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Tracking Earth's Future via Current Events, etc.

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
    What I said... the brain giving you a perfectly good explanation.

    Like seeing animals or shapes in clouds... one of my favorite things to do.
    Well, (I'm guessing) at least you (FH) enjoy doing that. Keeps the brain healthy and creative from falling into depression from total boredom.

    Obviously the brain goes into creative overdrive at times, but that is how artists are born, grow, and continue expanding that library of amazing details. Ever imagine a flying dragon or land dinosaur with fur? Why make them all reptilian looking only? Add some fur or feathers, and a whole new species is revealed.

    Ever hear the expression "the mind is a terrible thing to waste". . . ?
    Well, when a creative, especially artistic and talented mind is NOT being destructive or vandalistic or harmful to anyone's health, it can achieve amazing things.

    I've seen hundreds of folks stuck in nursing homes, just sitting somewhere in time staring out into space. Some of them are on psychotropic drugs to counteract their (bad) behaviors. Others just mumble away remembering their previous years living with better and/or worse events. For many of them, life is nearing the end of the road, so they merely drift along and let their minds wander. Some people with artistic skills put some of their free time into art and design projects, similar to their old school art/design project days.

    If (generic) you had oodles and oodles of free time available, how would you live it?
    Better yet, if (generic) you were God, what would you do with all of your amazing talents?

    Maybe God got tired of making duplications of cookie cutter type planets, and made some that had swirls and others with straight lines. S/He made textures -- smooth ground foundations vs. rough mountain ranges. How about make some mountains as flat topped canyon drop-off areas both above on land as well as below the ocean waters? Planet after planet in our own solar system, apart from earth, everything else seems to have pot marked craters and frozen nothingness on them. Where was the variety out there? Oh, Saturn has a bunch of rings, but wow! Neptune also has a ring around it, too..!

    Mars has an interesting land region that contains a few artistic impressions in actual land formation of life on earth. So, why just do that for MARS only? Why not make a familiar shape, like a Valentine heart and embed that onto the most farthest known planet in earth's own solar system? But why not also move the mineral composition to reveal a "broken heart" as well... spice things up a little bit? That might shock a few simple minded brains back on earth to *think* about how those shapes actually formed into their specific designs on other planets. It would take an amazing amount of probable odds for objects as large as those to just have something coincidentally simply land into the shape or position its shadows appear as.

    Without our current technologies, I doubt if these few outer space discoveries would have ever been seen.

    When I went to school, the stars in the sky were just there. Maybe other stuff was out there, but well beyond our limited viewing abilities. Yeah, we learned from science and history classes that primitive telescopes theorized about what the rest of the universe looked like. If there were other planets and galaxies. We couldn't see them, until Hubble and other modern telescopes and space probes took pictures of what their instruments captured across the zillion miles of sky. Our sky wasn't just dotted with stars. Some of those very stars were actually whole, entire galaxies, full of more zillions of stars and planets, and maybe E.T. life.

    Also, some of the nebulas weren't just blobs of dust and gas clouds, but when colorized with enhanced lens or whatever it is that reads the chemical and mineral content floating around *out there*. Some of these nebulas actually contain shapes or look like objects, which our human minds are familiar with. It was the scientists who named such nebulae with whatever they thought it appeared as.

    see Hubble's nebulae picture gallery at--

    Oh, and if you're God, why just make nebulas as explosive blobs of gas and dust? Why not throw a "curve ball" into the standard packaged mix, and make a square or rectangular shaped nebula?

    "Near-Perfect Symmetry Revealed in Red Cosmic Square"
    by Ker Than, Staff Writer, April 12, 2007 02:00pm ET

    ...and this one below... tho I find it difficult to see a square shape in this picture...

    "IC 4406: A Seemingly Square Nebula"
    ( 2008 July 27 )

    Yeah, that one threw an atheist for a few loops into "how did *that* happen. I read her puzzled comment, and I just smiled. Why does everything have to fit inside a neat and tidy box for our brains to comprehend *always* on our terms? Maybe that is why these abnormalities exist. To make us think that there are far more details involved in the complexities of our universe, than the level(s) of acceptance our "boxed brain" (or mind) will permit.


