi35 View Post
            Thank you for making me feel like SH!T, folks! You really know how to hurt someone's feelings really well, don't you? I am the ONLY ONE who said that the vaccine made me pop positive, no one else, as I had just gotten the vaccine a day or two before I was tested positive for the stupid virus. I also had a bad bladder infection they found in our local ER that I didn't know about. So I'm not spreading around BS, as you said I was. Get your information right BEFORE you say anything that destroys someone's feelings!
            doesn't give you a sympathy monopoly on truth... no vaccine will make you test positive for anything except antibodies and that WONT HAPPEN a few days after the injection. if you were sick you probably just got sick. why would you think you were protected from covid so soon after the vax? and, the vax was never stated TO PROTECT you from covid. its only to lessen the severity of it if you get it

            i have rheumatoid arthritis and a few other issues my Dr's recommended i got vaxxed. i did. i got the JJ one shot in april- no issues. i got revaxxed- NOT A BOOSTER a full vaxx of moderna in august and september, again with the advice of both of my Dr's. again ZERO issues. can't post a pic of my vax card because this site has "re-sizing' issues, and why should i spend that time on this non-science nonsense?

            and i am not the only one who told you that what you are saying is wrong, here just go with what falcon said then:

            ""That is literally not possible, I'm afraid.

            (source: Myths and Facts about Covid-19, CDC)

            None of the authorized and recommended COVID-19 vaccines cause you to test positive on viral tests, which are used to see if you have a current infection.​

            If your body develops an immune response to vaccination, which is the goal, you may test positive on some antibody tests. Antibody tests indicate you had a previous infection and that you may have some level of protection against the virus.


              Looks like we're heading into wave number 4...

              Schools, workplace... all places where clusters have been forming.
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                hmmm. Unfortunately, I may have to break this into separate postings.

                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                hey... you have not been paying attn have you? ""imzadi35 got sick with COVID virus within days after she had the vaccine."" THAT IS NOT how vaxxes work! NONE of them. for flu or covd or anything! none work as soon as you get injected

                what are you, 5 yrs old? to think one can got a vax today then be protected immediately is fantasy. no vaccine, NONE do that

                this information has been out specific to the covid vaxxes for nearly a year now.

                as for the science part. you said it all didn't you- "forget the science". seems you never knew it
                magi877, there are a million different ways I could respond to your comments... but that would be useless and pointless. Apparently, you didn't read or understand what I wrote. Please RE-READ the highlighted portion, as noted/emphasized:
                ...imzadi35 got sick with COVID virus within days after she had the vaccine. HOW it came to be *that* way, I don't know. It's possible she was exposed to the virus prior to being vaccinated, but was unaware of that... and that detail meant COVID-19 was already in her system, and when she got vaccinated, no one knew until AFTER the test results came back as positive.{end of quote}

                So, since you apparently did *not* read what I wrote, I could ask the same thing of you--
                {quote}"what are you, 5 yrs old?"{end of quote}

                What happened from your former concern about my health, to sudden desire to chasing people off this topic/forum? Do I need to quote the past? No. Besides, the search feature in this topic is not working like it used to.

                BTW, did you participate in any of the forum discussions on the actual pharmaceutical sites, such as J&J, when the vaccines were being tested for actual use? FOLLOW the SCIENCE, you say. Well, I was there... ON those discussions. I won't repeat the nonsense, because about half of the people responding were terrified the COVID vaccine indeed *was* the AntiChrist's "mark of the beast". Yes, the conversations there were a bit on the wild side. SCIENCE vs. imagination. It turned into a theological debate on there. I was actually standing in defense of J&J *not* being the "mark of the beast"... still am, but the way TPTB are acting about the vaccines, the motives behind them is becoming suspect for what *could* be coming... and sooner than later.

                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                and i got to say something i didn't say earlier, when i had asked above about gf76 and you replied very callously with:
                "I think I remember reading that gatefan76 and Annoyed both, at different times, got sick with COVID. Not sure if they survived that"

                WTF is that?
                Callously? Grant it that it is difficult to read emotions on a discussion site. I could say the same thing about *your* own medically compassionate "bedside manner"... But what the hey...

