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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    Wait till they find XXY then that theory goes out the window too...
    And trisomy (any kind of trisomy) is called a chromosomal ABNORMALITY for a reason


      Heard this last night on a radio talk show i hit while scanning channels out shopping for some pancake syrup..

      Apparently some gal out in LA was supposedly pushing for all females, even those WITHOUT kids to get maternity leave calling it "Me-ternity" leave...
      ???? WTF


        Of course, it's for "Equality", right?
        This kind of thing, asking for preferential treatment, makes it harder for legitimate issues to be given fair hearing.


          And, on a related note, I just can't wait to see who complains about this:

          WASHINGTON – The House Armed Services Committee approved an annual defense policy bill early Thursday morning that includes a provision that would require women to register with the Selective Service System.


            I support it. If we are all about gender equality women n should be drafted as well
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Just wait till we see who squawks first, and probably loudest.


                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                Heard this last night on a radio talk show i hit while scanning channels out shopping for some pancake syrup..

                Apparently some gal out in LA was supposedly pushing for all females, even those WITHOUT kids to get maternity leave calling it "Me-ternity" leave...
                ???? WTF


                Twerp, the gal, not you Garhkal

                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                I support it. If we are all about gender equality women n should be drafted as well
                Im with Jel on this


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Just wait till we see who squawks first, and probably loudest.
                  In my experience, the angriest are always the loudest.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Usually the minority too...


                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      I support it. If we are all about gender equality women n should be drafted as well
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Just wait till we see who squawks first, and probably loudest.
                        True. I wonder if and when it does get passed, which women's rights org will be schreaking the loudest?


                          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                          True. I wonder if and when it does get passed, which women's rights org will be schreaking the loudest?
                          Are you under the mistaken belief that people who want equality are equal to misandry?
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I support it. If we are all about gender equality women n should be drafted as well
                            Yea but last time i checked, it primarily was the military opposing women in service.

                            Of course, considering modern warfare, old arguments like women being less physically fit or distracting the men don't really apply.


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Are you under the mistaken belief that people who want equality are equal to misandry?
                              Probably not. He's probably pointing out the same thing that I was; that the women's rights groups don't really want equality, the just want to take the good parts and leave the rest as it is. They want a superior position, not just to be treated equally. This tendency seems to apply to most "groups" who go on about wanting equality, not just women.

                              Case in point for the women's equality issue, though. About 30 years ago, the Pennsylvania state insurance board decided that in going with the general sweep toward equality at the time, men and women should be paying equal amounts for their auto insurance. And of course, the insurance industry didn't lower the men's rates to what women paid, they raised the rates for women.

                              Guess who was first in line to scream like stuck pigs? Women's groups, the very same ones who were pushing for "equality"; effectively proving their hypocrisy.

                              If you want equality, fine, have equality. But you have to take the good with the bad. No special exemptions, set-asides or any other felgercarb. Just equal treatment for all. But that isn't really what most of these groups are about, is it?


                                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

                                Aren't they still male?
                                They are indeed still considered male, though will not always look the part. It doesn't sound like a very pleasant abnormality of the chromosomes either.

                                It's called the Klinefelter syndrome.

                                Klinefelter syndrome is a chromosomal condition that affects male physical and cognitive development. Its signs and symptoms vary among affected individuals.

                                Affected individuals typically have small testes that do not produce as much testosterone as usual. Testosterone is the hormone that directs male sexual development before birth and during puberty. A shortage of testosterone can lead to delayed or incomplete puberty, breast enlargement (gynecomastia), reduced facial and body hair, and an inability to have biological children (infertility). Some affected individuals also have genital differences including undescended testes (cryptorchidism), the opening of the urethra on the underside of the penis (hypospadias), or an unusually small penis (micropenis).

                                Older children and adults with Klinefelter syndrome tend to be taller than their peers. Compared with unaffected men, adults with Klinefelter syndrome have an increased risk of developing breast cancer and a chronic inflammatory disease called systemic lupus erythematosus. Their chance of developing these disorders is similar to that of women in the general population.

                                Children with Klinefelter syndrome may have learning disabilities and delayed speech and language development. They tend to be quiet, sensitive, and unassertive, but personality characteristics vary among affected individuals.
                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                As that news links showed, its already happened...
                                Yes, it has. It would be surprising if it hadn't happened.
                                But that still doesn't make it right to deny a transgender access to the toilet they identify with.

                                I see you still haven't responded to the picture I posted, so I assume you're just totally clueless and have never met a transgender in your life. But why would they - you are convinced they're sick in the head.

                                That I'm sick in the head, and I don't even identify as a transgender, but more genderqueer.

                                Here, read about your mythical predator some more - you'll love it...

