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    Yeah, I guess PA doesn't really like animals all that much.
    Police dog left in hot car during training exercise dies

    BELLEFONTE, Pa. – Pennsylvania prison officials are investigating the death of a drug-detecting police dog left in a hot vehicle for 2½ hours during a training exercise.


      The world is ending.. Again


        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          It ended in May when an asteroid hit..

          The world ends every few months..


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post


            How many times now has the world ended?

            You have to love the creative imaginations of those medicated people on youtube.

            The medications must be doing wonders for them.
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              BTW just on Brexit. Is this stuff about the new PM true.......

              See below?

              Voted against the ban on smoking in cars with under 18s, voted against the hunting ban, voted against making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of caste, voted in favour of repealing the Human Rights Act, voted against assisted dying, voted in favour of the Iraq war, voted in favour of bombing Syria, voted in favour of the bedroom tax, voted not to have exclusions from the bedroom tax, voted against a childcare element of Universal Credit, voted against extending contribution-based ESA from one year to at least 730 days, voted against making an exception for those diagnosed with cancer from the 365 days limit on contribution-based ESA, voted in favour of spending cuts to the welfare system, voted in favour of spending on new nuclear weapons, voted in favour of a cut to tax credits, voted in favour of raising the undergraduate tuition fee cap, voted in favour of turning schools into academies, voted against setting a decarbonisation target for the UK and voted in favour of the badger cull.
              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                True, i wouldn't wanna go back there if i had a price on my head. BUT in other situations they just come cause their home country is too poor, corrupt etc.. So why not stay and try to make it BETTER? Rather than coming to the US, and then in many cases, trying to recreate your home country where you now live...
                For the same reasons the following didn't stay in their home countries to make it better:
                Robert Oppenheimer (Big deal in the Manhattan Project)
                Andrew Carnegie (Big deal in American economic history)
                Puritans (First large scale non-Native American settlers)
                Every other important person in American History not born in the US.
                Also, the parents of your lord and savior too.

                This is one of the few things I call a "Stupid Question" for any American above the age of 8 to ask.

                Nope you made your point..
                One more thing that also bugs me. When people point out the high percentage of crimes committed by Black people, they always always fail to mention that a massive bulk of those crimes are nonviolent drug related offenses that tend to carry much longer jail sentences than violent/sex related offenses. They also fail to note that surveyed white people claim to use/sell drugs just as much as black people which adds on another layer to this issue. Why aren't those white people being arrested for the same crimes that black people are being arrested in droves for? I bet if they were, you'd see many of the same issues in white communities as you do in black communities, you know...with all of those fathers being sent to jail for decades at a time for having the audacity to get high on weed.

                Cause with a lot of people it IS all or nothing. Heck look at those supporting Obama when he said "we will only deport criminal aliens".. So what happens, 10000s of them get released FROM prison.. Guess we ain't deporting them..

                Additionally, as i have said before it sends the Wrong message to all those who spend the time and effort coming here LEGALLY and doing the right thing to get citizenship, that 'don't waste the time, cause if you come here illegally, and then spend enough time whining and *****ing, eventually the US people wimp out and cave in to give you amnesty'. It also seems to say that only certain laws are ever going to bother being enforced..
                That makes little sense to me at all. I have no idea what your reasoning is.

                First Paragraph: What do you mean? That the unrealistic number of criminals are being released from prison instead of being deported?

                Second Paragraph: You want to know what message it would send? It would send the message that right winged populists aren't xenophobes. That people do take morality into consideration and make a human choice. That while some people are being deported (Rightfully so), those who do want to make a positive impact to live here are being allowed to because it's simply the right thing to do. To do otherwise, sends the same message that has been received. Republicans hate immigrants, except for the white ones (And even then that's tentative). Right or not, those are the only two messages going out. If you're worried about messages, those are the real ones out there. Anything else is just an invention of your imagination.

                The best solution is simply let the free market take care of things. But it appears that you favor capitalism only when it benefits you. The moment you see any blow back produced by the free market you go screaming into uncle Sam's arms demanding that the "rigged" system get fixed. Can it be that you're simply one of those who lose in the system of free markets?

                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                Getting back to the Dallas issue. I just found out that the newest Miss Black Alabama (sorry but why have a separate ms black anything when there's plenty of blacks in ms America etc), is in the news for PRAISING the Dallas shooter, calling him a Martyr, and saying its hard to be sad about the lost cops (and civilians) lives.

                And the sickest (IMO) part of it all is supposedly many commenters on her video are actually Congratulating her for saying this!??? What the heck over..




                You can bet, if a Ms white anything had said the same thing after Dillan Roof shot up that church in Charleston, there would have been hell to pay, and NO one would be complementing her video..
                There'd be plenty of people. Just read the comments in the youtube video that you linked. Do you seriously think no one would party? What did happen after Dylan Roof's rampage? Oh yeah, I remember people running around with confederate battle flags harassing black neighborhoods. Real classy.