                What happened to gatefan76 and Annoyed? IDK. REALLY. They both said they were sick from either the vaccine or COVID. It was confusing to read at the time, because I didn't see the beginning of the conversation.

                Maybe they stopped posting because they both (said that they) lived in NY at the time of the COVID shutdowns, which the shutdowns were caused by their own governor (Cuomo), and they got tired of hearing about the politics of the situation, but were not allowed to discuss it here... so that's ONE possibility. Too many different debates involved with that one, which certainly are taboo here to engage in. So, there is that possible angle.

                Also, some people who get sick with COVID, can get what is termed as LONG-term COVID effects. It's complicated, but the details about it are on the internet, included the CDC. Look it up. Maybe there were multiple co-morbidity issues. Anything is possible, especially when speculating about this.

                Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                please, stop replying to me. go and join a flat earth club or 'birds aren't real" group or something
                Please do yourself a favor... Do not ask me to STOP replying (quoting you), and then ask "WTF...?" etc. Your only aggravating an already controversial situation.

                Also... Since you doNOT know me nor imzadi35, it would simply be better for you to please stop telling us *where to go* besides here. I am asking as politely as possible without mouthing off a bunch of !!!$#!!! words. Watching rescue feral cats and kittens, of whom some are dealing with life and death urgent healing care needs is far more enriching than what you suggest... at least there are people there, who CARE... like-minded, as you said, but not in your choice of subject matter.
                Meooooooooow! Hisssssssss...

                One more. Next post. Sorry, but this needs to be answered.
                Last edited by SGalisa; 21 October 2021, 06:58 PM.


                  Oh, I forgot to mention that the *go join some FLAT EARTH* only makes one look silly, when the truth is revealed. Doesn't help the conversation at all.

                  Besides, I can see the curvature of the earth with my own eyes. I lived near the Atlantic ocean shoreline. It has been Scientifically determined that Visible SEA / ocean view is estimated about 20 miles out. It is that way, because that is the distance the earth starts to CURVE, and what drops off from your own site of reference is not there, because it is BEYOND your visual view. SCIENCE. Got that? What are you folks learning in school nowadays? Seriously...

                  I watched the Apollo 11 astronauts land on the moon and Neil Armstrong stepped down on it, when it was on live TV (1 a.m. to be approximate), while it happened. My family got copies of the NASA photos... I think the people who think the whole moon landing was faked are living in an alternate reality of their own. I am fascinated with the Sky and Telescope type of magazines and support the folks who watch the night skies and take photos of them, when possible. I love seeing the "Little Blue Marble" (aka LEXX tv series, sort of reference) EARTH views from space. Beautiful blue hues of deep, atmospheric space. Sadly, never saw that from flying in an airplane, tho. However, I now have an app that scans the horizon night sky from your own geographical position with all of the stars above, and I can actually see the Milky Way from NJ now! Awesome app.

                  Now, in defense of imzadi35--
                  Originally posted by magi877 View Post
                  doesn't give you a sympathy monopoly on truth... no vaccine will make you test positive for anything except antibodies and that WONT HAPPEN a few days after the injection. if you were sick you probably just got sick. why would you think you were protected from covid so soon after the vax? and, the vax was never stated TO PROTECT you from covid. its only to lessen the severity of it if you get it

                  i have rheumatoid arthritis and a few other issues my Dr's recommended i got vaxxed. i did. i got the JJ one shot in april- no issues. i got revaxxed- NOT A BOOSTER a full vaxx of moderna in august and september, again with the advice of both of my Dr's. again ZERO issues. can't post a pic of my vax card because this site has "re-sizing' issues, and why should i spend that time on this non-science nonsense?
                  ahem... magi877, Why do you want to post your vax card here? Seriously?

                  I believe that imzadi35 posted in here to share her joy that she indeed did NOT have the COVID virus this past week. She was feeling miserable this past week from being sick and had been advised to find out if she had COVID or a variant thereof, which she did, and she shared that with me and a few other people. Personally, I think there was no need for your rant to accuse her of being misinformed or spreading WRONG info. Her doctor told her in the Spring that she HAD the COVID virus shortly after she got her vaccine. She did not say that she *got* COVID from the vaccine, but that she was diagnosed with the virus AFTER she got the vaccine. Follow the dots...

