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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    If it is legit, that's going to be a huge feather in Trump's cap

    for starters why would [most] people give a flyinf about foreign policy when they've enough problems on the domestic front especially now

    second even if it were legit (you know it isn't when your own foreign secretary says he doesn't trust Noko) this would mean King Don will have given Kim Jong international legitimacy
    millions of Noko citizens will continue living a ****ty life under a dictatorship that will endure (since Kim Jong won't have to fear being overthrown by a foreign power) but it's not like your King gives a **** about them he wishes he could rule the same way Kim Jong does

    if this were legit Noko citizens would hate him more than ever


      Feather in his cap you have to be kidding me. He didn't do jack to get these two sides to start talking.
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post

        for starters why would [most] people give a flyinf about foreign policy when they've enough problems on the domestic front especially now

        second even if it were legit (you know it isn't when your own foreign secretary says he doesn't trust Noko) this would mean King Don will have given Kim Jong international legitimacy
        millions of Noko citizens will continue living a ****ty life under a dictatorship that will endure (since Kim Jong won't have to fear being overthrown by a foreign power) but it's not like your King gives a **** about them he wishes he could rule the same way Kim Jong does

        if this were legit Noko citizens would hate him more than ever
        So, you would like to see the US topple a foreign government? That would certainly start a war, and since China says they will intervene if we are the aggressors, it would be a doozy.


          BTW is this bad?

          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            It's not like the USA hasn't done that kind of thing before, but called it "regime change" under Bush...

            Oh what short memories you lot have.

            They only topple governments when the other country can't fight back.
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              So, you would like to see the US topple a foreign government? That would certainly start a war, and since China says they will intervene if we are the aggressors, it would be a doozy.
              who said anything about a war
              only 1 man has to go


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                So, you would like to see the US topple a foreign government? That would certainly start a war, and since China says they will intervene if we are the aggressors, it would be a doozy.

                Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                who said anything about a war
                only 1 man has to go
                This is a *general* to everyone anti-Trumper observation.

                Do any of you anti-Trumpers *really* believe the world's problems will be resolved and solved by removing Trump for US President? This hatred of Trump in "power" is at such an extreme level that many people I know just stopped listening to the MSM news (at least on a regular basis). They are SICK of it. It's an OBSESSION with you anti-Trumpers.

                I've been following various conversations about "impeach" Trump, yada, yada, yada... because Dems, hard core GOP/"Deep State" (whatever) and nearly any anti-Trumper believe that putting a Democrat BACK into US Presidential power is going to solve most of the USA's problems along with "get-along-great" with the world once Trump is ousted one way or another.

                The whole world can then breathe a sigh of relief, the IS can resurface en force along with their other minions, and the world can unite under the NWO. Ten major sources of power (kingdoms or regional-kingdom divisions) with 3 refusing to go along with the new world leader's system -- who makes a faux covenant with Israel (to make it look good and that Israel is somehow protected) -- THIS is what will result. If it doesn't happen right away, then give it less than perhaps 50 years. I'd probably go with even maybe ten or less years after this new system starts up, before all "h.e.double L" breaks loose world-wide.

                Keep naysaying that - that won't ever happen. Maybe not in my lifetime, but it is believed by many that this is exactly what will happen. Track the above data. This is the scenario that is believed that will happen, regardless of what the rest of the world does from this point forward.

                Perhaps putting that tin-foil hat on...
                Even if the above unification of the world order doesn't happen right away, putting a Democrat into power again will *probably* destroy the two-party system, because the Dems have been working on making sure another incident like another Donald Trump persona becoming president won't ever happen ever again within the remaining lifetime of the USA, *if* it even stays known as the USA ever into the future at that time.

                President Obama's team made certain our USA was being flushed down the sewer system by breaking our societies apart -- dividing classes and ancestral backgrounds so much that even our scholastic history books have been rewritten from being anywhere recognized from what the 1960's and 1970's were teaching. Even our World Wars I & II have been slanted to many degrees.. and that is regardless of the actual documented film interview and film footages that were taken back in those actual years of what happened.