      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Obviously the brain goes into creative overdrive at times, but that is how artists are born, grow, and continue expanding that library of amazing details.
      The thing I'm talking about isn't just something artists or creative people do... The scientific name is pareidolia and it's at length explained in this article, also referring to the crab-like creature people saw on Mars: Why Your Brain Thinks This Picture Shows a Giant, Martian Crab Monster (source:

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Ever imagine a flying dragon...
      While they are not flying, more like lying around my car... I don't need to imagine they exist. And actual dragons can't fly.

      Komodo Dragon

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      ...or land dinosaur with fur? Why make them all reptilian looking only? Add some fur or feathers, and a whole new species is revealed.
      Here you go, paleontological evidence that dinosaurs had feathers... Yes, Jurassic World has it wrong.
      Most Dinosaurs May Have Sported Birdlike Feathers

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      [COLOR="#800080"]If (generic) you had oodles and oodles of free time available, how would you live it?
      Generic me would spend every single second of it reading, learning, discovering and enjoying the world around me. Knowledge is power.
      I'd go out into the wild and endlessly observe the world.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Better yet, if (generic) you were God, what would you do with all of your amazing talents?
      With great power, comes great responsibility. And even though we will always claim to use such powers for good, it will eventually corrupt and bring you down.

      But if I had the power of god-like magnitude... I'd bring back every extinct animal that ever existed, including the dinosaurs.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      After we gave the poor fella glasses, cause he was nearsighted.

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Yeah, that one threw an atheist for a few loops into "how did *that* happen.
      And the quite simple answer is: the way we do math...

      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
      Why does everything have to fit inside a neat and tidy box for our brains to comprehend *always* on our terms? Maybe that is why these abnormalities exist. To make us think that there are far more details involved in the complexities of our universe, than the level(s) of acceptance our "boxed brain" (or mind) will permit.
      If you don't think outside the box, then I fear I have to pity your existence.

      Also... A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking -- yes, he debunked his own wormhole theories but the man has vision.
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        With great power, comes great responsibility. And even though we will always claim to use such powers for good, it will eventually corrupt and bring you down.

        But if I had the power of god-like magnitude... I'd bring back every extinct animal that ever existed, including the dinosaurs.

        That would just cause mass extinctions...kinda counter productive.

        And the quite simple answer is: the way we do math...

        Laws of really large numbers kinda thing?
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          With great power, comes great responsibility power


            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

            That would just cause mass extinctions...kinda counter productive.
            No questioning me, I'm the one with the godlike power. I know best.

            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

            Laws of really large numbers kinda thing?
            I'm not good with large numbers. That's what we have supercomputers for.

            Not goot with small numbers either.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Spiderman would not approve.
              By Nolamom


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                Spiderman would not approve.
                Wait 6 months, someone will reboot the franchise again. Maybe the next one might.


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  The thing I'm talking about isn't just something artists or creative people do... The scientific name is pareidolia and it's at length explained in this article, also referring to the crab-like creature people saw on Mars: Why Your Brain Thinks This Picture Shows a Giant, Martian Crab Monster (source:
                  I saw the picture and failed to see any crab-like outline in it. However, it was super easy to see the male Lion face on Mars. Even if the colors were different, I think I still would have seen the Lion's face.

                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  ...And actual dragons can't fly.

                  Komodo Dragon
                  Why not? you're limiting your vision here. The "Komodo Dragon" is just a giant lizard, not a dragon at all. It's merely labelled as such by the scientific community.

                  Maybe there were dragons that did fly long, long ago. They could have been 14 inches in height with wings.. and maybe some sported fur or feathers, and maybe had a tail of some sort.
                  Maybe some of our real, historically dug up dinosaurs are shown with the wrong appearance altogether. That's a thought I ponder about every now and then. Visiting a renaissance fair tends to have such influences on one's (formerly limited) imagination.

                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  Here you go, paleontological evidence that dinosaurs had feathers... Yes, Jurassic World has it wrong.
                  Most Dinosaurs May Have Sported Birdlike Feathers

                  I saw those articles a long time ago, and thought it was about time these folks started thinking outside the box!

                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  Generic me would spend every single second of it reading, learning, discovering and enjoying the world around me. Knowledge is power.
                  I'd go out into the wild and endlessly observe the world.

                  With great power, comes great responsibility. And even though we will always claim to use such powers for good, it will eventually corrupt and bring you down.