                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                One thing the BLM folks are overlooking that I am reminded of this morning as I hear there has been a 2nd inner city killing in as many days... The biggest threat to young black males is other young black males.
                Why aren't they getting bent out of shape over all the black-on-black violence, which claims more victims than anything else?

                Or do black lives matter only when whites can be blamed?
                The presence of a problem in one area does not mean, nor necessitates, the absence of problems in an other area. BLM is about one specific problem, but you are right that there is a problem elsewhere. Neither cancel each other out nor should they. You're attempt to suggest otherwise is distasteful at best.

                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                Yes, I know, in other cultures and even in our own. animals are sometimes used as food.

                But this is a different situation. The poor thing was a pet, who had probably been taught or learned to trust its human owner, just as my cats trust me even if they don't like what I'm doing at the moment.
                The betrayal that animal must have felt as it was dying at the hands of it's owner must have been horrible. To me, that is the real crime, the betrayal of a trust that is not given easily.
                And don't bother trying to tell me that animals don't feel emotions. They do.
                And people who neuter dogs should be arrested for sexual assault and be placed on the sex offenders registry!
                By Nolamom


                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Getting back to the Dallas issue. I just found out that the newest Miss Black Alabama (sorry but why have a separate ms black anything when there's plenty of blacks in ms America etc), is in the news for PRAISING the Dallas shooter, calling him a Martyr, and saying its hard to be sad about the lost cops (and civilians) lives.

                  And the sickest (IMO) part of it all is supposedly many commenters on her video are actually Congratulating her for saying this!??? What the heck over..




                  You can bet, if a Ms white anything had said the same thing after Dillan Roof shot up that church in Charleston, there would have been hell to pay, and NO one would be complementing her video..
                  Obviously she was wrong and had it not been for social media her opinions would never have been known. She would have figured out her feelings in private instead of broadcast them to all before they were fully processed. She pretty much recanted (in the Fox video in your link) and agreed in calling the shooter a terrorist.

                  I know it’s not the right way to feel, because nobody deserves to lose their lives. I know that those police officers had families and people who loved them and that they didn’t deserve to die,”

                  “But I’m so torn up in my heart about seeing these men, these black men, being gunned down in our community … I wasn’t surprised by what the shooter did to those cops and I think a lot of us feel the same way and I know that it’s not right ... I definitely don’t condone violence against innocent people."

                  She's describing a problem among many black people. If anything, she'd be your poster child for calling out BLM because of what she is describing. She's saying that a lot of black people are frustrated and lashing out and that it is not right. And that she too is one of those black people and it pains her.

                  Then there's this, that you failed to mention, from the usmagazine link:

                  While some commenters thanked her for expressing her opinion, James has received major backlash on social media. She told WPMI that she’s even received threats. One of the wives of a Dallas police officer reached out to her as well.She said that she watched my video and she wasn’t mad, she understood what I was saying and that she forgave me,” James said.

                  They thanked her for pointing out the problem, not claiming that the shooter was a martyr. Way to go on missing the point ten times over. She's expressing the frustration and how that frustration is wrong, and those who complemented are agreeing with her on how twisted the whole thing is...oh yeah. And apparently things aren't going well for her. She doesn't seem to be wining any popularity contests for her comment. She was also placed on leave by her employers too and it appears that she's being disowned by the pageant and the Fox link video states that it has caused "widespread outcry"

                  A woman crying because she isn't feeling sad for the lost officers...she's being honest and recognizing that it is wrong feeling the way she feels. Hardly sounds like someone who is celebrating what happened. That sounds like huge levels of guilt about the matter. Hardly the cold blooded racist you paint her out to be.

                  I also see nothing about a black beauty pageant either. She was The Miss Alabama. Where did you get that information from? It's not in your links...
                  By Nolamom


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Yeah, I guess PA doesn't really like animals all that much.
                    Police dog left in hot car during training exercise dies
                    as per US law don't people normally get indicted on animal cruelty charges for far less than that?
                    I wonder why no charges in this case :|

                    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                    And people who neuter dogs should be arrested for sexual assault and be placed on the sex offenders registry!
                    yeah man don't let them tree-huggers take away our God given right to destroy the Lord's work!
                    Last edited by SoulReaver; 13 July 2016, 05:35 PM. Reason: url


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      I took a look at that first article and she knows it's not right to feel the way she feels -- the woman is conflicted - can you blame her?

                      She's not saying Johnson's a martyr and good riddance to the dead cops - revenge is sweet.
                      She's saying she knows she shouldn't feel this way but she can't help it in light of how many blacks get shot or mistreated.
                      Conflicted, yes. BUT imo saying you understand why he did it and that makes him a martyr, is still somewhat condoning it..

