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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    I don't want too
    Too late, you employed their core argument.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      I will eat bacon
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        uhhh, Libya.. evacuated USA embassy there. Saw this tidbit news first from the Blaze about the
        "Dawn of Libya group, Moussa Abu-Zaqia, told the AP that his forces had entered and been in control of the compound since last week..."
        The incident is now in other news articles (just google the group's name). *sigh*

        Anyway, a whole week, ehhh? what is still on those computers? Identity Passport info?
        ...any other stuff not for unauthorized eyes to see???
        These things tend to remain the same. It's not a nice world out there when people wish to blame someone for something.

        Canada, yeah, that's possible. Enter from the least suspected area. However, it's been said in our local newspapers that the Mexicans, Native Americans and some Middle Easterners look similar enough that it'd be easy for a M.E. to walk past the average USA citizen, and not get noticed as a M.E.
        I sure do hope Border Patrol can tell the difference...if amount of "Border security" would help.

        Anywho, Minnesota and Michigan both have very high "Sunni" populations, tho, which according to various news reports over the past 2 years, they've wanted Sharia Law implemented.. and hinted that other states *might* soon follow, as well.
        It's interesting that I'm not seeing any of that in my area though.

        With Senator McCain and Gov. Perry keeping the southern border open, NOW they are getting concerned??? duh. They should have realized the danger signals ages ago, when MS-13 started beheading various folks, including law enforcement along the TX border!
        Are those confirmed? I remember reading about how the Arizona governor made up her stories about beheadings in her state.

        A few years ago, either an actual MS-13 persona or wannabee(s) left a lovely calling card note on one of the buildings a few blocks from a library I used to go visit on a regular basis. Suburbia type of area. Local residents believed it was probably a bunch of marauding teenagers mimicking their more horrific, Mexican/American druggie neighbors. *Surveillance* got increased after that incident. Still, that is a tad tooooooooo close for comfort..!
        Wait....Mexican/American? Then how would that be related to MS-13? Thought that's probably a more legitimate concern from the border issue than ISIS. Somehow I doubt cartels would allow Islamic terrorists through anymore than they allow rival gangs.

        There's also been a few headless bodies found over these past few years, too in the woods (NY area), and none of the locals seem to know who are behind these hideous crimes. Every now and then it keeps happening.. lately more often, tho. Some of the bodies were eventually deemed to be prostitutes or runaways.
        One recent story was probably a definite psychopath who killed her landlady. Morbid details of where pieces of the body were found. But that's only one known background to these deranged murders.
        I'm sure that'll make it into a Criminal Minds episode...they get pretty creepy fairly quickly.
        By Nolamom


          I can't dwell on this topic for now, so I will have to be selective in replying---
          (hope I got these quotes correct) *sigh*

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          However, it's been said in our local newspapers that the Mexicans, Native Americans and some Middle Easterners look similar enough that it'd be easy for a M.E. to walk past the average USA citizen, and not get noticed as a M.E.

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          I sure do hope Border Patrol can tell the difference...if amount of "Border security" would help.
          If our borders and USA nation, as a whole have already been compromised, does it matter at this point?
          The only way around figuring out who's who/where, etc., is to enforce that "mark of the beast" or implanted microchip into everyone.

          Originally posted by SGalisa
          Anywho, Minnesota and Michigan both have very high "Sunni" populations, tho, which according to various news reports over the past 2 years, they've wanted Sharia Law implemented.. and hinted that other states *might* soon follow, as well.

          Originally posted by aretood2
          It's interesting that I'm not seeing any of that in my area though.
          It's been posted on Pam Geller's Atlas Shrugs web site at least within the last year or so. Also, I think it's been written about on World Net Daily (wnd(dot)com). WND tends to post things that the MSM (probably e.g., CNN, MSNBC, various popular newspaper agencies) won't post about for several years, until after a specific incident actually occurs. Then, the news usually ends up that such info has been circulating for several months or years. Big secret somewhere. BBC, Russia and India usually posts things before the USA's more popular mainstream media will.

          Pretty sure The Blaze has posted a few similarly related articles, as well over the past 2 years.

