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    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
    Osama Bin Laden was. I won't be surprised.
    There's tin foil sticking out of your ears...
    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


      Originally posted by garhkal View Post
      Before i get to all the posts above.. i though i would post this..

      OK.. When is enough going to be enough folks. Yet again we have a College/Uni wanting to limit speech, cause it might be micro-aggressing to certain folks...

      As an example of what said 'form' that supposedly came from 2 of the staffers,
      Can't say Happy Christmas now, cause it is offensive to non Christians
      Can't say husband/wife, or Boyfriend/girlfriend in case its offensive to gender queer/non conformists (and transgenders)
      Can't ask someone if they wish to go golfing on the weekend as its potentially offensive to the less 'economically well off, since golf is an expensive game supposedly'
      Can't compliment a woman on her shoes, as that is offensive as it tells her 'you don't value her mind'..

      It finally seems that enough is enough, now.. After outroar on social media, the UNC campus admins had to host a microaggression forum, where they removed an “Employee Forum” post that gave several examples of microaggressions against women, nonwhite people, LGBTQ individuals, those with disabilities and others.

      It seems finally, people are having enough of this stupidity.

      Initial posts on the UNC form..

      And the following day's retraction from UNC..
      I find the term "microaggression" extremely offensive. It minimizes my rage.
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        I am surprised, there's not been chatter here about the incident in Bangladesh.
        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        I did read about these attacks. ISIS has outright claimed responsibility for Baghdad, but I think the one in Bangladesh was a group of local malcontents.
        Malcontents or not, here is the latest from the BBC--
        "Bangladesh attack: Shock over 'elite' Holey Cafe suspects"
        July 4, 2016, (Copyright © 2016 BBC.)

        Well, now that more of the details came out, this shows that the killings span across all age groups and social and economic status levels. Sad news but true ~~ evil hides in many disguises.

        For anyone who's been a victim of and therefore understands evil has no limitations ~~ No surprise there.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Conspiracy theory?

        The only prominent factor about the Islamic State is that the guy who started ISIS/ISIL/I.S. was one of five men down in Gitmo, whom President Obama freed supposedly for "good behavior", etc.
        That is all the public really knows. How it developed prior or since is anyone's guess, outside of what we've heard in the news.
        In most situations, "actions speak louder than words". However, most of the threats the I.S. have spoken of, they have carried thru and accomplished their threats of torture and death, in some of the most gruesome ways. So much for "good behavior" status -- deception ruled as the end result(s).

        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Please, check your sources again, Abu Bakr was never in Gitmo.

        He was held as a civilian prisoner, most likely arrested alongside a suspicious friend, in the Southern Iraqi prison of Camp Bucca.
        Okay, so wrong camp. It is the correct / Right reason, tho.
        'In December 2004, he was released as a "low level prisoner".' (Please see "Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi" for more details.)

        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        Too damn true unfortunately. So much for Obama's constant chirping about they are contained, we have them on the run, they are the JV team etc.
        You'd think by now, people would stop listening to him. Disinformation is a propaganda technique. It's also used to calm the masses and to hopefully prevent hysteria and other forms of disturbances from breaking out, but it seems to not be working in the more conservative media level. That sort of psychology was pointed out on about the 3rd or 4th round of President Obama saying everything is under control,and then all H E double L broke out within days or hours of him declaring that from the I.S. realm. Keeps on happening, too.

        Six more months. . . and then what? Will the voters wake up? Or has the constant pushing for the legalization of formerly declared hallucinogenic weeds lulled more of the population to sleep, not to also mention the other political issues / distractions, or what the latest Hollywood trends are that seem to consume a lot of time.