                                The imaginary predator in America's transgender bathroom war
                                Sexual Abuse Survivors Want Conservative Politicians To Knock It Off With ‘Bathroom Predator’ Myth

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Exactly. Or those people who say they 'hear voices'.. What makes THeir "Mental disorder" one worthy of locking them up, but someone who says "I care not what my DNA is, i damn well think i am a X"..Why is one disorder bad, and the other not?
                                Because people who hear voices generally suffer from delusions brought on by mediciation or drugs, or suffer from schizophrenia which can be contained with the right medication. Also, people who hear voices have violent tendencies and can be a threat to themselves and others.

                                For example: the guy who shot up a planned parenthood clinic heard voices and they told him to do God's work

                                Hearing voices is also not always a sign of a mental illness, but then they are classified as a auditory hallucination.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Then what else IS it?? I have not seen any studies showing its a lack of XYZ gene in someone, or a chemical imbalance, or a mutation to some strand in their DNA.. So logically the only other thing it can be IS mental.
                                It's not mental -- it's biological.

                                Is There Something Unique about the Transgender Brain?
                                Imaging studies and other research suggest that there is a biological basis for transgender identity

                                By Francine Russo on January 1, 2016 (Scientific American)

                                What’s in a Gender? Studies of Brain Structure Find Evidence for Neurological Basis of Transgender Identity
                                By Josh Gamble on May 19, 2014

                                Science Just Proved That Being Transgender Is Not a Phase
                                By Julie Zeilinger February 04, 2015

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                She had a bible verse and those above her felt 'it would be too religiousizing the workplace.
                                How would you feel if I put a transgender quote on our desktop. Or a line from the Quran? Or a pagan quote?

                                Religion has no place in a workplace especially, and unless your workstation is yours alone you have no business putting that up on your desktop.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                BUT why is that wrong/bad/not allowable, but giving someone a 'waiver' from having to conform to uniform regs for THEIR religion ok?? ITs a double standard to me..
                                I fail to see the double standard -- probably because it's a sikh vs a catholic woman.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Firms already do so, in relation to whom they hire if say they are a butchers/meat packing facility. Or as i have mentioned before, in relation to Ageism.. So why is it ok there, but not against wanting to hire say muslims, sihks, or XYZ religion who would require too much time off of work to 'do their thing' which would cause productivity declines?? Or is religion bad to discriminate against, but age ok??
                                Turning away applicants for a job on the basis of being too old, colored, religion-based, gender, sexuality is all considered discrimination. But that's where I'm at.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                And what anatomical function is it 'hitting' to allow a male who thinks they are female, to go into the Gal's room when they can service that in the male's room???
                                You wouldn't even know they were male, and you'd think "Wow, she's not supposed to be in here!" and tell her kindly she just took the wrong door.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Nothing. They are both thinking they are something they are not.
                                And you're thinking you are so smart while in fact you're a complete idiot.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Or people thinking you can not just live on an all veggie diet, but now MANY vegans are around..
                                You do know that vegans and vegetarians aren't the same thing, right?
                                I mean, you better not call a vegetarian a vegan and vice versa.

                                They both don't eat meat-products but that's where the similarity ends.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                And the only reason that is now no longer seen as a mental disorder is cause liberals got docs to CHANGE it.
                                No, because research is being done.
                                Liberals got nothing to do with it. Smart people with degrees.

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Keeping with the Tuna/salmon/what ever else analogy, if i am making a Tuna salad, i don't wanna open a can of say Kippers.
                                Then read the label better next time - or buy a pair of glasses cause you're eyesight is going.

                                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                                And trisomy (any kind of trisomy) is called a chromosomal ABNORMALITY for a reason
                                An abnormality yes - your point?

                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Apparently some gal out in LA was supposedly pushing for all females, even those WITHOUT kids to get maternity leave calling it "Me-ternity" leave...
                                ???? WTF

                                I'm sure we're all craving more vacation days, but that's just ridiculous.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Of course, it's for "Equality", right?
                                This kind of thing, asking for preferential treatment, makes it harder for legitimate issues to be given fair hearing.
                                Equality has nothing to do with preferential treatment, but you're as stubborn as a mule to understand that.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                And, on a related note, I just can't wait to see who complains about this:

                                I applaud the idea, even if it's only symbolic.

                                "The requirement that women register for the draft would be more a symbolic measure than a practical one, as the U.S. hasn't used a draft system since the Vietnam War."

                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                I support it. If we are all about gender equality women n should be drafted as well

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                About 30 years ago, the Pennsylvania state insurance board decided that in going with the general sweep toward equality at the time, men and women should be paying equal amounts for their auto insurance. And of course, the insurance industry didn't lower the men's rates to what women paid, they raised the rates for women.
                                Bad example of equality but great example for how companies think to get more money.

                                Over here car insurances are calculated on age and how long you've been driving, and whether you've had any prior accidents. Youngsters therefor have cars and the parents take on the insurance, cause it's ridiculously high for young drivers.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                If you want equality, fine, have equality. But you have to take the good with the bad. No special exemptions, set-asides or any other felgercarb. Just equal treatment for all. But that isn't really what most of these groups are about, is it?
                                It's exactly what these groups want, you just don't want to get it. And there always exceptions who think they can get more for less.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