                  AFAIK, people being vaccinated are not tested for COVID, unless there are symptoms already present. If a person is unaware of being exposed to the virus within 2 or 3 days or whatever incubation period it is, and does not show any symptoms at the time of the vaccine, it is not imzadi35's fault she got vaccinated within that same time period. If you have issues with what the doctor told her, then your *issue* is or *should be* with the (USA) medical community... which hasn't been entirely clear-cut across the earth's horizon, since the lock-downs began in March 2020.


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Looks like we're heading into wave number 4...

                    Schools, workplace... all places where clusters have been forming.
                    I personally doubt if these *waves* will ever end. There are discussions about worse health matters coming on the horizon of time. I don't know what those are, but what is being discussed elsewhere would scare the **** outta a sane person who is trying to stay healthy.

                    BTW, as for your (FH) other notes...
                    {quote}The game is in the name of the thing -- mRNA --> messenger RNA

                    Here's an explanation that might make more sense:{end of quote}

                    The description makes the mRNA vaccines sort of like an allergy serum system. I've had 15 years worth of allergy injections, so I don't need to know how those are done, etc. Even so, whatever the mRNA system is, whatever is in ALL of the vaccines that I have read so far, each one of them has one or more ingredients in them to which I am allergic to. Also, if you read the list of stuff that is in the Pfizer "vaccine", it looks like something out of a hazardous waste list... to be honest. Go to any environmental Compliance training course dealing with that stuff, and read those listings (I told a few instructors in that field of what I thought the list of the COVID-19 vaccine's ingredients looked like, and they just laughed). Yep... looks very similar, but not as long. LOL...!
                    Last edited by SGalisa; 21 October 2021, 07:01 PM.


                      Can I just state for the record that it's been too long so we've gotten such long posts. It's refreshing, even if it has spiraled out of control a bit.

                      First, I'm gonna share what I originally came to share, then I'll answer to some of SGAlisa's writings.

                      During my teammeeting this morning, I learned that one of my colleagues goes on holiday to The Netherlands in a week. The Netherlands are a designated red Covid-19 zone which means infections are high and caution should be maintained (Flanders too is red so no difference there). However, difference with Flanders is that they make full use of the Covid Save Pass which means proof of vaccination (full), negative PCR test or certificate of proof that you went through an infection period (max of 6 months ago).

                      My colleagues are unvaccinated so she won't be able to go anywhere in our neighboring country. She has to test to go there and then would have to test every 48h to be able to go places (restaurants, cafes, the subtropical swimmingpool, museums, ...). She doesn't want to do that.

                      She also doesn't want to fill out the Passenger Locator Form upon return, get tested or go into quarantine... all of which is mandatory when you've been out of the country for more than 48hrs.

                      I am so glad that I have the week off when she returns to the office. At least, I won't have to interact with her in person.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      BTW, did you participate in any of the forum discussions on the actual pharmaceutical sites, such as J&J, when the vaccines were being tested for actual use? FOLLOW the SCIENCE, you say.
                      The partner of our best friend (who's an ER nurse) works for J&J -- does that count?

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Maybe they stopped posting because they both (said that they) lived in NY at the time of the COVID shutdowns...
                      Annoyed lives in the state of New York, but not the city itself (I think), and yes... he complained about that state a lot.

                      Gatefan is Australian and therefore has been living in lock-down the past few months.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      I watched the Apollo 11 astronauts land on the moon and Neil Armstrong stepped down on it, when it was on live TV (1 a.m. to be approximate), while it happened.
                      Tell everyone your age without revealing your age.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      I personally doubt if these *waves* will ever end.
                      Oh they won't... they oscillate quite nicely, if you ask me.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      There are discussions about worse health matters coming on the horizon of time.
                      Everything stuck in every ice field on the planet... which are melting and thereby releasing their "treasures".

