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    more like "president #00" (reflects his competence & popularity)

    a whole story in that pic
    Last edited by SoulReaver; 28 April 2017, 03:08 PM.


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      There is absolutely no law that says you can't cross a wall or tunnel underneath it. There are laws about trespassing on land, or on someone's property, but a prison wall leads to the free world (and more jailtime when caught) and the borderwall is just another obstacle in the way of the dream of a better life.
      No there isn't a law saying you can't cross/tunnel. BUT just cause people amy try to do it, is not an excuse to NOT put a barrier up to make it harder..


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Also, just because certain people had to work under President Obama's rules/regs to maintain getting our bills paid, etc (until the economic bottom fell out in many cases), doesn't translate that those persons of differing political POVs agreed with his ethics and methods in seeing him achieve from his perspective success -- often tainted with mixed results being accomplished.

        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        What ARE you dribbling about?
        Being a government employee in a government you don't agree with?
        I would say that happens half the time on either side, and if it is so offensive, take a stand and quit and find a new job, or is that too hard for you to do?
        I quit a job because they started to expect me to do things I did not morally agree with, so I quit and found a new job.
        Guess my faith in things working out is better than yours, eh?
        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Gov't tends to exempt itself from its own rules/regs - so it seems, when the opportunity seems convenient for them. Much to the annoyance of the private business sectors.
        I work in the private sector, not gov't sector, but private sectors operate under compliance of gov't sector. We *are* subject to the rules/regs of gov't operating codes. Businesses and industries of all varieties are especially in need of compliance, lest they get fined/penalized. Comprende?
        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        This has utterly nothing to do with what I was saying.
        I know what you *meant*. Point is, I work in the *private* sector of business. Not under gov't paycheck. So, even tho I have to work "with" the gov't rules/regs, I don't work *for* the gov't itself. Just send off their compliance stuff, as commanded to do so.

        Besides, finding a new job at a decent pay, etc., is a pipedream. Only folks who did internships while they were at college often ended up with a dream type of job. Every single time I've switched jobs, I've taken a pay CUT, and it took years to play catch up. It gets tiresome moving around like that and getting financially jerked -- each time.

        After so many years of the same old, same old, one learns to live with what is given to them, or emotionally die in despair --especially in a difficult job market for a specific job *preference* choice. Better than working 2 and 3 jobs (at just anywhere who'd be hiring), which didn't work out well for me either when I tried that. Getting too old at this point to hop all around the county/state just to make paltry pay. My health issues are deteriorating as well (getting beyond the point of *beyond* --thyroid / arthritis pain management troubles), so that's another factor I've had to consider.. standing or sitting.. propping feet up on footstool to relieve bouts with edema.. and what does the employer require time/speed wise for productivity. These are ALL issues I've carefully looked at over the years.

        If my employer was an atheist, but provided a pleasant enough working environment, would I quit? No. Grass isn't much greener elsewhere.. regardless of what youngin's today might believe. Plus, it pays to figure out what is worth more value -- a semi-tolerable job atmosphere (co-workers are great even tho the work itself is just "work"), or a nightmare place with a nasty boss who wouldn't hesitate twice before booting you out the door (and that was because the employer/owners didn't want to pay higher wages, so they "used and abused" you). Had that nasty stuff in a prior job -- so I'm not going down that road again -- if it can be AVOIDED..!

        If you want another image of leaving specified job (regardless of who it is for), we have a friend who worked as a contractor *for* various USA gov't industries. When President Obama cut costs & reduced hours with certain contractors, our friend lost around 20% of his business and thus paycheck. It was his *private* owned/operated business, but (one of) his customer(s) was the USA gov't. He was already living on a limited income, and had employees working under his business benefit.

        When the AHCA healthcare costs sky-rocketed along with other payout details, he ended his contracting business ties with the USA gov't facilities and decided to work in a different field altogether.. this time in the residential sector. He's much happier now, but would prefer to retire, since he is in that age group, but can't financially afford to just stop working and enjoy any retirement years.

