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    Looks to me like it was a leftist looney who did the shooting.

    A gunman believed to be a supporter of former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders sprayed a hail of bullets at a GOP baseball practice Wednesday morning, injuring House Majority Whip Steve Scalise and four others before U.S. Capitol Police took down the rifle-wielding assailant.
    How is that blaming the media?


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Looks to me like it was a leftist looney who did the shooting.
      but...but...I thought dem leftist snowflakes were against gun rights?

      How is that blaming the media?
      just look @ all the reactions on news websites - comments sections - the neocons blame it on the media (instead of blaming it on their president)


        How the hell is it even remotely Trump's fault? You're way off the rails this time.


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          No, it is you who do not understand. Correct, the system doesn't work for all the people who want to migrate here.
          But it's not supposed to. The system is supposed to work to benefit US citizens who are already here.
          Have you really bought into the whole "God Bless America" drivel so hard? Do you -realise- what other nations gave up to give YES, GIVE the US the power and reputation it has today? If the rest of the world did not like you post WW2 as they did not with the Russians, do you think they would have idly sat by where you amassed the most potent military force on the planet? The "rest of the world" had faith in the "grand experiment of freedom" that the US, at it's best represents, Not the pre WW1 internal shut ins that you were before hand. You so easily forget that fact. America did not become "great" on it's own, it became great by accepting people from across the globe to join them, by proving that "anyone can make it" in America. You took the post WW2 scientists and plotted a path to the stars, you took idea's from every culture and integrated them into your culture to create a "better" one.
          Now, what do you want?
          All the glory and power of then, without the "inconvenience" of people immigrating.
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            How the hell is it even remotely Trump's fault? You're way off the rails this time.
            He did not -directly- blame trump. His point is, if all lefties want to take your guns, why did this lefty use a gun.
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              How the hell is it even remotely Trump's fault? You're way off the rails this time.
              better than clinging to the govt bandwagon
              how's it the fault of someone whose entire campaign was one of populism & dividing the country & heating up the hatred among its citizens to boiling point? good question I dunno man

              ps. short answer: Austyn Crites

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              He did not -directly- blame trump. His point is, if all lefties want to take your guns, why did this lefty use a gun.
              wanna bet they'll say he was no true scotsman leftie


                Yeah, not quite prepared to cry a river over this joker:
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                  He did not -directly- blame trump. His point is, if all lefties want to take your guns, why did this lefty use a gun.
                  If I want to take your gun, doesn't mean I don't want one for myself...
                  If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                    Originally posted by Womble View Post
                    If I want to take your gun, doesn't mean I don't want one for myself...
                    Now THAT's a typical liberal attitude! On many different topics.


                      Now that is hilarious. I would never call Wombie a liberal
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Now THAT's a typical liberal attitude! On many different topics.
                        take all Republicans' guns & give'em to the Democrats, your country will be a lot safer I say :|


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          I wasn't aware they were going to try to become a state. I was aware that they are damned near broke, however.
                          Probably why they want to become a state; get their bills paid off. Not so fond of that idea.

                          And... 52 stars/states? We get one I forgot about?

                          DOH. Thought for some reason we had 51 already..
                          And yes imo that IS the main reason they want statehood, so the rest of us US tax payers will have to pick up the tab for their idiocy..

                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          You don't understand. This is about making a system that works instead of relying on a system that has failed to work and shows no signs of ever working.
                          Laws are not immutable divine decrees that can stand the test of time by the will of God. They, by their very nature, change to meet the needs of the times. These current laws are outdated and for a world that no longer exists, therefore the need for the laws to change so they can match the current world that does exist. Which is why I asked earlier, do you keep stomping your feet for a system that has failed or create a better system?
                          And who determines what's "Better"?
                          And IMO part of the reason our current system seems to be seen as flawed/broken, IS CAUSE ITS Not being properly enforced..

                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          Farmers can no more afford that than small businesses can afford a ridiculous minimum wage hike. Farmers aren't paying 10-15 an hour because they are bad people, but because that's what they can afford, especially if they have to provide health insurance. Quite frankly, 25 an hour is actually quite high for a job that doesn't include anything beyond a high school degree (to be honest, it doesn't one either). Might as well raise the minimum wage to 20 an hour and end the economy while you're at it.
                          And how many illegal aliens who work farms are paid 10$/hr??

                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          As for people from Europe, is that seriously your argument? Tell me, how many people do you know that are simply English, Scottish, Welsh or Northern Irish versus German, Irish, Italian, Eastern European? Are you 100% of British descent? Is anyone?
                          Most i know still live IN the UK. Those who are in the states, have become Americans. They don't consider themselves "German-america, Italian-American, Australian-American" etc. Unlike latinos/blacks/Asians all see themselves as their ethnicity first, Americans second.. (or so it seems to my POV).

                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          Maybe bring the question again AFTER they clean up the financial mess they've made of themselves?
                          If i was in Congress, that's certainly something i would push for. PR clean its own economic turmoil up, BEFORE we even consider them for statehood..
                          BUT you just know the libtards in congress, will want to approve them Mess n all, just so they can have everyone else pick up the tab to clean their mess up..


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            If i was in Congress, that's certainly something i would push for. PR clean its own economic turmoil up, BEFORE we even consider them for statehood..
                            BUT you just know the libtards in congress, will want to approve them Mess n all, just so they can have everyone else pick up the tab to clean their mess up..
                            And of course, those folks will be so grateful, they'll vote Democratic for the rest of their lives.....


                              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                              take all Republicans' guns & give'em to the Democrats, your country will be a lot safer I say :|
                              Haven't we just seen that Democrats are not to be trusted with guns?

                              From what I've read from several different news operations, this is just an escalation of the same "stepped on cockroach" behavior exhibited by a great many people who are leftist in their beliefs ever since Clinton lost. They just can't accept the plain and simple fact that they and their agenda got beat at the polls. And don't start with the EC crap, it was a legitimate win under the rules. Alot of these folks are quite unhinged. And I'm sure some would like to do what this nut job did. The only difference is this guy was nuts enough to actually do it.

                              And it's an utterly useless strategy for them to take. If I was a leftie, I would be hounding the people who run the Democratic party to explain their insistence upon running a very poor candidate, Hillary and pressuring them to change their stances so that they are more acceptable to the electorate, so that perhaps they can win in 2020.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Haven't we just seen that Democrats are not to be trusted with guns?
                                and as we've just seen only Republicans have reasons not to trust Democrats with guns

                                but yeah I should rectify:

                                take all Republicans' guns & give'em to the Democrats, and eliminate all Republicans, your country will be a lot safer I say

                                there u go

                                And don't start with the EC crap,
                                you mean the system that the LSOS himself called crap? (till he "won" thanks to it)

                                it was a legitimate win under the Kremlin's rules

                                And it's an utterly useless strategy for them to take. If I was a leftie, I would be hounding the people who run the Democratic party to explain their insistence upon running a very poor candidate, Hillary and pressuring them to change their stances so that they are more acceptable to the electorate, so that perhaps they can win in 2020.
                                if the Democrats have the guts (and the idiocy) to elect Hilary as their representative again in 2020 then I'll be personally calling for their banishment - from this planet
                                you seriously don't think she'll dare show her mug again in 2020 do you?