          Actually, I think the MSM news folks were more interested in "Obamacare" (the ACA), LGBT, the movie and Tv awards programs, and whatever weather disasters were hitting various parts of the USA at the time. Nothing about anything that might significantly snuff out the future on this side of the planet.

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          Are those confirmed?
          Somehow I doubt cartels would allow Islamic terrorists through anymore than they allow rival gangs.
          If they have similar goals? There is a running topic on another web forum discussing the similarities between a certain Native American tribe and *sunni* Muslim. They are currently neighbors in the midwest (USA) on the same reservation. The person there has so far denied any support for ISIS or the Islamic State with its slaughtering non-Muslims binge. But it's been an interesting discussion, so far.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          With Senator McCain and Gov. Perry keeping the southern border open, NOW they are getting concerned??? duh. They should have realized the danger signals ages ago, when MS-13 started beheading various folks, including law enforcement along the TX border!

          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          Are those confirmed? I remember reading about how the Arizona governor made up her stories about beheadings in her state.

          Wait....Mexican/American? Then how would that be related to MS-13? Thought that's probably a more legitimate concern from the border issue than ISIS. Somehow I doubt cartels would allow Islamic terrorists through anymore than they allow rival gangs.
          Here's a running list of what I just came across on bing and google. There were dozens of other articles over a year or more ago, but here is a snippet of what is currently there----

          bing or google the group names. Data goes back to 2006 for MS-13.
          MS-13 data----
          USA Today
          Fox News
          Washington Post

          KRGV-TV 5 on 10/13/2013, posted
          "...the killers used a machete, the MS-13's weapon of choice, according to the FBI. FORT WORTH, Texas (AP)..."

          AM740 KTRH News Radio on 6/26/2014, posted in an article
          "Violent Criminals Crossing Into Texas"
          " MS-13 gang member in the Rio Grande Valley..."

          Islamic State suspected to be in Mexico----
          www .inquisitr. com
          -- Posted: September 3, 2014
          "ISIS Reportedly 15 Minute Drive From U.S..."
          "ISIS is reportedly staging outside of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. For those unfamiliar with Mexican geography, that's about a 15 minute drive in light traffic to El Paso, Texas."

          Ciudad Juarez, Mexico has also been designated in the past as another hotspot for MS-13 activity.

          Other articles in ----
          Townhall(dot)com on 8/30/2014
          International Business Times on 8/30/2014
          WesternJournalism on 9/1/2014

          www .hngn. com
          "ISIS: Mexican Border City Occupied By Islamic State, Possible Imminent Attack On U.S. Southern Border Looms, According to Report"
          By Rida Ahmed, Aug 31, 2014 02:21 PM EDT

          Breitbart News-Aug 29, 2014 is claiming that ISIS (I.S.) is
          "A Border Patrol agent in the Laredo Sector told Breitbart Texas that they ... individuals and groups in Nuevo-Laredo Mexico..."

          Several years ago, there were several articles in on the internet about MS-13 going into Laredo, Texas and brutally murdered law enforcement and other folks there (also beheaded a few with a machete, instead of a sword). I remember that, because it was so creepy reading that people South of the USA borders seemed to be copying al-Qaeda's seemingly favorite method of murder--decapitation by sword. Except instead of a sword, machetes were being used--which are just as bad...

          I remember that the Nuevo-Laredo Mexico / Texas region, and I think it was El Paso, Texas areas as being hotspots for the drug cartels killing off USA law enforcement and discussed ages ago, probably on a different web site forum.
          The articles are from before last year, so they have since been removed (including the extensive ones that the BBC posted).

          Also, several articles on the internet and in the radio news (I forget where) about Tijuana, Mexico having had recent problems with cartels, law enforcement, and the general population with southern Californians also getting mixed up into the situations (with MS-13 also in the news thereabouts).

