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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    The police can't go out and drive while drunk any more than any other citizen can.
    you forgetting where you live?


      It's relevant Falcon because it's the same principle, rules are rules and you cannot pick and choose which ones apply to you. Student/teacher relationships are strictly forbidden (even written into the law over here) so is the possession or distribution of pornagraphic material whilst on school premises (among other things).

      She had porn on her phone while on school premises, it's irrelevant that it was here own porn, she is an adult and has as much responsibility as the next person to ensure children are not exposed to pornographic content (again that's written into the law here), over here she would also have been sacked, procesucted, probably jailed and added to the sex offenders register (forever barring her from working with children again) for what she did, infact someone was just recently, I'll try and find the article but can't make any promises (although this was porn on a laptop, not a phone, the principle remains the same).

      I totally accept that the kids were also wrong, and agree they should be prosecuted too, but this isn't a case of someone's privacy being violated through malicious means, she left her phone on the desk in full knowledge it contained pornographic content that could be accessed by minors (because she'd previously given them the password), so she is not the sharpest knife in the draw and not innocent.

      It's probably best we refrain from talking about my neighbour, as that's an ongoing situation.


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Also, your private life is yours to do with as you like, and none of your professionals' life business.

        It's unfortunate that does kids took disadvantage of the phone being there. And stupid of her to give out her password.

        Therefor the punishment, I find, is quite harsh on her, while the kids got a proverbial slap on the wrist.
        yeah...if she'd just kept it in her purse and locked her purse away in something like say a lockable drawer and not let her students use it and even been stupid enough to give out the passcode this wouldn't even be an issue since the kid would have to likely brute force entry into the locked drawer or closet or whatever and in that event I could just about guarantee that the kid would be in a lot more trouble for destruction of school property than the teacher would be in for bringing her own phone which just happened to contain some pictures that were supposed to be private onto school premises here in the states


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          You could apply that to any Job.
          How much do the people you work for "own" you?
          Can Police drink, and then go out sober the next day to run DWI tests?
          Can a Stock market guru snort a load of coke and make you money the next day?

          Where is the line between personal and professional life?
          Exactly. While i can understand SOME professions limiting what someone does off duty (hospital worker not doing drugs or getting too drunk since they are on call all the time, or a worker for Coke not being allowed to drink pepsi products), i DO think that firms otherwise telling you want you can or can't do when you are not at work is NOT Kosher..
          Such as when one firm (can't remember its name) early last year came out telling workers, "you won't have any tobacco products, on or off duty.."..

          That is in NO way right..

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Since when is drinking illegal? The police can't go out and drive while drunk any more than any other citizen can.
          Since when is smoking illegal?? BUT look at the # of work places you are no longer able to smoke (and in some cases even when not at work/in the office)..

          Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
          It's relevant Falcon because it's the same principle, rules are rules and you cannot pick and choose which ones apply to you. Student/teacher relationships are strictly forbidden (even written into the law over here) so is the possession or distribution of pornagraphic material whilst on school premises (among other things).

          She had porn on her phone while on school premises, it's irrelevant that it was here own porn, she is an adult and has as much responsibility as the next person to ensure children are not exposed to pornographic content (again that's written into the law here), over here she would also have been sacked, procesucted, probably jailed and added to the sex offenders register (forever barring her from working with children again) for what she did, infact someone was just recently, I'll try and find the article but can't make any promises (although this was porn on a laptop, not a phone, the principle remains the same).
          So by that logic, all these kids who sext and stuff should also be punished for 'having porn on school property'..


            ^^ Technically yes, but I agree it's a black hole of logic to work out. Perhaps it would be better to educate everybody, not just kids, as to why leaving selfieporn on your phone is not a good idea, in any circumstances. This is a relatively new problem, back when I was their age you still had porn, but you didn't go round taking nude photo's of yourself and hand them out to the class each morning, we had more self respect, it was hidden under the bed in a shoebox lol.


              Since when does nudity equal porn?

              Cause in that case, a lot more students are in toruble than teachers....
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                Because *snort*....

                Pro-gun activist shot by 4-year old son
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Read that, too in our newspaper today. Good shot. Do you think mommy is proud of him now? Seriously, so NOT feeling sorry for the mother, but for the boy. He's probably traumatised for life, if he realized what happend.


                    Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
                    Do you think mommy is proud of him now?
                    According to the now-removed-FB-page he got his kicks with a .22 so I guess she should be as this was a .45.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      I wonder if mommy refused to let him buy sweeties from the corner shop?


                        This afternoon i just had to hang my head and cry as to the stupidity of yet MORE college students (heck can we call them students any more)?
                        Seems students at the Western washington uni are just the latest in a bunch of whiny college brats DEMANDING stuff from the colleges.. And one of those items they demanded is the formation of a NEW college exclusively focused on Social justice.. And said the SCHOOL should bloody well pay for it, not them.
                        And one of the linked demands for that formation, is that the STUDENT body gets to form a 15 member 'council' which has authority to fire/discipline ANY worker at the college for any micro-aggression, even the university police..
                        What the f over??




                        Things like this just make me MORE fearful for the future of our nation and our constitution. What ever happened to freedom of speech?


                          Free speech hasn't existed in academia for a long time now.
                          Isn't it amazing how people who so stridently insist that their viewpoints be accepted are so intolerant of other viewpoints?
                          It's one of the main reason I have absolutely no respect for such whiners.


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            This afternoon i just had to hang my head and cry as to the stupidity of yet MORE college students (heck can we call them students any more)?
                            Seems students at the Western washington uni are just the latest in a bunch of whiny college brats DEMANDING stuff from the colleges.. And one of those items they demanded is the formation of a NEW college exclusively focused on Social justice.. And said the SCHOOL should bloody well pay for it, not them.
                            And one of the linked demands for that formation, is that the STUDENT body gets to form a 15 member 'council' which has authority to fire/discipline ANY worker at the college for any micro-aggression, even the university police..
                            What the f over??




                            Things like this just make me MORE fearful for the future of our nation and our constitution. What ever happened to freedom of speech?
                            is it a private or public university? (are the students clients or just beneficiaries?)


                              This looks like a neat idea.. I hope it becomes law and other states follow suit:


                              If a bill passed by the Mississippi House becomes law, students won’t be the only ones receiving grades from teachers.

                              Under House Bill 4, also known as the Parent Involvement and Accountability Act, teachers would be required to grade parents’ involvement with their children’s education.

                              The legislation, by state Rep. Gregory Holloway (D-Hazlehurst), would mandate a section be added to each child’s report card on which the parents are graded on their responsiveness to communication with teachers, the students’ completion of homework and readiness for tests, and the frequency of absences and tardiness
                              The next logical step would be finding a way to hold "failing" parents accountable.


                                I wonder how long before some bleeding heart starts whining about the poor, helpless home intruder and wants the homeowner charged with murder.


                                A capital murder suspect who busted out of a jail in Mississippi last week tied up a family at a home in Vicksburg Thursday morning before one of the homeowners broke loose and killed the intruder, investigators revealed.

                                Police said the unnamed homeowner shot Rafael McCloud in the head. The entire encounter lasted roughly three hours.

                                McCloud fought with the husband and wife, stabbing the man in the shoulder, Vicksburg Police Chief Walter Armstrong said. The wife also had injuries, but not enough to go to the hospital. The toddler was not hurt.

                                At some point after being tied up, one of the couple managed to get a gun they had at the home and shot McCloud, the chief said. He did specify exactly who got free and how they did so.

