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ABC's of Stargate ver.1

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    XYZ says some things are of God's design and handiwork, and shouldn't be messed with.

    A - And we start again. It was sunny here, but cold, only in the 30's. Brrrrrrr!

    B - Been helping give my mom ideas and my opinions on her new home she just got. She will be moved in hopefully by my birthday in June (I hope!).
    Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
    (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


      C - colourful pictures of horses and video of doggie, know they are fine


        D - Discrimination is not God's design, it's the people who discriminate.

        E - Every one should be discriminated against at least once in their lifetime to fully understand what it means to be given the short end of the stick. To feel what's like to be rated second class citizens.

        F - Frell it, today my entire nose is closed for business... ...I'm going through my stash of tissues at lightspeed...
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          G - good to mention discrimination, it's soo easy to forget about it and it happens anywhere any time
          H - had a very surprising visitor yesterday - HAPPY
          I - I struggle every day and I'm getting better and better, but believe me, a simple cold would have been enough!!!!
          CARPE DIEM


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            D - Discrimination is not God's design, it's the people who discriminate.
            J - Just have to say you're right. Discrimination isn't God's design. But being gay, same sex marriages, etc., are not of God's design. That's what I meant.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            E - Every one should be discriminated against at least once in their lifetime to fully understand what it means to be given the short end of the stick. To feel what's like to be rated second class citizens.
            K - Kind of feel discriminated against now myself, as I have mental and emotional disabilities, not to mention a really bad back/neck, and people think I'm just faking it. I'm not.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            F - Frell it, today my entire nose is closed for business... ...I'm going through my stash of tissues at lightspeed...
            L - Lousy I felt on Thursday as I woke up with a bad migraine. It actually made me throw up. I feel loads better now, especially after seeing my chiropractor and getting an adjustment. So I hope you feel better soon too, FH.
            Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
            (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


              M- Mwha? If your god created all humans in his image then he created gay people. They are of his design. To question their existence, to discriminate against them simply for being who they are, is to question your god's plan.

              Yes, I cheated. No I don't care.


                N - Not so. Yes, He created all humans in His image, but He didn't create the gay part. It says in the Bible that those who commit homosexuality shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. (check out 1 Corinth. 6:9-10, NLT) But this is only what I and millions of others around the world believe.
                Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


                  Or! I won't do that. You complain about discrimination because of your disabilities. But are more than willing to discriminate against an entire subset of the human population because of your interpretation of one paragraph in an old book.

                  There are many more that say women are property and must do as the menfolk say. Do you believe those parts too?


                    P - PH is right. If there is a god then he doesn't make any difference who or what sb is!
                    Q - question: Isn't there always more than one interpretation?
                    R - Right, I don't believe in a god of whatever kind but I know about books of whatever kind!!!
                    CARPE DIEM


                      Originally posted by imzadi35 View Post
                      J - Just have to say you're right. Discrimination isn't God's design. But being gay, same sex marriages, etc., are not of God's design. That's what I meant.
                      S - So, just to be clear, you do realize you're telling this to a gay person, right. Were you the one engaged? Cause I may have to go back on my congrats for that, if you can't grant me the same courtesy when the time comes. After all, love = love!

                      For the record, I currently have no girlfriend to speak of so whether I'll ever be married is yet to be seen, or adopt children (unless I have a wife who wants to go through pregnancy) or not have children (also to be seen).

                      T - The nose is still runny. Blasted through all my tissues and had to buy more. And then we bought even more just to be on the safe side. I'm hoping that tomorrow will see the end of my cold-issues. Cause I've had enough...
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        U - uuups, we don't live in the Middle Ages any more!!! If there is a great Arbitrary anywhere looking down on us - why should he condemn homosexuality?
                        V - very different things should be condemned: discrimination, abuse, war, hunger etc.
                        CARPE DIEM


                          W - Well, here I am, home... Doctor's appointment at 1 in the afternoon. I'm guessing the mother of all colds is in fact the flu in disguise. I've been sounding like a wounded elephant, but the herd wouldn't come.

                          X - X-Files with Scully (and Mulder) brightening my day.

                          Y - You'd think though I would have better things to do but thanks to this flu or cold, all I can really do is hang around in the couch.

                          Z - Zoo, I should visit, cause I saw they have a bunch of little animals. Especially the lion triplets look cute.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            A - all the best and enjoy the days off
                            B - better being on the couch with TV and a cold than at the office with work and a cold
                            C - curious : were you in Gent?
                            CARPE DIEM


                              D - Doing nothing as the doc gave me two days to get back on my feet. And I also learned I have a body temperature of 35.1° Celsius -- 2 degrees below average. Odd.

                              Originally posted by Anja View Post
                              C - curious : were you in Gent?
                              E - Exactemundo, I was at FACTS in Ghent. Two days though as I am a member of a band of replica propbuilders. if you've seen pictures or videos and spotted the TIE-interceptor, or the AT-AT or Rey's speeder, or the snowspeeder, or the bikerscout, or the Stargate -- that's us. I was keeping an eye on the stargate.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                F - fine work as far as I can tell from the photos
                                G - good time to remember?
                                H - hard days???
                                CARPE DIEM