                  But if I had the power of god-like magnitude... I'd bring back every extinct animal that ever existed, including the dinosaurs.
                  Not a good idea, depending on which dinosaurs. Unless our current understanding of these creatures is all wrong, and Dino actually helped the early humans by being transportation carriers, like horses, but a tad bigger...

                  We have dogs who can either rip a person's arm off, or be as gentle and helpful as a great companion. So why couldn't the dinosaurs do the same? Put some fur on the more ferocious looking ones, and it might change the entire persona of those creatures. Maybe they didn't all have giant crocodile and alligator personalities of kill and eat or be killed and eaten.

                  My TV watching of the "Flintstones" with Dino, and the other friendly-helping dinosaurs has certainly made an impression on my imagination...


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Why not? you're limiting your vision here. The "Komodo Dragon" is just a giant lizard, not a dragon at all. It's merely labelled as such by the scientific community.
                    I was kidding...

                    Of course, dragons can fly, just not the Komodo Dragon (which is its official name).

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Not a good idea, depending on which dinosaurs. Unless our current understanding of these creatures is all wrong, and Dino actually helped the early humans by being transportation carriers, like horses, but a tad bigger...
                    You asked me (and others) what we would do if we had god-like powers and I said I'd bring back the dinosaurs - all of them.
                    And then I get eaten, but that's okay cause it will say "eaten by a dinosaur" on my death certificate.

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    My TV watching of the "Flintstones" with Dino, and the other friendly-helping dinosaurs has certainly made an impression on my imagination...
                    It's a good start... and then you see them teeth, and you realize that *gulp* they could have not been so friendly after all. But it nevertheless is fun to make fun of those short forlegs a T-rex was gifted with.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                      It's a good start... and then you see them teeth, and you realize that *gulp* they could have not been so friendly after all. But it nevertheless is fun to make fun of those short forlegs a T-rex was gifted with.
                      You mean arms.. Like most life on Earth, it had shoulders and elbows.. and fingers, not toes.. you can tell they're arms and not legs because of the bone structure, there are no kneecaps.. and also the shoulders Evolution likes to stick with what works

                      *runs for cover*


                        Kinda like horses have legs - I apologize to the T-Rex.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Kinda like horses have legs - I apologize to the T-Rex.
                          Horses also have shoulders And what we call the knee is actually a wrist, the joint where the limb connects to the body is the elbow.. So.. it's a really specialised arm.. but it's still an arm


                            Tracking man-made and natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars (or worse horrors). . .

                            hmmm. Firstly, a note about September 11, 2015(A.D./C.E.). Please see spoiler quote below for details.
                            Memory refresher -- on September 11, 2001, the "twin towers" of the World Trade Center (WTC) in NYC were cruelly destroyed by radical murderers ("terrorists") simply by using our own USA commercial aircraft technology as a WMD, the Pentagon in Washington, DC was also crashed into; and another hijacked airplane was crashed in Pennsylvania - because the passengers realized they were suddenly on a one-way trip to death anyway, so they managed to avert more disaster to their fellow Americans on the ground by having the plane crash into an empty field in Pennsy (USA).

                            WTC debris detail -- out of the ashes from the towers crumbling into dust, came a steel cross-beam that was discovered resting in the heap of other debris. It became a focus of hope and encouragement as it seemed to appear as a symbolic sign from "God" above that S/HE was totally aware of what was going on below, here on earth (using the familiar "Christian" cross to get everyone attention of those who either saw or heard of it being there)...

                            Fast forward in time to August 30, 2012 in NYC -- where the WTC formerly stood, the debris area was replaced with a large pool with gentle waterfalls for each tower's former *footprint*. Another building named as the "Freedom Tower" was constructed at the WTC complex, and on May 10, 2013, the final component of the antenna was installed at the top of the skyscraper where the entire building reached 1776 feet tall.

                            September 10, 2015. Rain and thunderstorms occurred in the metro NYC/tri-state area. A double rainbow was seen in the sky, as if originating from the WTC grounds high up into the sky and beyond.
                            Rainbows are known in the Bible as a sign of promise from "God" that He would never flood the entire earth ever again, thus also being a symbol of future hope.

                            September 11, 2015. The most holiest shrine in Islam, the "Grand Mosque" in Mecca, Saudi Arabia has a major disaster from a crane collapsing over, as if it was flipped over and crashed down, during a *FREAK* thunder and high-wind rain storm. Over 100 people were killed, and over 200 injured, some very seriously. The crashing of the crane was so severe that it punctured a hole into either the floor or ceiling of some portion of the Grand Mosque. The incident also occurred shortly before prayers were to begin.