        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        Obama would not look for that job, but Trump would.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Donald Trump isn't the guy for that job. He isn't desired that much from the other nations.
        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        No ****.
        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Award for understatement of the year...
        (Generic) You people keep harping on stupid stuff, you get a stupid Answer!

        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        Obama is no hero, he's hardly their "messiah" either.
        That's debatable. Been recently seeing a bunch of mockery MEME's against Trump, with Obama as "hero". Even Huffington Post along with Dan Rather (reporter/commentator) touts Obama as more impressive and would prefer having Obama back in power, than having Trump there. I have a bunch of relatives pushing Obama back into view, by pushing Trump OUT. End of story.

        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        Why does a world leader have to fit into your faith?
        World leader is what the current WORLD is looking for. Since most of it wants to become globalized, that will be the next natural step -- to elect a unifying one-world leader. duh! Eventually, that position will come down the pike trail, so come on and *get* (keep up) with the times!!

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        (GF) Your mockery obviously reveals that you (still) don't understand, so it's pointless to even try to explain, at least at this moment in time.

        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        You were trained to be a slave, I was trained to have independence. This will always be pointless because our respective views on our faiths come from separate places.
        Agree on the pointless bits.
        However, I *know* the difference between "slave" and independence. I am a *slave* to this world, because I am forced to comply with its life-long governing operating systems (in all aspects of living) or go to jail for breaking the law. I am independent in the spiritual world and have FREE choice with my decisions there. You seem to have your comprehension of my world/spirit values backwards, which basically reveals to me that you (still) don't understand the spiritual world, as I understand it, and maybe never will.


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          (Generic) You people keep harping on stupid stuff, you get a stupid Answer!
          The award was for GF, not you.

          The Award for Stupid has been going to #45 since the start of the year.
          His 100 Days of Fail already a bestseller on the world leader list.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          That's debatable. Been recently seeing a bunch of mockery MEME's against Trump...
          The cartoons too are hilarious. I especially like this one:

          Don't know the artist who created it but it's definitely my favorite so far.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          World leader is what the current WORLD is looking for.
          No, it is not.

          What most of the world is looking for is cooperation, work together to maintain relative peace. To make sure there's no nuclear war looming over our heads... oh wait, nevermind.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Since most of it wants to become globalized, that will be the next natural step -- to elect a unifying one-world leader.
          The free world already has a leader, and her name is Angela Merkel.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          I am a *slave* to this world, because I am forced to comply with its life-long governing operating systems (in all aspects of living) or go to jail for breaking the law.
          No, you're not.

          You can just pack up and leave, and go live in some remote area, on an island somewhere, or on a boat, and be free of goverments, rules and what not. Everything that keeps you from living the live you want or the live you dream about.

          All it takes is a little guts, and some adventure to live the life of your dreams -- free from every burden, taxes, rules and regulations, ... all that matters is yourself and the people that are with you.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          I am independent in the spiritual world and have FREE choice with my decisions there.
          No, philosophically speaking you aren't. Your choices are still limited within the framework of your believe system, and therefore still not completely free.

          The only place where to be 100 free do whatever you like, to be whoever you like, to act however you like doesn't exist, except in the depths of your own mind.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            I know what you *meant*. Point is, I work in the *private* sector of business. Not under gov't paycheck. So, even tho I have to work "with" the gov't rules/regs, I don't work *for* the gov't itself. Just send off their compliance stuff, as commanded to do so.
            So, you knew what I meant, but just answered............. What?
            Besides, finding a new job at a decent pay, etc., is a pipedream. Only folks who did internships while they were at college often ended up with a dream type of job. Every single time I've switched jobs, I've taken a pay CUT, and it took years to play catch up. It gets tiresome moving around like that and getting financially jerked -- each time.
            A pipedream?
            After so many years of the same old, same old, one learns to live with what is given to them, or emotionally die in despair --especially in a difficult job market for a specific job *preference* choice.

