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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    You want war?
    Trump seems to want it, even if he has no clue what it actually means.

    Which reminds of a piece taken from the AP interview transcript (lost several IQ-points just looking at it):

    TRUMP: They had a quote from me that NATO's obsolete. But they didn't say why it was obsolete. I was on Wolf Blitzer, very fair interview, the first time I was ever asked about NATO, because I wasn't in government. People don't go around asking about NATO if I'm building a building in Manhattan, right? So they asked me, Wolf ... asked me about NATO, and I said two things. NATO's obsolete — not knowing much about NATO, now I know a lot about NATO — NATO is obsolete, and I said, "And the reason it's obsolete is because of the fact they don't focus on terrorism." You know, back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism.

    Dumbo didn't/doesn't know about NATO.

    Let's go back to 9/11, and see what NATO did back then: October 2001 -- Invocation of Article 5 confirmed

    Terrorism sure didn't exist in NATO's books before Dumbo took office.

    Also, it's the first time every apparently that a transcript from a presidential interview contains following citation:

    "and if this missile goes off and lands in the middle of a town or a hamlet .... every decision is much harder than you'd normally make. (unintelligible) ... This is involving death and life and so many things. ... So it's far more responsibility. (unintelligible) ....The financial cost of everything is so massive, every agency. T" a one-to-one interview.

    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    as of november 2016? definitely - as long as there's no collateral damage on the rest of the world of course (wishful thinking? dunno...I assume both US & Russia will have the common sense not to use nukes)
    They can fight it out among themselves, and it would be great if they left the rest of us out of their mess.

    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    expose the neocons as the fools who thought they elected a "president of peace" of course
    What he said.

    And I'm also still waiting how much longer we have to wait for an attack on Mar-A-Lago.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Getting the world into WW3 is -why- people like me did not want a nutjob like trump in power, why do you think I pay attention?

    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    Depends if they can read the gps or compass headings properly.

    Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
    The trouble with North Korea is that they are like a yapping dog that continues to bark and eventually someone is going to give it a tap and tell it to shut up.
    Yes, but a barking dog does put the fear of god in every mail man.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    ...I look at a man who does not even know who the hell he is firing missiles at. He said he threw 59 missiles into IRAQ and the interviewer (on FOX) had to correct him that it was Syria. He says the Carl Vincent carrier group is going to NK, but they were not and he had no clue. He lost a frigging CARRIER GROUP!! Ask someone like Garkhal who was in the Navy how much money and firepower that represents.
    This is not partisan concerns, this is the man being INCOMPETENT, He is a kid playing with a loaded shotgun, would you let your grandkids play with a loaded shotgun?
    If the answer is anything but no, it's time to do some serious soul searching.

    Or something. Unless you're NRA.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    No, it's more important because we don't know what the mental patient in charge will do. Yes, NK has kept testing out their weapons, and yes, Obama should have been harder on NK and involved himself more in Asian politics, but he either chose not to, or was stopped from doing so and both are bad for the world, and I don't care which one you blame. What we did know is that no matter what, the outcome and repercussions of any action would have been considered by Obama. Can you say the same thing for trump?
    He'll definitely remember the chocolate cake though.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    He is a threat to the whole world, not because he wants to be a threat, but because he is incapable of living in reality.

    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    NK is threatening Australia because we SUPPORT the USA, and we have the most effective radar on NK's activities.
    Also, Australia is relatively speaking closer to NK in flying distance then the US, so it's a safe bet their missilies just can't reach that far yet.

    In air travel distance...
    Distance from Australia to North Korea is 7,293 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 4,532 miles.
    Distance from Australia to North Korea is 8,934 kilometers. This air travel distance is equal to 5,551 miles.

    Mmm... coast to coast isn't much of a difference really, just more sea to cross.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Im going to give Gatey a BIG bloody hug, cause i believe he needs it ((((((((((((Gatey)))))))))

      And i now have a picture of a Womble in the shape of a man thing wearing glasses, thanks


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        The trouble with North Korea is that they are like a yapping dog that continues to bark and eventually someone is going to give it a tap and tell it to shut up.
        Exactly. They are like the school yard bully. They will keep acting like this till someone gets in their face and bloodies their nose!


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Exactly. They are like the school yard bully. They will keep acting like this till someone gets in their face and bloodies their nose!
          While that is probably true, I'm kinda hoping its just more hot air out of NK. We really don't need a war right now.

          If NK does strike Australia or the US, I don't see a way there won't be one. And this would have been the case even if Hillary had won. This is a situation we would have to respond to regardless of who is in the White House. Congress has the power to declare war as well, if the President doesn't.


