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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    A very large part of the this NWO crap is simple. Many other nations, under the banners of stupid trade agreements and the U.N. simply want to be able to tax US businesses and people. How many schemes have we seen in recent years? U.N. personnel have admitted they have tried to redistribute wealth via environmental policy. Recent trade deals such as the TPP give foreign governments the powers to fine or financially penalize US companies.

    There's no mystery here. Just like anyone who looks at their more prosperous neighbor with envy, they want to get their hands on their neighbor's wealth.

    While I agree that a system of one government for the world is an ideal for the future, it is a long way off. It cannot work until the competition for resources has ended. As we've discussed before, it works in fictional universes such as Star Trek (Post TNG) because they have developed cheap energy and matter-energy conversion, ending scarcity of resources and the competition for same.

    Just how tight is that tin foil hat?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      Just how tight is that tin foil hat?
      Look! I found Annoyed's hat!



        I don't think it works. I thought the tin foil was to keep the conspiracy theories out
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          I don't think it works. I thought the tin foil was to keep the conspiracy theories out
          I think he uses it to keep the conspiracy theories in...
          Last edited by LtColCarter; 02 May 2018, 08:08 AM.


            The truth is out there.....


              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              I think he uses it to keep the conspiracy theories in...
              Its not working. If they were in, I wouldn't hear his crazy ideas
              But then, why do I keep hearing his crazy ideas
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                Its not working. If they were in, I wouldn't hear his crazy ideas
                But then, why do I keep hearing his crazy ideas
                Because the hat doesn't cover his pie hole?


                  Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                  Its not working. If they were in, I wouldn't hear his crazy ideas
                  But then, why do I keep hearing his crazy ideas
                  Because tinfoil doesn't stop good, sound thinking. Only crazy ideas.


                    That would require you to actually have a good idea
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      That would require you to actually have a good idea
                      I have plenty of them. Problem is that you can't recognize one.


                        You think you have good ideas. Their is a difference. Its okay. Reality is challenging for people with dementia
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                          You think you have good ideas. Their is a difference. Its okay. Reality is challenging for people with dementia
                          Yes, it is. Sad to see it in someone so young. Perhaps they will come up with a cure for you before too long.


                            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                            hey since you mentioned Trump - I'm gonna enjoy watching that country spiral into chaos because of Kim Jong, I mean, King Don

                            btw you're christian right? he's how King Don's "marriage under God" is working out:


                            enjoy :|

                            (make no mistake: that ho deserves no sympathy either)
                            As for the "Christian" notation, not everyone who says "Lord, Lord, didn't I do..." will enter the kingdom of heaven/God.
                            (See Matthew 7:21, also Matt. 5:20, Matt. 18:3, Mark 10:15, Mark 10:23, and Luke 18:17.)

                            We don't know what that little exchange was about. Could have been a spat from the constant MSM barrage with Stormy Daniels pursuing a lawsuit against Donald Trump. Stormy (Stephanie) Daniels has basically become the MSM's pride "Trump card" --distraction factor-- to end and destroy Donald Trump's time as President. In the beginning, she wasn't much on the scene, but because of her physical *attributes* (obviously her chest), the MSM sees porn and every immoral other thing that they can dig out from under the proverbial rocks.

                            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                            Good Christians don't commit adultery multiple times.

                            Good Christians don't lust after other peoples wives.
                            Dems&Company keep scorecards, except for their own (ahem - President Clinton, who openly committed "immoral behavior" during his presidency with certain staff members).

                            Some people believe that Stormy Daniels was eventually paid by some elite to push for a lawsuit against President Trump, who's encounter with her happened PRIOR to him becoming President of the USA.

                            And how or what does Trump's current "marriage" have to do with him making policies? The two should be separate from each other, but the MSM is pushing to dig it into the ground and destroy it--to go the way of Trump's previous marriages.

                            The political arena and MSM is so hateful against Donald Trump that now they are bullying Kanye West over Kanye's comments about "thinking for oneself" and not being swayed by the public. Maxine Waters (congress-woman) basically told Kanye to shut his mouth on politics..for saying what he did in relation to (being sort of pro-)Donald Trump.

                            "Maxine Waters: Kanye Talks 'Out of Turn,' Needs Help to 'Formulate Some of His Thoughts'"
                            Lauretta Brown,
                            Posted: May 01, 2018 1:20 PM

                            Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) told Politico Monday that Kanye West "talks out of turn" and needs assistance "helping him to formulate some of his thoughts." She made these remarks in an event with the Congressional Black Caucus.

                            Politico asked Waters, an outspoken critic of President Trump who advocates for his impeachment, to comment on the president’s recent "bromance with Kanye West."
                            . . .
                            Maybe Maxine Waters needs to shut her mouth-trap, too. Let Kanye West think and act for himself.
                            Of course, between Maxine's unspoken lines, there seemed to be some threat level being set-up against Kayne West and perhaps against anyone who follows Kanye's suggestion(s) to think (at the voting booth) for oneself -- not be persuaded by a bunch of peers/bullies.

                            Sounds like the Dems(&Company) are out for destroying anyone's life that doesn't agree with their own.
                            ("Do as we say or else... we will destroy your career and perhaps your very life!") ...too much tinfoil?

                            Also, there were threats made against voters in Texas for this 2018 elections...sounds just like the time 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania when some gang members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) members stood outside a polling place (dressed in black paramilitary uniforms) decided to intimidate and bully voters going into/out of the voting places. Their presence was menacing enough, but they claimed they were there to maintain "peace" in that area, while general fear was being instilled at the entry and exit points.

                            What makes the NBPP different from the Guardian Angels? The weapons they carry, and the personality to help or hinder (to stop any potential violence). From what I've heard from the NBPP story (Philly, Pennsy, USA), the Guardian Angels don't intimidate by pointing guns at frail-looking and elderly people about to vote.


                              Way to miss the point there.

                              Christians supporting an adulterer.....
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                The reason "Dems and co" don't keep scorecards SG, is because they are not the ones claiming moral superiority in matters of the bedchamber.
                                Guess who does?
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