                      If the trend continues, than the next big pandemic happens a 100 years from now. I mean we had the Spanish Flu from 1917 to 1922 approximately. Covid-19 from 2019 to 2024 (I'm going with the 5 year period in which this will turn to a regular flu-virus) so 2117 to 2124 will be interesting to see... (not by us obviously cause we won't be around for that -- I estimate I'll die somewhere between now and 2081, best case scenario between 2070 and 2081).
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Need to requote myself for correction... *sigh*
                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        magi877, there are a million different ways I could respond to your comments... but that would be useless and pointless. Apparently, you didn't read or understand what I wrote. Please RE-READ the highlighted portion, as noted/emphasized:
                        ...imzadi35 got sick with COVID virus within days after she had the vaccine. HOW it came to be *that* way, I don't know. It's possible she was exposed to the virus prior to being vaccinated, but was unaware of that... and that detail meant COVID-19 was already in her system, and when she got vaccinated, no one knew until AFTER the test results came back as positive.{end of quote}

                        So, since you apparently did *not* read what I wrote, I could ask the same thing of you--
                        {quote}"what are you, 5 yrs old?"{end of quote}
                        Okay... I got dyslexic (again).

                        Sorry, my apologies. It's the wording used that I overlooked in imzadi35's post... My brain was probably dyslexic in transposing the info she shared with me, more probably because I have had to work around my relative's nursing home with all of their continuous lock-downs and announcements on who got COVID-19/variant and when... vaccinated or not. I know of a few other people who got the virus around the time they were getting vaccinated and either had to stay out of work or post-pone their vaccine appointment *because* they got sick with COVID just prior to getting vaccinated. Too many similar stories *out there* were saying similar things, and eventually, the data morphs into a fog-loaded cloud somewhere...

                        However, imzadi35 did test positive for the COVID virus *after* she received the vaccine. She also told everyone here that she had a multiple health issue going on, so that can cause one's immunity level to become more susceptible to getting the virus, especially, since COVID-19 was supposedly highly contagious under certain conditions.

                        That is all that really needs to be said on that. Can we please *move* on...?


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Can I just state for the record that it's been too long so we've gotten such long posts. It's refreshing, even if it has spiraled out of control a bit.
                          Heehee... tho I really don't have time enough to write. I have to make time to think first, and then write. But the *thinking* part doesn't always go the way it should...

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          First, I'm gonna share what I originally came to share, then I'll answer to some of SGAlisa's writings.

                          During my teammeeting this morning, I learned that one of my colleagues goes on holiday to The Netherlands in a week. The Netherlands are a designated red Covid-19 zone which means infections are high and caution should be maintained (Flanders too is red so no difference there). However, difference with Flanders is that they make full use of the Covid Save Pass which means proof of vaccination (full), negative PCR test or certificate of proof that you went through an infection period (max of 6 months ago).

                          My colleagues are unvaccinated so she won't be able to go anywhere in our neighboring country. She has to test to go there and then would have to test every 48h to be able to go places (restaurants, cafes, the subtropical swimmingpool, museums, ...). She doesn't want to do that.

                          She also doesn't want to fill out the Passenger Locator Form upon return, get tested or go into quarantine... all of which is mandatory when you've been out of the country for more than 48hrs.

                          I am so glad that I have the week off when she returns to the office. At least, I won't have to interact with her in person.
                          Stay safe...!

                          SIDENOTE: Because I cannot trust my own coworkers from whatever they are coughing or sneezing about, I've stayed in the habit of going into the restroom wearing a mask... I don't care who sees me any more with it on. I've gotten sick before just from smelling some of the odors in there. The mask doesn't stop all of that, but it helps shield it to some degree(s). Plus, I work with a paranoid boss who wears 2 masks.. one being N95. So, I never know when she is in one of her moods over being COVID19/variant paranoid or not.

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          The partner of our best friend (who's an ER nurse) works for J&J -- does that count?
                          Yes. Any connection to the medical community knowledgeable in these areas helps. I worked in a nursing home with some people who are nurses and they have kept me updated on the latest COVID news there. They also have been cautious at wearing masks in public (Church), just in case they might be carrying any germs... instead of hugs, etc., we now give each other distanced-bow *heart-hugs*. Meaning is the same.

                          I was just surprised that I actually found myself defending J&J's vaccine about it NOT being the dreaded "mark of the beast"... not yet. Of course, there is nothing to say that TPTB haven't been using the whole COVID lock-downs as a precursor to what is yet to come. The way the entire COVID-19 situation was handled from who will work and who won't, to shipping materials parked off California's (USA) coastline, and backing up the whole manufacturing and industrial world processes, not just in the USA, but now affecting some of the rest of the entire world -- just makes the situations that have come up out of this being suspected of "testing the waters" for potential future events in real time. Nefarious reasons or not.