          BTW, according to USA/Mexico maps---- Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is right next to El Paso, Texas.
          Last edited by SGalisa; 03 September 2014, 04:59 PM. Reason: expanded info


            i read an article last night that asked the question on whether we're at the beginning of world war 3...



              sees majorsal's note above---
              hmmm... seems like it. (see below article)

              Ahhh jeeze. How long would it take for Russia to get involved in fighting (ISIS/ISIL) the I.S.?
              Apparently, the IS has plans on (world-conquest *Caliphate*, etc.) going FULL SPEED AHEAD... now threatening Putin and Russia. Article in spoiler quote below---

              link in article title (?? -- might have some sort of advertisement first.. had to wait a moment)
              (also has video along with article)

              "Islamic State Terrorists in Russian Jets: 'Putin, You're Next'"
              By Ari Soffer
              Israel National News, First Publish: 9/3/2014, 2:38 PM

              Islamists declare their intent to use captured planes to attack Assad, Moscow, warn: 'prepare yourself for what's coming'.

              Tabqa airbase was taken after prolonged and intensive fighting which left hundreds of Islamic State and pro-regime forces dead. Its conquest meant that the Islamic State now controls all of Syria's northern Raqqa Province, as well as much of the northeast of the country.

              After finally taking the base, the Islamic State released a video showing the mass execution of some 250 regime fighters...
              "You'd better watch out Bashar - we're coming for you in planes!" declares one terrorist from atop a captured Russian aircraft. "We'll be coming for you from the skies, with these planes, Allah willing."

              "Brace yourself for what's coming, you pig."

              A second, young fighter then addresses Putin, whose military and political support has been crucial in keeping Assad in power.

              "Vladimir Putin, these are the Russian planes that you sent to Bashar. Allah willing, we will take them back to your own turf, and liberate Chechnya and the Caucasus, Allah willing... Your throne is being threatened by us," he said.

              If Russia doesn't act against the Islamic State soon, they just might end up dead -- just as the I.S. has claimed. Oh Gog and Magog, where is *their* future or destiny..?


                I'm betting Putin's got the balls to stand up to the IS. he doesn't strike me as being afraid of much, if anything


                  Ever since the end of WWII, we have been at the beginning of WWIII ... so nothing new there.

                  We've just managed to avoid the ultimate of all conflicts, but there's going to come a time when we will blow ourselves to kingdom come. And I think it was Einstein who once said he had no idea how WWIII was going to be fought, but WWIV would be fought with sticks and stones (in the believe that there's actually someone left to fight).
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

                    Islamic State suspected to be in Mexico----
                    www .inquisitr. com
                    -- Posted: September 3, 2014
                    "ISIS Reportedly 15 Minute Drive From U.S..."
                    "ISIS is reportedly staging outside of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. For those unfamiliar with Mexican geography, that's about a 15 minute drive in light traffic to El Paso, Texas."

                    Ciudad Juarez, Mexico has also been designated in the past as another hotspot for MS-13 activity.

                    Other articles in ----
                    Townhall(dot)com on 8/30/2014
                    International Business Times on 8/30/2014
                    WesternJournalism on 9/1/2014

                    www .hngn. com
                    "ISIS: Mexican Border City Occupied By Islamic State, Possible Imminent Attack On U.S. Southern Border Looms, According to Report"
                    By Rida Ahmed, Aug 31, 2014 02:21 PM EDT

                    Breitbart News-Aug 29, 2014 is claiming that ISIS (I.S.) is
                    "A Border Patrol agent in the Laredo Sector told Breitbart Texas that they ... individuals and groups in Nuevo-Laredo Mexico..."

                    Several years ago, there were several articles in on the internet about MS-13 going into Laredo, Texas and brutally murdered law enforcement and other folks there (also beheaded a few with a machete, instead of a sword). I remember that, because it was so creepy reading that people South of the USA borders seemed to be copying al-Qaeda's seemingly favorite method of murder--decapitation by sword. Except instead of a sword, machetes were being used--which are just as bad...

                    I remember that the Nuevo-Laredo Mexico / Texas region, and I think it was El Paso, Texas areas as being hotspots for the drug cartels killing off USA law enforcement and discussed ages ago, probably on a different web site forum.
                    The articles are from before last year, so they have since been removed (including the extensive ones that the BBC posted).

                    Also, several articles on the internet and in the radio news (I forget where) about Tijuana, Mexico having had recent problems with cartels, law enforcement, and the general population with southern Californians also getting mixed up into the situations (with MS-13 also in the news thereabouts).