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            Ok, how about another question. If NK does strike Austraila, would you rather see a US leader who would do something about it, or would you rather have Obama, who would likely just do another "world apology tour" ?

            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Obama bombed more people than anyone else in your history you stupid prick, he did it over and over again, he just did not make a ****ing song and dance over it like trump does.
            Are you thick or ignorant?

            Obama went on his "apology tour" to rebuild contacts with YOUR ALLIES, not with your enemies.
            Obama hardly rebuilt much.. more like he supported the deteriorations resulting from divisions (from gov't levels down to the individual families) in various countries and let those who desired to riot and pillage go ahead and do so, even within our own USA, which caused more divisions rather than unifying and healing of the nations. He campaigned with so much promise for healing and unification, but turmoil and strife occurred instead. He had the power to bring healing to our country, and yet left with more wounds puncturing and leaving giant scars within many families, instead. *Appeasement* to certain groups/countries doesn't always work in positive tones, btw.

            Also, just because certain people had to work under President Obama's rules/regs to maintain getting our bills paid, etc (until the economic bottom fell out in many cases), doesn't translate that those persons of differing political POVs agreed with his ethics and methods in seeing him achieve from his perspective success -- often tainted with mixed results being accomplished.

            Regarding our current Trump gov't admin -- There is the possibility that President Trump is just speaking out disinformation on purpose to stump the MSM and keep the public from having access to confidential info. Otherwise, if your going to shout on the mountaintops your exact GPS location and plans, you might as well just toss in the towel and call it quits -- let the enemy divide and conquer, which is pretty much what Obama was doing while he was president (example.. instead of stopping the Islamic State at its infancy in Iraq, he allowed ISIS to grow whereby they then took over territories --with our USA equipment!- and then divided families by killing, kidnapping, or enslaving nearly everywhere they expanded).

            If anyone thinks Obama could do a better job than Trump, then why not suggest Obama seek after that illustrious position as WORLD leader -- as in the OWG, and set up office over in the EU or somewhere not on USA soil. Let the USA deal with Russia and China on its own standing. The new OWG leader-- hence "president of earth" can protect you little countries from the *crazies* such as NK shaking its fist. Iran is also linked to NK somehow, so they'd also be on that dreaded world threat list.

            Don't worry. I have the utmost confidence the Dems & leftists / socialists will finally have their day ruling the entire planet. When, who and how is the big question. And when such a moment does happen, enjoy it for it might not last as long as it's believed to.

            No one has to believe any of that.. but I have enough confidence in that part of the equation actually occurring, at least. Do I agree with it? No. I don't have any authority nor power to stop it.. so just go ahead and watch the snowball effect to (fantasy) Utopia or doomsday do its thing.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              While that is probably true, I'm kinda hoping its just more hot air out of NK. We really don't need a war right now.

              If NK does strike Australia or the US, I don't see a way there won't be one. And this would have been the case even if Hillary had won. This is a situation we would have to respond to regardless of who is in the White House. Congress has the power to declare war as well, if the President doesn't.
              BUt how many times are we going to LET THem blubber hot air before it devolves into something more?


                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Obama hardly rebuilt much..
                Just your economy, car manufacturing and world public relationships, bah, not much at all.
                more like he supported the deteriorations resulting from divisions (from gov't levels down to the individual families) in various countries and let those who desired to riot and pillage go ahead and do so, even within our own USA, which caused more divisions rather than unifying and healing of the nations.
                The second the US voted an upstart spade into power, half your country lost it's ****, and no one is a better example of that than your current SCROTUS (So Called Ruler Of The United States). Obama did not -create- the divisions, he just had to deal with them.
                He campaigned with so much promise for healing and unification, but turmoil and strife occurred instead. He had the power to bring healing to our country, and yet left with more wounds puncturing and leaving giant scars within many families, instead. *Appeasement* to certain groups/countries doesn't always work in positive tones, btw.
                He -wanted- to help you, his signature policies were to give you healthcare and get you out of wars, and "your team" did everything within their power to stop him. Your "giant scars" are self inflicted by stupidity.
                Also, just because certain people had to work under President Obama's rules/regs to maintain getting our bills paid, etc (until the economic bottom fell out in many cases), doesn't translate that those persons of differing political POVs agreed with his ethics and methods in seeing him achieve from his perspective success -- often tainted with mixed results being accomplished.
                What ARE you dribbling about?
                Being a government employee in a government you don't agree with?
                I would say that happens half the time on either side, and if it is so offensive, take a stand and quit and find a new job, or is that too hard for you to do?
                I quit a job because they started to expect me to do things I did not morally agree with, so I quit and found a new job.
                Guess my faith in things working out is better than yours, eh?