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Annoyed lives in the state of New York, but not the city itself (I think), and yes... he complained about that state a lot.

                          Gatefan is Australian and therefore has been living in lock-down the past few months.
                          Yeah... ooops! me bad. I meant to say mad_gater and Annoyed.
                          There was a conversation between Annoyed and gatefan76... not sure how far back that went into this topic; and I think jelgate joined in, as well, several pages back... and some things from Womble, too...
                          mad_gater was discussing about getting sick in general... I think.

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Tell everyone your age without revealing your age.
                          Uhhh, yep!
                          It's amazing how different of a feeling it is to actually experience such an event in REAL time, than to watch some recording at (Disney's) Epcott about the event. My sister was gifted with the NASA photos for her birthday. She was a "rock-hound"... so the moon rocks were a super special something she was able to add to her general rock-knowledge hobby. Her kids have treated her to visits over to NASA for any new info that comes along, too. We're all sort of *space cadets* in that sense... We grew up watching the original Star Trek and Lost in Space in their original time slots too... My favorite sci-fi comedy during that time was also "It's about Time"... awesome and funny (astronauts go back into time and meet prehistoric earthlings)..!

                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Everything stuck in every ice field on the planet... which are melting and thereby releasing their "treasures".

                          If the trend continues, than the next big pandemic happens a 100 years from now. I mean we had the Spanish Flu from 1917 to 1922 approximately. Covid-19 from 2019 to 2024 (I'm going with the 5 year period in which this will turn to a regular flu-virus) so 2117 to 2124 will be interesting to see... (not by us obviously cause we won't be around for that -- I estimate I'll die somewhere between now and 2081, best case scenario between 2070 and 2081).
                          Thank you for the reminder. I forgot about those dormant buggers. Everything has a time and season for showing up. Makes the whole future *diseases* scenarios make better sense, that some of these are not manufactured (manipulated in the lab, per say), but creeping up from the depths of the earth's hidden underground. I kind of get that feeling every autumn when the plants decay for winter and the winds blow the germs and other buggers / bacteria, etc., across the lands and seas. And hurricanes are notorious too for picking up the *germs* and spreading them thousands of miles away from their original source.


                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            SIDENOTE: Because I cannot trust my own coworkers from whatever they are coughing or sneezing about...
                            My co-worker is sneezing these days cause her house is currently being refurbished and there's dust literally everywhere, and I'm sneezing cause of allergies so for the moment we decided to keep the plexi-divider firmly in between our 2 halves of the desk at work.

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            ...we now give each other distanced-bow *heart-hugs*.
                            Elbows or waves.

                            As far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't be too heartbroken if handshakes and hugs never made a comeback.

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Yeah... ooops! me bad. I meant to say mad_gater and Annoyed.
                            Yes, mad_gater is from the NY state too, I think.

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Thank you for the reminder. I forgot about those dormant buggers.
                            You're welcome!
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              We are back in the corona-game!

                              From friday onwards (due to it still having to be ratified by parliament):
                              * facemasks are mandatory again, pretty much everywhere inside (publicly speaking)
                              * corona safe pass mandatory in restaurants, bars, cafe's, eateries, diners, parties, events, fitness centra
                              * working from home is not mandatory but it is recommended

                              I'm not in the habit of going for drinks but now I can't even have drinks after work with my teammates cause you know, they aren't vaccinated and they don't want to get tested to be able to go out.

                              It should be noted that we have a teamevent on the 18th of November, which I'm skipping because they invited some comedian in to test his new show and I'm not interested in sitting in a room listening to dumb jokes. However, they also are going out to dinner afterwards.

                              Guess my unvaccinated colleagues will have to cancel now. The downside of course, they either have to come up with an excuse in order not to expose themselves or come out and say that they are unvaccinated.