            Or one alters their circumstances.
            Better than working 2 and 3 jobs (at just anywhere who'd be hiring), which didn't work out well for me either when I tried that. Getting too old at this point to hop all around the county/state just to make paltry pay. My health issues are deteriorating as well (getting beyond the point of *beyond* --thyroid / arthritis pain management troubles), so that's another factor I've had to consider.. standing or sitting.. propping feet up on footstool to relieve bouts with edema.. and what does the employer require time/speed wise for productivity. These are ALL issues I've carefully looked at over the years.
            You may be "past it" now, but what about "then"?

            If my employer was an atheist, but provided a pleasant enough working environment, would I quit? No. Grass isn't much greener elsewhere.. regardless of what youngin's today might believe. Plus, it pays to figure out what is worth more value -- a semi-tolerable job atmosphere (co-workers are great even tho the work itself is just "work"), or a nightmare place with a nasty boss who wouldn't hesitate twice before booting you out the door (and that was because the employer/owners didn't want to pay higher wages, so they "used and abused" you). Had that nasty stuff in a prior job -- so I'm not going down that road again -- if it can be AVOIDED..!
            I did not ask if your employer had different beliefs, I said if they tried to get you to do things you found morally wrong.
            Would you stay with the same boss if he just asked you to give up your faith?
            What if everything else was fine, no nightmares, fair enough job, decent pay, just stop being a Christian.
            Would you do it?

            If you want another image of leaving specified job (regardless of who it is for), we have a friend who worked as a contractor *for* various USA gov't industries. When President Obama cut costs & reduced hours with certain contractors, our friend lost around 20% of his business and thus paycheck. It was his *private* owned/operated business, but (one of) his customer(s) was the USA gov't. He was already living on a limited income, and had employees working under his business benefit.

            When the AHCA healthcare costs sky-rocketed along with other payout details, he ended his contracting business ties with the USA gov't facilities and decided to work in a different field altogether.. this time in the residential sector. He's much happier now, but would prefer to retire, since he is in that age group, but can't financially afford to just stop working and enjoy any retirement years.
            (Generic) You people keep harping on stupid stuff, you get a stupid Answer!
            No, I just keep responding.

            That's debatable. Been recently seeing a bunch of mockery MEME's against Trump, with Obama as "hero". Even Huffington Post along with Dan Rather (reporter/commentator) touts Obama as more impressive and would prefer having Obama back in power, than having Trump there. I have a bunch of relatives pushing Obama back into view, by pushing Trump OUT. End of story.
            Trump deserves no more than mockery.
            He makes a big hoo-haw about his 100 day contract with the American people, yet when the time comes, complains about it, even tweeted about how "someone" put forth the plan, the plan HE SIGNED HIMSELF.
            Now he says it's artificial and unfair.
            He's a total cock-womble.

            World leader is what the current WORLD is looking for. Since most of it wants to become globalized, that will be the next natural step -- to elect a unifying one-world leader. duh! Eventually, that position will come down the pike trail, so come on and *get* (keep up) with the times!!
            How is this relevant?
            A better question, if "most of" it does, why are you getting in the way and claiming it's the devil?
            Agree on the pointless bits.
            However, I *know* the difference between "slave" and independence. I am a *slave* to this world, because I am forced to comply with its life-long governing operating systems (in all aspects of living) or go to jail for breaking the law.
            That's not slavery.
            I am independent in the spiritual world and have FREE choice with my decisions there. You seem to have your comprehension of my world/spirit values backwards, which basically reveals to me that you (still) don't understand the spiritual world, as I understand it, and maybe never will.
            My understanding is based on your comprehension, so because I disagree, I don't comprehend??
            That's some serious sphincter logic.
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Someone needs to tell the GOP they have to get through the Senate with this, too.