        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        As to the whole angle of "They hide in amongst civilians, so how many will get killed in collateral damage by attacking them, vs how many die if we do nothing'.. That is a good question. Just taking the past 10 bombings they have caused, it accounts for what, 500+ dead? And that's barely 1 month of work by ISIS and their supporters..
        Speaking of hiding among civilians, looking like the rest of the surrounding populations...
        Oh, here's another one --
        "Emirates Advises Citizens Not To Wear Traditional Dress While Traveling"
        by Merrit Kennedy
        NPR, July 3, 20163:52 PM ET

        Shortly after (next day or hours later?), there were reports of a bombing occurring in the UAE region.
        (sorry, I couldn't find any quick links that read in English without waiting or having a permissions issue, such as CBS!, so here's one that is in English)

        "Suicide Bomber Attacks Near U.S. Consulate in Saudi Arabia"
        Jul. 4, 2016 1:32pm
        (The Blaze) Editor’s Note:
        Story by the Associated Press; curated by Jon Street.


          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          You'd think by now, people would stop listening to him. Disinformation is a propaganda technique. It's also used to calm the masses and to hopefully prevent hysteria and other forms of disturbances from breaking out, but it seems to not be working in the more conservative media level. That sort of psychology was pointed out on about the 3rd or 4th round of President Obama saying everything is under control,and then all H E double L broke out within days or hours of him declaring that from the I.S. realm. Keeps on happening, too.
          A very large percentage of our media refuses to criticize the current occupant of the White House because he's black. The left in this country has the attitude that he is so freakin' awesome that he can't possibly be wrong, so anyone who dares to be critical of him must be a racist bigot. Media outlets do NOT want to be painted with that brush. After all, you couldn't possibly oppose him because he's an idiot.


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Malcontents or not, here is the latest from the BBC--
            "Bangladesh attack: Shock over 'elite' Holey Cafe suspects"
            July 4, 2016, (Copyright © 2016 BBC.)

            Well, now that more of the details came out, this shows that the killings span across all age groups and social and economic status levels. Sad news but true ~~ evil hides in many disguises.

            For anyone who's been a victim of and therefore understands evil has no limitations ~~ No surprise there.

            Okay, so wrong camp. It is the correct / Right reason, tho.
            'In December 2004, he was released as a "low level prisoner".' (Please see "Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi" for more details.)

            You'd think by now, people would stop listening to him. Disinformation is a propaganda technique. It's also used to calm the masses and to hopefully prevent hysteria and other forms of disturbances from breaking out, but it seems to not be working in the more conservative media level. That sort of psychology was pointed out on about the 3rd or 4th round of President Obama saying everything is under control,and then all H E double L broke out within days or hours of him declaring that from the I.S. realm. Keeps on happening, too.

            Six more months. . . and then what? Will the voters wake up? Or has the constant pushing for the legalization of formerly declared hallucinogenic weeds lulled more of the population to sleep, not to also mention the other political issues / distractions, or what the latest Hollywood trends are that seem to consume a lot of time.

            Speaking of hiding among civilians, looking like the rest of the surrounding populations...
            Oh, here's another one --
            "Emirates Advises Citizens Not To Wear Traditional Dress While Traveling"
            by Merrit Kennedy
            NPR, July 3, 20163:52 PM ET

            Shortly after (next day or hours later?), there were reports of a bombing occurring in the UAE region.
            (sorry, I couldn't find any quick links that read in English without waiting or having a permissions issue, such as CBS!, so here's one that is in English)

            "Suicide Bomber Attacks Near U.S. Consulate in Saudi Arabia"
            Jul. 4, 2016 1:32pm
            (The Blaze) Editor’s Note:
            Story by the Associated Press; curated by Jon Street.
            Why would they? In six months we get the same person, or a nutjob? Its too late
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
              You'd think by now, people would stop listening to him. Disinformation is a propaganda technique. It's also used to calm the masses and to hopefully prevent hysteria and other forms of disturbances from breaking out, but it seems to not be working in the more conservative media level. That sort of psychology was pointed out on about the 3rd or 4th round of President Obama saying everything is under control,and then all H E double L broke out within days or hours of him declaring that from the I.S. realm. Keeps on happening, too.