                    BTW, according to USA/Mexico maps---- Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is right next to El Paso, Texas.
                    Aren't Inquistr and Townhall tabloids? And I don't trust Breitbart. It's like the right wing version of a Che Guevara fanlcub making a news website. Do you have other sites?
                    By Nolamom


                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      Aren't Inquistr and Townhall tabloids? ...Do you have other sites?
                      I did. Radio and Tv stations do or don't count?

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Here's a running list of what I just came across on bing and google. There were dozens of other articles over a year or more ago, but here is a snippet of what is currently there----

                      bing or google the group names. Data goes back to 2006 for MS-13.
                      MS-13 data----
                      USA Today
                      Fox News
                      Washington Post

                      KRGV-TV 5 on 10/13/2013, posted
                      "...the killers used a machete, the MS-13's weapon of choice, according to the FBI. FORT WORTH, Texas (AP)..."

                      AM740 KTRH News Radio on 6/26/2014, posted in an article
                      "Violent Criminals Crossing Into Texas"
                      " MS-13 gang member in the Rio Grande Valley..."

                      Ciudad Juarez, Mexico has also been designated in the past as another hotspot for MS-13 activity.

                      Other articles in ----
                      Townhall(dot)com on 8/30/2014
                      International Business Times on 8/30/2014
                      WesternJournalism on 9/1/2014


                      Several years ago, there were several articles in on the internet about MS-13 going into Laredo, Texas and brutally murdered law enforcement and other folks there (also beheaded a few with a machete, instead of a sword). I remember that, because it was so creepy reading that people South of the USA borders seemed to be copying al-Qaeda's seemingly favorite method of murder--decapitation by sword. Except instead of a sword, machetes were being used--which are just as bad...

                      I remember that the Nuevo-Laredo Mexico / Texas region, and I think it was El Paso, Texas areas as being hotspots for the drug cartels killing off USA law enforcement and discussed ages ago, probably on a different web site forum.
                      The articles are from before last year, so they have since been removed (including the extensive ones that the BBC posted).

                      Also, several articles on the internet and in the radio news (I forget where) about Tijuana, Mexico having had recent problems with cartels, law enforcement, and the general population with southern Californians also getting mixed up into the situations (with MS-13 also in the news thereabouts).

                      BTW, according to USA/Mexico maps---- Ciudad Juarez, Mexico is right next to El Paso, Texas.
                      Just a note -- the data keeps changing every month, so it's necessary to keep up with tracking the group names via whatever search engines are used. I just happened to use google and bing the day I posted the above post (i.e., September 3rd, 2014, 11:35 PM, EST).
                      Yahoo and Ask are other search engines, but it takes forever to read thru the lists and I tend to fall asleep after reading too many.

                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Breitbart News-Aug 29, 2014 is claiming that ISIS (I.S.) is
                      "A Border Patrol agent in the Laredo Sector told Breitbart Texas that they ... individuals and groups in Nuevo-Laredo Mexico..."

                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      And I don't trust Breitbart. It's like the right wing version of a Che Guevara fanlcub making a news website.
                      Just heard on the radio this past week that Breitbart is currently under investigation from the IRS. Wonder if their articles on the whole Nuevo-Laredo Mexico situation had anything to do with that and the chronic complaints about how *pourous* most of the entire USA border was.

                      Of course, when the news came out about MS-13, the info was also on several radio stations and in more internet news articles than what remains in today's archives. BBC had several, very intensive articles about the whole drug cartel situation going on south of the USA, and anywhere else it had spread into. The articles have either been removed since then, or so deeply archived that only the news folks know how to find them.