              House Republicans claim a major victory with passage of health-care overhaul

              I don't think it has a chance of getting passed by the Senate. And I'm certainly not pleased with the sudden passage of the bill without a period of public discussion, as there was with their last failed attempt.
              And from what I've read, it's not what Trump was promising for months. Maybe it would be better if it fails and they have to spend some time coming up with something better, rather than a desperate attempt to claim they've done away with LSoScare.


                Don't tell me you actually think they were doing anything for 7 years about healthcare??
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  What gets me is during that period, they sent SEVERAL repeal variants through but couldn't get it past the dems. NOW they are the majority, why not just resurrect one of them, Get it pushed through (go nuclear if needed), hve trump sign it in, to REPEAL completely obama care.

                  THEN Try to do something to fix things after..


                    What does donny think about healthcare.............

                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      What does donny think about healthcare.............

                      Donny is an idiot

                      Yet in the USA they are doing a poo on healthcare
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        Don't tell me you actually think they were doing anything for 7 years about healthcare??
                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        What gets me is during that period, they sent SEVERAL repeal variants through but couldn't get it past the dems. NOW they are the majority, why not just resurrect one of them, Get it pushed through (go nuclear if needed), hve trump sign it in, to REPEAL completely obama care.

                        THEN Try to do something to fix things after..
                        Trump made a number of promises about what his health care bill would do, and this misses the mark on many of them. It's a patchwork mess, with several questionable amendments thrown in at the last minute. There was no time for the bill to be questioned by the public. It's clearly hodgepodge of crap thrown together in a hurry so they can claim to have repealed LSoScare.
                        It don't think it will pass the Senate, and it shouldn't. They need to sit down and put something together that does do what Trump claimed, even if it takes a while.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          Someone needs to tell the GOP they have to get through the Senate with this, too.
                          And the Senate has already said they won't pass it -- not in its current state. They're going to redo the thing.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            And the Senate has already said they won't pass it -- not in its current state. They're going to redo the thing.
                            And it should get stopped, cold.
                            I want to see LSoScare gone as much as the next guy, if not more, because the cost of compliance to it forced the primary care physician I had been going to for almost 30 years to close her practice. She just decided that she couldn't stay in business under it. This was an independent doctor, not part of a conglomerate and operating as a small business. She was losing money staying in business under it. I can't blame her for closing up shop.

                            So I have good and proper reasons to despise LSoScare and to want it gone.

                            But I don't want it replaced with some piece of modern artwork that was made by throwing shiznit against the wall and seeing what stuck, which is what the current bill appears to be.

                            Just as the LSoS did, Trump has made promises about what his replacement plan would provide, and this isn't it. Not even close. If this passes in its current form, Trump will be as much a liar as Obama was with his oft-repeated promise "If you like your current doctor or health care plan, you can keep it". Not so much for myself and many other people.

                            I would rather they take some time, put together a plan which scraps LSoScare and replaces it with a well thought out plan that keeps the promises Trump made and get it passed before January 2019. (I expect Congress to flip)

                            As far as garhkal's idea of simply scrapping LSoScare now and coming up with a replacement later goes, which by itself is a good idea, well, our government has a long history of kicking the can down the road, and I have no doubt that if they try this approach, they will do nothing before congress flips, and then they wouldn't be able to do anything.

                            So my reaction to this plan is "Sorry, boys, try again."


                              Good for this guy! I hope he gets a huge win or a fat settlement. Maybe the airlines will start charging people who need two seats for them, rather than inflicting them on other paying passengers.

                              American Airlines sued by man 'cramped' by obese passengers


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Good for this guy! I hope he gets a huge win or a fat settlement. Maybe the airlines will start charging people who need two seats for them, rather than inflicting them on other paying passengers.

                                American Airlines sued by man 'cramped' by obese passengers
                                won't the airline face criminal charges too? (endangering a passenger's health or something - I reckon there's a law for that)

