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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    I thought abstinence was part of it -- at least it was when I got it in highschool. And come on, those condom-bananas were way too much fun not to have around.
    As I understand it, many of these programs don't include abstinence because some jello-headed idiot thinks it intrudes upon their freedom of choice or tries to impose other people's values on them or other nonsense like that.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Despite what I may think of Annoyed a lot of times, I don't think he would have. I think he would definitely have taken his responsibility as the father of the child. At least, from the way he's passionate about all other matters regarding children.
      maybe maybe not - notice he didn't answer that question so we don't know

      what we do know is that there are several merican Prolifers who've urged their own partners to abort. not because it was the right thing (they're politicians rich & can easily afford to have kids & give those kids a decent life) but simply cause they're either stingy or don't want to accept responsibility

      Indeed he did -- and showed his people in all the propaganda films too. He was the Supreme Leader they believe in (or are forced to believe in).
      you talking about supreme leader Kim Jong or supreme US leader King Don?


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
        maybe maybe not - notice he didn't answer that question so we don't know

        what we do know is that there are several merican Prolifers who've urged their own partners to abort. not because it was the right thing (they're politicians rich & can easily afford to have kids & give those kids a decent life) but simply cause they're either stingy or don't want to accept responsibility
        And that is showing their level of hypocrisy.


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Well, yes... I guess, it does.

          I thought abstinence was part of it -- at least it was when I got it in highschool. And come on, those condom-bananas were way too much fun not to have around.

          Found this on the exceptional Washington Post and I agree with it. Southwest Missouri was ground zero for teen pregnancies for as number of years...

          Abstinence-only education doesn’t work. We’re still funding it.
          In theory, it's fine. In practice, it usually fails.

          By John Santelli August 21, 2017
          John Santelli is a professor of pediatrics and public health at Columbia University, a past president of the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine and a Public Voices fellow.

          "Buried among the many changes to health programs in this year’s federal budget was an important one for young people. Congress added new funding for abstinence-only-until-marriage programs, bringing the annual total to $90 million. And then in July, the Department of Health and Human Services announced it would end funding for the Office of Adolescent Health’s evidence-based Teen Pregnancy Prevention program next year.

          That program’s mission is to test and evaluate new and old prevention programs based on the best available science. But there’s no testing needed before the office shuts down to evaluate abstinence-only education. Research about abstinence-only programs is already quite clear, as we document in two new scientific papers in the Journal of Adolescent Health. They don’t work, and they don’t prepare young people for life.

          Abstinence-only now has a new name: “sexual risk avoidance.” A new name doesn’t fix the fundamental problem. Abstinence-only programs do not prepare young people for life — and they do a poor job of preparing them to avoid sex. My training in pediatrics and medical ethics suggests that we instead should give young people all the information they need to protect themselves and to promote lifelong healthy sexuality..."

          "I met a traveller from an antique land..."


            You had to know the states were going to win this one eventually.


            The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a South Dakota law requiring certain out-of-state retailers, including those that operate remotely online, to collect its sales tax.

            In a 5-4 ruling, the court overturned a 1992 court precedent barring states from requiring businesses that have no physical presence in the state to collect their sales taxes.
            That's not going to bother Amazon or the other giants too much, but it's going to put a hurtin' on smaller operations that don't have the resources to figure, collect and forward that tax to the respective states.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              You had to know the states were going to win this one eventually.


              That's not going to bother Amazon or the other giants too much, but it's going to put a hurtin' on smaller operations that don't have the resources to figure, collect and forward that tax to the respective states.
              Too bad that tax cuts only really did anything for the bigger companies and not the more local ones.
              By Nolamom


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                Too bad that tax cuts only really did anything for the bigger companies and not the more local ones.
                We are talking about sales tax here. That is levied at the state and county levels.


                  And, exactly as I predicted...


                  Democrats were not impressed. Within minutes of Trump's oversized signature being displayed for the cameras, they turned their focus to the “indefinite imprisonment of families.”

                  “This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinitely detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe,” Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., said.

                  This Executive Order doesn’t fix the crisis. Indefinitely detaining children with their families in camps is inhumane and will not make us safe.
                  — Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) June 20, 2018

                  Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., tweeted: “This isn’t over.”

                  “Separating kids is unacceptable – but indefinite imprisonment of families is still cruel & inhumane,” she said.
                  Ok, so they don't want families separated. They got that. Exactly as I predicted on the day Trump signed the order ending separation, now they want everyone released.

                  The only proper response to them at this point is "Sit down and shut up".


                    And on the topic of driverless cars...


                    Police say an Uber driver whose autonomous car struck and killed a pedestrian was streaming a television show on her phone when the accident happened.

                    A report from the Tempe, Ariz. police obtained by Reuters through a Freedom of Information Act request described the crash as “entirely avoidable.”

                    According to records the police received from streaming service Hulu, the driver Rafaela Vasquez, was watching the show The Voice. She could face manslaughter charges.

                    Maricopa County prosecutors will make the ultimate decision on whether or not to charge her.

                    The crash killed Elaine Herzberg, a 49-year-old woman who was walking across the street when she was hit by the autonomous car.

                    Uber told the publication that it prohibits drivers from looking down at any device while manning an self-driving car.

                    The report said that Vasquez was looking down at her phone seven of the 22 minutes prior to crash.

                    The report also noted that Uber’s cars did not have a mechanism for alerting drivers about potential dangers.

                    “I was not able to find anywhere in the literature that the self-driving systems alerts the vehicle operator to potential hazards or when they should take manual control of the vehicle to perform an evasive maneuver,” a Tempe detective wrote in the report according to Gizmodo.

                    Following the crash in March, Uber suspended all of its autonomous car testing on public roads before laying off 300 of its self-driving vehicle operators in Arizona and permanently shutting down its testing there.
                    Exactly what is the point of a driverless car if the occupant has to pay attention?


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      Exactly what is the point of a driverless car if the occupant has to pay attention?
                      manned driverless cars



                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        manned driverless cars

                        You and I agree? Hmmm.. .maybe I'm wrong on this.


                          He is being obtuse
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Well, that's just who he is. He can't help that.


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              You and I agree?
                              also Trump sux


                                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                                also Trump sux
                                Ummm.. No. He's far from perfect, but warts an all, he's a helluva lot better that the prior sorry excuse was or Clinton would have been

                                Ok, this feel better. SR is nuts again.