                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      This is totally off-topic, but pisses me off no end.
                      How can someone do this?
                      If convicted, they ought to do the same thing to him.
                      Man that's sick.. And what really irks me off, is often watching shows such as Animal cops and the like, people sick like that rarely receive the punishment they deserve.. Most often its a heafty fine and maybe some days in the county lock up...

                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      Yeah, I guess PA doesn't really like animals all that much.
                      Police dog left in hot car during training exercise dies
                      What the flip!!? I hope that handler never is allowed to work with animals again.. If he's even allowed to remain on the police force and out of jail..

                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      That makes little sense to me at all. I have no idea what your reasoning is.
                      First Paragraph: What do you mean? That the unrealistic number of criminals are being released from prison instead of being deported?
                      Check out sites like Judicial watch or breibart for what i am on about..
                      Nearly 166,000 convicted criminal illegal aliens were released by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as of April, 2014. This is the analysis of 76 pages of DHS documents obtained by Judicial Watch via Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The criminal illegal aliens include rapists, murderers and kidnappers.

                      That's what i was going on about in that first line..

                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      Second Paragraph: You want to know what message it would send? It would send the message that right winged populists aren't xenophobes. That people do take morality into consideration and make a human choice. That while some people are being deported (Rightfully so), those who do want to make a positive impact to live here are being allowed to because it's simply the right thing to do. To do otherwise, sends the same message that has been received. Republicans hate immigrants, except for the white ones (And even then that's tentative). Right or not, those are the only two messages going out. If you're worried about messages, those are the real ones out there. Anything else is just an invention of your imagination.
                      It also says 'don't worry about following the rule of law, as that doesn't matter nearly as much as making people feel good about themselves.

                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      There'd be plenty of people. Just read the comments in the youtube video that you linked. Do you seriously think no one would party? What did happen after Dylan Roof's rampage? Oh yeah, I remember people running around with confederate battle flags harassing black neighborhoods. Real classy.
                      I remember hearing of some praising the flag, but none seemed to praise what roof did..
                      BUT i do agree, if there were people doing that, it was definitely not being a 'class act'.

                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      [COLOR=#000080 I also see nothing about a black beauty pageant either. She was The Miss Alabama. Where did you get that information from? It's not in your links... [/COLOR]
                      When i looked up multiple sites to research the claim i heard, many said 'miss black Alabama' in the title.. Hence me thinking it was a miss black Alabama pageant.. NOT that she was just the first black woman to WIN ms Alabama.. Humble apologies..


                        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                        BTW just on Brexit. Is this stuff about the new PM true.......

                        See below?

                        Voted against the ban on smoking in cars with under 18s, voted against the hunting ban, voted against making it illegal to discriminate on the basis of caste, voted in favour of repealing the Human Rights Act, voted against assisted dying, voted in favour of the Iraq war, voted in favour of bombing Syria, voted in favour of the bedroom tax, voted not to have exclusions from the bedroom tax, voted against a childcare element of Universal Credit, voted against extending contribution-based ESA from one year to at least 730 days, voted against making an exception for those diagnosed with cancer from the 365 days limit on contribution-based ESA, voted in favour of spending cuts to the welfare system, voted in favour of spending on new nuclear weapons, voted in favour of a cut to tax credits, voted in favour of raising the undergraduate tuition fee cap, voted in favour of turning schools into academies, voted against setting a decarbonisation target for the UK and voted in favour of the badger cull.
                        She is the spawn of Satan!


                          Just on this TYT and BLM thing I find the fact that people have to form groups to make a point fascinating. It's like each group has a voice louder then the one next to and and yet we're all the same species so shouldn't we be speaking up as one for each other?

                          I find it interesting that we humans have to split into particular groups and then shout the virtues of that group over another group.

                          We are all human after all so ALM All Lives Matter makes far more sense to me. That's just my quick 10 second view of this but the more I see ourselves splitting and fracturing off into different groups, the more I see this as having the opposite effect of uniting people as one.

                          We're not separate species but one human species, are we not?
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Brexit, so far anyhow, looks like a certain behavior pattern of cats. They meow for hours and scratch at the front door and act all desperate to get out. Yet once you open the door, the stupid furball just sits still in front of it, stares at you and refuses to move.
                            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                              We're not separate species but one human species, are we not?
                              The grand illusion of humankind - that's what that is.

                              *takes needle and bursts Coco Pops' bubble*

                              Originally posted by Womble View Post
                              Brexit, so far anyhow, looks like a certain behavior pattern of cats. They meow for hours and scratch at the front door and act all desperate to get out. Yet once you open the door, the stupid furball just sits still in front of it, stares at you and refuses to move.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                The grand illusion of humankind - that's what that is.

                                *takes needle and bursts Coco Pops' bubble*

                                Cries in the corner hoping for a new bubble.
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