                        Have you ever read Foxnews and Foxnewslatino articles on the ISIS thing?
                        By Nolamom


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          Ahhh jeeze. How long would it take for Russia to get involved in fighting (ISIS/ISIL) the I.S.?
                          Apparently, the IS has plans on (world-conquest *Caliphate*, etc.) going FULL SPEED AHEAD... now threatening Putin and Russia. Article in spoiler quote below---

                          If Russia doesn't act against the Islamic State soon, they just might end up dead -- just as the I.S. has claimed. Oh Gog and Magog, where is *their* future or destiny..?
                          Don't know who's side Russia is yet on, besides Iran, Turkey and obviously *Russia*. Various news articles lately that the Russians been sending (MIG) fighter jet planes (with nuke weapons capabilities over towards both Europe and along the USA corridors (news theory folks state it's for *test runs*... blogger comments have been theorizing these are merely dry runs for something bigger, sooner or later -- afterall, Putin is apparently not happy with President Obama's sanctions against Russia, at the moment, so the threats are becoming openly 2-sided now, with nuke or *other* {possibly deadly} threats in the background).

                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          Just a note -- the data keeps changing every month, so it's necessary to keep up with tracking the group names via whatever search engines are used.

                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          Have you ever read Foxnews and Foxnewslatino articles on the ISIS thing?
                          Yes, but they're just repeating what other networks / news agencies are saying (including WND - World Net Daily, the Blaze, and other ones some people here simply don't care about). My hubby reads Fox news articles, and watches various news blurbs almost daily. I only listen in when something new shows up (as in not mentioned elsewhere and sort of grabs my curiosity).

                          Problem with quoting Fox is that I got tired of reading the constant bashing against the network by folks labeling any version of Fox as FAUX News. FAUX means FAKE. Obviously, either some people just dislike (intensely hate) the network or just like to bash it for whatever their reasons are. I've seen the FAUX labels by bloggers everywhere, including notable web forums. I just got tired of listing FOX only to see it get bashed.

                          I listen to various news/talk radio programs, including ones I detest with a passion. I only listen to those to see what their topics are and how they are approaching them that day. If they lose my interest after 2 or 20 minutes, it's their own fault. Has nothing to do with me possibly having ADD or ADHD. If I'm at work, I need to hear a conversation straight thru and not sidetracked into oblivion for a half hour with my brain dangling on thoughts that never get explained. I need to focus on my work. Background radio noise is just that -- background noise. So, ages ago, I got into the habit of giving *said* program only so much time to explain or its adios amigos!


                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            ...And I don't trust Breitbart. It's like the right wing version of a Che Guevara fanlcub making a news website. Do you have other sites?
                            Sure. But I won't post them here, because I use multiple Christian and secular sites for finding index material on various news (mostly the controversial stuff). Christian sites have strict policies about linking to them, plus it's better to go directly to the articles they've found. Same thing with the secular forums/blog sites. Basically, it's best to keep an open mind and view ALL sources in as many avenues as possible.

                            Sadly, there's too much propaganda on many of the MSM media sites, so I try to avoid them, unless something significant comes up (such as an article in one of the spoiler quotes below).

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Just a note -- the data keeps changing every month, so it's necessary to keep up with tracking the group names via whatever search engines are used.

                            Just heard on the radio this past week that Breitbart is currently under investigation from the IRS. Wonder if their articles on the whole Nuevo-Laredo Mexico situation had anything to do with that and the chronic complaints about how *pourous* most of the entire USA border was.

                            Of course, when the news came out about MS-13, the info was also on several radio stations and in more internet news articles than what remains in today's archives. BBC had several, very intensive articles about the whole drug cartel situation going on south of the USA, and anywhere else it had spread into. The articles have either been removed since then, or so deeply archived that only the news folks know how to find them.

                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            Have you ever read Foxnews and Foxnewslatino articles on the ISIS thing?
                            speaking of Mexico/Southern USA borders...
                            The Blaze posted an article about a bunch of protesters complaining to close the borders by physically surrounding the roads, etc., got threatened by drug cartels with---

                            'Cartel Threatening a Blood Bath': Huge Border Protest Was Just Cancelled...(UPDATE)
                            Sep. 20, 2014 6:04am

                            (Note: due to bandwidth and archiving issues--link below is broken.
                            Please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                            'Cartel Threatening a Blood Bath': Huge Border Protest Was Just Cancelled...(UPDATE)
                            Sep. 20, 2014 6:04am

                            http : // www .theblaze. com/stories/2014/09/20/cancelled-facing-threat-of-mass-violence-organizer-nixes-border-protest-hours-before-it-was-supposed-to-start/

                            "UPDATE (9:30 a.m. EDT): One of the 'Shut Down All Ports of Entry' organizers has shed more light on why the protest was called off hours before it was supposed to begin: cartel threats.