              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              A very large percentage of our media refuses to criticize the current occupant of the White House because he's black. The left in this country has the attitude that he is so freakin' awesome that he can't possibly be wrong, so anyone who dares to be critical of him must be a racist bigot. Media outlets do NOT want to be painted with that brush. After all, you couldn't possibly oppose him because he's an idiot.
              He's not an idiot and certainly not stupid. He knows exactly what he's doing.. but does he know exactly why? It's been believed that what he's doing is following the agenda of the "elites" whoever TPTB are, and acting as a messenger thereof. So whatever happened to (t)his (USA) administration being the MOST transparent of all.. or is that transparency only for TPTB controlling other parts of our planet, and screws to us the people voting our elected officials into office (both sides of the political spectrum, that is)..?

              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
              Six more months. . . and then what? Will the voters wake up? Or has the constant pushing for the legalization of formerly declared hallucinogenic weeds lulled more of the population to sleep, not to also mention the other political issues / distractions, or what the latest Hollywood trends are that seem to consume a lot of time.
              In six months (and even in the months beyond that), a lot of damage can happen -- moreso than the situation we in the USA or the rest of the world currently exists in. And even if Hillary doesn't get voted into presidential office, whoever is might not have much time or means necessary to fix the problems that have been left behind in the many waves of whatever that may be pounding against the shorelines.


                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Well, now that more of the details came out, this shows that the killings span across all age groups and social and economic status levels. Sad news but true ~~ evil hides in many disguises.

                For anyone who's been a victim of and therefore understands evil has no limitations ~~ No surprise there.
                And its not just Bangladesh. Iraq, Saudi, Turkey.. Everywhere it seems is gettnig struck by these sub humans..

                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                You'd think by now, people would stop listening to him. Disinformation is a propaganda technique. It's also used to calm the masses and to hopefully prevent hysteria and other forms of disturbances from breaking out, but it seems to not be working in the more conservative media level. That sort of psychology was pointed out on about the 3rd or 4th round of President Obama saying everything is under control,and then all H E double L broke out within days or hours of him declaring that from the I.S. realm. Keeps on happening, too.
                True, you WOULD think less people would listen to him, especially when the lame stream media seems to be Helping him spread his misinformation, and bending over backwards to NOT challenge him on it all. IMO its part of the reason Trump and sanders had so many votes (trump more so)..

                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Six more months. . . and then what? Will the voters wake up? Or has the constant pushing for the legalization of formerly declared hallucinogenic weeds lulled more of the population to sleep, not to also mention the other political issues / distractions, or what the latest Hollywood trends are that seem to consume a lot of time.
                And it also explains why so many places are pushing to get rid of voter ID laws, while at the same time pushing to get 'proper drivers licenses for illegal immigrants'.. IMO so the dems can set it up to steal the election by flooding it with new voters..


                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Can't say Happy Christmas now, cause it is offensive to non Christians
                  Don't see the issue. Christmas isn't even Christian in origin.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Can't say husband/wife, or Boyfriend/girlfriend in case its offensive to gender queer/non conformists (and transgenders)
                  Who came up with that idea?