                Regarding our current Trump gov't admin -- There is the possibility that President Trump is just speaking out disinformation on purpose to stump the MSM and keep the public from having access to confidential info.
                No, he is just stupid, he can't even keep events that have happened straight in his head.
                But sure, he is playing the long game
                Otherwise, if your going to shout on the mountaintops your exact GPS location and plans, you might as well just toss in the towel and call it quits -- let the enemy divide and conquer, which is pretty much what Obama was doing while he was president (example.. instead of stopping the Islamic State at its infancy in Iraq, he allowed ISIS to grow whereby they then took over territories --with our USA equipment!- and then divided families by killing, kidnapping, or enslaving nearly everywhere they expanded).
                WTF are you dribbling about now?
                Do you understand a damn thing about military strategy and force projection -at all-?

                If anyone thinks Obama could do a better job than Trump, then why not suggest Obama seek after that illustrious position as WORLD leader -- as in the OWG, and set up office over in the EU or somewhere not on USA soil. Let the USA deal with Russia and China on its own standing. The new OWG leader-- hence "president of earth" can protect you little countries from the *crazies* such as NK shaking its fist. Iran is also linked to NK somehow, so they'd also be on that dreaded world threat list.
                Obama would not look for that job, but Trump would.

                Don't worry. I have the utmost confidence the Dems & leftists / socialists will finally have their day ruling the entire planet. When, who and how is the big question. And when such a moment does happen, enjoy it for it might not last as long as it's believed to.
                Yeah, GAWD will fix it, he can't tolerate another single leader as competition............

                No one has to believe any of that.. but I have enough confidence in that part of the equation actually occurring, at least. Do I agree with it? No. I don't have any authority nor power to stop it.. so just go ahead and watch the snowball effect to (fantasy) Utopia or doomsday do its thing.
                Heaven for humans is a fantasy, but hell is just a reality, that's what your faith has taught you?
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  To build the great and glorious WALL some land owners will have their properties taken if they don't let the government buy them. Some of the more wealthy land owners are Trump voters so I'm sure this will make them very happy when their land is taken from them.

                  Well done people, well done.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Well, since their lands are often being run through BY the drug mules, and other assorted illegals crossing it, i am sure they wouldn't mind losing a little to stop it all.


                      So, I've been dealing with a weather migraine, thus have had a headache while reading and writing. Not making excuses, but this is what happens when I am literally feeling "under the weather".

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Just your economy, car manufacturing and world public relationships, bah, not much at all.
                      President Obama bailed out GM vehicle manufacturing 3 times during his 8 year presidential term. That means twice, GM failed on its loans and went under. After their 3rd bailout, GM still went under, and I think finally filed for bankruptcy to pull ahead that way. Bankruptcy is what GM should have done in the first place, instead of having money taken from wherever on wall street bonds/funds (from the rest of us taxpayers not even connected with GM!). Our economy might not be in great shape, but it'd be better than it ended up because of all of those million/billion dollar bailouts.

                      Obama allowed the divisions to fester instead of stopping them promptly. 3-months of "Occupy Wall Street" protests for starters.. Baltimore, MD riots.. Ferguson, MO riots; Oakland, California riots; Seattle, Washington protests; Oregon (violent) protests; etc.. some of those are still ongoing. Who is funding the more violent protesters?

                      Certainly the local gov'ts should have been able to reign the more violent offenders in, so why wait til hours after the situations escalate out-of-control and damage is beyond being just in progress? That's absurdity, but typical with governing officials telling Law Enforcement to keep hands off, until the National Guard has to be called in..?! National Guard is supposed to be there for severe weather assistance and control--not to play babysitters to personalities having anger management issues who can't stop vandalizing or breaking things and hurting innocent people.

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      What ARE you dribbling about?
                      Being a government employee in a government you don't agree with?
                      I would say that happens half the time on either side, and if it is so offensive, take a stand and quit and find a new job, or is that too hard for you to do?
                      I quit a job because they started to expect me to do things I did not morally agree with, so I quit and found a new job.
                      Guess my faith in things working out is better than yours, eh?
                      Gov't tends to exempt itself from its own rules/regs - so it seems, when the opportunity seems convenient for them. Much to the annoyance of the private business sectors.
                      I work in the private sector, not gov't sector, but private sectors operate under compliance of gov't sector. We *are* subject to the rules/regs of gov't operating codes. Businesses and industries of all varieties are especially in need of compliance, lest they get fined/penalized. Comprende?