                            "It was [a] cartel threatening a blood bath, [Facebook] hits coming [en] masse from Mexico," Stasyi Barth told TheBlaze Saturday. "One of the organizers was being followed and was verbally told not to go." ...

                            Based on the comments---
                            Pretty much guess how the cartel(s) would deal the bloody blows.
                            Gotta keep those drugs coming thru to keep the masses of (USA) zombies in their drug stupors. That way, if/when the worst does happen, they'll be too numb in zombie la-la land to realize what happened when it happens. Also, problem is that too much has passed into the USA from the south and other venues that it's a tad too late to stop what's already inside (and waiting??!) within USA borders from the Pacific west coast to the Atlantic east coast. *sigh*

                            In the Middle East (or M.E.) news-- here is a lengthy CNN article
                            "Syrian Kurds warn of mounting crisis as ISIS advances, takes more villages"

                            (Note: due to bandwidth issues and has an automatic video that promptly starts--link below is broken.
                            Please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                            "Syrian Kurds warn of mounting crisis as ISIS advances, takes more villages"
                            http : // www .cnn. com/2014/09/19/world/meast/isis-threat/

                            By Gul Tuysuz and Mariano Castillo, CNN
                            updated 6:48 PM EDT, Fri September 19, 2014

                            "Istanbul (CNN) -- The latest ISIS advance in Syria has brought a swath of the country's north-central Kurdish region under siege, with Kurdish leaders warning of another humanitarian crisis without international intervention.

                            The Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani (Ayn al-Arab in Arabic) is an island, surrounded by ISIS on three fronts and the Turkish border to the north.

                            The town was already mostly blockaded by ISIS, but in the past three days some 60 nearby villages fell under ISIS control, according to the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

                            Turkey opens border
                            The situation on the border could be observed on a live feed from the border and from video footage aired on Turkish news outlets.

                            The refugees also tried to force their way into Turkey, creating chaos as one woman stepped on a landmine.

                            Turkey finally opened the border, relieving some of the mounting pressure in Kobani and allowing refugees to enter Sanliurfa province.

                            ISIS videos

                            The advance by ISIS in northern Syria comes as the Islamist group released a 55-minute English-language video warning America against "direct confrontation."

                            The video describes the conflict as a fight between believers and nonbelievers, and praises its successes on the battlefield.

                            Earlier this week, ISIS released another video showing a captive British journalist criticizing the American and British governments.

                            ISIS, meanwhile, is modifying its behavior, from the way it communicates to the way it conceals itself, in response to potential U.S. airstrikes in Syria, U.S. military officials told CNN.

                            Helloooooooo world--- take note---
                            "ISIS, meanwhile, is modifying its behavior, from the way it communicates to the way it conceals itself..."

                            The goal of the Islamic State is to control the entire world. Not just a sliver of it or a tiny chunk of it. But----ALL of it. They've said it before and will probably continue to restate that goal. They are also adapting to win souls (CONVERT or die) to increase their population numbers, if they don't do increase thru nepharious other methods, as they've done in Iraq.
                            So, why is it especially this particular group (I.S. and other A-Q group varieties) doesn't heed to the (*evil*) EPA and treehuggers pleas for *protecting the environment* (not destroy it) and NOT keeping the population count DOWN by NOT having more babies?? The way they've been *breeding* (their terminology) lately, and *how* they've been going about doing it (raping / molesting their *trophy* women en mass), there's been news that our 7 billion population count will reach 11 billion within a 100 years (unless some group wipes out majorly some other population group(s)).

                            In other M.E. news -- Biggest focus will be on (Jewish) Israel, since it's a lump in the I.S. path, and on the I.S. conquering list.

                            So, was it just a coincidence that an Israeli drone crashed in southern Lebanon? Claiming it was due to a glitch, but possibly not stating the real reason if there really is more to this story... (Afterall, the I.S. has already taken over territory in Lebanon.)