                              I, personally, feel bad for them because it's nobody's business they made that choice and at the same time I'm just finding it selfish as hell chosing to continue to put others around you at risk, especially since I suspect that one of the two is not able to get the vaccine due to medical reasons so that makes the other one even more selfish and stupid (yes, stupid -- watching videos on youtube and facebook doesn't make you an expert).
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Mentioning the following just because it is in the news. There is apparently a "super cold virus" going around the world that is giving COVID-19 & variants a run for their existence. Not sure how bad this "super cold virus" is, but I can say with certainty that 3 years ago, I had a "super cold virus" type that was soooooooooo bad, that it was heading into turning into bronchial pneumonia.

                                I thought sure that is what I had in Dec.2019 or actual COVID-19 (before it was determined to be in the USA), until I am now reading reports from news sources claiming that the nasty "COVID" virus/variants may have the following symptoms, as per the BBC report:

                                * New and continuous cough - coughing a lot for more than an hour, or having three or more coughing episodes in 24 hours
                                * Fever - a temperature above 37.8C
                                * Change in smell or taste - either you cannot taste or smell anything, or these senses are different to normal.

                                Well, from December 2019 into January 2020, I was stricken with some mystery illness where my sense of tastes were a tad off, but not gone completely. Now and then I could actually breathe without difficulty, too, but not entirely... had to sleep sitting up with Vapor Rub near my nose. I also had a continuous cough that lasted about an hour, non-stop. Starts like a tickle in the throat, with a dry cough, then gets progressively worse and sounds like a smoker's cough in the end.

                                Taking any variety of Mucinex only forced my coughs to go on and on, so I was avoiding Mucinex at that time. Previous years of taking Mucinex severely hurt my diaphram, because it hurt too much after coughing. Cough syrup medicine (Robitussin DM type) helps to suppress the cough a bit, but doesn't stop it. And, taking too many cough drops tends to works against the digestive system, so there's that little annoyance, too.

                                I have also since found out that in addition to taking honey for sore throat issues, Tootsie Rolls (candy) help a little bit in easing the sore throat. I think it's the taffy of whatever is in the caramel mixture that helps ease the soreness.

                                Anyway, my cough would come whenever the sinuses started going crazy. Once everything dried out after the excessive coughing fits, I would be okay for about 2 to 3 hours, and then the sinus drips and coughing fits would start all over again (and I thought I had "whooping cough" but it wasNOT that, it was some *mysterious* virus the doctor diagnosed me with). This lasted for over 6 weeks! And nevermind, I was also battling out a potential MRSA skin infection from a major fall that skinned my hand down to the bone; so I had to seal up and protect my hand from coughing more germs into it!

                                I actually had it really bad for a week, a few weeks prior, but it went away when I took pineapple juice by the figurative *barrel* load. I was on the recovery mend for about 2 weeks, until my 2020 confirmed "COVID-19" coworker coughed into my direction (face) once again in the hallway. Lovely... Suffered with the bug and more antibiotics for several more weeks after that. Months later, I swore it was COVID, but the news media and WHO/CDC/gov were all denying it. So, for what it's worth, here are the latest articles on the new SUPER COLD bug swirling around the world, and theoretical reasons on why from the *experts*...

                                "'Super cold': Thousands across UK come down with 'worst cold ever'"

                                by Frank Chung
                                October 28, 2021 - 5:27PM

                                Thousands of people across the UK are coming down with the "worst cold ever" as the country reopens from coronavirus lockdowns.

                                Stories about the "super cold" have dominated British media in recent weeks and there have been tens of thousands of internet searches for "worst cold ever".

                                Many have taken to Twitter, Facebook and TikTok to complain that they're unable to shake the bug.

                                Reported symptoms include "sandpaper throat", head and body aches, runny nose and fatigue, sometimes lasting weeks.

                                . . .
                                and another article, same subject....

                                "Super cold: Is 'the worst cold ever' going around?"
                                By Imran Rahman-Jones and Manish Pandey
                                Newsbeat reporters
                                Published 15 October 2021

                                You've probably heard a lot more sniffles around if you've gone out recently or got on public transport.

                                Perhaps there's that one person on the work call who's not muted and starts a coughing fit before a meek: "It's not Covid, I've been tested!"

                                Or, maybe you've been ill and agree with people saying this is no ordinary cold - but the "worst cold ever" or a "super cold".

                                Well get used to it. Because cold season has begun.

                                . . .