                This world has become a cesspool of (negative) propaganda favorites. There is so much confusion tossed from both directions now, that even those people who thought they knew what was true, and actually TAUGHT American US history, no longer know what to believe or think as being the truth any more. Add to that what the MSM (media) is pushing with a propaganda agenda to favor whatever their "masters" tell them, and it makes keeping up with the news a general nightmare.

                Do the Dems&Company have a deathwish? Push Trump out of office, and the end results just might mark the end of not just this USA nation, but this entire world -- as we currently know it.
                "Be careful what you wish for..." It might bite you back.

                Do we really want to go thru any more "been there, done that" again..? Or will this mark the final doom and gloom on the clock saying goodbye to our country, because some other country decided enough is enough - and they knock our country out of consciousness, so *they* can get on with the rest of their lives..? It's not an idle threat, because as much as the USA wants to brag on its military might, there are more than 3 countries pointing back at us with a variety of ways to destroy us. We just missed reaching that drastic scenario in 2017.

                Keep your heads in the proverbial sand, because it seems that about 40 to 60% of *la-la land* is too doped up to care any more.


                  A very large part of the this NWO crap is simple. Many other nations, under the banners of stupid trade agreements and the U.N. simply want to be able to tax US businesses and people. How many schemes have we seen in recent years? U.N. personnel have admitted they have tried to redistribute wealth via environmental policy. Recent trade deals such as the TPP give foreign governments the powers to fine or financially penalize US companies.

                  There's no mystery here. Just like anyone who looks at their more prosperous neighbor with envy, they want to get their hands on their neighbor's wealth.

                  While I agree that a system of one government for the world is an ideal for the future, it is a long way off. It cannot work until the competition for resources has ended. As we've discussed before, it works in fictional universes such as Star Trek (Post TNG) because they have developed cheap energy and matter-energy conversion, ending scarcity of resources and the competition for same.
                  Last edited by Annoyed; 30 April 2018, 03:24 AM.


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    This is a *general* to everyone anti-Trumper observation.

                    cept this time I wasn't talking about Trump


                      Wow....someone got their thong in a twist.


                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        This is a *general* to everyone anti-Trumper observation.
                        . . .
                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        cept this time I wasn't talking about Trump
                        Whether you were or not, what got posted -- needed to be said.
                        I wasn't singling your post out, btw, as I noted in my first sentence.


                          Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                          Wow....someone got their thong in a twist.
                          Not all females / ladies wear thongs.
                          Thongs are for wearing on feet. Flip flops without the toe-grabber hold are better, tho.
                          Thongs are uncomfortable!
                          plus they're annoying (toes) / rub the wrong way in more ways than one.
                          Same problem applies to that other body part area, too (fabric undies/bathingsuits).

                          E-gads! Need to remove that *image* of old ladies wearing (those upper region) thongs out of the brain..!!


                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Whether you were or not, what got posted -- needed to be said.
                            hey since you mentioned Trump - I'm gonna enjoy watching that country spiral into chaos because of Kim Jong, I mean, King Don

                            btw you're christian right? he's how King Don's "marriage under God" is working out:


                            enjoy :|

                            (make no mistake: that ho deserves no sympathy either)


                              Good Christians don't commit adultery multiple times.

                              Good Christians don't lust after other peoples wives.
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                It's about time someone brought this to the table.

                                The entire DACA program was unconstitutional from the get-go. The president doesn't have the authority to do it, so Obama never should have started it.

                                Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton files lawsuit challenging DACA

                                AUSTIN — Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Tuesday, looking to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

                                The lawsuit asks the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas to declare DACA unlawful and bar the federal government from issuing permits through the program, which protects people brought to the country illegally as children from deportation.

                                Six other states joined Texas in its lawsuit: Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, South Carolina and West Virginia.

                                "Texas has argued for years that the federal executive branch lacks the power to unilaterally grant unlawfully present aliens lawful presence and work authorization," Paxton said in a statement. "Left intact, DACA sets a dangerous precedent by giving the executive branch sweeping authority to ignore the laws enacted by Congress and change our nation’s immigration laws to suit a president’s own policy preferences.”
                                I understand the argument the dreamers make, they were brought here as kids, when their parents entered the US illegally or overstayed their visa; "It's not their fault".

                                But like many other actions the prior sorry excuse for a president took, he exceeded his authority in doing so. It's about time someone took action on that basis.