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      WTF are you dribbling about now?
                      Do you understand a damn thing about military strategy and force projection -at all-?
                      People in the MSM & on discussion board sites, similar to this one -- want President Trump to spill all details of what he's doing, when, where, why, how, etc. That's basically termed as "shouting on the mountaintops" from where I grew up, at least when the media and general public are involved. So, what Trump tells the public may be a completely different item than what is discussed behind doors with his own Admin teams. Military strategy does NOT need to be discussed with the MSM nor the public, until after, and even then if he gets dyslexic in wording, while speaking to the general public (without a teleprompter, btw) -- maybe those details should be left for his leaders to reveal, instead. jeesh!

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Obama would not look for that job, but Trump would.
                      Donald Trump isn't the guy for that job. He isn't desired that much from the other nations. Besides, even with his yuuuuuuuuge ego, I think Donald Trump knows the end results of where that job will lead--Revelation 20. Obama wouldn't probably care about the *superstitious* Revelation end, and Obama seems to be more popular in the world--as he is certainly being hailed as a "hero" among the MSM (he's their "messiah"). Putin isn't the guy, because the MSM won't let him be it.

                      Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, president of Turkey, wants to be leader in the Middle East, so would he be the likely candidate to step forward and resolve the whole "peace" situation over there? Or, would there be someone not yet known in the limelight, so to speak, who remains on the horizon waiting in the wings to become this magnificient world leader?

                      ..Who will fill the job as the first one-world leader? Is there any person popular enough yet, who is also willing to let Israel (this is the key part here) set up their Temple, even if it's only temporary and in a different Jerusalem location than the current Islamic controlled Dome of the Mosque mount..?

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Yeah, GAWD will fix it, he can't tolerate another single leader as competition............
                      (GF) Your mockery obviously reveals that you (still) don't understand, so it's pointless to even try to explain, at least at this moment in time.

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Heaven for humans is a fantasy, but hell is just a reality, that's what your faith has taught you?
                      Whaaaat are you blathering on about? Heaven is as equally real as hell, according to what I was taught. You seem to have got your marbles mixed up here. Matter has anti-matter. Hot is opposite to cold. Up is opposite of down. Opposites exist together.. not one exists exclusively, while the other is a figment of one's imagination. Maybe in the world of unbelievers, life exists with exclusions only --- that sort of way, thus heaven becomes a sheer, mental fantasy to what you just wrote..?

                      Besides, I've had a recent death in the family, and you expect me to look at heaven as fantasy? gagh! Maybe heaven isn't real enough for you and some other folks here, but there's far more involved in *heaven* than just mere words. You seem to have been missing out on some stuff there.
                      Maybe save the rest of that for the "religion" topics, instead.


                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        Well, since their lands are often being run through BY the drug mules, and other assorted illegals crossing it, i am sure they wouldn't mind losing a little to stop it all.

                        A wall won't stop it.
                        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          To build the great and glorious WALL some land owners will have their properties taken if they don't let the government buy them. Some of the more wealthy land owners are Trump voters so I'm sure this will make them very happy when their land is taken from them.

                          Well done people, well done.
                          I don't think that wall is ever going to be built.
                          Only big talk during the campaign...

                          EDIT: another PR-desaster for UA...
                          Last edited by Gatecat; 25 April 2017, 11:55 PM.


                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            President Obama bailed out GM vehicle manufacturing 3 times during his 8 year presidential term. That means twice, GM failed on its loans and went under. After their 3rd bailout, GM still went under, and I think finally filed for bankruptcy to pull ahead that way. Bankruptcy is what GM should have done in the first place, instead of having money taken from wherever on wall street bonds/funds (from the rest of us taxpayers not even connected with GM!). Our economy might not be in great shape, but it'd be better than it ended up because of all of those million/billion dollar bailouts.
                            To be fair, the GM/Chrysler & Bank bailouts were initially negotiated by Bush II, not the former sorry excuse for a president. Obama just signed it after he took office.


                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              Well, since their lands are often being run through BY the drug mules, and other assorted illegals crossing it, i am sure they wouldn't mind losing a little to stop it all.
                              You might be surprised to learn they are, in fact, not happy with the wall idea.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                You might be surprised to learn they are, in fact, not happy with the wall idea.
                                There was a story about one whose house would end up on the Mexican side of the wall..