                            see article at--
                            {warning -- contains a few, graphic images of injuries, etc.}

                            "The hajj WILL go ahead: Religious leaders confirm Islam's mass pilgrimage to Mecca goes ahead this month despite the crane disaster killing 107 there"
                            (by By Imogen Calderwood and Jack Crone for MailOnline
                            Published: 12:08 EST, 11 September 2015, Updated: 07:40 EST, 12 September 2015)...
                            According to various news reports, about 15 of the 9-11-2001 WTC, DC, and Pennsy hijackers were of Saudi Arabian origin. So, since the 09/11/2014 storm was so rare and freaky and occurred on the very (USA) date anniversary of the 2001 incident in the very country's religious heart of the hijackers beliefs, was this an act of an angry "God" -- Who some people believe is the protector of both Jews and Christians, or just a simple coincidence of unfortunate timing..? Whoah!

                            In September 2001, it was reported that along with a few other nationalities, the majority of the many people who were in the WTC at the time the building was crashed into and died -- because they never escaped to safety in time, were Christian and Jewish (don't know the exact counts of either. . . it's probably posted along with the other nationalities somewhere on the internet). These people went down with everyone else from the planes into a deep, fiery, toxic hole in the ground.

                            It was also noted somewhere in the running reader commentaries, that what happened to the WTC in 2001 was a man-made disaster (of terrorism); but the 09/11/2014 Mecca "Grand Mosque" situation was from a supernatural origin (the lightning, strong winds, and rain portion). Call it atmospheric or some scientific mumbo jumbo tragedy, but to some people, was this the Jewish/Israeli "Almighty God -- LORD of LORDs" (etc) preview moment of vengeance. . . perhaps a *trembling* warning of some "Divine" sort...? Is it directly connected to the events that transpired on 09/11/2001 or was the tragic accident just a total coincidence of weird timing. . .? What makes it more interesting is that Israel was experiencing a terrible sandstorm, so, without some sort of global communication device, they were sort of blinded to what was happening to their own regional, neighboring country.

                            Next, about that sudden migration influx into Europe and possibly other countries that just began a few weeks ago (was that late August 2015 thereabouts, or early September 2015?).
                            Please see article at--
                            "ISIS threatens to send 500,000 migrants to Europe as a 'psychological weapon' in chilling echo of Gaddafi's prophecy that the Mediterranean 'will become a sea of chaos'"
                            By Hannah Roberts In Rome For Mailonline
                            Published: 10:54 EST, 18 February 2015, Updated: 13:51 EST, 18 February 2015

                            * Italian press today published claims that ISIS has threatened to release the huge wave of migrants to cause chaos in Europe if they are attacked
                            * And letters from jihadists show plans to hide terrorists among refugees


                            {note the reader comments too! *priceless*}

                            Ooops! forgot to add an update follow up link--
                            "Syrian / Middle East (etc) -- *Global* Migrant crisis"
                            Really....??! Time to re-think some of those nefarious folks have joined the ranks of the genuine refugees to do nasty, evil things -- including barbarian styled deeds, and if so, when...?!
                            Last edited by SGalisa; 12 September 2015, 07:13 PM. Reason: fixed typos; added info


                              I'm not even going to dignify this post of yours with a reply.

                              All I'm going to say is that Allah and God are one and the same, and those people who lost their lives at the Grand Mosque are no less important than those who lost their lives in the WTC attacks. Both are tragic events.
                              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Tracking man-made and natural disasters, wars and rumors of wars (or worse horrors). . .

                                hmmm. Firstly, a note about September 11, 2015(A.D./C.E.). Please see spoiler quote below for details.
                                Memory refresher -- on September 11, 2001, the "twin towers" of the World Trade Center (WTC) in NYC were cruelly destroyed by radical murderers ("terrorists") simply by using our own USA commercial aircraft technology as a WMD, the Pentagon in Washington, DC was also crashed into; and another hijacked airplane was crashed in Pennsylvania - because the passengers realized they were suddenly on a one-way trip to death anyway, so they managed to avert more disaster to their fellow Americans on the ground by having the plane crash into an empty field in Pennsy (USA).