                            The Haaretz reported---
                            "Israeli drone crashes in southern Lebanon"
                            By Jack Khoury and Gili Cohen, Sep. 21, 2014, 12:27 AM

                            The UAV experienced a malfunction during a patrol along the border, according to the IDF.

                            The Jerusalem Post reported---
                            "Israeli drone crashes in south Lebanon"
                            09.21.2014 // 26 Elul, 5774

                            Also.. I finally found a web site that actually lists the Islamic State as IS, and NOT as ISIS or ISIL, as the rest of the (MSM) media (Tv, radio, news agencies, etc.) keeps listing it as.

                            Hint, found *IS* (the Islamic State) world reaction articles on a space-daily site!

                            And----Yes, mostly everyone *knows* that the I.S. is NOT the
                            (Hebrew) "Great I am" (or "Great Was, IS, and always will Be") persona (TPTB or *is*). But at least list them with the name they've (re)listed themselves as.
                            It does make following these stories a tad easier.

                            Plus, *babble bonus!* ---- the ladies who are named ISIS might not get such a complex (as one ISIS named girl went into a recent news interview about defending the name her parents gave her at her birth!). That's as bad as having more than 2 Lisa's in the same room / conversation. It kind of wears out after a while, especially when all eyes are staring at the one (Lisa) person thinking that is the persona being discussed about, and really wasn't..! The Entity persona wasn't known about prior to that moment.. and never seen by anyone except her one friend talking about her as if everyone else in that room knew who her "Lisa" person was/is..!


                              I really wanted to write something about the earth's water being older than the sun.. (and being an indirect scientific confirmation of the Biblical "Genesis" account). geeee.. what took them (the modern 21st century science community so long to figure that out???)
                              Maybe some other day down the road.. *sigh*

                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              ---- plagues, famines
                              ---- health issues (existing progress or lack of progress in medical advances for various diseases & super-viruses)
                              Of pestilences and plagues...?
                              not sure if this is a situation of politics or what?

                              Israeli National News reported within the last few hours that Thomas Duncan, who came to the USA after being exposed to ebola and later becoming ill with it, has died. Found out in a Yahoo article via the comments section, the same news about Thomas Duncan. Apparently, it was originally posted at Reuters, but the article got yanked or misinterpreted?

                              So, is this guy on his death bed, thus still alive, or fully dead-dead?
                              Read in another article somewhere else that he was not getting any ebola vaccine treatments, but the usual --whatever the medical folks give out when suffering from high fevers, etc. (IV- saline solution, anti-biotics). Several articles elsewhere on the internet were claiming there is no more ebola vaccine yet in the US, at the moment. However, other methods are being attempted in the interim (waiting period).

                              "First US Ebola Patient Dies"


                              10/5/2014, Tishrei 11, 5775
                              18:31 Reported
                              News Brief

                              "Thomas A. Duncan, who became ill with Ebola after arriving from West Africa in Dallas two weeks ago, succumbed to the virus today (Sunday), reports Reuters..."

                              Well, succumbed could mean that his status has taken a turn for the worst, but is not dead yet..? Even if he isn't dead yet, but does die, how will that affect Liberia's request to have him returned to prosecute him for violating the medical lockdown, or something to that degree. First Liberia was going to sue Thomas Duncan for his actions in exposing people elsewhere (Belgium, DC, then Dallas) in several airports, plus who knows where else he went before signing himself into a hospital before the first and 2nd times.

                              If he dies, then what? Liberia already apologized for this situation slipping past their gov't radar, etc.; and Liberia is not exactly a wealthy country to help bail the world out, should any further problems develop.


                                According to Reuters he's still critical, so I assume Duncan's still alive.

                                He's not receiving any of the experimental drugs, because they are out of stock and it will be a while before they are replenished. ZMapp in this case, and a Canadian company's also working towards creating an experimental drug. However, since ZMapp has run out, patients with ebola are being rehydrated, given antibiotics (a good mix probably), and apparently they are also trying to use antibodies from people who survived although that's a tricky thing.

                                There is as of yet no vaccine for the disease. Its incubation period is 2 to 21 days, and people who have the disease are not contagious until they physically exhibit symptoms and you get in contact with their bodily fluids such as blood or saliva.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