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Can't ask someone if they wish to go golfing on the weekend as its potentially offensive to the less 'economically well off, since golf is an expensive game supposedly'
                  It's not "supposedly" expensive. It is an expensive sport.
                  But it doesn't offend me that someone else can play it -- I'm just jealous they have the cash and I don't.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Can't compliment a woman on her shoes, as that is offensive as it tells her 'you don't value her mind'..
                  Oh come one, that one's made up.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  ... microaggressions against women, nonwhite people, LGBTQ individuals, those with disabilities and others.
                  Not to straight, white males?
                  Now, that's discrimination.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  It seems finally, people are having enough of this stupidity.
                  No, they've probably never been on the receiving side of an offending comment. Privileged and all.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Too damn true unfortunately. So much for Obama's constant chirping about they are contained, we have them on the run, they are the JV team etc.
                  Daesh is losing ground. Much more than they are probably willing to admit.
                  However, a trapped animal will lash out in the worst ways possible - cue all the bombings. Latest one in Medina, of all places.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Which imo should tell anyone with half a brain, DON'T release any more damn gitmo detainees!!
                  He wasn't held at Gitmo. And he was a civilian prisoner which was realeased on good behavior. How could anyone have expected him to turn out the head of Daesh. Not you, not I, not anyone. He was an exemplary prisoner who got out on good beahvior.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  And as one commentator on MSNBC said at lunch today, "Part of the issue we are seeing is that right after all these bombings and shootings, ISIS's propaganda machine ramps up, Celebrating the heroic sacrifice made by these martyrs. YET WE don't see anything from our OWN media, let alone the government trying to Counter propaganda that and try to neuter that message of martyrdom.
                  Of course, they are. They are loosing and need the fodder to keep believing.

                  What do you want us to release?

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  As to the whole angle of "They hide in amongst civilians, so how many will get killed in collateral damage by attacking them, vs how many die if we do nothing'.. That is a good question. Just taking the past 10 bombings they have caused, it accounts for what, 500+ dead? And that's barely 1 month of work by ISIS and their supporters..
                  How many would we kill if we just airbombed Raqqa out of existence? 5000??
                  Millions but I guess you don't care as long as it's not your home.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  SO what's your solution to defeating them then oh most awesomely intelligent one??
                  What's yours, right-winger?

                  The coalition has been aiding the rebels, the Iraqi army or what's left of it, the Kurds and the Russians have been aiding Assad in the fight against Daesh (and rebel Syrians fighting Daesh). And it works. They are losing ground, and fighters. Hence why they feel the need to spread more fear because they have to show they still hold all the power.

                  Help the refugees. Help the soldier fighting on the ground (which the air support does), provide them with weapons (something the US has been doing as well).

                  Don't be an idiot who thinks the answer is a nuclear war.

                  Originally posted by Womble View Post
                  I find the term "microaggression" extremely offensive. It minimizes my rage.
                  To be honest, never heard of that term before.

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Okay, so wrong camp. It is the correct / Right reason, tho.
                  'In December 2004, he was released as a "low level prisoner".' (Please see "Abu_Bakr_al-Baghdadi" for more details.)
                  Wikipedia - really?

                  Here we go:

                  "Ibrahim Awad Ibrahim Al Badry, also known as ‘Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’ was held as a ‘civilian internee’ by U.S. Forces-Iraq from early February 2004 until early December 2004, when he was released," the Pentagon said in a statement. "He was held at Camp Bucca. A Combined Review and Release Board recommended ‘unconditional release’ of this detainee and he was released from U.S. custody shortly thereafter. We have no record of him being held at any other time."
                  And no, Obama didn't release him in a swap.

                  Setting the record straight: When did the U.S. free Islamic State leader?

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  You'd think by now, people would stop listening to him. Disinformation is a propaganda technique.
                  I hope you keep that in mind when listening to Trump's speeches.

                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Speaking of hiding among civilians, looking like the rest of the surrounding populations...
                  Oh, here's another one --
                  "Emirates Advises Citizens Not To Wear Traditional Dress While Traveling"
                  Thanks to people like you who think every Muslim is a terrorist.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Not much discrimination going on then, is there?

                    Sorry, GF and Womble, I'm just not buying it. There are far too many examples of successful minorities to sell the discrimination line anymore. Hell, we have a black POTUS.
                    A long time ago, AA was perhaps justified for 10-20 years after equality was legally mandated. But the whole racial argument has degraded into utter nonsense. You are actually more in favor of discrimination than I am, you are just choosing a different form of discrimination.

                    And then we have abuses like this:
                    Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist

                    Examples such as the above show just how far from treating people equally the AA/Diversity crowd has gotten.

                    Long past time to scrap all such programs.