                                WTC debris detail -- out of the ashes from the towers crumbling into dust, came a steel cross-beam that was discovered resting in the heap of other debris. It became a focus of hope and encouragement as it seemed to appear as a symbolic sign from "God" above that S/HE was totally aware of what was going on below, here on earth (using the familiar "Christian" cross to get everyone attention of those who either saw or heard of it being there)...

                                Fast forward in time to August 30, 2012 in NYC -- where the WTC formerly stood, the debris area was replaced with a large pool with gentle waterfalls for each tower's former *footprint*. Another building named as the "Freedom Tower" was constructed at the WTC complex, and on May 10, 2013, the final component of the antenna was installed at the top of the skyscraper where the entire building reached 1776 feet tall.

                                September 10, 2015. Rain and thunderstorms occurred in the metro NYC/tri-state area. A double rainbow was seen in the sky, as if originating from the WTC grounds high up into the sky and beyond.

                                Rainbows are known in the Bible as a sign of promise from "God" that He would never flood the entire earth ever again, thus also being a symbol of future hope.

                                September 11, 2015. The most holiest shrine in Islam, the "Grand Mosque" in Mecca, Saudi Arabia has a major disaster from a crane collapsing over, as if it was flipped over and crashed down, during a *FREAK* thunder and high-wind rain storm. Over 100 people were killed, and over 200 injured, some very seriously. The crashing of the crane was so severe that it punctured a hole into either the floor or ceiling of some portion of the Grand Mosque. The incident also occurred shortly before prayers were to begin.

                                see article at--

                                According to various news reports, about 15 of the 9-11-2001 WTC, DC, and Pennsy hijackers were of Saudi Arabian origin. So, since the 09/11/2014 storm was so rare and freaky and occurred on the very (USA) date anniversary of the 2001 incident in the very country's religious heart of the hijackers beliefs, was this an act of an angry "God" -- Who some people believe is the protector of both Jews and Christians, or just a simple coincidence of unfortunate timing..? Whoah!

                                In September 2001, it was reported that along with a few other nationalities, the majority of the many people who were in the WTC at the time the building was crashed into and died -- because they never escaped to safety in time, were Christian and Jewish (don't know the exact counts of either. . . it's probably posted along with the other nationalities somewhere on the internet). These people went down with everyone else from the planes into a deep, fiery, toxic hole in the ground.

                                It was also noted somewhere in the running reader commentaries, that what happened to the WTC in 2001 was a man-made disaster (of terrorism); but the 09/11/2014 Mecca "Grand Mosque" situation was from a supernatural origin (the lightning, strong winds, and rain portion). Call it atmospheric or some scientific mumbo jumbo tragedy, but to some people, was this the Jewish/Israeli "Almighty God -- LORD of LORDs" (etc) preview moment of vengeance. . . perhaps a *trembling* warning of some "Divine" sort...? Is it directly connected to the events that transpired on 09/11/2001 or was the tragic accident just a total coincidence of weird timing. . .? What makes it more interesting is that Israel was experiencing a terrible sandstorm, so, without some sort of global communication device, they were sort of blinded to what was happening to their own regional, neighboring country.

                                Next, about that sudden migration influx into Europe and possibly other countries that just began a few weeks ago (was that late August 2015 thereabouts, or early September 2015?).
                                Please see article at--

                                Really....??! Time to re-think some of those nefarious folks have joined the ranks of the genuine refugees to do nasty, evil things -- including barbarian styled deeds, and if so, when...?!
                                What about the Muslims who died in the 9/11 attacks, Why would God punish the innocent (thus violating scripture that states that he wont)? What about the Germans? They are surely due some massive disaster for killing some six million Jews. You mean to tell me that God cares more about a few thousand agnostics, atheists, "Christians" who don't go to church or who fornicate get drunk get into fights and commit adultery more than 5 million Jews?

                                What makes 9/11 so special that would require divine reprisal when stacked up against other atrocities? Why wasn't Rome punished for Jesus' crucifixion? Or for the destruction of the Temple? What about the attack on Pearl Harbor? Why wasn't there a divine payback? All the Christians thrown in lion pits? Thrown of Cliffs? What happened to the pagan murderers?

                                What about all the Catholics in Latin America that rape, murder, persecute protestants? Are they less worthy than the victims of 9/11 for divine retribution? Why?
                                By Nolamom