                    Oh, and by the way? As you suspect, my folks were immigrants from Europe. My father grandfather was from Germany, in the period between the 2 world wars where Germany was a primary aggressor nation. You can bet your bottom dollar that German immigrants weren't treated kindly back then.

                    You're changing the subject, none of that has anything to do with affirmative action.

                    Everybody has hurdles they have to overcome. Black, white, orange or purple polka dots. Everyone. Stop trying to blame everything on race.

                    Orange? Polka dots? I hate, I loath it when people do that. Stick to reality. And you do care. You blame crime on race, it's very weird that you're the one asking people to be tolerant towards non-existent races. The NAACP is bad because it's meant to help black people. Feminist groups are bad because it's meant to help women. Any Hispanic who tries to do anything is in the Mexican Government's payroll according to your lord and savior.

                    Name one action, one law, one group that you don't have a problem with that has tried or is trying to correct generations worth of damage done by racism and xenophobia.

                    That's exactly the opposite.
                    While there were indeed racial bias issues back then, that have since been resolved, the middle class did much, much better back then than it does today. The average person, if he was willing to work, could easily earn enough money to comfortably support a family on ONE income. This left the non-working spouse, usually the wife in that era, free to raise the children and tend to the home. In the time since then, numerous changes to the US have decimated the middle class,(for ALL races) where often it takes 2 incomes to provide even a semblance of a comfortable life and often with a very uncertain outlook on the future. This left child rearing to be farmed out to whomever they could find, often poorly paid day care workers these days. If you don't think that has had a negative effect on the quality of child-rearing, well, take a look at the behavior of kids today vs back in the 50's and 60's. That is a huge quality of life issue.

                    Maybe instead of blaming white people for racism several generations ago, we might want to look at undoing some of the changes that have been so destructive to the middle class of ALL races?

                    Give me numbers. I want real numbers to back up your fantasy. In the 1960's entire regions in Appalachia lacked power (real middle class prosperity there huh?). Millions of Americans lacked access to proper schools and education...and even protection under the law. Martin King Jr. was called all sorts of things by white people. Radical, communist, hater of America etc... It wasn't a simple "bias" it was straight forward racist policies and laws meant to keep anyone who wasn't white from any form of prosperity....from being part of this fictitious middle class of yours.
                    By Nolamom


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Don't see the issue. Christmas isn't even Christian in origin.
                      While technically true, it HAS become to symbolize Christ's birth.. And presents!!!
                      BUT the whole 'don't say it cause it might offend, is as dumb to me as saying 'don't fly an American flag outside your house cause illegal immigrants living down the road might get offended...

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Who came up with that idea?
                      Reading the articles, it seems some liberal dunces who worked for the college.

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      It's not "supposedly" expensive. It is an expensive sport.
                      But it doesn't offend me that someone else can play it -- I'm just jealous they have the cash and I don't.
                      In initial outlay, yes. Compare say to lacross, or hockey.. BUT the price to play once you have everything is (per hour) rather cheap. Go bowling for 3 games these days, and with shoe rental, you can easily play 10 bucks for around an hour... Going golfing and you are playing a good 4-5 hours...

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Oh come one, that one's made up.
                      Unfortunately no its not..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Not to straight, white males?
                      Now, that's discrimination.
                      It certainly is, but if you have not noticed, it seems that its OK to discriminate against males, whites, conservatives/christians..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      No, they've probably never been on the receiving side of an offending comment. Privileged and all.
                      I've been offended many a time. Doesn't mean i now want what ever was said banned..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Daesh is losing ground. Much more than they are probably willing to admit. However, a trapped animal will lash out in the worst ways possible - cue all the bombings. Latest one in Medina, of all places.
                      Doesn't seem like they are losing ground. BUT i do agree, the lashing out is very dumb, with hitting a LOT of fellow muslim sites. its like they don't care if their FELLOW muslims hate them or not..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      What do you want us to release?
                      Maybe counter propoganda showing how sick these attacks are, and that those who DO become suicide bombers, won't go to heaven, get 72 virgins etc..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Millions but I guess you don't care as long as it's not your home.
                      And how many hundreds of thousands are already dead in all the bloody bombings, beheadings, car bombs, shootings etc?

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      What's yours, right-winger?
                      As i said before, we should have gone in with a heavy hammer right from the get go. Wipe them out before they got so frikken large..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      To be honest, never heard of that term before.
                      There's been several posts on this site, mentioning how many schools (especially in the people's republik of commiefornia) are squelching speech cause they term some speech as 'micro-aggression'..


                        Well, many of us called it, but Comey shows just how 2 tiered justice is. ONe for politicians, and one for us with his announcement that Hillary won't get any charges..


                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          Well, many of us called it, but Comey shows just how 2 tiered justice is. ONe for politicians, and one for us with his announcement that Hillary won't get any charges..
                          I have no doubt that orders came directly from the White House not to indict.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Daesh is losing ground. Much more than they are probably willing to admit.
                            You seem to be listening to too much of the news propaganda surrounding them.
                            I take a wait and see approach. Their resilient enough to keep bouncing back, and it wouldn't be surprising if the very last one of them got killed off, someone somewhere would probably be inspired enough to pick up from they left off.. history repeats itself..

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            And he was a civilian prisoner which was realeased on good behavior. How could anyone have expected him to turn out the head of Daesh. Not you, not I, not anyone. He was an exemplary prisoner who got out on good beahvior.
                            Exactly. Which is why even the quietest ones with honorably, good behavior cannot be trusted.
                            My parents always warned me to watch out for the quiet ones.. because they cannot be totally trusted. I found that out the difficult route with several people I trusted too much (due to my naivity), and got betrayed by each one ~~ when I least expected it.. it was like being ambushed into a bad situation in each case.

                            So, my learning experience from that has forced me to *not* trust every Tom, Dick, and Harriet who comes across my various encounters. It got so bad, even from our own (distant) family members, that it would take maybe 100 years for that other person to prove their goodness, before I might start trusting them wholly again. Yes, that is an exaggeration, but that decision came at a hefty price in each situation.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Wikipedia - really?
                            The info I quoted was reliable -- as it was in the news in several different places (now probably archived). Wikipedia just happened to be a quickstop in retrieving it.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I hope you keep that in mind when listening to Trump's speeches.
                            I do. Besides, I might not be voting for him, anyway.
                            Except even if Trump got elected, there'd be too much opposition that might toss him out before his 4 years would be complete.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Thanks to people like you who think every Muslim is a terrorist.
                            That's your opinion. You keep harping on this.
                            Maybe some people's experiences have caused them not to be so trusting, because they've been ambushed and their names ended up on someone's targeted *hit* list. It's easy to forgive, but not easy to forget.

                            If the few really good Muslims would not cave in to peer pressure of their own more aggressive peers, maybe they would be okay neighbors. Just don't step out of line according to the Islamic doctrine and Sharia Law, and give "Allah" praise, etc. and maybe you get to live. That's "Allah" not "Abba" (which Abba means *father* in Latin/Greek... but it seems like apparently someone mistranslated Abba and thought what they may have heard was "Allah" along the way, instead.. thus, there is no "Abba" God in Islam--as "Allah" is not a Father and has no Son, but there is in Christianity.. and Messianic Judaism.. *Abba* is head of *family* unit).
                            Last edited by SGalisa; 05 July 2016, 04:46 PM. Reason: correction


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Thanks to people like you who think every Muslim is a terrorist.
                              says she who thinks every straight male is a macho

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              Can't compliment a woman on her shoes, as that is offensive as it tells her 'you don't value her mind'..
                              it is offensive
                              that's why I compliment them on their butts instead

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              Feminist groups are bad


                                And for SGAlisa and others....... On the subject of Propaganda....

                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

